It Begins: Huma Abedin's Family Indicted By Federal Grand Jury

"According to the Justice Department in July 2016, Omar, an associate of Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, the former Chairman and CEO of KITD, was charged with conspiring to ....."

July 2016. You mean Obama's Justice department? Loretta Lynch?

That's some hardcore stupid there McRacist! Looks like Obama began it. Trumph again carries the Piss bucket for his betters and calls it Gold.
Every journey begins with a first step.
People are gonna start singing like beautiful little canaries soon.

Huma Abedin's Family Members Indicted By Federal Grand Jury
Since they didn't find anything incriminating on her laptop we are reduced to her family.
Info wars?
Hey mr classy chimp. You forgot lesbian daughters in the WH. You forgot to mention lbjs "tell the dumbest white guy he is smarter than the smartest black guy and you can pick his pocket forever" and "there goes the south for 100 yrs after the civil rights act" how come you never mention these quotes? Doesn't fit your chimp mind?
Is Jarred's dad out of jail yet? Omg it's Jarred's family!!!
Sweet News.

Sweet News is when we hear that people who ought to be in jail...may in fact be going there.

By that I mean Hillary Clinton.

These indicted assholes will sing like nightingales and we will start to get to the bottom of the corruption of the State Department....which of course we never would have....if the Bitch had gotten the chance to appoint another corrupt Attorney her BFF Obama got to do.
Omar S. Amanat is a U.S. businessman and entrepreneur. Named one of Wall Street's "Top Ten Most Influential Technologists" Mr Amanat was a pioneer in the electronic brokerage industry. He began his career at Datek Online in 1996, which was sold (after Amanat left) to Ameritrade for $1.3 billion. He left Datek to co-design the trading platform CyberTrader, which Philip Berber sold to Charles Schwab in 2000 (after Amanat left) for $488 million. He then became the founder of Tradescape Corporation, a next-generation brokerage firm that processed over 10% of NASDAQ's daily trading volume when he sold it to E*Trade for consideration worth $280 million, becoming one of E*Trade's largest shareholders. Tradescape was named as one of the "Top 50 Private Companies" in the United States.

He was profiled as "the most powerful person in Hollywood you've never heard of" by The Wrap. He co-founded Groundswell Productions and became a highly influential shareholder of Summit Entertainment via a 20% stake in Peak Group Holdings LLC. Summit produced and distributed the "Twilight Saga," and "Hurt Locker." Peak sold Summit to Lions Gate for total consideration worth $912.5 million in 2012.

On February 7th 2014, Amanat's new company which he founded, Peak Hotels & Resorts Group Ltd purchased luxury hotel chain Amanresorts for $358 million.

Amanat attended the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton School of Business; and "Entrepreneur in Residence" (EIR) faculty program. He has sat boards including the Board of Trustees for Human Rights Watch, Malaria No More, the Harlem Youth Development Foundation, was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Trustee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and was Vice Chairman of the Acumen Fund, named one of "5 Charities changing the face of Global Philanthropy" by Barron's.

Specialties: Founder of multiple financial service, tech and media companies. Venture Capitalist and PE firm owner.
Ifran Mohammed Amanat was charged in 2006 but SEC dropped the charges.
Irfan Amanat
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Irfan Amanat

Educational Background:

  • Graduated: Johns Hopkins University, BS in Biomedical Engineering, 1989-1993
  • Graduate research in Bioinformatics and Rehabilitative Medicine, 1993-1995
Employment background:

  • Tradescape Technologies, CTO, 1996-2003 (bought by ETrade)
  • Computer Clearing Services, Advisor, 2003-2005 (bought by Penson Financial Services)
  • Structural Arbitrage Hedge Fund Manager, 2005-current

  • Financial trading technology (equity, commodity, derivatives)
  • Market Microstructure and Arbitrage
  • Exchange, ECN, and Trading platform development
Industry References:


posted by Irfan Amanat at 2:57 AM | 3 comments
Sweet News.

Sweet News is when we hear that people who ought to be in jail...may in fact be going there.

By that I mean Hillary Clinton.

These indicted assholes will sing like nightingales and we will start to get to the bottom of the corruption of the State Department....which of course we never would have....if the Bitch had gotten the chance to appoint another corrupt Attorney her BFF Obama got to do.

Who ran the Justice Department in July 2016?

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