Issa: GOP-led IRS targeting probe may be at 'dead end'



Issa: GOP-led IRS targeting probe may be at 'dead end' -

The move infuriated Issa, who has led a Republican investigation that so far has failed to find any political motivation behind the targeting.

"We were basically shut out completely," he (Cummings) told reporters, criticizing Issa and Republicans for repeatedly distorting the panel's findings through "cherry picking information, of sending just a few lines from various transcripts."


We all know why Issa is so angry. For months, Issa has been releasing partial transcripts and partial lists trying to build a case against the president. Then Cummings had to go and release full transcripts and lists showing that only a third of those targeted were Republican. The other two thirds being Democrats and Independents. And the full transcripts were even more damaging to Republicans.

If we vote Republicans into office, we get what we deserve.
so, you cheer the stonewalling of investigations into government abuses against we the people of this country

so loyal to government and a party

Doesn't that give all you the warm fuzzies?

Good ole CNN, pimping for Democrats again
CNN's wishful thinking is a chilling reminder of the extent to which the liberal media is willing to trash the 1st Amendment.
CNN's wishful thinking is a chilling reminder of the extent to which the liberal media is willing to trash the 1st Amendment.

people need to shun CNN and never take anything they have to say as the truth
I posted this in a separate thread
video with it... you have to see it to believe how disgusting the Democrats are

It’s Showtime!… Lib Lawmaker Cummings Goes Ballistic at IRS Targeting Scandal Hearing (Video)


CNN titles an article in a very deceiving way...


they don't mention anything about the contents of those emails written by Lois Lerner that specifically mentions the intentional, yet unusual treatment of "Tea Party" groups as well as discussing ways to not let it be discovered that there was something unusual going on.

I mean, how could they leave that out? Is it not newsworthy?
so, you cheer the stonewalling of investigations into government abuses against we the people of this country

so loyal to government and a party

Doesn't that give all you the warm fuzzies?

Good ole CNN, pimping for Democrats again

Steph, what else can you expect from people who think this guy is a hero...?

Black Panther Cop Killer Released After More Than 40 Years


He’s posing with another person termed a “political prisoner” in the Instagram caption,Laura Whitehorn, who was a terrorist bomber. Conway apparently still views himself as a victim for sneaking up on two police officers sitting in a car, officers who were not bothering him. He shot one dead and seriously injured the other for life.

BALTIMORE (AP) — A former leader of the Black Panthers has been released from prison more than four decades after being convicted of killing a Baltimore police officer.

Sixty-seven-year-old Marshall “Eddie” Conway was freed from the prison in Jessup on Tuesday. It came after state prosecutors agreed to change his life sentence to time served and probation.

Conway is one of dozens of inmates who have been released after Maryland’s Court of Appeals ruled in 2012 that judges had given improper instructions to juries before 1980.

Conway was convicted in 1971 of fatally shooting 35-year-old Donald Sager as Sager and another officer sat in a marked patrol car in April 1970.

What else can you expect from a party whose scumbag leader, the lying cocksucker in chief, nominates a piece of fucking shit like this to an important position in Justice?


Who went down in defeat by one vote anyway....

Breaking: Senate defeats controversial Obama nominee to head DOJ?s civil rights division « Hot Air

Steph, I'm not kidding when I call dimocraps the scum of the earth.

And I'm not kidding when I tell you that ALL of them are scumbags and the lowest form of life on the Planet.

Just read what they say. They're not kidding
People don't refer to CNN as the Commie News network for nothing

shun that station people
Here's what the lying cocksucker in chief had to say about his bouy-o getting booted....


dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

ALL of them
Here's what the lying cocksucker in chief had to say about his bouy-o getting booted....


dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

ALL of them

Obama is one sick human being and the Democrat party doesn't care who they unleash on us in government

You might face facts people, they HATE YOU
Last edited:
so, you cheer the stonewalling of investigations into government abuses against we the people of this country

so loyal to government and a party

Doesn't that give all you the warm fuzzies?

Good ole CNN, pimping for Democrats again

Steph, what else can you expect from people who think this guy is a hero...?

Black Panther Cop Killer Released After More Than 40 Years


He’s posing with another person termed a “political prisoner” in the Instagram caption,Laura Whitehorn, who was a terrorist bomber. Conway apparently still views himself as a victim for sneaking up on two police officers sitting in a car, officers who were not bothering him. He shot one dead and seriously injured the other for life.

