Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

A good place to start is the internet.

Sentences you’ll see in the feed of a pro Israel activist:

“Bring our women and children home.
”“Free Gaza from Hamas.”
“We want peace, but not a fake peace, a sustainable one.”
“Every innocent death, on both sides, is a tragedy.”“Rape is never ok and neither is pedophilia or beheading babies.

”Sentences you’ll see in the feed of a pro-Palestinian activist:

“Hitler was right.”
“Wipe Israel off the map.”
“Gas the Jews.”
“The Jews have big noses.”
“The Jews did 9/11.”
“Jews are the new Nazis.”

I can go on.

If the internet wasn’t enough to convince you which side is the moral side, then consider going to a protest of both sides.

A pro Palestinian protest looks something like this. Violence. Yelling. Calling for genocide. Tons of masks. Flags of terrorist organizations. Harassing innocent bystanders.

A pro Israel protest looks something like this.

Singing. Hugging. Crying. Calling for the return of innocent hostages. Calling for a terrorist organization to surrender so the war can end. Flags of the only democracy in the Middle East.

You really don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see it. Those who support Israel support freedom. They support human rights. They support peace. They support people who were persecuted for thousands of years.

Those who support Hamas support terrorism. They support rape. They support pedophilia by calling it resistance. They support the beheading of babies, the denial of the holocaust and the kidnapping of holocaust survivors.

This isn’t a nuanced decision. There is no grey area here. There is no ‘if’s or ‘but’s.

This is good vs evil. This is radical fundamentalist jihadis against the free world and basic human freedom.

If you can’t see the distinction clearly, if you still think the two sides in this war are equal, if you compare October 7th to the retaliation of the IDF, if you can’t differentiate between one side that does everything to minimize civilian death and the other that does everything to maximize civilian death, I don’t know how to say this nicely so I’m just gonna say it.

You are an immoral human being who has lost all sense of right and wrong.

I am deeply sorry for you that you have proven your moral bankruptcy and have sided with the side Hitler would have sided with.

That should tell you all you need to know.

Choose morality, choose justice, choose Israel. Historically, it’s just the smart thing to do.
[They tell the truth. The West "Pro Palestinian" crowd never sees this. But accept without knowing that "Free Palestine" means destroying Israel. Lies told a million times........]


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