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Was Hamas' "Great Return March" a diversion to destroy the buffer zone and set the stage for October 7?

Suddenly, the media is freaking out over Israel creating a buffer zone in Gaza.

AP writes:
Satellite photos show new demolition along a 1-kilometer-wide path on the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel, according an analysis by The Associated Press and expert reports. The destruction comes as Israel has said it wants to establish a buffer zone there, over international objections, further tearing away at land the Palestinians want for a state.
The Telegraph has a similar story, as does the Washington Post. The US State Department says it opposes any such zone.

Hardly mentioned in these articles is that a buffer zone inside Gaza already existed for many years.

There was a 1 kilometer buffer zone before Israel withdrew from Gaza. Israel rebuilt it after Hamas took over to keep infiltrators away from the fence, and regularly went in to clear land near the fence so have a line of sight towards any attackers, such as the shooters of a laser guided Kornet missile at a school bus that killed a child in 2011.

Anti-Israel activists complained about the buffer zone over the years, which then was 300 meters wide in most places, falsely claiming that it took up a huge amount of Gaza's farmable land.

During the 2014 Gaza war, Israel expanded the buffer zone again to one kilometer. It was a temporary move.

So what happened to that buffer zone?

Hamas appears to have meticulously erased it, inch by inch. And it might have been in anticipation of the October 7 attacks.

In 2018 and 2019 Hamas staged riots at the Gaza fence, daring Israel to shoot at huge crowds of people who gathered there - in the buffer zone.

Later in 2019, Hamas built a playground in the buffer zone, making children human shields. At the time they openly admitted their plan to keep building there to challenge Israel.

It appears to have worked. Israel doesn't seem to have been enforcing the buffer zone since these events, instead concentrating on relying on its high-tech fence at the border for security.

And because of this laxity, the IDF did not respond properly to October 7.

There is no difference between the potential buffer zone now and the one during the 2010s, which did not bother any governments or media at all.

But now the idea of Israel defending itself from bloodthirsty genocidal jihadists is considered "controversial." And the fact that there is so much criticism of this potential buffer zone after the October 7 pogrom, when there wasn't any such criticism beforehand, sends a clear message to Israel that its citizens' lives are worthless.

Which is a much bigger problem than any buffer zone could ever be.

By the way, Hamas itself built a buffer zone at the Egyptian border, at the request of Egypt, As far as I can tell, no "human rights" groups showed any concern over any private property or building destruction by Hamas at the time.

Israel is being judged by standards that no one else ever has been. And it is only getting worse.

Dozens of South African immigrants to Israel protested against their former country’s government on Friday, standing with their new home against political and legal attacks from South Africa’s ruling ANC party, highlighted by accusing Israel of “genocide,” last Thursday in the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

“The demonstration is not against South Africa or its people, but against its disgraceful government. I am proud to stand here as an Israeli, but I am ashamed of the government of my homeland, for stooping so low. It is a danger to Judaism,” said David Kaplan, an attendant of the event.

Former Knesset member Ruth Wasserman Lande, who was raised in Cape Town, South Africa before moving to Israel for military service, living in Israel since, added “Justice is with us, the ruling party of South Africa has sold its soul to Iran.”

The protest in Ra’anana in central Israel comes a few weeks after Israel was forced to stand trial at the International Court of Justice in The Hague against charges of “genocide” in its current defensive war against Hamas in Gaza. The charges were filed by South Africa’s government, a noted friend of Hamas leadership and outspoken critic of Israel and the Israeli government.

(full article online)

Jaqueline Glicksman (R), 81, recounts jumping out of her safe room's window to escape Hamas terrorists on October 7, on her first visit to her ruined home since the attacks, in a report aired February 1, 2024 (Channel 12 screenshot; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)
Jaqueline Glicksman (R), 81, recounts jumping out of her safe room's window to escape Hamas terrorists on October 7, on her first visit to her ruined home since the attacks, in a report aired February 1, 2024 (Channel 12 screenshot; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

Jaqueline Glicksman, 81, lived on her own in Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha until October 7, when Hamas terrorists overran the kibbutz and destroyed her home. On Thursday, she went back to her house for the first time since the attacks that started the war in Gaza.

“It hurts that they burned down my house, my life,” she told Channel 12 news. “Nothing is left.”

The elderly widow jumped out of the window of her safe room and ran 1.5 kilometers (almost a mile) to safety as terrorists set fire to her house.

(full article online)

Reasonable people, usually old school liberals, still don’t understand the Left. And so they also don’t understand what happened to their movement, their party and their country.

A quarter century of smashing Starbucks windows clearly has nothing to do with Gaza.

