Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Al Jazeera responds to the war with full blown antisemitism

Qatar-owned Al Jazeera is still one of the top two Arab TV stations with hundreds of millions of viewers. And during the current Gaza war, it has reverted to the same antisemitic, pro-terror mode it became famous for in the years after 9/11.

Here are three articles published on its website on Thursday:

The legend of Solomon's Temple among the Jews...does it stand up to historical facts?

The article includes such gems as "The existence of Al-Aqsa Mosque long before the alleged Temple is one of the strongest historical evidence that invalidates the claims of the Jews and reveals the extent of the credibility of the Islamic vision regarding Muslims’ right to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine." Of course, makes perfect sense? And the fact that one of the Muslim named of Jerusalem is "Bayt al-Maqdis," a direct translation of the Hebrew "Beit Hamiqdash," the Holy House - the Temple.

The entire point of the article is to invalidate the Jewish claim to Jerusalem, and as such, it is antisemitic.

A sad, crying history for the purpose of propaganda.. How does Israel present itself as a victim?

This article says that "Jewish history, including their history in some countries of the Islamic world, is being portrayed as a series of tragedies for political goals." In other words, Jews lie about our history just to hurt Arabs.

Yes, that is antisemitism.

Are the Zionists in Palestine civilians?

If we agree that the land of Palestine is occupied, by virtue of Sharia and international law, and by the rule of all rational people, then everyone who resides in these lands has no right to them, but rather is an occupier. Each of them participates with the occupier in a certain way.... Whoever studies the nature of Zionist society knows that it is entirely a military society, with all its members under the army’s reserve order, and the military is no longer as it was previously defined, which is the one who rides a tank or a plane. Otherwise, who would prepare for all of this in an occupied country? The ministries of defense and military professions are no longer limited to the military in the traditional sense. Rather, many military actions are carried out using drones. Is the person who operates these drones with a button or devices considered a civilian, even if he is a graduate of a civil college and works in a job that appears to be a civilian? In an occupied country, everyone who lives on its land is an occupier.

The upshot is that Jews (because they don't consider any Israeli Arabs to be Zionists) have no legal standing to live in the area and Israel is wholly an occupying state, not just the territories.

There is no logic here or in any of these articles - they have foregone conclusions and the authors just throw lies at the wall hoping something will stick. But these are the propaganda lies being given to the Arab world today in order to incite hate against Jews as they fight to destroy the perverted Hamas terrorists.


Israel haters aren't embarrassed by Hamas. They are energized.

I reported on Wednesday that a Hamas spokesman said on Sky News that the unprecedented orgy of murder, rape and infanticide proudly videoed by Hamas animals achieved something great: Palestinians are in the headlines again.

He wasn't kidding.

The Palestinian principle of hijacking any cause to make it about "freeing Palestine" even extends to opening up the womb of a pregnant Jewish woman and stabbing the baby inside before shooting the mother.

This week there were far more protests every day, worldwide, against the victims of the pogrom than against the perpetrators. While some of the protestors proudly say they are happy that Hamas raped, murdered and injured thousands of Jews, most of them are just using the massacre as a springboard to redirect attention back to making Palestinians the biggest victims and the Israelis the worst criminals in world history.

There is even an element of "10/7 inversion" as seen in these signs in Milwaukee, days after Jewish babies were slaughtered and Jews died protecting their communities, which Palestinian leaders called "defending the land."

The main objective is to change the subject as quickly as possible from the atrocities. CAIR issued many bulletins this week with their game plan. Here were their instructions on Monday to their members:

CAIR Urges Congress to Address Root Cause of Mideast Violence - Israel's Occupation of Palestinian Lands

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 10/9/23) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is responding to the ongoing situation in Israel and Gaza by urging all Americans to reach out to their respective members of Congress and request the following actions

Acknowledge the loss of lives and recognize the humanity on both sides, including Israelis and Palestinians.
Express support for an immediate ceasefire.
Demand the United States to reassert its leadership role as a negotiator in pursuit of a lasting peace. This entails addressing the root causes of violence, terminating Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories, and ending the Israeli government's apartheid policies.

CAIR continued in its inversion strategy by responding to threats to synagogues and Jews by issuing a press release urging mosques, and the pro-Hamas protesters themselves, to protect themselves from the Zionist violence they predicted will happen.

The sad thing is that this strategy is time tested and effective. The haters will flood the media with photos and videos of dead kids in order to flip people's sympathies. Israel's targeting Hamas will be framed as worse than Hamas raping and murdering young women at a concert. The news media are only hungry for the latest thing, and this upcoming war will likely take months.

