Israel's Stranglehold on US Politics

Here are the Biblical Borders of The Promised Land as given to Abraham in the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahweh

Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel - The Israel Bible





And here is Israel as defined by International Treaty since 1917.

Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.



Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. It read:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note how the Balfour Declaration proposes a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine (not a Jewish state}, and specifically prohibits any prejudice towards non-Jewish communities in Palestine which outnumbered Jews by a 10:1 margin at that time.
Tell it to the UN.
Here are the Biblical Borders of The Promised Land as given to Abraham in the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahweh

Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel - The Israel Bible





And here is Israel as defined by International Treaty since 1917.

Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.



Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. It read:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note how the Balfour Declaration proposes a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine (not a Jewish state}, and specifically prohibits any prejudice towards non-Jewish communities in Palestine which outnumbered Jews by a 10:1 margin at that time.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

It's too bad that the Arabs fucked up so badly and prejudiced their own civil and religious rights, eh?
America needs to distance itself from the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist psychopaths that rule it. ..... :cool:
And do the same with the terrorist Islamic states and the Muslim psychopaths who rule them.
Why do you imagine that Israel has to accept a non-Jewish minority at all?

Because 25% of their population is currently Arab and there are 23 million Palestinians in the West Bank. The Israeli government wants the land...not so much the people

so? Maldives had a non muslim population too-----but that country passed a law limiting
citizenship to MUSLIMS ONLY---------there is a precedent. Indonesia provides no citizenship
for jews------there is a list of persons of "ACCEPTABLE RELIGIONS" and Judaism is not on it.
Indonesia once had a substantial jewish miniority and some synagogues-----all of those were
destroyed-----SEE? there are precedents in the lands of "allah"
So you're finding ways to defend Israel's actions because someone else does it?


I am presenting the CONTEXT-----of the situation----try to keep in mind that jews were
in the LEVANT----when muslims invaded, committed genocide and oppressed. Even today---
more than half the jews living in Israel NOW-----have RECENT background in lands overtaken
by muslims------my very own hubby was born a DHIMMI in a sharia shithole. In CONTEXT---jews
are asserting rights TODAY that were denied them YESTERDAY----mostly by arab muslims
am presenting the CONTEXT-----of the situation----try to keep in mind that jews were
in the LEVANT----when muslims invaded, committed genocide and oppressed. Even today--
In today's context, the Jews of Israel continue to persecute the non-Jews of Palestine:

World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Israel and Palestine

"The Israeli government continued to enforce severe and discriminatory restrictions on Palestinians’ human rights; restrict the movement of people and goods into and out of the Gaza Strip; and facilitate the unlawful transfer of Israeli citizens to settlements in the occupied West Bank.

"Israeli forces stationed on the Israeli side of the fences separating Gaza and Israel responded to demonstrations for Palestinian rights on the Gaza side with excessive lethal force.

"Between March 30 and November 19, security forces killed 189 Palestinian demonstrators, including 31 children and 3 medical workers, and wounded more than 5,800 with live fire.

"Demonstrators threw rocks and “Molotov cocktails,” used slingshots to hurl projectiles, and launched kites bearing incendiary materials, which caused significant property damage to nearby Israeli communities, and, in at least one instance, fired towards soldiers.

"Officers repeatedly fired on protesters who posed no imminent threat to life, pursuant to expansive open-fire orders from senior officials that contravene international human rights law standards."
  • Thanks
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Why do you imagine that Israel has to accept a non-Jewish minority at all?

Because 25% of their population is currently Arab and there are 23 million Palestinians in the West Bank. The Israeli government wants the land...not so much the people

so? Maldives had a non muslim population too-----but that country passed a law limiting
citizenship to MUSLIMS ONLY---------there is a precedent. Indonesia provides no citizenship
for jews------there is a list of persons of "ACCEPTABLE RELIGIONS" and Judaism is not on it.
Indonesia once had a substantial jewish miniority and some synagogues-----all of those were
destroyed-----SEE? there are precedents in the lands of "allah"
So you're finding ways to defend Israel's actions because someone else does it?


