Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

To the "experts" who got Hamas so very wrong

Hey, all you "critics of Israel:"

For years you've been saying that Hamas has moderated. That it changed its charter. That it accepted a two state solution. That it wanted peace. That if Israel would improve life in Gaza it would reciprocate with goodwill.

For years we "right-wing, extremist" Zionists have been telling you that you were wrong. Over and over again. (I admit that I thought that Hamas was interested in calm, but I never thought that it had changed its underlying philosophy.)

You disparaged those of us who insisted on calling Hamas terrorist as warmongers. You had "experts" to back you up, from the finest universities. You had former ambassadors. Human rights leaders. The best of the best. You all agreed, Hamas was moderating, and not the same Hamas as the 1988 Charter and the Sbarro massacre.

You considered us to be the obstacles to peace while you met with and welcomed Hamas leaders and invited them to write op-eds in the New York Times.
Hamas fooled you. They knew that you projected onto them your own desire for peace, for a two state solution, for them to repeal their charter that calls for the genocide of all Jews. So they played you. And you fell for it, totally.

You were fatally wrong.

And your coddling Hamas for so long - barely condemningtheir rocket attacks, ignoring their many other war crimes, all while publishing thousands of pages of articles condemning Israel - showed the Palestinian terror groups and their Iranian sponsors that you were their useful idiot allies.

Yes, you have been de facto allies of the group that just murdered the most Jews in one day since Auschwitz.

You treated us as the enemy and you treated the disgusting, immoral, murderous Islamist extremists as partners.

You spent 95% of your time condemning the only state in the region that actually cares about human rights for all and only a token amount of time on the true evil that Hamas and the other Palestinian groups have made no secret of sponsoring and supporting. And, amazingly, you pretended that this was helping bring "peace."

You were dead wrong.

Do you have the slightest feelings of shame? Embarrassment? Or even maybe, responsibility?

Do you think for maybe a moment that since you were so spectacularly wrong about Hamas, maybe we "extremist Zionist fanatics" know more than you do on other issues?

Maybe you are even wrong with your obsessive demonizing of Israel as well. Maybe Israel really does follow real international law as understood by military experts, not wannabe experts from anti-Israel NGOs. Maybe Israel has done more to help Palestinians and Israeli Arabs live in dignity than you are reading about in The Nation.

Are you honest enough to admit when you are wrong?

Or will you continue to be wrong and keep pretending that you know what you are talking about?

We know the answer. Because your opinions on Israel have nothing to do with facts. You only choose the facts that support your preset theories and ignore the counter-evidence. You don't bother to read Arabic media. You accept the word of terrorists and their supporters without question but suspect everything any Israeli says to you.

We know this. We've seen this. And we know that you will justify your being wrong and not learn a thing. from it.

on US national TV, Fox News, Florida Senator Marco Rubio said just now that Hamas must be rooted out completely.
i wanted you all to know i agree with that statement, because to burn children alive is not just 1 step too far away from humanity, it is several steps.

Hamas “has not recognised” the right of Israelis to live after their recent terror attacks and atrocities, says former head of Israeli military intelligence Amos Yadlin.

Mr Yadlin joined Sky News to talk about the tension existing on the borders before October’s terror attacks which saw thousands of fatalities.“Hamas is a terrorist state called Hamastan – they attacked Israel on Saturday,” he told Sky News Australia host Erin Molan.“

We will fight back the way the Brits fought against the Nazis, the way the US after September 11 fought against al-Qaeda and ISIS.“We are not paying attention to anyone who comes with all these lies about the history, about what happened.”
It doesn’t take long to read or listen to anti-Israel advocacy before the word “colonial” or “colonialism” is hurled at the Jewish state.

After the spasm of Hamas murder, rape and kidnapping over the weekend, the US Palestinian Community Network exclaimed (in all caps), “Our people are waging an anti-colonial, anti-occupation, and anti-Zionist, liberation struggle!”

According to an anti-Israel statement dozens of student groups at Harvard signed, Israel is undertaking “colonial retaliation.”

An academic cottage industry is devoted to deeming Israel a decades-long exercise in “settler colonialism,” and Hamas itself is partial to the term.

The use of the word “colonial” in all its forms isn’t meant to accurately describe reality or clarify anything; rather it is a term of abuse wielded to delegitimize Israel and justify every means of resisting its very existence.

The “colonial” smear can’t survive contact with the slightest critical scrutiny.

First of all, the original Jewish settlers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries weren’t sent by any mother country to set up enclaves for the honor and profit of the homeland.

To the contrary, they were escaping countries that, in many cases, didn’t want them.

It would have been perverse for Jews to have sought, say, to establish an outpost of Russia in the Levant, given the atrocities routinely carried out against them on Russian soil.

They thought of their venture as a return to a place Jews had continuously inhabited for thousands of years.

Indeed, the colonialism charge raises the question of how an indigenous people can be colonizers.

The Jews have had a connection to Israel since Abraham.

The people became fundamentally identified with the land; indeed, they were synonymous.

The land was a locus of the Jewish faith — the site of its holy city, Jerusalem; the place where many religious commandments, the mitzvot, were supposed to be performed; the object of yearning after the dispossession of ancient Israel (“Next year in Jerusalem”).

There is a reason Zionists had no interest in settling in Uganda, as was proposed in the early 20th century.