They don’t care about black lives, the lives in Gaza or Iraq, or the lives of the poor: these are just the pretexts that provide them with moral superiority so they feel justified smashing things.

The pro-Hamas riots are a carbon copy of the BLM riots. Like the eco-terrorists, who have taken to vandalizing classical art in museums, their goal isn’t persuasion through awareness, it’s terrorism.

Individual causes, environmentalism, LGBTQ rights, Gaza, Iraq, income inequality, unions, Wall Street, abortion or criminals, are just gateway drugs to radicalize a base for the leftist revolution.

Blocking traffic or airports isn’t really about ending Israeli attacks on Hamas, but about inflicting misery on Americans and making the leftist perpetrators feel powerful and self-righteous by expressing their malice. Don’t think of these as protests; think of them as initiation sessions like those of gangs and cults in which new members prove themselves by hurting someone.

Blocking school buses, ambulances and people coming home from work, or shouting, “shame on you” at kids with cancer is just part of the radicalization process. Its purpose is to make the activists cause pain while being so emotionally detached from their victims that they not only feel nothing when inflicting pain, but that doing so makes them morally superior.

The process produces people capable of not only blocking traffic, but planting bombs.

(full article online)

Why is this thread not in The Rubber Room?

It’s not a war. It’s an intentional massacre of civilians. GENOCIDE!
Hamas fighters dressed as civilians. Good riddance to Hamas, dressed as civilians.

Hamas, who are also shooting at civilians who are trying to escape and go where it is safe. And Hamas who steal food and everything else which comes into Gaza for those who need.

Good riddance to Hamas.

That is why it is not a genocide and it is not in the Rubber Room.
Hamas fighters dressed as civilians. Good riddance to Hamas, dressed as civilians.

Hamas, who are also shooting at civilians who are trying to escape and go where it is safe. And Hamas who steal food and everything else which comes into Gaza for those who need.

Good riddance to Hamas.

That is why it is not a genocide and it is not in the Rubber Room.
Somehow your demented mind can ignore the thousands massacred and maimed.

You’ve lost your mind if you ever had one.
Scenes from a volunteer trip to Israel. From left to right: Alison Leigh Cowan brings fresh-grilled burgers to Annette Pimentel who is serving them at an army base in Modi’in; Tehillah Blech Harris helps paint a mural for a bunker used by children at Migdal Ohr; and Cowan with two recent hires from Uganda picking oranges at B’nei Dror.

Scenes from a volunteer trip to Israel. From left to right: Alison Leigh Cowan brings fresh-grilled burgers to Annette Pimentel who is serving them at an army base in Modi’in; Tehillah Blech Harris helps paint a mural for a bunker used by children at Migdal Ohr; and Cowan with two recent hires from Uganda picking oranges at B’nei Dror. Photo by Penina Blazer; Ilana Sherizen; Stephen Bodurtha

Tourism halted after Oct. 7, but Israel’s ministry of tourism says about 60,000 people from the U.S. visited in late 2023. That was far below the 252,000 arrivals from the same period a year earlier, but one difference is that many of the recent arrivals are coming to lend a hand.

“In December, we saw a significant increase in the number of tourists coming to Israel, especially from the U.S.,’’ said Eyal Carlin, Israel Ministry of Tourism’s Commissioner of Tourism to North America. “It is our estimate that almost all arrived for reasons of solidarity and to volunteer.’’

I chose to go with a group of three dozen volunteers from the Jewish Center synagogue in Manhattan, and then improvised a few days on my own. I went both because I felt I needed to do something more than write a check, and because I wanted to hear directly from Israelis in their own words about how their world has changed.

“This is one of those moments in Jewish history when everyone is called upon to serve,’’ said Rabbi Yosie Levine of the Jewish Center, who led our trip.

Farms and orchards throughout Israel have been welcoming volunteers to make up for the foreign migrant workers who fled after the Hamas attack and the Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza who have been barred from working inside Israel ever since. Tal Forte, the B’nei Dror farmer who trains newcomers like me, said the rotating cast of rookies work at about one-eighth of the speed of the 40 highly experienced Palestinians from Tulkarm who used to harvest the moshav’s crops.

(full article online)

Somehow your demented mind can ignore the thousands massacred and maimed.

You’ve lost your mind if you ever had one.
WHAT thousands of massacred? IDF systematically targets terrorists like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other fighters.

Fighters are not being massacred, they are dying, being injured or arrested in combat with the IDF.

Your "thousands" number comes from the very "reliable" Hamas "Ministry of Health". You believe it because you want to.

Intelligent people know better :)

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