Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Their bloodied faces, captured both before and after the October 7 massacre, tell a tale of horror and resilience.

The headline, ‘Don’t forget them!’ echoes their plea as these young women endure three months in captivity.

Watch the heart-wrenching video of these four young women as captures by the brutal Hamas terrorists.

(vide video online)

Gaza civilians revealed incidents of Hamas murder and abuse in phone calls with Israeli military officers released by the Israel Defense Forces on Monday.

The Palestinians were talking to Arab-speaking officers of Unit 504, which specializes in human intelligence.

In one call, a Palestinian tells the officer that Hamas killed his cousin “yesterday.” When asked why, the Palestinian said, “Because he went to UNRWA.”

In another call, a Palestinian tells the officer that Hamas is trying to evict him from his house.

“They want us to leave our homes so they can take control of them in order to shoot at you,” the Palestinian says.

“Us, as long as long as we are in our homes, because our houses on the front line, you understand? We keep our houses so that no one takes them over,” he continues, adding, “They want them [the houses] to get out through them, to break the walls and get out through them.”

Another Palestinian who called identified himself as a certified chef for a charity called “The American World Kitchen.” He told the officer that Hamas operatives frequently tried to steal food.

“Yes, it’s food. It’s not that they steal food, I wish they would steal [just] food, they steal from the warehouses of the agency [UNRWA].”

He clarified that Hamas is currently not stealing from him, “But they are trying. When the supplies arrive, they try to steal.”

Israel has previously warned that Hamas is stealing food arriving in humanitarian deliveries to the Strip.

A Gaza photojournalist working for international media called on residents of the coastal enclave to cross the border into Israel on October 7, after Hamas terrorists had breached it, an HonestReporting investigation has found.

Mohammed Fayq Abu Mostafa, a freelancer who has been working for Reuters, made the comments while excitedly displaying footage of Hamas atrocities on an Instagram Live hosted in Gaza by another photojournalist, Ashraf Amra.

Amra has been working for AP, Reuters and APA Images, as well as for Turkish agency Anadolu. The investigation also found Amra had been honored with kisses by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on two previous occasions.

The revelation casts doubt on the journalistic impartiality of the two freelance photojournalists and the vetting procedures of media outlets that have relied on their work.

The following information was compiled based on a probe of Amra’s and Abu Mostafa’s social media accounts. We also looked at articles and visuals published online and checked image databases of relevant media outlets.

“Whoever Can Go – Go”​

On October 7, Amra hosted an Instagram Live from Khan Younis to provide updates following Hamas’ deadly cross-border assault on Israel, in which 1,200 people were killed and some 240 taken hostage.

During the broadcast, Amra willingly let a thrilled Abu Mostafa, who had just returned from Israeli territory, display the brutal acts that he had captured on his phone at the breached border area.

Amra can be seen laughing and smiling while Abu Mostafa presented footage of the lynching of an Israeli soldier:

(full article online)


Militant to civilian ratio in Lebanon and Syria proves people are lying about Gaza

This morning an Israeli airstrike eliminated a major Hezbollah figure, Wissam al-Tawil, with another militant in southern Lebanon.

In Lebanon and Syria, terror groups do not try to hide when their members become "martyrs" from Israeli airstrikes.

So what is the tally of terrorists versus civilians killed since October 7 north of Israel's border?

Including today, 155 members of Lebanese armed groups have been killed, along with 23 civilians. That's 87% militants. This is despite that in Lebanon, as with Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah hides rockets in civilian areas, using people as human shields.

In Syria, 80 militants have been killed, along with 5 civilians. That's 94% militants.

These numbers indicate Israel's care in avoiding civilian casualties. And when they are unavoidable, that is because the enemy is using the civilians to protect themselves.

On Saturday, January 6, The Ottawa Citizen, published a full-page colour advertisement by HonestReporting Canada. This follows our first full-page ad, on December 16 in the Toronto Star.

The advertisement, titled “CAN A NEWSPAPER AD STOP WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST? NO, BUT KNOWING ALL THE FACTS CAN HELP”, reminded readers of some of the most fundamental facts of the current conflict, including how a ceasefire was in place prior to Hamas’ October 7 massacre, showing that the group cannot be trusted to adhere to another one, as well as highlighting how the group is wholly dedicated to the violent destruction of Israel.

While critics of Israel’s policies in Gaza are free to hold their own opinions, they are not free to hold their own facts, and in this advertisement, seen by likely hundreds of thousands of people,

HonestReporting Canada reminded the public that Hamas is an extremist terrorist group that cannot be trusted, and any ceasefire signed with the group is effectively worthless as long as they remain in power in Gaza.

(Vide Ad online)

Boy from Gaza wants to “die as a Martyr”
“The Palestinian Center for Information,” which is affiliated with Hamas, posted a video on its X (Twitter) account of a young boy from the Gaza Strip

Boy: “We are the generation of the future. We’ll wave the flags of Jihad in Palestine and liberate it. We stand firm on our land and remain in the Bureij refugee camp despite the Israeli occupation’s threats (i.e., Israeli warnings to evacuate combat zones in Gaza). We’ll not leave our land, we’re remaining in our homes… We stand firm on our land, and if the occupation (i.e., Israel) approaches us, we’ll resist. We want to resist, even if they shoot us. We want to die as Martyrs. I’m not afraid, I want to die as a Martyr, that’s fine. We salute the resistance in Palestine.”
[“The Palestinian Center for Information” (Hamas), X (Twitter) account, Dec. 26, 2023]


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