Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

A big lie we are being sold is to suggest the anti-Israel demonstrations on our streets are all about human rights concerns. They say that any support for violence is just an outlier. In reality the opposite is true.

Just look:

1. Let’s start with Scotland. Mick Napier is the head of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign. He is the face of Palestinian activism in Scotland. He posted this video on 7 October. In it he says the news (coming from Israel on Cot 7) is ‘absolutely amazing’. He talks abut ‘resistance fighters of paragliders’. He calls it astonishing and inspiring.

2. Another large Palestine group in the UK – is the Manchester PSC. This was posted by them on 7 October. It says Manchester PSC support the resistance. They called the terror attack a ‘heroic move’ carried out by ‘brave fighters’:

3. Palestine Action are a leading group in the UK. They are the group that keep vandalising factories. Palestine Action have 116,000 followers on X. On October 8th the co-founder Richard Barnard spoke at a demo. He says people need to take the attack as inspiration. Adding that the Hamas operation in Israel on Oct 7 needs to be repeated ‘over the whole world’.

4. Asa Winstanley has been the voice of Electronic Intifada in the UK for years. EI is a key outlet here for anti-Israel news and Winstanley is a known face with a large online presence. At 2pm – long after we all knew about the massacres he posted this – ‘liberation’.


5. ‘The Eye of Palestine’ is a key resource for anti-Israel activists. On Facebook it has 241k followers. They posted this celebratory image of Hamas fighters. They even paraphrase the (peaceful!!) ‘from the river to the sea chant’ – to include the terrorists on handgliders. This was liked by 100s., including UK activists known like Zoe Zeero. We can see from the 365 likes, there was no dissent, no ‘angry faces’. None.


6. Sarah Wilkinson is one of the best known faces of anti-Israel activism in the UK. She has been at the forefront of most anti-Israel activity (online and offline) in the West Midlands for years. She has 146,000 followers on ‘X’. Wilkinson called the terrorists ‘heroes’. She even ran with the hastag #godspeed to wish them well.

7. Then there is Latifa Abouchakra. She is a known face and a reporter for PRESS TV here (another much loved propaganda outlet for anti-Israel activists). She posted this video on Instagram – in which she expresses true joy at the ‘humiliation’ (1400 murdered Israelis) – calling it a ‘moment of triumph’.

(full article online)


A Muslim woman, daughter of an illiterate Bedouin, now a Stanford grad, tells the truth about Gaza​

Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech to Israel on Wednesday night about the war with Hamas, but one section of the speech that was mostly ignored in mainstream media has been seized upon by others.

(vide video online)

Starting around 6:00, Netanyahu quoted Isaiah 60:18, which translated to English is "You will no longer hear the word 'violence' (or 'stealing') in your land....And you shall name your walls 'Victory' and your gates 'Renown.'

The Christian Post seized upon this as meaning that Bibi was referring to, um, Jesus:

In that same chapter, just two verses prior to the one quoted by Netanyahu, is what most scholars believe is an Old Testament reference to the Lord Jesus Christ: “You shall suck the milk of nations; you shall nurse at the breast of kings; and you shall know that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.” (Isaiah 60:16)
The Daily Beast also assumed Bibi was invoking some sort messianic prophecy because Isaiah has lots of that.
Arab media further interpreted this to mean that Netanyahu was calling for an apocalyptic war to bring about the "Second Coming" according to Christian faith.

What they all missed was that Bibi was making a pun, one familiar to many Jews from last week's Torah portion.

The verse starts with "You will no longer hear the word 'hamas' in your land",לֹא־יִשָּׁמַ֨ע ע֤וֹד חָמָס֙ בְּאַרְצֵ֔ךְ, where 'hamas' means theft or violence. Netanyahu was using the verse to say that Israel will wipe out Hamas and emerge victorious. It was not meant at all to elicit a messianic message.

Overnight, troops of the Israeli Navy’s Shayetet 13 commando unit carried out a raid in the southern Gaza Strip from the sea, the Israel Defense Forces says.

The IDF says the forces destroyed Hamas infrastructure and operated in a compound used by the terror group’s naval commando forces.

(full article online)

Hamas spokesperson Ghazi Hamad stormed out of an interview with the BBC on Thursday after he was asked about the terrorist group’s massacre of civilians in Israel on October 7.

During the interview, Hamad reiterated claims made starting a few days after the massacre that Hamas did not intend to kill any civilians during its assault.