BALTIMORE (AP) — A former leader of the Black Panthers has been released from prison more than four decades after being convicted of killing a Baltimore police officer.

Sixty-seven-year-old Marshall “Eddie” Conway was freed from the prison in Jessup on Tuesday. It came after state prosecutors agreed to change his life sentence to time served and probation.

Conway is one of dozens of inmates who have been released after Maryland’s Court of Appeals ruled in 2012 that judges had given improper instructions to juries before 1980.

Conway was convicted in 1971 of fatally shooting 35-year-old Donald Sager as Sager and another officer sat in a marked patrol car in April 1970.

What else can you expect from a party whose scumbag leader, the lying cocksucker in chief, nominates a piece of fucking shit like this to an important position in Justice?


Who went down in defeat by one vote anyway....

Breaking: Senate defeats controversial Obama nominee to head DOJ?s civil rights division « Hot Air

Steph, I'm not kidding when I call dimocraps the scum of the earth.

And I'm not kidding when I tell you that ALL of them are scumbags and the lowest form of life on the Planet.

Just read what they say. They're not kidding

You mean you weren't kidding all this time. Darn, that makes me sad.:lol:
Shocking. A Democrat acts up out of turn and tries to make opening statements after Lois Lerner had plead the fifth and says she wont testify to anything, and the news story is there is a dead end and Democrats are being "Shut out".

The real story is the administration officials are still invoking the fifth amendment so they do not incriminate themselves. Not surprisingly rdean is ignoring the real news and doing a spin story. It be funny if it wasnt so sad.
so, you cheer the stonewalling of investigations into government abuses against we the people of this country

so loyal to government and a party

Doesn't that give all you the warm fuzzies?

Good ole CNN, pimping for Democrats again

Steph, what else can you expect from people who think this guy is a hero...?

Black Panther Cop Killer Released After More Than 40 Years


He’s posing with another person termed a “political prisoner” in the Instagram caption,Laura Whitehorn, who was a terrorist bomber. Conway apparently still views himself as a victim for sneaking up on two police officers sitting in a car, officers who were not bothering him. He shot one dead and seriously injured the other for life.

BALTIMORE (AP) — A former leader of the Black Panthers has been released from prison more than four decades after being convicted of killing a Baltimore police officer.

Sixty-seven-year-old Marshall “Eddie” Conway was freed from the prison in Jessup on Tuesday. It came after state prosecutors agreed to change his life sentence to time served and probation.

Conway is one of dozens of inmates who have been released after Maryland’s Court of Appeals ruled in 2012 that judges had given improper instructions to juries before 1980.

Conway was convicted in 1971 of fatally shooting 35-year-old Donald Sager as Sager and another officer sat in a marked patrol car in April 1970.

What else can you expect from a party whose scumbag leader, the lying cocksucker in chief, nominates a piece of fucking shit like this to an important position in Justice?


Who went down in defeat by one vote anyway....

Breaking: Senate defeats controversial Obama nominee to head DOJ?s civil rights division « Hot Air

Steph, I'm not kidding when I call dimocraps the scum of the earth.

And I'm not kidding when I tell you that ALL of them are scumbags and the lowest form of life on the Planet.

Just read what they say. They're not kidding

I think you two should date. Same lunacy, same age, same hatred of liberals, ....match made in heaven.
'twas dead long ago

Issa just now got the memo

Really? Because I dont think this is over in the slightest.

Isnt it interesting how the only people who think it's dead are those who are total schills for the President?
I personally like CNN

If I want to hear what the Democratic activists are selling - I turn on MSNBC
If I want to hear what the Republican activists are selling - I turn on Fox
If I'm in a hurry and I just want to get a quick, balanced report - I turn on CNN
If I've got time and I'm interested in digging deeper - I read
I personally like CNN

If I want to hear what the Democratic activists are selling - I turn on MSNBC
If I want to hear what the Republican activists are selling - I turn on Fox
If I'm in a hurry and I just want to get a quick, balanced report - I turn on CNN
If I've got time and I'm interested in digging deeper - I read

CNN is trying hard to once again be trusted.

Struggling CNN Fires More Than 40 Editorial Staffers

It would be nice to have more than one honest news source in this Country but I'm not going to hold my breath.

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