It ain't over: Claudine Gay has more fraud baggage


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Just as you thought, you heard all of her fraud ...


BOSTON (AP) — Harvard University has shed fresh light on the ongoing investigation into plagiarism accusations against former president Claudine Gay, including that an independent body recommended a broader review after substantiating some of the complaints.

In a letter Friday to a congressional committee, Harvard said it learned of the plagiarism allegations against its first Black female president on Oct. 24 from a New York Post reporter. The school reached out to several authors whom Gay is accused of plagiarizing and none objected to her language, it said.

Harvard then appointed the independent body, which focused on two of Gay’s articles published in 2012 and 2017. It concluded they “are both sophisticated and original,” and found “virtually no evidence of intentional claiming of findings” that were not her own.

The panel, however, concluded that nine of 25 allegations found by the Post were “of principal concern” and featured “paraphrased or reproduced the language of others without quotation marks and without sufficient and clear crediting of sources.” It also found one instance where “fragments of duplicative language and paraphrasing” by Gay could be interpreted as her taking credit for another academic’s work, though there isn’t any evidence that was her aim.

It also found that a third paper, written by Gay during her first year in graduate school, contained “identical language to that previously published by others.”

Those findings prompted a broader review of her work by a Harvard subcommittee, which eventually led Gay to make corrections to the 2012 article as well as a 2001 article that surfaced in the broader review. The subcommittee presented its findings Dec. 9 to the Harvard Corporation, Harvard’s governing board, concluding that Gay’s “conduct was not reckless nor intentional and, therefore, did not constitute research misconduct.”
Had she answered no, it's not ok to call for the death of Jews, this wouldn't come to light. Word salad caused three university presidents to lose their position.
The issue is a more general one. Her research, and in fact her overall academic bona fides are sub par, especially for an institution that bills itself as the pinnacle of American Academe.

The fact that the people she plagiarized from do not object to the theft is irrelevant. They are afraid of being deemed racist.
The issue is a more general one. Her research, and in fact her overall academic bona fides are sub par, especially for an institution that bills itself as the pinnacle of American Academe.

The fact that the people she plagiarized from do not object to the theft is irrelevant. They are afraid of being deemed racist.

Sub par, how about non existent. Virtually her entire published lexicon is taken from others.
Her response was epic, I'll give her that much...

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.... I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one." Claudine Gay 2024

So profound.... I'm literally in tears...
The issue is a more general one. Her research, and in fact her overall academic bona fides are sub par, especially for an institution that bills itself as the pinnacle of American Academe.

The fact that the people she plagiarized from do not object to the theft is irrelevant. They are afraid of being deemed racist.
The media were afraid to say she plagiarized fearing the racist label. One article I read said “depends on who you ask” despite she plagiarized outright.
Just as you thought, you heard all of her fraud ...


BOSTON (AP) — Harvard University has shed fresh light on the ongoing investigation into plagiarism accusations against former president Claudine Gay, including that an independent body recommended a broader review after substantiating some of the complaints.

In a letter Friday to a congressional committee, Harvard said it learned of the plagiarism allegations against its first Black female president on Oct. 24 from a New York Post reporter. The school reached out to several authors whom Gay is accused of plagiarizing and none objected to her language, it said.

Harvard then appointed the independent body, which focused on two of Gay’s articles published in 2012 and 2017. It concluded they “are both sophisticated and original,” and found “virtually no evidence of intentional claiming of findings” that were not her own.

The panel, however, concluded that nine of 25 allegations found by the Post were “of principal concern” and featured “paraphrased or reproduced the language of others without quotation marks and without sufficient and clear crediting of sources.” It also found one instance where “fragments of duplicative language and paraphrasing” by Gay could be interpreted as her taking credit for another academic’s work, though there isn’t any evidence that was her aim.

It also found that a third paper, written by Gay during her first year in graduate school, contained “identical language to that previously published by others.”

Those findings prompted a broader review of her work by a Harvard subcommittee, which eventually led Gay to make corrections to the 2012 article as well as a 2001 article that surfaced in the broader review. The subcommittee presented its findings Dec. 9 to the Harvard Corporation, Harvard’s governing board, concluding that Gay’s “conduct was not reckless nor intentional and, therefore, did not constitute research misconduct.”
Racism racism
I have not been able to find a truthful biography of this black fraud and I wonder how she got the last name gay?

She only had 2 things going for her....her race and her last name....also perhaps she was a tranny...I do not know but she looks rather masculine.

What I don't get is how they didn't catch it before they hired her.
I have not been able to find a truthful biography of this black fraud and I wonder how she got the last name gay?

She only had 2 things going for her....her race and her last name....also perhaps she was a tranny...I do not know but she looks rather masculine.

Books are best judged from what lies in between the covers.

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