Israhell on earth, huh?

I don't know. I know barely more about Islam than you do, and it is abundantly clear that you don't know jack shoot.

So let's not try to inform America about it. Let Muslim authorities speak for themselves, hear them out if it interests you.
So, Hostility - are you trying to deny what's written in the Qu'Ran? Or simply trying to suggest that the many imams who preach that it means to kill the Jews *right now* and urge jihad against us are not 'mainstream' or 'normative' in their Islamic practice?

Actually, Amity, should go to the sites where ex-Muslims are telling all about their former religion. It might be an eye opener for her as she gets ready for Ramadan.
They get killed because it's a Muslims thing! I'ts written in the Muslim holy scriptures! "The day of judgmenet won't come until you fight the Jews and kill them! and the Jew will hide behind the stones and trees and the stones and trees will say- 'Ya Muslim, Ya Abdullah, had'a Yhaudi uwara'i, wata'ala faqtul!'- 'A Jew stands behind me, come and kill him'!

WHEREVER we are, it's the commandment to kill us.

FOA, want to know where Jewish kids are being killed. Want specifics. I just posted a video showing DOZENS of Palestinian kids killed by Israeli planes an helicopter. Yet somehow you have been persuaded that Palestinians are killing Jewish kids. So tell me who, when, and where.

NEVER in the history of humanity has this level of doublethink actually managed to take hold outside of George Orwell's novel 1984.

IOW, its all in your head, where it has been carefully planted by those with a genocidal agenda.

Can you say Schijveschuurder family?

Google them for starters.

You're awesome with research, but only when it's suiting you.

So start googling the other way around now.
FREEDOM FIGHTERS attacking illegal settlements on their land are entirely justified.

I am still waiting for the justification for the HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of Palestinian babies killed in their cribs by Israeli bombs and bulldozers ... and settlers ??????

and I'm waiting for the justification of hundreds of palestinians booby trapping their own family to be killed if anyone tries to enter their apartment/home in the camps, or the justification of the barbaric massacres and brutal torturing, toying with their victims, of civilians before killing them, letting them painfully die.

When bombs are used, the fact that children are being used as human shields by palestinian militants is not know. It is collateral damage of civilians. Israel tries to target arms, headquarters, bases and militants involved. There are times you shoot wide with a shot gun and times you use a rifle w/scope, steady your breath and pull between heart beats.

Palestinians with their rockets, mortars and bombs shoot wide and hope for a high victim count. They want to instil fear in the Israelis. Too often they fire and land short hitting their own people or have "work accidents"
I've seen the kids at play in the streets, mothers trying to bring some order to their family while holding everything together, husbands/ oldest male member welcoming strangers into their homes to sit and share a simple meal. I've also seen some of the worst that mankind offers. I've witnessed things of nightmares.

It is not about justifying every single incident but the mentality and culture that breeds and trains from earliest childhood that they must kill all jews/Israelis/westerners in the name of their religion, which in many cases they are too young to fully understand or read.
When bombs are used, the fact that children are being used as human shields by palestinian militants is not know. It is collateral damage of civilians. Israel tries to target arms, headquarters, bases and militants involved. There are times you shoot wide with a shot gun and times you use a rifle w/scope, steady your breath and pull between heart beats.
If that is true, then how do you explain the following?

Testimony 7 – Rules of Engagement

The commander stressed using “fire power” from the air and on the ground. “You see something and you’re not quite sure? You shoot….Fire power was insane. We went in and the booms were just mad. The minute we got to our starting line, we simply began to fire at suspect places….a house, a window….In urban warfare, anyone is your enemy. No innocents.”

Testimony 8 – Rules of Engagement & Use of White Phosphorous

Some of the younger soldiers “think it’s cool to wield such power with no one wanting to rein them in. They (were given) permission to open fire” even at most people who “definitely (are) not terrorists.” Free fire used all weapons against “everything (including) houses,” whether or not they looked suspect.

Testimony 9 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“Houses were demolished everywhere.” They were fired at “with tremendous power. We didn’t see a single house that remained intact….The entire infrastructure, tracks, fields, roads (were) in total ruin.” D-9 bulldozers demolished everything “in our designated area. It looked awful, like in those World War II films where nothing remained. A totally destroyed city.”
"...a destroyed city".

So much for your "...Israel tries to target..." BS!

It is not about justifying every single incident but the mentality and culture that breeds and trains from earliest childhood that they must kill all jews/Israelis/westerners in the name of their religion, which in many cases they are too young to fully understand or read.
What about the mentality that believes that bullshit is true?

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