I am presenting the CONTEXT-----of the situation----try to keep in mind that jews were
in the LEVANT----when muslims invaded, committed genocide and oppressed. Even today---
more than half the jews living in Israel NOW-----have RECENT background in lands overtaken
by muslims------my very own hubby was born a DHIMMI in a sharia shithole. In CONTEXT---jews
are asserting rights TODAY that were denied them YESTERDAY----mostly by arab muslims
am presenting the CONTEXT-----of the situation----try to keep in mind that jews were
in the LEVANT----when muslims invaded, committed genocide and oppressed. Even today--
In today's context, the Jews of Israel continue to persecute the non-Jews of Palestine:

World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Israel and Palestine

"The Israeli government continued to enforce severe and discriminatory restrictions on Palestinians’ human rights; restrict the movement of people and goods into and out of the Gaza Strip; and facilitate the unlawful transfer of Israeli citizens to settlements in the occupied West Bank.

"Israeli forces stationed on the Israeli side of the fences separating Gaza and Israel responded to demonstrations for Palestinian rights on the Gaza side with excessive lethal force.

"Between March 30 and November 19, security forces killed 189 Palestinian demonstrators, including 31 children and 3 medical workers, and wounded more than 5,800 with live fire.

"Demonstrators threw rocks and “Molotov cocktails,” used slingshots to hurl projectiles, and launched kites bearing incendiary materials, which caused significant property damage to nearby Israeli communities, and, in at least one instance, fired towards soldiers.

"Officers repeatedly fired on protesters who posed no imminent threat to life, pursuant to expansive open-fire orders from senior officials that contravene international human rights law standards."
Let me know when you see a starving Arab in Israel.
I guess US President Lyndon B Johnson should not have stopped Israel from conquering all it’s neighbors during the 1967 Six Day War.
Perhaps LBJ was more concerned with acquiring Egyptian oil fields?

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

"The authors’ bottom line is that then-U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson was behind the attack, in an attempt to blame then-Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser – an excuse that would then enable the United States to join the Six-Day War."
How so?
You guessed LBJ "should not have stopped Israel from conquering all its neighbors...", and I implied he might have had his own designs on Egyptian oil fields that required the cold-blooded murder of 34 Americans by Israel in international waters.

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty
Islam and Arabs claim Abraham is their Patriarch.

Abraham was given The Abrahamic Covenant which be passed down to Isaac and then Israel.

It is Yahweh who established Israel, and gave Isaac, not Ishmael The Promised Land.

The Arabs have no claim.

But that’s not why I called.

All the treaties which are valid under International law declare Israel as a Nation and gave Israel all the land West of The Jordan.

Arab land was declared East of The Jordan in Transjordan, so if they would just move there and STFU, they can start their own little state, which would be just another Arab State out of 100s of Arab-Islamic States.

Israel has just one state. Leave them to theirs and you go to yours.
Here are the Biblical Borders of The Promised Land as given to Abraham in the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahweh

Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel - The Israel Bible





And here is Israel as defined by International Treaty since 1917.

Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.



Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. It read:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note how the Balfour Declaration proposes a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine (not a Jewish state}, and specifically prohibits any prejudice towards non-Jewish communities in Palestine which outnumbered Jews by a 10:1 margin at that time.
Here are the Biblical Borders of The Promised Land as given to Abraham in the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahweh

Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel - The Israel Bible





And here is Israel as defined by International Treaty since 1917.

Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.



Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. It read:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note how the Balfour Declaration proposes a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine (not a Jewish state}, and specifically prohibits any prejudice towards non-Jewish communities in Palestine which outnumbered Jews by a 10:1 margin at that time.
Tell it to the UN.
Tell it to the UN.
List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia

"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Since its creation in 2006—the Council had resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined.

"The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance)"
Islam and Arabs claim Abraham is their Patriarch.

