Issa: GOP-led IRS targeting probe may be at 'dead end'

If Lerner had told the truth the investigation wouldn't be at a dead end. When she's arrested, maybe the end won't be so dead after all.

IRS villain Lois Lerner again REFUSES to testify about tea party targeting, risks arrest for contempt of Congress | Mail Online

John Boehner backs holding IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt

“I’ll wait for a report from [House Oversight] Chairman [Darrell] Issa about what happened and what will happen, but at some point that she has to testify or she should be held in contempt,” Boehner (R-Ohio) said at a news conference after a closed party meeting Wednesday.
Video at the link provided.
Issa: GOP-led IRS targeting probe may be at 'dead end' -

The move infuriated Issa, who has led a Republican investigation that so far has failed to find any political motivation behind the targeting.

"We were basically shut out completely," he (Cummings) told reporters, criticizing Issa and Republicans for repeatedly distorting the panel's findings through "cherry picking information, of sending just a few lines from various transcripts."


We all know why Issa is so angry. For months, Issa has been releasing partial transcripts and partial lists trying to build a case against the president. Then Cummings had to go and release full transcripts and lists showing that only a third of those targeted were Republican. The other two thirds being Democrats and Independents. And the full transcripts were even more damaging to Republicans.

If we vote Republicans into office, we get what we deserve.

Issa is on a witch hunt because he's a bitch for ultra right wing money. That's all, folks. That's how he got to be the richest member of Congress.
Issa: GOP-led IRS targeting probe may be at 'dead end' -

The move infuriated Issa, who has led a Republican investigation that so far has failed to find any political motivation behind the targeting.

"We were basically shut out completely," he (Cummings) told reporters, criticizing Issa and Republicans for repeatedly distorting the panel's findings through "cherry picking information, of sending just a few lines from various transcripts."


We all know why Issa is so angry. For months, Issa has been releasing partial transcripts and partial lists trying to build a case against the president. Then Cummings had to go and release full transcripts and lists showing that only a third of those targeted were Republican. The other two thirds being Democrats and Independents. And the full transcripts were even more damaging to Republicans.

If we vote Republicans into office, we get what we deserve.

Issa is on a witch hunt because he's a bitch for ultra right wing money. That's all, folks. That's how he got to be the richest member of Congress.
NO...he's trying to get to the bottom of IRS going after Conservative groups UNDER ORDERS from OBAMA.
Issa: GOP-led IRS targeting probe may be at 'dead end' -

The move infuriated Issa, who has led a Republican investigation that so far has failed to find any political motivation behind the targeting.

"We were basically shut out completely," he (Cummings) told reporters, criticizing Issa and Republicans for repeatedly distorting the panel's findings through "cherry picking information, of sending just a few lines from various transcripts."


We all know why Issa is so angry. For months, Issa has been releasing partial transcripts and partial lists trying to build a case against the president. Then Cummings had to go and release full transcripts and lists showing that only a third of those targeted were Republican. The other two thirds being Democrats and Independents. And the full transcripts were even more damaging to Republicans.

If we vote Republicans into office, we get what we deserve.

Issa is on a witch hunt because he's a bitch for ultra right wing money. That's all, folks. That's how he got to be the richest member of Congress.
NO...he's trying to get to the bottom of IRS going after Conservative groups UNDER ORDERS from OBAMA.

it's no use with these die hard Obama cult members...they don't care if this administration abuse's people, especially if they are the Tea Party
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