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News media, quoting Qatari officials, characterized Hamas' counteroffer to the hostage deal proposed by Israel as "positive."

However, details published in Arabic show that Hamas' demands go way beyond a swap of hostages for terrorists. It is a demand for full, public victory of Hamas in the war.

Once you get past the detailed plans of a three stage release of hostages and their bodies in exchange for thousands of terrorists, Hamas adds more general demands that would signal not only to the Arab world but to the world at large that Hamas unequivocally won the war.

One demand is to stop all Jews (they call them "settlers") from visiting their holiest site on the Temple Mount. It is an inherently antisemitic demand.

Another is "Ensuring the opening of all crossings with the Gaza Strip, the return of trade, and allowing the free movement of people and goods without obstacles. " This means no inspections on goods entering Gaza. Weapons can be freely imported without restriction.

It also means that terrorists could enter Israel from Gaza "without obstacles" to blow up schools and cafes.

Yet another is to "ensure that all wounded men, women and children are discharged for treatment abroad without restrictions." This allows Hamas and other terrorists to freely travel to Iran or elsewhere under the pretext of being injured.

They also demand that Egypt and Qatar "introduce sufficient heavy equipment necessary to remove rubble and debris." They could also be used for the next mass attack to slaughter thousands in Israel.

And also "the occupation's commitment to supply Gaza with its electricity and water needs." This seems to imply all Gaza's needs, making Israel into a slave to its Hamas masters. It also implies that the services be provided for free and forever.

In Hamas' world, Jews must be reduced to dhimmi status, meekly serving their Islamic masters.

This isn't merely Hamas retaining power, which is unacceptable by itself. This is Hamas being declared the unequivocal winner of the war, with it gaining permanent political and military achievements, and Israel not gaining a single thing it didn't have on October 6.

It isn't a deal. It is a demand for Israeli surrender.

But Hamas is smart: it worded these insane demands in the language of the anti-Israel leftists, whose decades of propaganda make them sound like human rights issues. Free movement from and to Gaza of people and material! Return to the "status quo" on the Temple Mount! The "occupier" should provide unlimited electricity and water to the occupied!

And because the world has been brainwashed, these demands aren't even mentioned in most news articles about the negotiations. They are treated as if they are a footnote to the hostage negotiations. They aren't: they have been the real goal of Hamas' murder and kidnapping spree to begin with.

This is similar to how the media treats the Palestinian Authority's consistent demands for "right of return" to destroy Israel - they downplay it as if it isn't serious, when in Arabic it is always presented as the most important issue.

Everyone knows that one must read the fine print in any agreement. But the world wants Israel to ignore the fine print here - and surrender.

At least 32 of the remaining 136 hostages captured by Hamas during its Oct. 7 terrorist onslaught are confirmed to have died, The New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing a confidential Israel Defense Forces intelligence assessment.

Their families have been updated, according to four IDF military officials who spoke anonymously to discuss classified information.

Jerusalem was also assessing unconfirmed reports indicating that at least 20 additional captives may no longer be alive, the officials said.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, which represents relatives of the captives, on Tuesday evening confirmed the deaths of 31 people held in Gaza.

“According to the official data we have, there are 31 victims,” the forum said in a statement. “Before the article was released, an official message was given to all the families of the abductees by the liaison officers that there is no change in the situation assessment.”

Hamas abducted more than 240 people during its bloody rampage across the northwestern Negev, in which some 1,200 people were murdered and thousands more wounded.

One hundred five hostages, mostly women and children, were released last year as part of a ceasefire deal, which Hamas broke when it refused to hand over the last group of captives. Four more were released by Hamas before the ceasefire, while one hostage was rescued by Israeli troops.

(full article online)

[ Islam is a religion of honor and shame. It is a shame for them to lose to non Jews and must defend their honor and retake any and all once conquered lands outside of Arabia. ]

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Settler colonialism is often denounced in anti-Israel polemics and protests. But if settler colonialism needs to be eliminated, why not get rid of all settler colonialism? That would start with the U.S., which began as a settler-colonialist enterprise under British, Dutch and Spanish rulers, and continued as one under American rule. This also includes Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

To say that Israel alone must be eliminated on grounds of settler colonialism while giving a pass to other cases of settler colonialism is a double standard that is hard to describe as anything but antisemitic.

It's odd that the ethnic group that is today most vociferously accused of settler colonialism is the one that can unmistakably trace its language, culture and religion to the same places which it now inhabits and governs. Virtually every Israeli can read Hebrew inscriptions on Jewish coins found in archaeological sites throughout Israel dating back more than 2,000 years.

Jewish nationalism - Zionism - is the oldest continuous anticolonial movement in history, starting well before the Romans sought to de-Judaize the area by calling their colony Palestina. Hanukkah, the festival of lights, celebrates the recovery of Jerusalem from colonizing Greeks in the second century BCE.

In the final analysis, Israel is justified by being a sovereign state that commands the loyalty of its citizens. Ditto for the U.S. and every other state, whatever the nature of its origins.


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