Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

RE: Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates
※→ gipper, et al,


Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.


◈ Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.

◈ Initiatives, and and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.

◈ day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised. To do this requires the diffusion of Islamic consciousness among the masses, both on the regional, Arab and Islamic levels.

◈ It is necessary to instill the spirit of Jihad in the heart of the nation so that they would confront the enemies and join the ranks of the fighters.

◈ The following are considered null and void: the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate Document, the UN Palestine Partition Resolution, and whatever resolutions and measures that derive from them or are similar to them. The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah; it is also in violation of human rights that are guaranteed by international conventions, foremost among them is the right to self-determination.

Resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine will remain a legitimate right, a duty and an honour for all the sons and daughters of our people and our Ummah.

Pillars of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy​

The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in the form of a resolution and an annexed Plan of Action (A/RES/60/288) is composed of four pillars, namely:
  1. Measures to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism.
  2. Measures to prevent and combat terrorism.
  3. Measures to build States’ capacity to prevent and combat terrorism and to strengthen the role of the United Nations system in that regard.
  4. Measures to ensure respect for human rights for all and the rule of law as the fundamental basis of the fight against terrorism.
Why is this thread not in The Rubber Room?

It’s not a war. It’s an intentional massacre of civilians. GENOCIDE!

There is no true and universally accepted definition for "WAR." The term "Aggression" is defined. as well as the terms "International Armed Conflicts" and "Non-International Armed Conflicts" are defined.


Most Respectfully,
WHAT thousands of massacred? IDF systematically targets terrorists like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other fighters.

Fighters are not being massacred, they are dying, being injured or arrested in combat with the IDF.

Your "thousands" number comes from the very "reliable" Hamas "Ministry of Health". You believe it because you want to.

Intelligent people know better :)
You are dumber than a box of rocks.
You sure have a strange fascination with war.

You must hate the Founding Fathers.
One idiotic post after another. What else could you possible offer but garbage.

The thread is about what is happening with the war Hamas started against Israel.

You wish to discuss anything else, start your own thread.

Let us see what your fascination is and how long you can stay on topic.
Hamas has begun to resurface in areas where Israel withdrew the bulk of its forces a month ago, deploying police officers and making partial salary payments to some of its civil servants in Gaza City in recent days, four residents and a senior official in the terror group said Saturday.

Signs of a Hamas resurgence in Gaza’s largest city underscore the terror group’s resilience despite Israel’s deadly air and ground campaign since October 7, when Hamas-led terrorists who stormed the border into southern Israel slaughtered some 1,200 people — mostly civilians — and kidnapped 253. Israel has said it’s determined to crush Hamas and prevent it from returning to power in Gaza, an enclave it has ruled since 2007.

In recent days, Israeli forces renewed strikes in the western and northwestern parts of Gaza City, including in areas where some of the salary distributions were reported to have taken place.

(full article online)

One idiotic post after another. What else could you possible offer but garbage.

The thread is about what is happening with the war Hamas started against Israel.

You wish to discuss anything else, start your own thread.

Let us see what your fascination is and how long you can stay on topic.
Hamas didn’t start it you fool. Learn the history before posting stupid threads.

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