It doesn't make sense


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2020
Really, I mean if you truly sit down and think about it. Nothing has made sense, since March of 2020, that's my 2 cents.

No one in the USA would have accepted any of the nonsense happening in society today before the 2 week lock down to flatten the curve and let hospitals get ready. Its only for two weeks they said. Thats 14 days folks.

Instead it was two years to flatten America.
The great reset is under way....

At some level, people knew this would be going on for years in 2020 but kept telling folks the end was just weeks or months down the road to keep from having an all out riot and civil revolt, for if they had told people two years ago what would be happening for the next two years (and beyond?) no one would have gone along with the masks, distancing, living restrictions, schooling and shopping restrictions.
No...what are you doing about it?.... just two years ago candycorn we were sitting pretty...and look now...we are back to potentially the worst days of life in American...just that quick...someone or something very powerful wants us here...

SO you're doing nothing. Cool. I guess it's not that much of a crisis after all.

As for What I"m doing? Laughing my ass off at the pearl clutching that goes on hourly from the right.
Really, I mean if you truly sit down and think about it. Nothing has made sense, since March of 2020, that's my 2 cents.

No one in the USA would have accepted any of the nonsense happening in society today before the 2 week lock down to flatten the curve and let hospitals get ready. Its only for two weeks they said. Thats 14 days folks.

Instead it was two years to flatten America.

People need to remember at the time the medical community was sounding the alarms over people dying from covid. When you think about it you have to wonder how many peoples lives were intentional sacrificed because the "science" needed high death count's in order to make people obey the mandates. The nursing home death in NY were easy to connect dots to Cuomo, but what about all the other treatments or lack or treatments that lead to high death #'s, who was responsible for those?
People need to remember at the time the medical community was sounding the alarms over people dying from covid. When you think about it you have to wonder how many peoples lives were intentional sacrificed because the "science" needed high death count's in order to make people obey the mandates. The nursing home death in NY were easy to connect dots to Cuomo, but what about all the other treatments or lack or treatments that lead to high death #'s, who was responsible for those?

Comrade.....don't forget....“You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.”
And by undetstanding that, every single thing that has happened makes PERFECT sense.
A nuclear bomb would make us retaliate, a serious chemical attack would make us retaliate, even a sudden biological attack like an enhanced ebola or enhanced small pox released in several places at once would invite a response. But a relatively mild biological weapon to shut down the economy but only kill 1/10th of one percent of the people, will go by with no response. meanwhile the well planned social destruction of our cities and perversions of our youth is launched almost simultaneously within weeks of the shutdowns being extended past the 14 day mark.
SO you're doing nothing. Cool. I guess it's not that much of a crisis after all.

As for What I"m doing? Laughing my ass off at the pearl clutching that goes on hourly from the right.
People who sit around by themselves laughing their ass of all of the time usually have very serious mental afflictions.
Just sayin.
People who sit around by themselves laughing their ass of all of the time usually have very serious mental afflictions.
Just sayin.
Well, what else should I do except laugh at the overblown silliness of the average blob supporter?

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