It appears Kelleyannie Con thinks she is above the law who uses tRump's free pass.

Wow, a Hatch Act violation for using twitter and saying MAGA, is that as bad as having a bathroom server for classified info?
Maybe Kellyann had no intent to MAGA??

"In a letter to the Office of Special Counsel on Tuesday, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) requested that the office look into whether Conway violated the Hatch Act by using her official Twitter account to promote the Republican Party and President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.” The watchdog group also asked that the office investigate a potential violation from a media interview in which Conway expressed her views about midterm candidates while in her official capacity."
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Looks like the she devil running with the toxic red wave of destruction has been conspiring at her own act of lawlessly meddling in the mid term elections, and who probably has GOPer co-conspires in particular helping her out. Hopefully this latest federal infraction will finally nail her high and dry:

Kellyanne Conway Under Investigation for Violating Federal Law Again—This Time Over Midterm Elections"

source: newsweek

Looks like the she devil running with the toxic red wave of destruction has been conspiring at her own act of lawlessly meddling in the mid term elections, and who probably has GOPer co-conspires in particular helping her out. Hopefully this latest federal infraction will finally nail her high and dry:

Kellyanne Conway Under Investigation for Violating Federal Law Again—This Time Over Midterm Elections"

source: newsweek
Enough with the misogyny!
Once Trump was elected MAGA ceased being a campaign slogan and became policy of the USA.
Looks like the she devil running with the toxic red wave of destruction has been conspiring at her own act of lawlessly meddling in the mid term elections, and who probably has GOPer co-conspires in particular helping her out. Hopefully this latest federal infraction will finally nail her high and dry:

Kellyanne Conway Under Investigation for Violating Federal Law Again—This Time Over Midterm Elections"

source: newsweek
Punch her in the face I'll pay for your lawyers
Do it yourself internet tough guy.
That was a quote from your cowardly AH who avoided service How come a vet like you say you are kisses trumps ass?? Just curious
Looks like the she devil running with the toxic red wave of destruction has been conspiring at her own act of lawlessly meddling in the mid term elections, and who probably has GOPer co-conspires in particular helping her out. Hopefully this latest federal infraction will finally nail her high and dry:

Kellyanne Conway Under Investigation for Violating Federal Law Again—This Time Over Midterm Elections"

source: newsweek
Punch her in the face I'll pay for your lawyers
Do it yourself internet tough guy.
That was a quote from your cowardly AH who avoided service How come a vet like you say you are kisses trumps ass?? Just curious
First didn't vote for Trump but rather have had anyone except Clinton or the rest of her lefty lunatic group. As far as Trump avoiding service, I don't give a shit, some people shouldn't serve and no one who volunteers should have to fight beside someone who doesn't want to be there.

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