Israel’s plan to secretly fund pro-Israel groups in the U.S.

Once the Liberty fiasco came about Ida done the world a favor...and taken out London at the same time. Too damn bad we didn't have neato toys in 1776. Could have fixed it all with a quickness.
And fight all forms of anti Semitism
Another thing stolen from you by israel; your mind.

View attachment 385003

View attachment 385041

No mention of Palestinians, weird.
There, can you see that better?

To the discerning reader with EARS, it's not as if the defintion of "semite" is referring to modern CULTURE like the fake "Jews" of israel; it's referring to the roots of RACE like the Palestinians.
I agree if there is ever to be peace between Israel & the Palestinians, the Zionists must first change their ways in treating Palestinians. What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians & grant them their own Jew free land? And then the Zionists get all unglued when they are thanked with rocket missiles. Just can't figure out why the Palestinian act as they do.

Want peace Israel? Learn from king Hussein. End your damn Zionist ways & start treating the Pali's with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to. And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Zionists never once tried to "make peace" with the Palestinians. Although Palestinians are willing to cohabit PALESTINE with israel, israel won't have it. They want it all. Rocket missles? What kind of "army" bombs the living shit out of people who don't even own planes if they are'nt murderous scum-sucking psychopaths? Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against violance and atrocities.

Let's just have a little pic display of Palestine and then you can share your poor abused fake jew isrealite pics, ok?

Girl Shot by Zionists screen shot.png

gaza destruction.jpg


Gaza-Not Hiroshima.jpg

Gaza-Ranan Yousef Arafat.jpg


iof beaten stiches.jpg

iof beating palestinian child 1.jpg

iof beating palestinian child 3.jpg

iof beating palestinian.jpg

iof boots on palestinian.jpg

iof hurting small girl.png

iof scum stepping on a girl.jpg

Nouf Enfeat cover.PNG

OK, fuckhead, your turn.

Poor dumb bleak thinks the "Palestinians" would like your idea better than the status quo.
It was a smiley typo. Ass hole.


  • Palestine-Children.jpg
    104.8 KB · Views: 23
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What kind of "army" bombs the living shit out of people who don't even own planes if they were'nt murderous scum-sucking psychopaths?

You're right, the Palestinians are murderous scum-sucking psychopaths.
Now it's obvious, you are child-molesting little twat. You are lower than an animal. hiding in his cubicle, "toddster". Please don't tell me you live in my country.
I agree if there is ever to be peace between Israel & the Palestinians, the Zionists must first change their ways in treating Palestinians. What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians & grant them their own Jew free land? And then the Zionists get all unglued when they are thanked with rocket missiles. Just can't figure out why the Palestinian act as they do.

Want peace Israel? Learn from king Hussein. End your damn Zionist ways & start treating the Pali's with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to. And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Zionists never once tried to "make peace" with the Palestinians. Although Palestinians are willing to cohabit PALESTINE with israel, israel won't have it. They want it all. Rocket missles? What kind of "army" bombs the living shit out of people who don't even own planes if they are'nt murderous scum-sucking psychopaths? Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against violance and atrocities.

Let's just have a little pic display of Palestine and then you can share your poor abused fake jew isrealite pics, ok?

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OK, fuckhead, your turn.

Poor dumb bleak thinks the "Palestinians" would like your idea better than the status quo.
It was a smiley typo. Ass hole.
Nothing like samples from Pallywood.
You would think the IDF would be smart enough to ensure that no witness of their aggression would have a camera.
But in the la la land of mentally retarded Jew haters, Jews are smart enough to subjugate millions of people, but not smart enough to stop them from taking pictures.
You are one dumb piece of shit.
I agree if there is ever to be peace between Israel & the Palestinians, the Zionists must first change their ways in treating Palestinians. What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians & grant them their own Jew free land? And then the Zionists get all unglued when they are thanked with rocket missiles. Just can't figure out why the Palestinian act as they do.

Want peace Israel? Learn from king Hussein. End your damn Zionist ways & start treating the Pali's with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to. And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Zionists never once tried to "make peace" with the Palestinians. Although Palestinians are willing to cohabit PALESTINE with israel, israel won't have it. They want it all. Rocket missles? What kind of "army" bombs the living shit out of people who don't even own planes if they are'nt murderous scum-sucking psychopaths? Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against violance and atrocities.

Let's just have a little pic display of Palestine and then you can share your poor abused fake jew isrealite pics, ok?

View attachment 385061
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OK, fuckhead, your turn.