Abraham was given The Abrahamic Covenant which be passed down to Isaac and then Israel.

It is Yahweh who established Israel, and gave Isaac, not Ishmael The Promised Land.

The Arabs have no claim.

But that’s not why I called.

All the treaties which are valid under International law declare Israel as a Nation and gave Israel all the land West of The Jordan.

Arab land was declared East of The Jordan in Transjordan, so if they would just move there and STFU, they can start their own little state, which would be just another Arab State out of 100s of Arab-Islamic States.

Israel has just one state. Leave them to theirs and you go to yours.
Here are the Biblical Borders of The Promised Land as given to Abraham in the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahweh

Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel - The Israel Bible





And here is Israel as defined by International Treaty since 1917.

Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.



Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. It read:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note how the Balfour Declaration proposes a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine (not a Jewish state}, and specifically prohibits any prejudice towards non-Jewish communities in Palestine which outnumbered Jews by a 10:1 margin at that time.
All the treaties which are valid under International law declare Israel as a Nation and gave Israel all the land West of The Jordan.
Can you supply a link for that claim?
There were many non-Jews living west of the Jordan river who possessed legal title to their land one hundred years ago.

In his latest epistle, the Reverend Chris Hedges warns Israel and its apologists how misplaced charges of anti-Semitism will only expand the ranks of legitimate anti-Semites from the violent cults of far-right, White Christians to the hordes of radical Islam:

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"Twenty-four state governments’ passage of Israel lobby-backed legislation requiring their workers and contractors, under threat of dismissal, to sign a pro-Israel oath and promise not to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is not an anti-Semitic trope.

"It is a fact.

"The shameless decision in 2014 by all 100 U.S. senators, including Bernie Sanders, to pass a Soviet-style plebiscite proposed by the Israel lobby to affirm Israel’s 'right to defend itself' during the 51 days it bombed and shelled homes, water treatment plants, power stations, hospitals and U.N. schools in Gaza, killing 2,251 Palestinians, including 551 children, is not an anti-Semitic trope.

"It is a fact."

The sole criterion of Israel and its lobby in determining who to support for US public office is identifying who backs the far-right agenda of the apartheid state of Israel and who does not.

"Genuine anti-Semitism is irrelevant"
Lol. Jew hating anti Semite who never misses a chance to spread your terrorists supporting propaganda.

None of what you posted erases the existence of Israel, nor does it erase the fact that Transjordan was set aside for Arabs bitching and moaning about Israel’s very existence. Go to Transjordan and STFU.

But the people are too stubborn and full of hate to do that. What will happen is that they will go to war against God in the end times over Israel and be utterly wiped off the face of The Earth, and all that will be left of the Arabs will be those Arabs that rejected allah and chose Jesus as their God and Savior.

My advice to all Arabs is to choose Jesus who died for you instead of Allah who asks you to die for him. Why worship a fake suicidal god who is actually Satan himself, when you could worship The One True God and share in the same blessings and promises of God that The Jews and Christians will receive after The Judgment?

Cancel your covenant with death and choose life!
Here are the Biblical Borders of The Promised Land as given to Abraham in the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahweh

Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel - The Israel Bible





And here is Israel as defined by International Treaty since 1917.

Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.



Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. It read:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note how the Balfour Declaration proposes a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine (not a Jewish state}, and specifically prohibits any prejudice towards non-Jewish communities in Palestine which outnumbered Jews by a 10:1 margin at that time.

Tell it to the UN.

Tell it to the UN.
List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia

"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Since its creation in 2006—the Council had resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined.

"The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance)"
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All of them sold their land to The Jews happily because it was worthless, and they sold it to them at 10 times the value and laughed all the way to the bank.

Then the Jews worked to transform The Land and Yahweh Blessed them and made The Desert Bloom. Then the lazy Arabs who did nothing with the land became jealous and envious and created conflict with The Jews who have been there for 4,000 years before any Arab even set foot in Israel.
Islam and Arabs claim Abraham is their Patriarch.