Ironically, if Israel listens to the advice of "human rights organizations" on the side of these activists, the war will take much longer and kill far more civilians than if Israel is allowed to wage it properly.

But in the end, these anti-Israel, Jew-hating fanatics want to see dead babies - dead Israelis symbolize "resistance by any means necessary" and dead Palestinian babies are fuel for their campaign to destroy the Jewish state.


Just like today's "anti-Zionists," Nazis also blamed Jews for all the evils in the world

One of the tells that anti-Zionism is antisemitism is when the haters go out of their way to associate everything that they consider bad with Israel - US police brutality, global warming, colonialism, water pollution. Every single trendy item becomes a hook to bash Israel as we are told that feminism, LGBTQ rights, trans rights, racism, animal rights, even abortion is related to "Palestine."

Hating Israel warps the brain.

Up until now, it was easy to dismiss this as just more stupidity from the haters. But now that their Hamas heroes are calling on them to kill Israelis (i.e., Jews) wherever they can find them, this blanket blaming of everything on Israel is changing from amusing to sinister. After all, if Zionists (Jews) are the source of all evil, then they need to be eliminated "by any means necessary." College campuses are now places of real fear for Jews.

It is demonization. And we've seen this before.

In the not-so-distant past, Jews were also blamed for anything and everything

Just like today.

Some of these are comical, just as blaming Israel for every social justice crime is. But the Nazi knee-jerk blaming of everything on Jews were part of a campaign of dehumanization and demonization that we are seeing today from the anti-Israel crowd - people who claim to support social justice but who also support massacring Jews as "resistance."

Today's social justice warriors saying that animal rights is a Palestine issue aren't so funny anymore. Their plan is all too familiar to Jews.


Israel supporters featured on the jumbotron at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, during the Maccabi Ra’anana vs Brooklyn Nets game on Oct. 12, 2023.

Part 1

As Israel responds to the atrocities, several basic principles of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) are essential to be familiar with.

In IHL, four basic principles are meant to guide the parties’ actions on the battlefield: Distinction; Military Necessity; Unnecessary Suffering; and Proportionality.

The principle of distinction is the foremost IHL protection for non-combatants. The code requires that the object/person being attacked is part of the enemy’s military apparatus and is, accordingly, a military objective. The term “military objective” includes all Gazan terrorists, from the lowest foot soldiers to the organization’s commanders and the entire terror infrastructure.

The “distinction” principle requires that all attacks be focused on military targets instead of purely civilian targets that do not contribute to the war effort. Military targets included objects that, by nature, location, purpose, or use, make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture, or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.

The principle of military necessity protects the warring combatants. The principle dictates that while IHL permits attacking combatants, those attacks must be necessary to forward the goals of achieving the military objective. Accordingly, the warring sides must avoid wounding or permanently injuring combatants except as part of the fight.

The principle of unnecessary suffering also protects the combatants and prohibits the warring sides from using weaponry that causes superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering.

The most commonly misunderstood principle of IHL is the principle of proportionality.

In IHL, proportionality refers to a situation in which a military target is attacked, and that attack causes incidental or collateral damage. Attacks of this nature are legitimate so long as the loss of life and damage to property incidental to the attack are not excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage expected to be gained. As the value of the military target grows, so too does the extent of permitted incidental damage.

The following are several concrete examples of situations that may occur during the impending war and their basis in IHL:

1. The IDF attacks a military target, and civilians are also killed​

While the deaths of civilians during war are, of course, regrettable, the deaths caused are not, per se, illegitimate or illegal unless they outweigh the concrete and direct military advantage expected to be gained by the IDF from the specific target. For example, when Hamas deliberately locates its operational headquarters in high-rise buildings, and the IDF places a high tactical military advantage on destroying that capability, no provision of IHL would prevent attacking that target, even if it means destroying the entire building. In this scenario, IHL considers that civilian property may be destroyed and civilians may be killed.

2. Why does the IDF plough roads as a precursory measure for troop movement?​

It is well-known that the terrorists planted landmines on the roads critical for advancing the IDF troops. For this purpose, the IDF can use engineering equipment to neutralize the threat. This action is analogous to using engineering equipment to clear any other minefield. The fact that the terrorists planted land mines in the civilian environment does not negate the fact that clearing a minefield is a clear military objective and that IHL permits measures taken to support or facilitate achieving those objectives.

Part 2

3. Is every attack on a mosque, medical facility, or UN installation inherently illegitimate?​

In IHL, some sites enjoy specific safeguards and should not be attacked as a general rule. Medical facilities and places of worship are examples of these sites. However, when the enemy specifically abuses these sites and uses them to carry out or facilitate military operations – including using them as command centers or warehouses/storage areas to stockpile ammunition and weapons – the installations lose their special protection and become legitimate military targets.

