Israel's Stranglehold on US Politics

I am just going to play along. 16 mil Jews, we control the 7+ Billion people on Earth. You fools fell for our evil hypnotism. The Moslems are the true good guys. How they treat women, gays, dogs and apostates is just a facade.....
Are you trying to claim that Israel doesn't have an outsized influence on at least American Mid-east policy?

Just the opposite. Israel has all the power. The most evil nation on Earth. You need to finish what Hitler started. Herr Lesh reporting for duty. Maybe they ll name a concentration camp after you?
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I am just going to play along. 16 mil Jews, we control the 7+ Billion people on Earth. You fools fell for our evil hypnotism. The Moslems are the true good guys. How they treat women, gays, dogs and apostates is just a facade.....
Are you trying to claim that Israel doesn't have an outsized influence on at least American Mid-east policy?
They are our only true ally.
So yeah, they have an *outsized* influence on our mid-east policy, since they are the only ones in the region not deliberately funding and harboring terrorists who hate the US.

"Our" mid east policy is sending hordes of Muslims into Europe.

Charles Martel is rolling over in his grave
America needs to distance itself from the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist psychopaths that rule it. ..... :cool:
Before it's too late.
The Jews of Israel will not accept a non-Jewish minority of greater than 20% living among them.
There are currently roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.
With the current administration in DC, what's to prevent al-Nakba 2.0?

Can you blame them?
Those Muslim fuckers are dangerous!
Plus they stink really bad.

It's all the camel humping...….
The Evidence for Israeli Involvement in 9/11

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syriaand in Lebanon..."" Israeli Foreign Ministry official Oded Yinon, 1982, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties,"

"Israel can shape its strategic weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..." - Bush's Under Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith, 1996, "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm."

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." - General Wes Clark

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." - Project for a New American Century, "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
The guy who wrote the incoherent rant for the radical left wing blog "truthdig" is none other than Princeton Professor Chris Hedges who was arrested in a OWS demonstration. Can you imagine an argument that condemns pointing out anti-Semitism among democrats because it will somehow expand the ranks of anti-Semitism among Christians? How freaking crazy can you get?
The guy who wrote the incoherent rant for the radical left wing blog "truthdig" is none other than Princeton Professor Chris Hedges who was arrested in a OWS demonstration. Can you imagine an argument that condemns pointing out anti-Semitism among democrats because it will somehow expand the ranks of anti-Semitism among Christians? How freaking crazy can you get?

Just imagine! Arrested at an OWS demonstration against crony capitalism!
America needs to distance itself from the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist psychopaths that rule it. ..... :cool:
Yes that sounds just like the words of jew hating anti americamas sunnii or shea lying bastards
America needs to distance itself from the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist psychopaths that rule it. ..... :cool:
Before it's too late.
The Jews of Israel will not accept a non-Jewish minority of greater than 20% living among them.
There are currently roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea.
With the current administration in DC, what's to prevent al-Nakba 2.0?

Can you blame them?
Those Muslim fuckers are dangerous!
America needs to distance itself from the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist psychopaths that rule it. ..... :cool:
Yes that sounds just like the words of jew hating anti americamas sunnii or shea lying bastards
There is some truth to the fact that Israeli's and the Jewish faith are being used by outside forces as Americans and Christians are.

The Jews of Israel will not accept a non-Jewish minority of greater than 20% living among them.

Currently, 25% of Israeli citizens identify as non-Jewish, most of those are Muslim. That percentage has been roughly the same since Israel was founded in 1948.
Talk about your own version of history :)...have you ever asked yourself why Israel refuses the right of return to the Palestinians? That's right because that will shift the demographics dramatically.
This is why the Democrat party is anti-Semitic.
A small but steady share of U.S. Muslims are Republicans
Being a republican Muslim is like being a black Klansman.
America needs to distance itself from the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist psychopaths that rule it. ..... :cool:

Hear hear.

I believe most Israeli's are good people. But the people who currently run Israel - like you said - are little more than terrorists. They commit indecent/horrible acts - all in the name of self-preservation.

Sorry rightwing Israeli's, the 'we can do what we want because of the Holocaust' justification boat sailed LONG ago.

Sure, the Holocaust happened and was horrific, but it does not give you the right to treat millions of people with complete disregard/hatred generations after it happened.

In his latest epistle, the Reverend Chris Hedges warns Israel and its apologists how misplaced charges of anti-Semitism will only expand the ranks of legitimate anti-Semites from the violent cults of far-right, White Christians to the hordes of radical Islam:

Israel’s Stranglehold on American Politics

"Twenty-four state governments’ passage of Israel lobby-backed legislation requiring their workers and contractors, under threat of dismissal, to sign a pro-Israel oath and promise not to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is not an anti-Semitic trope.

"It is a fact.

"The shameless decision in 2014 by all 100 U.S. senators, including Bernie Sanders, to pass a Soviet-style plebiscite proposed by the Israel lobby to affirm Israel’s 'right to defend itself' during the 51 days it bombed and shelled homes, water treatment plants, power stations, hospitals and U.N. schools in Gaza, killing 2,251 Palestinians, including 551 children, is not an anti-Semitic trope.

"It is a fact."

The sole criterion of Israel and its lobby in determining who to support for US public office is identifying who backs the far-right agenda of the apartheid state of Israel and who does not.

"Genuine anti-Semitism is irrelevant"

REALLY well typed OP, IMO.
Here's the classic, historical account, still very much worth a read. It details the distorting, deleterious influence on U.S. foreign policy, and Middle East policy in particular.