When the interviewer stressed that many civilians were killed and asked if Hamad believed that Hamas’s murder of civilians in their beds was justified, Hamad ripped off his microphone and responded “I want to stop this interview” before storming out.

Former interior minister Ayelet Shaked was interviewed right after the Hamas spokesman, telling the BBC “I almost threw up on him physically. There were cameras on the monsters' helmets. All the horrors are documented."

Hamas claims it did not kill the 800 civilians murdered in its assault

Footage published by both Israeli sources and Hamas-affiliated media outlets on the day of the attack and afterward showed Hamas terrorists entering homes and towns in southern Israel and shooting and kidnapping men, women, and children.

Of the over 1,400 people killed by Hamas terrorists, at least 800 were civilians. Many of the bodies were burnt, decapitated, or otherwise disfigured by the terrorists during the assault. The terrorists also burnt down houses in order to kill the families inside.

Despite the footage and testimony from both Israeli and Palestinian sources, Hamas has conducted a campaign on social media since a few days after the attack claiming that the footage and testimonies are fake. Hamas leaders have blamed Gazan civilians and even the IDF for any civilian deaths during the assault.

[ Well, well, well]

From Naharnet:

A senior Hamas official has told The Associated Press that the Palestinian militant group had expected stronger intervention from Hezbollah in its war with Israel, in a rare public appeal to its allies in the region.

Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas' decision-making political bureau, said in an interview that "we need more" from allies, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, in light of an Israeli air campaign that Palestinian health officials say has killed more than 7,000 people, mostly civilians, in the besieged Gaza Strip.

"Hezbollah now is working against the occupation," Hamad said at the Hamas office in Beirut Thursday. "We appreciate this. But … we need more in order to stop the aggression on Gaza … We expect more."

Hamad also said:

Our philosophy and vision is to open all fronts. We want all parties to participate in the resistance against the occupation. This is the duty of all Muslims and Arabs in the region to support our people. We want to struggle against the occupation, the Lebanese front, the Jordanian front, the Arab front all and everywhere. ... In general, I think we are asking anyone, any group, any faction, now, if they are able to participate in the confrontation, to come and do what they can do. The door is open, but we are asking all of them to come, and participate with us In the fight against the occupation.
Naharnet also reports that there was relative calm on Thursday at the Lebanese border, although Israel apparently killed three Hezbollah members planning to shoot an anti-tank weapon:

And it also reports this interesting news:

Hezbollah’s leadership has decided to change the military tactics related to the firing of anti-tank missiles from Lebanon at Israeli military posts, a media report said on Friday.

From now on, only two Hezbollah fighters instead of several would carry out any anti-tank missile attack on the Israelis, Radio Voice of Lebanon (93.3) quoted pro-Hezbollah sources as saying.

“Although the leadership has informed the resistance fighters that every member of the anti-armor unit is a potential martyr, disputes have erupted within the resistance fighters in this unit due to competition over who wants to go strike the enemy,” the sources said.

“All of them want to go to the front lines to target the resistance’s weapons at the enemy, although they know that they might not come back or even that they might return shredded,” the sources added.

Around 50 Hezbollah members have been killedby Israeli fire since the eruption of hostilities on October 8.

I'm not sure if the Hezbollah members are really fighting each other to go on suicide missions.

[ They, Hamas, needs this blood. Very peaceful Islam. Very human. More like vampires who need blood to keep on living ]

Source: Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

Hamas leader Isamil Haniyeh called in an October 26, 2023 address upon all the “free people of the world” to stop the bombing of Gaza, which he referred to as the “new holocaust.” He said: “The blood of the women, children and elderly […] we are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens with us resolve.” He said that the demise of the Israeli occupation is “inevitable,” and therefore, preparations must be made for the post-occupation phase. The address was aired on Mayadeen Network (Lebanon), and other TV networks.

The IDF on Friday, released visuals of a raid on Gaza conducted the night before, by Naval commandos of the elite Flotilla 13, on the Hamas naval infrastructure and staging base for attacks. The troops were assisted by naval and air forces.

The force destroyed the terror group's infrastructure and the naval base from which terrorists attempted infiltration into Israel by the sea.

IDF has been carrying out incursion into central Gaza to attack Hamas positions including launch pads for rocket fire on Israel.

All the while the Air Force has been continuing its bombing campaign, targeting assets and personnel of the terror group.

All forces left the Strip at the completion of their mission, the IDF said adding none were injured.


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