An entrance to an underground storage site for weapons and explosives
An entrance to an underground storage site for weapons and explosives discovered by the IDF in a mosque in the Jenin refugee camp, July 3, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)
The terrorists in Gaza are well versed in IHL and intentionally place their terror infrastructure near or directly in mosques, medical facilities, UN installations, and other sensitive sites, such as schools. In doing so, they hope to hinder and complicate the IDF operations while using the destruction of these sites to delegitimize Israel and promote anti-Israel propaganda.

4. Can civilians become legitimate military targets?​

Generally, civilians should not participate in fighting and should not be directly targeted. But being a “civilian” is not necessarily synonymous with wearing civilian clothes or not wearing a uniform. IHL recognizes the fact that, in some cases, civilians participate in military operations. Civilians (irrespective of their dress code) who directly participate in hostilities are considered combatants and legitimate military targets. As a general rule, most of the terrorists in Gaza do not wear a uniform to feign civilian status.

5. Is Israel permitted to cut off the electricity to the Gaza Strip?​

The electricity provided by Israel to the Gaza Strip is essential for the terrorist war effort. It allows the terrorists to operate command centers and other electricity-based capabilities, among other things, even minor things such as charging batteries for UAVs and drones that were also used in the initial attack on Israel.

Limiting the flow of electricity into Gaza from Israel would substantially impair the enemy’s military capabilities. Conversely, continuing the unhindered flow of electricity would mean that Israel is substantially contributing to the ability of the terrorists to continue attacking Israel and their attempts to murder Israelis.

In this context, it is necessary to recall that Israel agreed to provide electricity to the Gaza Strip as part of the Oslo Accords.2 At the time, thousands of Israeli citizens still lived in the Gaza Strip, and several IDF military bases existed. The electricity grids served both the Israelis and the Gazans. In 2005, Israel expelled the Israeli citizens from Gaza and redeployed its military personnel. In June 2007, Hamas seized the Gaza Strip. Instead of developing the Gaza Strip’s civilian infrastructure, including power plants, for the last 16 years, Hamas devoted its capital and capabilities to building its terror infrastructure.

The terrorist attack on Israel and the slaughter and kidnapping of hundreds of Israeli citizens breach the Oslo Accords, and there is no basis to argue that Israel is still bound by its Oslo Accord commitments while the terrorists and terrorist authorities in Gaza deny Israel’s right to exist, invade Israel, and massacre Israelis.

As Israel enters the war, no provision in IHL requires Israel to provide the enemy, which slaughtered 1,200 Israelis, injured thousands of others, and kidnapped scores more, with a resource essential to further its homicidal terrorist goals.

The argument has been made that Israel’s cutting electricity to the Gaza Strip is tantamount to starving the civilian population or could be considered collective punishment.

These arguments have no basis.

In this context, it must be understood that the Gaza Strip does not, even in regular circumstances, enjoy a steady and constant electricity supply by no fault of Israel. As part of the punitive actions implemented by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas against Hamas, the PA refused to pay for the electricity provided by Israel for extended periods. The decision caused a substantial reduction in the electricity supply to the Gaza Strip. Again, no provision in IHL or any other body of law requires Israel to provide free electricity to the Gaza Strip, including the homicidal terrorists and their terror infrastructure.

Cutting the flow of electricity from Israel is not designed to impose collective punishment and does not meet the definition of collective punishment under IHL.

In IHL, collective punishment assumes the imposition of a criminal-type sanction upon a group of persons for the acts of others.

As noted, Israel provides electricity to the Gaza Strip as part of its contractual agreement with the Palestine Liberation Organization. The Oslo Accords have been fundamentally and repeatedly breached by both the PLO and the terrorist leadership in Gaza, and there is no basis to require Israel to continue alone to fulfill its commitments.

Additionally, it should also be noted that some of the electricity of the Gaza Strip comes from a power plant in Gaza, and some comes from Egypt.

As regards the claim that cutting the flow of electricity to the Gaza Strip would breach the prohibition of starving the population, it must be understood that even in 2023, hundreds of millions of people worldwide do not have access to electricity grids. No one claims that these people are the subject of intentional starvation. Moreover, no one made this ludicrous argument when Abbas decided to stop paying for the Gazan electricity usage. Raising the argument solely against Israel as it responds to the heinous massacre of 1,200 people, the injury of thousands more, and the kidnapping of scores of others is purely hypocritical.