Poor dumb bleak thinks the "Palestinians" would like your idea better than the status quo.
It was a smiley typo. Ass hole.
Nothing like samples from Pallywood.
You would think the IDF would be smart enough to ensure that no witness of their aggression would have a camera.
But in the la la land of mentally retarded Jew haters, Jews are smart enough to subjugate millions of people, but not smart enough to stop them from taking pictures.
You are one dumb piece of shit.
It's the IOF. I don't care what you think about me or what they told you to believe. You will die someday.
I agree if there is ever to be peace between Israel & the Palestinians, the Zionists must first change their ways in treating Palestinians. What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians & grant them their own Jew free land? And then the Zionists get all unglued when they are thanked with rocket missiles. Just can't figure out why the Palestinian act as they do.

Want peace Israel? Learn from king Hussein. End your damn Zionist ways & start treating the Pali's with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to. And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Zionists never once tried to "make peace" with the Palestinians. Although Palestinians are willing to cohabit PALESTINE with israel, israel won't have it. They want it all. Rocket missles? What kind of "army" bombs the living shit out of people who don't even own planes if they are'nt murderous scum-sucking psychopaths? Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against violance and atrocities.

Let's just have a little pic display of Palestine and then you can share your poor abused fake jew isrealite pics, ok?

View attachment 385061
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OK, fuckhead, your turn.

Poor dumb bleak thinks the "Palestinians" would like your idea better than the status quo.
It was a smiley typo. Ass hole.
Nothing like samples from Pallywood.
You would think the IDF would be smart enough to ensure that no witness of their aggression would have a camera.
But in the la la land of mentally retarded Jew haters, Jews are smart enough to subjugate millions of people, but not smart enough to stop them from taking pictures.
You are one dumb piece of shit.
It's the IOF. I don't care what you think about me or what they told you to believe. You will die someday.
We will all die someday, but it's a federal crime to threaten someone on the web.
And fight all forms of anti Semitism
Another thing stolen from you by israel; your mind.

View attachment 385003

View attachment 385041

No mention of Palestinians, weird.
There, can you see that better?

To the discerning reader with EARS, it's not as if the defintion of "semite" is referring to modern CULTURE like the fake "Jews" of israel; it's referring to the roots of RACE like the Palestinians.
Palestinians are invaders from Saudi Arabia
Israel has many fake Russian Jews
We will never know who the real Hebrews are ??
And fight all forms of anti Semitism
Another thing stolen from you by israel; your mind.

View attachment 385003

View attachment 385041

No mention of Palestinians, weird.
There, can you see that better?

To the discerning reader with EARS, it's not as if the defintion of "semite" is referring to modern CULTURE like the fake "Jews" of israel; it's referring to the roots of RACE like the Palestinians.
Palestinians are invaders from Saudi Arabia
Israel has many fake Russian Jews
We will never know who the real Hebrews are ??
The real Hebrews are the Palestinians ;)
And fight all forms of anti Semitism
Another thing stolen from you by israel; your mind.

View attachment 385003

View attachment 385041

No mention of Palestinians, weird.
There, can you see that better?

To the discerning reader with EARS, it's not as if the defintion of "semite" is referring to modern CULTURE like the fake "Jews" of israel; it's referring to the roots of RACE like the Palestinians.
Yeah they are. And getting away with it for so long. The recent Beirut bombing was them. Followed up with more Gaza bombings. You know that US taxpayers unknowingly give $10 million a day to those dirt bags.

I don't have a problem with the people of Israel (or any country), as long as they're not complicit in crimes against humanity. I don't know what the average of Israeli's are, 50/50? There are gangs of bloodthirsty Israeli "settlers."

I'm more concerned with their political lobby infiltrating state governments and functioning in synergy with lawmakers to undermine our 1st amendment and tell us what we can and can't say and whatnot. Stuff like that.

They can blow each other sky high so far as I care, so long as they keep it over there and I don't get stuck with the bill. Their squabbles are none of my business.
If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue, their stronghold on US policy will grow. I put 'Free Palestine' stickers on my truck when I heard about them trying to influence my 1A rights.

If Israel's offensive operations against Palestine continue

Palestine? What that?
Here find it yourself.
31°56'50.46" N 35°13'37.79" E

Thanks for the funny maps.
There was no country of Palestine in 1917. Or today.
Palestine and Palestinians existed long before Jewish diaspora of Europe amassed in their country. It was and is the db zionist plan of ethnic cleansing dating from the late 1800s but really began in 1948. You are complicit in the rewriting of History. Get the hell out of here.
The Palestinians will never give up. Fake Jews of "Israel" have already lost.
Palestine is not, never was and never will be. Give up the lost cause.
Palestine is an ancient land inhabited by mostly good people. They have been the victims of an apartheid state (Is Ra El) since 1948 yet they have not given up. They were never the aggressors in this war; they are the DEFENDERS of their homeland. They do not deserve to be bombed, killed, beaten, kidnapped, tortured, raped, their homes, schools, hospitals, farms, businesses destroyed, their lives made impossible by the disgusting satan worshipping fake Jews of Is Ra El.

