Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ It is all about Arab Honor. They can never lose. Especially to Jews]

Hamas authentic rights!!


Bon Appetit, assholes!!!

n their own words, it appears the time has come for Hamas terrorists to throw in the towel.

When Shin Bet asked Hamas Nukhba terror commander known as Abu al-Baraa during interrogation if he had a message for his fellow Hamas fighters, he said, “I recommend everyone surrender, your fate is death.”

Abu al-Baraa told Shin Bet that he and his troops intended to surrender when the IDF entered their tunnel in Khan Younis, even though they were armed with Kalashnikovs, RPGs and improvised explosive devices.

He told Shin Bet, “We came to the decision that we don’t want to fight and as soon as the army comes we will turn ourselves in.”

Abu al-Baraa added, “We sat in the room, we put all the weapons outside, outside the room. And the army came and took all the weapons. We sat and waited. When the army arrived, we raised our hands and surrendered.”

Abu al-Baraa, also known as Mohammad Nasser Suliman Abu Namer, reportedly said that he joined Hamas’s military division in 2009.

(full article online)


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