Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Rajan Phulara (Facebook)
Rajan Phulara (Facebook)

Rajan Phulara, 23, who hailed from the Shikhar municipality in the Doti district of Nepal, was murdered by Hamas terrorists on Kibbutz Alumim on October 7.

Phulara had arrived in Israel not long before he was killed as part of the “learn and earn” yearlong internship, where he and other participants would study agriculture on the kibbutz while earning money to send back to their loved ones. Hamas terrorists killed 10 Nepali nationals during the murderous onslaught.

His body was sent back to Nepal for burial on November 5. Survivors said Phulara and several other Nepali interns sought safety in a bomb shelter when the rocket sirens sounded, and Hamas murdered several of them inside the shelter.

Survivor Dhanbahadur Chaudhari told the Guardian that the terrorists threw grenades inside the bunker and fired volleys of bullets: “When I woke up I was covered in blood and I could see my friends dead and injured around me. One friend didn’t have legs, another didn’t have hands. There were dead bodies of my friends in the door of the bunker.”

(full article online)

Rajan Phulara (Facebook)
Rajan Phulara (Facebook)

Rajan Phulara, 23, who hailed from the Shikhar municipality in the Doti district of Nepal, was murdered by Hamas terrorists on Kibbutz Alumim on October 7.

Phulara had arrived in Israel not long before he was killed as part of the “learn and earn” yearlong internship, where he and other participants would study agriculture on the kibbutz while earning money to send back to their loved ones. Hamas terrorists killed 10 Nepali nationals during the murderous onslaught.

His body was sent back to Nepal for burial on November 5. Survivors said Phulara and several other Nepali interns sought safety in a bomb shelter when the rocket sirens sounded, and Hamas murdered several of them inside the shelter.

Survivor Dhanbahadur Chaudhari told the Guardian that the terrorists threw grenades inside the bunker and fired volleys of bullets: “When I woke up I was covered in blood and I could see my friends dead and injured around me. One friend didn’t have legs, another didn’t have hands. There were dead bodies of my friends in the door of the bunker.”

(full article online)

Do you have any news reports on the tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered by your beloved IDF?

Even by Guardian standards, a political cartoon they published on Feb 1st, by freelance cartoonist Fiona Katauskas, is especially dishonest and propagandistic.


The first frame falsely accuses Israel of bombing Gazan hospitals, while simultaneously denying that Hamas fighters have used such medical facilitiesas a command center, to launch attacks and keep hostages.

It’s not clear which hospital she’s referring to, but if it’s a reference to the Oct. 17 Al-Ahli Hospital blast, that – after initial Hamas claims of IDF responsibility that we’re proven untrue – was of course caused by an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket.

Other hospitals which have been the focus of fighting, such as Al-Shifa in Gaza City, involved Hamas fighters illegally using the hospital to take cover or launch attacks. In those cases, the IDF has targeted the fighters themselves, and the tunnels built beneath the facilities, without ‘bombing’ the hospital and endangering the patients. In fact, in some situations, the military facilitated the evacuation of patients in advance of a confrontation with Hamas terrorists there.

In fact, as the NY Times reported early last month, US intelligence agencies confirmed that Hamas and other terror groups used Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza to command forces and hold some hostages. The senior U.S. intelligence official told the Times that “the American government continued to believe that Hamas used the hospital complex and [tunnels] beneath it to exercise command and control activities, store weapons and hold at least a few hostages.”

The cartoonist’s mockery of ‘claims’ that Hamas, the antisemitic extremistgroup proscribed by most of the West, illegally uses hospitals to carry out attacks is evidence of how profoundly misinformed she is on the conflict.

The second frame accuses Israel of ‘flattening neighborhoods’, falsely suggesting that the IDF indiscriminately bombs civilian communities. First, it errs by a factor of more than two on the percentage of Gaza buildingsdamaged or destroyed. It also ignores undeniable evidence that 1) Hamas built military tunnels (which span up to 450 miles) beneath civilian infrastructure. 2) That during the IDF ground operation in Gaza, soldiers have uncovered countless weapons and other military items hidden in homes, mosques, schools. 4) That Hamas has bobby-trapped homes. 4) And, that Hamas fighters often hide and fire at soldiers from such putatively civilian buildings.

Whatever the precise percentage of homes damaged or destroyed during the war, it’s a lie of immense proportions to obfuscate Hamas’s responsibility for such damage, and, especially, to suggest that information about Hamas fighters’ illegal use of such buildings, and their proven ‘human shield‘ tactics, is nothing but Israeli propaganda.

The third frame suggests the the cartoonist actually hasn’t read the headlines in outlets all across the world concerning the dozen UNRWA employees who participated in the Hamas Oct. 7 massacre, and further intelligence suggesting that up to 10% of all UNRWA’s 30,000 Gaza-based employees have links to Hamas and PIJ terrorists. Since the news of UNRWA employees ties to Hamas broke, eighteen countries suspended their aid to the agency.

The fourth frame is based on the lies peddled in the first three frames arguing that Hamas is not anywhere to be found at locations targeted by the IDF, and therefore that such military strikes (against what the cartoonist implies are “civilian” locations) will ‘only make Hamas stronger’, insofar it will putatively make Gaza civilians more sympathetic to the terror group. While accurately gaging public opinion inside totalitarian regimes is always difficult, the recent rash of anti-Hamas protests inside the territory does suggest that much of the population likely understands intuitively that it was the actions of the Islamist extremist group on Oct. 7 that caused their current suffering.

