Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

A Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist who participated in the Oct. 7 massacre of civilians at Kibbutz Nir Oz was one of dozens of terrorists Israeli forces killed across the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, the IDF said on Tuesday morning.

An Israeli fighter jet guided by intelligence information killed the Islamic Jihad terrorist in Deir al-Balah, the central Gaza Strip. Of Nir Oz‘s 400 residents, approximately one-quarter were killed or kidnapped on Oct. 7.

(full article online )

[ Palestinians in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, etc should have been integrated into those countries decades ago like any other refugees in the world. We know why they have not ]

[ Palestinian refugees are not resettled. If rich, they just leave. If poor, they escape if they can and go to Europe, etc The only refugees in the world, the world does not want to see resettled ]

Hussain Abdul-Hussain
The first time I was shocked to hear that under Israeli occupation the economy was better was in south Lebanon in 2001. A taxi driver who got to trust me said Israel had a public transport system, a good and affordable health system, and the Lebanese found good jobs in northern Israel. After Israel withdrew from south Lebanon in 2000 (and Hezbollah proclaimed victory), south Lebanon became an impoverished jungle.
In the video below, a Palestinian says Palestinian life is better under Israeli rule. But what would he know. Kids in US colleges know better about decolonization, free Palestine and antisemitism.
Moran T 𓂆 موران ت
Dec 23, 2023
Replying to @Israeli_Opinion
הבחור הזה ידע על מה הוא מדבר..
2:08 AM · Dec 26, 2023
In two recent articles on the Saudi website Elaph, Palestinian writer Majdi Abd Al-Wahhab directs harsh criticism at Hamas, stating that its October 7 attack against Israel brought nothing but disaster upon the Palestinians people. In one article, from January 9, 2024, Abd Al-Wahhab expresses hope that Allah will curse Hamas for the devastation it has brought upon Gaza, and wonders why it spent vast sums on digging tunnels and launching a hopeless war against Israel instead of investing them in developing the Gaza Strip and its people. He assesses that the destruction of Gaza “will be followed by [people] fleeing, migrating and living in misery and suffering, both in the Strip and outside it, and whoever does not become a refugee [in his homeland], will migrate.”

In an article from December 26, 2023 Abd Al-Wahhab calls Hamas’ October 7 attack a “kamikaze” operation, like those of the Japanese pilots in World War II, which, he says, did nothing to help Japan’s war effort. He urged Hamas to learn from the experience of the Japanese and renounce its pointless military action. In addition, he called on the international community and the Arab world to act to eliminate all the Palestinian organizations and stop their military and civilian activity, “so that the Palestinians will be rid of them and their harm and can start blazing a new, straight path for themselves, far from destruction, killing and devastation."

The following are translated excerpts from the two articles.

(full article online)

Twenty-one-year-old actress Alessandra Dayan, who portrayed Levy in the São Paulo reenactment, told The Times of Israel that assuming the role brought great emotional turmoil.

“Unlike me, Naama didn’t have the chance to return home, take a shower, and resume her normal life after what happened,” she said.

Like many of the atrocities committed that day by terrorists who used body cams and even the victims’ own phones to record and upload their brutalization to social media, Levy’s abduction was caught on video.

The images of Levy being forced out of the trunk of a Jeep and into the back seat, blood staining her sweatpants, went viral on Telegram on the day she was kidnapped, just hours after the Hamas invasion began. While some watched the video live, its disturbing images continued to impact many more over the following days and months and were amplified by the many reenactments of her kidnapping.

“The video haunted me,” Dayan admitted. As she walked the street during the reenactment, some Jewish activists followed closely behind, holding banners with alternating images of Naama’s smiling face and a frame from the kidnapping video. The banners bore a powerful message: “Where are you, feminists? Free the hostages.”

The provocative demonstration was planned and executed by the Female Empowerment and Leadership Group (EIF), a branch of São Paulo’s Jewish Federation (Fisesp). It aimed to raise awareness among women’s rights organizations, including UN Women and the MeToo movement, about the plight of Israeli women subjected to abuse, rape and mutilation at the hands of Hamas terrorists on and after October 7.

(full article online)

The IDF announced on Wednesday that it found a second round of Hamas hostage cages underground in Khan Yunis.

The announcement followed an earlier IDF announcement of a similar finding of hostage cages on January 20.

In this case, there were cages for 12 hostages, nine of which are still held by Hamas, and three of which were returned to Israel during the November 23-30 hostage exchange deal.

For both discoveries, the cages were only found after delving deep into a very extended tunnel with a variety of defenses until arriving at an unusually large space with many Hamas terror management functions, including the cages for the hostages.

Yahya Sinwar using Gaza hostages as human shields in Gaza

IDF intelligence estimates that Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar and other top Hamas leaders used these hostages as human shields to protect them from IDF attacks.

At this point, IDF sources have suggested to the Jerusalem Post that Hamas's leadership and the hostages may be in Rafah, hiding among around 1.5 million Palestinian civilians, while some may also be in a part of central Gaza, which the IDF has not finished with.


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