Part 3

6. Is the death of every Palestinian child a “war crime”?​

Some groups seeking to vilify Israel claim that the death of every Palestinian child is tantamount to a war crime. As noted above, IHL takes into account that civilians, including children, will be killed during an attack on a legitimate military target, and as such, in as much as Israeli forces do not knowingly and intentionally target a child who was not participating in the hostilities, the incidental death of a child during the fighting would certainly not constitute a crime of any nature.

Nonetheless, ignoring this reality, on May 28, 2021, the New York Times published a front-page spread containing 65 pictures of children supposedly killed earlier in the month after the Gazan terrorists fired missiles at Israel and Israel responded.

An in-depth investigation of the pictures revealed that at least nine of the children pictured were killed when errant Hamas rockets fell short of reaching Israel and hit Gazan civilians. Some of the children pictured by the Times were actually terrorist operatives. For example, Muhammad Suleiman,16, a member of Hamas’ Qassam Brigades, was killed with his father, Tsabar, a Hamas commander, on May 10, 2021.

Hamas fighter
An innocent “child” listed by the New York Times was a Hamas fighter.
Recent investigation3 has also exposed the deliberate recruitment by the terrorist organizations of Palestinian children to serve as “spotters” reporting on the movement of IDF forces. The abuse of children to perform military activities rescinds their protection and turns them into legitimate military targets.

The funeral of a child fighter in Jenin
The funeral of a 15-year-old girl fighter in Jenin who served as a “spotter” for terrorists. (Screenshot, Newsflare, Funeral in Jenin, #532117)

The recruitment and deployment of children by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad is a fundamental international war crime.

The assumption that every death of a Palestinian child is tantamount to a war crime also ignores the documented history of the Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza intentionally using Palestinian children as human shields.

For over 30 years, Vivian Silver has been a prominent peace activist in Israel. A compassionate and purpose-driven woman, she chose to dedicate her life to peace in the middle east. Week after week, she volunteered to transport patients from the Gaza Strip to hospitals in Israel, She initiated work training programs for Palestinians, enabling them to provide for their families with dignity, and she founded various organizations working towards the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

When Hamas terrorists broke into her home, she managed to text her friends that she was hiding behind the closet door. Since then, she has disappeared, and there is a great concern that she, too, was kidnapped to the Gaza Strip, along with many others.

Throughout her life, 74-year-old Vivian had extended her hand for peace with Palestinians. Ruthless Hamas terrorists took her hand - and kidnapped her. If you believe in justice, if you believe in love for others, don't turn away, share Vivian's story, ademanded from Hamas to release her from captivity TODATY. #HamasisISIS


MEMRI has launched the Hamas Atrocities Documentation Center (HADC), which will provide historical documentation for the years to come, for academic and educational purposes.

Since we cannot post these horrific graphics and videos on Meta platforms, we will provide verbal descriptions of them, and make the videos available for viewing on the MEMRI Hamas Atrocities Documentation Center Report account on Telegram.

Issue No. 1 includes summaries of the videos. Again, this content can be viewed here.

The following are the descriptions of the content posted for Issue No. 1

  1. At the entrance to Kibbutz Beeri, the remains of a car full of civilians trying to escape the Hamas invasion and massacre. They were caught and burned alive.

    site logo

  2. Israeli babies shot and burned to death by Hamas operatives
  3. More Israeli babies shot and burned to death by Hamas operatives
  4. An Israeli family held hostage by Hamas terrorists who took control of their home inside Israel and killed a sister.
  5. An Israeli family held hostage by Hamas terrorists who took control of their home. The father is shot and wounded; a boy is forced at gunpoint to go to other families in the village and tell them to leave their homes.
  6. Hamas shoots into a shelter room full of murdered civilians
  7. Beheaded Israeli soldiers
  8. A kidnapped 85-year-old woman
  9. A murdered girl in her car
  10. A kidnapped Israeli couple from a party is abducted to Gaza

After Hamas's widescale attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, some Arab intellectuals have taken to social media platforms to strongly condemn it. They are asserting that the attack is aligned with Iran's regional agendas, hinders peace efforts and initiatives, and intensifies the suffering of the Palestinian people. They emphasized that the distressing videos showing the brutality of the attack, the abuse of Israeli civilians, and the abduction of elderly people have had a catastrophic impact on communities worldwide that are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, particularly in the Western world.

Furthermore, these intellectuals, mostly Gulf Arabs, have also countered the arguments put forth by Hamas supporters on social media calling for Arab unity against Israel.

This report will highlight Arab intellectuals' reactions to the attack, and will analyze their assessments of its short-term and long-term consequences for the region and for the Palestinian population, as well as their rebuttals to the arguments made by Hamas supporters on social media.


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