This article provides the details as to how the "stranglehold" is being organized at the Congressional level, and the effort's pervasiveness.

The Lobby is quite proud of their influence. Just when someone not of their ranks points it out, all hell breaks loose. It goes without saying, not knowing the goings-on is not an option, even though it's just one, albeit very significant, part of many representatives failure faithfully to represent their constituents.
The Jews of Israel will not accept a non-Jewish minority of greater than 20% living among them.

Currently, 25% of Israeli citizens identify as non-Jewish, most of those are Muslim. That percentage has been roughly the same since Israel was founded in 1948.
Talk about your own version of history :)...have you ever asked yourself why Israel refuses the right of return to the Palestinians? That's right because that will shift the demographics dramatically.
This is why the Democrat party is anti-Semitic.
A small but steady share of U.S. Muslims are Republicans
Being a republican Muslim is like being a black Klansman.
The Pals have been offered Statehood often and they turn away.
what is "Palestine" ?
"The first appearance of the term 'Palestine' was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece when Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" between Phoenicia and Egypt in The Histories.[7]"

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia

so true------Herodotus named a stretch of land with a greek word. The people who lived
there had nothing to do with it. Arabs have lots of trouble pronouncing it. When written
in Hebrew-----it is obviously a FOREIGN word. "Phoenicia" is ----for greeks----the lands
along the Mediterranean which is today----very approximately, Lebanon. When the romans
invaded-----they like to use the word 'palestina' to refer to the same place they also called
'Judea' Arab muslims decided to adopt the moniker "Palestinian"----sometime in the 1960s
as a fraudulent way of claiming Judea. Before the 1960s-----the term "Palestinian" referred
The Jews of Israel will not accept a non-Jewish minority of greater than 20% living among them.

Currently, 25% of Israeli citizens identify as non-Jewish, most of those are Muslim. That percentage has been roughly the same since Israel was founded in 1948.
Talk about your own version of history :)...have you ever asked yourself why Israel refuses the right of return to the Palestinians? That's right because that will shift the demographics dramatically.
This is why the Democrat party is anti-Semitic.
A small but steady share of U.S. Muslims are Republicans
Being a republican Muslim is like being a black Klansman.
The Pals have been offered Statehood often and they turn away.

what is "RIGHT OF RETURN" ?? Long ago---before the birth of the rapist dog of mecca----
there was a place called YATHRIB-----controlled and virtually owned by jews. It is located
in the land now called "Saudi Arabia"------and renamed "medina" The animals who control
it now do not allow a jew to so much as set foot on that ancient jewish land
what is "Palestine" ?
"The first appearance of the term 'Palestine' was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece when Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" between Phoenicia and Egypt in The Histories.[7]"

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia

so true------Herodotus named a stretch of land with a greek word. The people who lived
there had nothing to do with it. Arabs have lots of trouble pronouncing it. When written
in Hebrew-----it is obviously a FOREIGN word. "Phoenicia" is ----for greeks----the lands
along the Mediterranean which is today----very approximately, Lebanon. When the romans
invaded-----they like to use the word 'palestina' to refer to the same place they also called
'Judea' Arab muslims decided to adopt the moniker "Palestinian"----sometime in the 1960s
as a fraudulent way of claiming Judea. Before the 1960s-----the term "Palestinian" referred

The Romans actually used the Word Palestine and Palestinian to separate The Jews Historical Relationship with The Promise Land which we call Israel. That is a fact.

It was a conscious effort to marginalize The Hebrews, and was at the time considered a Racial Slur, an Insult to call a Jew, or Hebrew, or Israeli, however you would like to classify that as a Palestinian. To call Israel Palestine was an intentional insult towards the Hebrews who preferred at the time to be called Israel or Hebrews.

It was at the time the equivalent of calling a black man The "N" Word, only it was a more generalized derogatory term.

The word Palestine and Palestinian is still used today exactly the way The Romans used it. To marginalize The Hebrews Historical Connection to The Promised Land, and to Separate them historically from Israel.
Here are the Biblical Borders of The Promised Land as given to Abraham in the Abrahamic Covenant with Yahweh

Biblical Boundaries of the Land of Israel - The Israel Bible





And here is Israel as defined by International Treaty since 1917.

Those treaties restrict Israel to a narrow strip of land and have designated everything East of The River Jordan for the so called Palestinians as their homeland, and everything West of The River Jordan to The Mediterranean as the homeland of Israel.



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The Jews of Israel will not accept a non-Jewish minority of greater than 20% living among them.

Currently, 25% of Israeli citizens identify as non-Jewish, most of those are Muslim. That percentage has been roughly the same since Israel was founded in 1948.
Talk about your own version of history :)...have you ever asked yourself why Israel refuses the right of return to the Palestinians? That's right because that will shift the demographics dramatically.
This is why the Democrat party is anti-Semitic.
A small but steady share of U.S. Muslims are Republicans
Being a republican Muslim is like being a black Klansman.
The Pals have been offered Statehood often and they turn away.

what is "RIGHT OF RETURN" ?? Long ago---before the birth of the rapist dog of mecca----
there was a place called YATHRIB-----controlled and virtually owned by jews. It is located
in the land now called "Saudi Arabia"------and renamed "medina" The animals who control
it now do not allow a jew to so much as set foot on that ancient jewish land
Muslims steal everything Jewish and Christian. They don't believe in live and let live. The goal is world dominance.

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