We’ve posted about Guardian cartoons over the years that are more malicious and, in some cases, outright antisemitic. But, few have been so inane and based on demonstrably false premises.

Do you have any news reports on the tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered by your beloved IDF?

Nazi Germany invades the UK. You actually think that the British are going to be nice and drop flyers and allow safe corridors for civilians to go through?

Hamas invaded and barbarically murdered Jews and non Jews, kidnapped Jews and non Jews.

And all you can find yourself to do is accuse the IDF of systemically murdering civilians by the thousands.

Yes, there is a moron here, it has been you all the time because you are a Jew hater and had to come over here and other threads to spit on the Jews for defending themselves and doing what people in Gaza themselves want Israel to do.


Are you seriously going to continue to deprive the poor people of Gaza of having the only opportunity they have had in 100 years of getting rid of their thoughtless, violent, selfish leaders who have only enriched themselves, had a good life, while keeping the rest impoverished and needing to escape Gaza any which way they could?

Yes, that is the kind of person, and many others, are like.

Keep the poor Poorer, the wealthy Wealthier, as long as there is a possibility that Israel will be destroyed.

Whatever you, the moron, wishes to believe and do, Israel is destroying Hamas which fires rockets from schools, hospitals, mosques, private homes, children's parks, cemeteries, etc.

In the end, it is Israel who laughs last.

Am Israel chai.

The People of Israel LIVE. !!!!
Hamas on Sunday said it rejected the proposed hostage deal formulated in Paris, demanding that Israel release more Palestinian terrorists locked up in Israeli jails, according to a Saudi outlet.

There are 136 hostages held in Gaza by Hamas and other Palestinian jihadists, abducted during the October 7 incursion and massacre.

The statement comes hours after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reiterated Israel had “red lines” which could not be crossed.

Thus, the leader said, Israel will not end the war until all its goals are met, namely “the eradication of Hamas, the rescue of all our hostages, and ensuring that Gaza will never again pose a threat to Israel.”

“We will not agree to every deal, and not at any price,” he said, adding reports in the local media whereby Israel agreed to freeing large numbers of terrorists were not true.

Gaza has a population of 13 Million people?

That is news to the people who live in Gaza, LOL.

PS: Gaza is not a country. It could have been, but chooses not to.

There are 13 million Palestinians, which include Gaza and the West Bank.
Both of which Israel is illegally trying to steal.

Palestine chose not to accept the deal where they would have to give up all their property rights to the homes the owned in Israel.
That was un unfair and illegal deal.
Israel should allow the right of return to all the legal land owners in Israel.
Any exclusive religions state is disgusting, but Israel is even worse since the 7 million Zionists illegally stole the properties from the 13 million natives.

How many Islamic states?
And you want another one to fail its people.

As for Israel, there's a reason it's one of most happy countries.
The region needs more distinct states, to counter Arab imperialism.
Nazi Germany invades the UK. You actually think that the British are going to be nice and drop flyers and allow safe corridors for civilians to go through?

Hamas invaded and barbarically murdered Jews and non Jews, kidnapped Jews and non Jews.

And all you can find yourself to do is accuse the IDF of systemically murdering civilians by the thousands.

Yes, there is a moron here, it has been you all the time because you are a Jew hater and had to come over here and other threads to spit on the Jews for defending themselves and doing what people in Gaza themselves want Israel to do.


Are you seriously going to continue to deprive the poor people of Gaza of having the only opportunity they have had in 100 years of getting rid of their thoughtless, violent, selfish leaders who have only enriched themselves, had a good life, while keeping the rest impoverished and needing to escape Gaza any which way they could?

Yes, that is the kind of person, and many others, are like.

Keep the poor Poorer, the wealthy Wealthier, as long as there is a possibility that Israel will be destroyed.

Whatever you, the moron, wishes to believe and do, Israel is destroying Hamas which fires rockets from schools, hospitals, mosques, private homes, children's parks, cemeteries, etc.

In the end, it is Israel who laughs last.

Am Israel chai.

The People of Israel LIVE. !!!!

England was the evil perpetrator of WWI, which made Germany justified in WWII.

Hamas never started any violence.
It was only violent when necessary as deterrent and retribution for Israeli violence.
How many Islamic states?
And you want another one to fail its people.

As for Israel, there's a reason it's one of most happy countries.
The region needs more distinct states, to counter Arab imperialism.

There are no Islamic states since other religions are allowed without abuse.
Israel is the ONLY state in the world that has illegally expelled and confiscated the homes of other religions.

Arabs are the least imperialist in the whole world.
The worst imperialists are the US and Israel.
There are no Islamic states since other religions are allowed without abuse.
Israel is the ONLY state in the world that has illegally expelled and confiscated the homes of other religions.

Arabs are the least imperialist in the whole world.
The worst imperialists are the US and Israel.

Delusional at best, lying knowingly at worse.

If you think enslaving non-Muslims is
"without abuse", then don't complain
when taught a lesson in justice,
by the infidels.


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