On top of this, Israel has been willing at key junctures, notably right at the beginning in 1948, to accept a two-state solution.

The Palestinians must be counted among the worst nationalists the world has ever known: They have repeatedly rejected opportunities to obtain a nation-state because they hate Israel’s legitimate national aspirations more than they love their own.

In one sense, Israel’s ultimate offense is to have won defensive wars fought against antagonists seeking to wipe it from the map.

As for Gaza, Israel ended its occupation nearly 20 years ago.

It wanted to wash its hands of the place as much as possible, an understandable impulse but one that has proved unsustainable.

Hamas won legislative elections in 2006 and then expelled the rival Palestinian group Fatah in a factional war.

In total control, Hamas proceeded to make Gaza a base for conducting armed operations against Israel.

Israel’s failing here wasn’t so much heavy-handedness — although it took measures to protect itself from the threat in Gaza, as did Egypt — but the naïve belief it could reach a de facto accommodation with a Hamas that would misrule Gaza for its own ends while not becoming too dire a threat to Israel.

Its mass terror attack on Israel ends that delusion.

If nothing else, the accusation of colonialism is very telling.


Pro-Hamas protests have become a ‘national embarrassment’: Peta Credlin
With more pro-Hamas protests planned for both Sydney and Melbourne over the weekend, police should be a hell of a lot stronger than they’ve been so far, says Sky News host Peta Credlin.

“The contrast couldn't be clearer: between the candlelight vigils held by the friends of Israel to honour the 1,200 plus innocent people slaughtered over the weekend by terrorists; are the ugly demonstrations, mounted by the friends of Hamas, many of them born and bred here in Australia, with their racist venom and slogans like ‘gas the Jews’,” Ms Credlin said.

“NSW police, especially, should be ashamed of their weak acquiescence in an illegal protest, where they actually escorted the protestors from the Town Hall to the Opera House, allowing the disgraceful scenes that have become a national embarrassment.

“And even today, NSW Police are still saying they can't stop what we all expect will occur this weekend, when the same pro-Hamas types march in the Sydney CBD again and scream their same racist, anti-Semitic hate.”

Ms Credlin said NSW Premier Chris Minns has confirmed the people behind Monday night’s unauthorised march are the same ones organising the second march this Sunday.

Jane Hume backs Dutton’s call to cancel visas of anti-Semitic protesters​


To the "experts" who got Hamas so very wrong

Hey, all you "critics of Israel:"

For years you've been saying that Hamas has moderated. That it changed its charter. That it accepted a two state solution. That it wanted peace. That if Israel would improve life in Gaza it would reciprocate with goodwill.

For years we "right-wing, extremist" Zionists have been telling you that you were wrong. Over and over again. (I admit that I thought that Hamas was interested in calm, but I never thought that it had changed its underlying philosophy.)

You disparaged those of us who insisted on calling Hamas terrorist as warmongers. You had "experts" to back you up, from the finest universities. You had former ambassadors. Human rights leaders. The best of the best. You all agreed, Hamas was moderating, and not the same Hamas as the 1988 Charter and the Sbarro massacre.

You considered us to be the obstacles to peace while you met with and welcomed Hamas leaders and invited them to write op-eds in the New York Times.
Hamas fooled you. They knew that you projected onto them your own desire for peace, for a two state solution, for them to repeal their charter that calls for the genocide of all Jews. So they played you. And you fell for it, totally.

You were fatally wrong.

And your coddling Hamas for so long - barely condemningtheir rocket attacks, ignoring their many other war crimes, all while publishing thousands of pages of articles condemning Israel - showed the Palestinian terror groups and their Iranian sponsors that you were their useful idiot allies.

Yes, you have been de factoallies of the group that just murdered the most Jews in one day since Auschwitz.

You treated us as the enemy and you treated the disgusting, immoral, murderous Islamist extremists as partners.

You spent 95% of your time condemning the only state in the region that actually cares about human rights for all and only a token amount of time on the true evil that Hamas and the other Palestinian groups have made no secret of sponsoring and supporting. And, amazingly, you pretended that this was helping bring "peace."

You were dead wrong.

Do you have the slightest feelings of shame? Embarrassment? Or even maybe, responsibility?

Do you think for maybe a moment that since you were so spectacularly wrong about Hamas, maybe we "extremist Zionist fanatics" know more than you do on other issues?

Maybe you are even wrong with your obsessive demonizing of Israel as well. Maybe Israel really does follow real international law as understood by military experts, not wannabe experts from anti-Israel NGOs. Maybe Israel has done more to help Palestinians and Israeli Arabs live in dignity than you are reading about in The Nation.

Are you honest enough to admit when you are wrong?

Or will you continue to be wrong and keep pretending that you know what you are talking about?

We know the answer. Because your opinions on Israel have nothing to do with facts. You only choose the facts that support your preset theories and ignore the counter-evidence. You don't bother to read Arabic media. You accept the word of terrorists and their supporters without question but suspect everything any Israeli says to you.

We know this. We've seen this. And we know that you will justify your being wrong and not learn a thing. from it.

You do know that in the Gay Barry and Potatohead administration the word "terrorist" was not even allowed to be used when referring to Palestinians or Hamas or any other country in the ME except Israel, don't you?

‘Why have none of these protestors been fined?’: Paul Murray slams pro-Palestine protest​


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