Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

length of 500 km. Each tunnel is two meters high and about two meters wide. They are all made of concrete that the Western world has donated for schools, hospitals,kindergartens,etc. These tunnels protect the commanders & senior leaders, & their thirty thousand terrorists.

The air to the tunnels comes through a ventilation system that uses fuel-powered motors. This is their only source of oxygen underground. No fuel means - no air. If there is no air, it means they have to come out of the tunnels to breathe. To get out of the tunnel means to be annihilated by the IDF.

At the moment, Hamas has stolen all the fuel from UNRWA, which is supposed to be used for hospitals and refugees.
Two South African women are among the more than 200 hostages seized by Hamas during the pogrom unleashed by its terrorists in southern Israel on Oct. 7, The Algemeiner can reveal.

The two women — aged 62 and 79, both of them Jewish — were abducted from two separate kibbutzim.

The 62-year-old was seized in the attack on Kibbutz Kfar Aza. Lying on the border with the Gaza Strip, the kibbutz was home to 400 residents prior to the Hamas massacre, in which up to 100 of them were murdered, including several children. The 79-year-old was taken during the attack on nearby Kibbutz Nirim, where Hamas terrorists fired indiscriminately at residents while setting homes alight.

The names of the two South African women have not been released at the request of their families.

Pro-Israel advocates in South Africa on Thursday slammed the South African government for its silence on the two hostages. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) has been vociferous in its support of the Palestinians, with President Cyril Ramaphosa comparing Hamas’ war on Israel with his own country’s struggle against apartheid during an address to a summit meeting in Cairo last weekend.

In a statement, Bafana Modise — national spokesperson for South African Friends of Israel — noted that South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandorhad “called the Hamas terrorist organization, immediately after their unspeakable atrocities and hostage taking, to express her solidarity and support.” Pandor’s interlocutor was Ismail Haniyeh, the political chief of Hamas who is based in Qatar. According to South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), the purpose of the call was to discuss “how to get the necessary humanitarian aid to Gaza and other parts of the Palestinian Territories.”

“If Minister Pandor and [DIRCO] are truly interested in peace, they should now step in speedily and play an active role in securing the release of the South African hostages, alongside all the others,” Modise emphasized. “Pandor appears to have a direct line to Hamas, and instead of offering support and solidarity, should be prioritizing the urgent release of those held against their will in Gaza.”

(full article online)

[ Time for all cities to ban these demonstrations]

Natan Sharansky, the famed refusenik and international campaigner against antisemitism, on Wednesday said that the Hamas invasion of Israel on Oct. 7 was a wakeup call for Israelis about threats to the Jewish state.

“We forgot that we should not take the existence of the State of Israel for granted,” Sharansky said. “We believed that antisemitism is something Jews of the diaspora keep suffering — of course we have to help them — but it’s not something about Israel. And definitely pogroms, it’s not part of our history. So we had to learn, and now we are learning how to live again. It’s not the end of history … we have to go through our wars and our battles again.”

Speaking at The Algemeiner‘s annual J100 gala in New York, Sharansky said that the Hamas massacre of more than 1,400 people had unified Israel in an unprecedented way.

“We have no choice. We have to fight,” Sharansky said. “Israel changed in one day from the most polarized society to the most united society. For the first time that I have been in Israel, there is no left and right. There is no hatred towards the ultra-Orthodox and no hatred towards the anti-religious. Everybody feels we are one family. In two days, it was the quickest mobilization in the history of Israel. 300,000 people were called up to the army; 360,000 people came to the army.”


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