Abraham was given The Abrahamic Covenant which be passed down to Isaac and then Israel.

It is Yahweh who established Israel, and gave Isaac, not Ishmael The Promised Land.

The Arabs have no claim.

But that’s not why I called.

All the treaties which are valid under International law declare Israel as a Nation and gave Israel all the land West of The Jordan.

Arab land was declared East of The Jordan in Transjordan, so if they would just move there and STFU, they can start their own little state, which would be just another Arab State out of 100s of Arab-Islamic States.

Israel has just one state. Leave them to theirs and you go to yours.
Here are the Biblical Borders of The Promised Land as given to Abraham in the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahweh

Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel - The Israel Bible





And here is Israel as defined by International Treaty since 1917.

Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.



Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during World War I announcing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. It read:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note how the Balfour Declaration proposes a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine (not a Jewish state}, and specifically prohibits any prejudice towards non-Jewish communities in Palestine which outnumbered Jews by a 10:1 margin at that time.
All the treaties which are valid under International law declare Israel as a Nation and gave Israel all the land West of The Jordan.
Can you supply a link for that claim?
There were many non-Jews living west of the Jordan river who possessed legal title to their land one hundred years ago.
Well I think we can see the problem here.

Just talking about this brings out the worst of the anti-semites AND the anti-Muslim assholes

NONE of them have any interest in a solution that makes sense
Which is why Arabs are on a suicide mission that will result in the auto-genocide of their entire race.

This is why Israel is a cup of trembling to many Nations, because Yahweh Himself will keep His covenant with Israel and will destroy those Nations who try to destroy Israel.

You will see The Arab Naton throw themselves against The Mountain of God in suicidal futility in the end times under the command of The Antichrist and False Prophet inspired by Satan himself.

And in that day only those Arabs who reject allah and accept Jesus as God will be spared.
Well I think we can see the problem here.

Just talking about this brings out the worst of the anti-semites AND the anti-Muslim assholes

NONE of them have any interest in a solution that makes sense
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The Jews of Israel will not accept a non-Jewish minority of greater than 20% living among them.

Currently, 25% of Israeli citizens identify as non-Jewish, most of those are Muslim. That percentage has been roughly the same since Israel was founded in 1948.
Talk about your own version of history :)...have you ever asked yourself why Israel refuses the right of return to the Palestinians? That's right because that will shift the demographics dramatically.
This is why the Democrat party is anti-Semitic.
A small but steady share of U.S. Muslims are Republicans
Being a republican Muslim is like being a black Klansman.
The Pals have been offered Statehood often and they turn away.
A portion of their own land, with no army ...good deal huh?
The Jews of Israel will not accept a non-Jewish minority of greater than 20% living among them.

Currently, 25% of Israeli citizens identify as non-Jewish, most of those are Muslim. That percentage has been roughly the same since Israel was founded in 1948.
Talk about your own version of history :)...have you ever asked yourself why Israel refuses the right of return to the Palestinians? That's right because that will shift the demographics dramatically.
This is why the Democrat party is anti-Semitic.
A small but steady share of U.S. Muslims are Republicans
Being a republican Muslim is like being a black Klansman.
The Pals have been offered Statehood often and they turn away.

what is "RIGHT OF RETURN" ?? Long ago---before the birth of the rapist dog of mecca----
there was a place called YATHRIB-----controlled and virtually owned by jews. It is located
in the land now called "Saudi Arabia"------and renamed "medina" The animals who control
it now do not allow a jew to so much as set foot on that ancient jewish land
Muslims steal everything Jewish and Christian. They don't believe in live and let live. The goal is world dominance.
Huh? Read history sweet heart...when the muslims ruled the old world, south Europe they built cities. Universities. Hospitals. They brought Europe out of the dark ages. They couldve easily burned down the churches forced both Christian's and Jews to convert but they didnt....infact the Christian's massacred both muslims and Jews and forced rhem to either convert or die...why you think Jews fled to Muslim countries at that time ?

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