You are ignorant and illiterate. I'm trying to 'play nice.' I feel very sorry for you because the blind eye you turn to them will be turned to you. If not in this life, then in the next.

Get serious. Palestine is an ancient land stolen by today's Palestinians from surrounding Arab countries. No titles, no deeds. Nothing.
Real Jews disagree.

View attachment 384972

A tiny sect of nutters that have been ex-communicated from the Jewish Community. I can see why they would appeal to you.
Prove that they were "excommunicated from the Jewish Community." You can't because they weren't. Only by your Is Ra El, Moishe. Hasidics are mystic Judaism and mystics usually are small in numbers. You've got nothing because your brain is dead.

They were excommunicated by virtually all the orthodox courts,
including those most critical of Zionism, already by 2002,
reaffirmed in 2006 when they visited Holocaust-denial
conference in Iran and kissed with Ahmadinijad:

Umbrella Group of Orthodox Condemn Hareidi PLO-Sympathizers
Condemnation of Hareidi PLO Sympathizers
April 28, 2002

"It is with shame, sadness and outrage that we publicly condemn the irresponsible and dangerous actions of a small group of individuals [known generally as Neturei Karta] who have taken upon themselves to endanger the interests of the Jewish Nation, and especially our brethren in Zion, by their reprehensible actions in joining the enemies of our people at the rally held last Saturday in Washington." So begins a statement issued last week by an umbrella organization of mostly-hareidi groups in condemnation of several hareidi-appearing individuals who recently demonstrated together with Arabs against Israel.

The umbrella group, comprised of Satmar, Bobov, Belz, Vizhnitz, Munkacz, Kiryas Joel, Monroe, and other communities - many of them openly and sharply critical of Zionism - termed the PLO sympathizers "evil associates of our enemies."

The statement continued:

"...their depiction in the local and international media in religious garb and prayer shawls marching arm-in-arm with Palestinian Jew-haters has besmirched the reputations of hundreds of thousands of decent Orthodox, hareidi and Hassidic Jews worldwide. Unfortunately this despicable minuscule group, who were ejected decades ago from our synagogues and communities for similar activities, do not accept or listen to the rulings of the leaders of our communities... They should under no circumstances,Heaven forbid, be associated with any recognized hareidi or Hassidi community... We hope and pray that these individuals will speedily realize the enormous damage they have caused to our communities and to the Jewish people at large with their evil undertakings, creating a major desecration of G-d's name on such a massive and unprecedented scale and repent for this terrible sin. Until that time they will continue to be unwelcome amongst Torah-observant Jews - who faithfully follow the teachings of their Rabbis - in all aspects of the private and communal lives."

Umbrella Group of Orthodox Condemn Hareidi PLO-Sympathizers: Condemnation of Hareidi PLO Sympathizers :: Jewish Media Resources
And fight all forms of anti Semitism
Another thing stolen from you by israel; your mind.

View attachment 385003

View attachment 385041

No mention of Palestinians, weird.
There, can you see that better?

To the discerning reader with EARS, it's not as if the defintion of "semite" is referring to modern CULTURE like the fake "Jews" of israel; it's referring to the roots of RACE like the Palestinians.
Palestinians are invaders from Saudi Arabia
Israel has many fake Russian Jews
We will never know who the real Hebrews are ??
The real Hebrews are the Palestinians ;)

Sure they're also Mother Theresa...
To listen to you, Arabs are everyone and no one at the same time.

But one thing is common to most of them - can't really pronounce the name of the place they claim as theirs, neither know what that name actually means.
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They were excommunicated by virtually all the orthodox courts,
including those most critical of Zionism, already by 2002,
reaffirmed in 2006 when they visited Holocaust-denial
conference in Iran and kissed with Ahmadinijad:
None of that makes the nk rabbis wrong, btw.

Sure they're also Mother Theresa...
To listen to you, Arabs are everyone and no one at the same time.

But one thing is common to most of them - can't really pronounce the name of the place they claim as theirs, neither know what that name actually means.
Sounds more like Americans.
Last edited:
They were excommunicated by virtually all the orthodox courts,
including those most critical of Zionism, already by 2002,
reaffirmed in 2006 when they visited Holocaust-denial
conference in Iran and kissed with Ahmadinijad:
None of that makes them wrong, btw.

Sure they're also Mother Theresa...
To listen to you, Arabs are everyone and no one at the same time.

But one thing is common to most of them - can't really pronounce the name of the place they claim as theirs, neither know what that name actually means.
Sounds more like Americans.

Except that they are...wrong.
That just proves it further.

And indeed, the Arabs in the land are much like the average Americans in Milwaukee,
none know what the name of the land actually means...for a reason.


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