It is not legitimate to use the courts to force same-sex marriage on the people

If you told George Washington or James Madison that the Constitution said we have to have same-sex marriage, their eyes would pop out with disbelief.
And they'd have the same reaction if you told them about radios, automobiles and landing on the moon...
Yes, we've made great progress.

We can now land on the moon.

And our TV shows celebrate homosexuality constantly to the point where men are regularly shown having make-out sessions in men's restrooms.
Non sequitur response.
My response was appropriate as a compare and contrast exercise.

I compared the huge advances our society has made in technology, and contrasted it with the giant leap backwards we have made in morality and ethics.
Polls show that the majority of Americans are in favor of same sex marriage.
Polls taken by who? The New York Times? The Washington Post? CBS? NBC?

These are the same fair and balanced media sources that have refused to cover the Gruber story, acting like it isn't even happening.

They will do or say anything to advance the extreme left-wing agenda.
The end game is to abolish marriage and raise all children in state-run nurseries.

The Jews did that in Israel, and parents were allowed very limited time to be with their children. They believed that the love of a parent was a corrupting influence, that should not be tolerated against the will of the community, or the all-powerful state.

This is what Hillary Clinton means when she says, "It takes a village to raise a child."

What she means to do is abolish the family and if she is elected President, she will take action to do that.

Same-sex marriage decreases respect for the institution of marriage by turning it into a farce. That is the goal.

You really think Hillary's goal is to abolish the family, and then whine when people call you crazy. Do you ever listen to yourself?
I read and pay attention and I know what's going because I keep myself informed.

I know the master plan of the left because I've been watching them my entire adult life.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was a set back for the leftists, but it did not slow them down.

It is still their plan to turn the entire world into their vision of a state-run utopia, where they control all aspects of every person's life.

The family is considered a barrier to absolute dominance of the state. Fathers and mothers can protect children from the power of the state using their own legal rights over the child.

In order to give the state unfettered access to the child, it is necessary to destroy the legal status of the family and raise all children in state-run schools.

This is part of the master plan, and if you doubt me, I will provide links until the cows come home.

The Communists of the early 20th century were very open about what they wanted to do to the family, and the Democratic party is working off the Communists' blueprints.

Sure, give me a link that shows the Democratic party is working off the Communist blueprints. A transcript of the voices in your head isn't considered proof.
If you told George Washington or James Madison that the Constitution said we have to have same-sex marriage, their eyes would pop out with disbelief.
And they'd have the same reaction if you told them about radios, automobiles and landing on the moon...
Yes, we've made great progress.

We can now land on the moon.

And our TV shows celebrate homosexuality constantly to the point where men are regularly shown having make-out sessions in men's restrooms.
Non sequitur response.
My response was appropriate as a compare and contrast exercise.

I compared the huge advances our society has made in technology, and contrasted it with the giant leap backwards we have made in morality and ethics.
You just keep telling that to yourself.
Your response was only appropriate as an attempt (feeble, at that) to avoid admission that you have nothing substantive to offer and nothing to support the subjective statements you made in your own opening post.
The end game is to abolish marriage and raise all children in state-run nurseries.

The Jews did that in Israel, and parents were allowed very limited time to be with their children. They believed that the love of a parent was a corrupting influence, that should not be tolerated against the will of the community, or the all-powerful state.

This is what Hillary Clinton means when she says, "It takes a village to raise a child."

What she means to do is abolish the family and if she is elected President, she will take action to do that.

Same-sex marriage decreases respect for the institution of marriage by turning it into a farce. That is the goal.

You really think Hillary's goal is to abolish the family, and then whine when people call you crazy. Do you ever listen to yourself?
These people believe everything their nutty pundits say, like Limbaugh and such, and everything they see on Faux News. They have no critical thinking skills. As well, they choose to remain ignorant, stupid, and paranoiac and their ridiculous perspective on reality is based entirely on right wing partisanship
The end game is to abolish marriage and raise all children in state-run nurseries.

The Jews did that in Israel, and parents were allowed very limited time to be with their children. They believed that the love of a parent was a corrupting influence, that should not be tolerated against the will of the community, or the all-powerful state.

This is what Hillary Clinton means when she says, "It takes a village to raise a child."

What she means to do is abolish the family and if she is elected President, she will take action to do that.

Same-sex marriage decreases respect for the institution of marriage by turning it into a farce. That is the goal.

You really think Hillary's goal is to abolish the family, and then whine when people call you crazy. Do you ever listen to yourself?
These people believe everything their nutty pundits say, like Limbaugh and such, and everything they see on Faux News. They have no critical thinking skills. As well, they choose to remain ignorant, stupid, and paranoiac and their ridiculous perspective on reality is based entirely on right wing partisanship

You're right. You can use the long description for them as you did, or just shorten it to CRAZY!!!!
Well, I'm prepared to prove everything I have said.

All you guys want to do is have a name calling contest.
Well, I'm prepared to prove everything I have said.

All you guys want to do is have a name calling contest.

I already ask you for a link to that Communist Blueprint thing. I'm curious about those plans for eliminating families/marriage too. Come on buddy amaze me, or at least do a little dance for me.
Well, I'm prepared to prove everything I have said.

All you guys want to do is have a name calling contest.
The time to substantiate your allegations was when you made them, not 30 posts later.
As far as name calling is concerned, I suppose you don't consider labeling gay people, liberals, Democrats and the rest of the populous who aren't you as immoral, unethical and communist as equating to name calling, do you?
The mood gets ugly when people feel their vote doesn't matter.

Why should we have a vote on whether someNNowwbody wants to marry? Did I get to vote on your marriage?
If some guys want to marry, or some girls want to marry, let em, doesn't affect your marriage or mine does it?
Just because some book of fairytales says certain things are forbidden you all get your pants in a twist!
The bible also says you cannot divorce, get tattoos, wear gold, go to church if you have no gonads, have your fortune told, use contraception or eat certain meats amongst other things. I bet everybody has at least one of those vices.
Let em marry, what is the worse that god can do? Bury you under six foot of snow!
The mood gets ugly when people feel their vote doesn't matter.

Why should we have a vote on whether somebody wants to marry? Did I get to vote on your marriage?
If some guys want to marry, or some girls want to marry, let em, doesn't affect your marriage or mine does it?
Just because some book of fairytales says certain things are forbidden you all get your pants in a twist!
The bible also says you cannot divorce, get tattoos, wear gold, go to church if you have no gonads, have your fortune told, use contraception or eat certain meats amongst other things. I bet everybody has at least one of those vices.
Let em marry, what is the worse that god can do? Bury you under six foot of snow!
The mood gets ugly when people feel their vote doesn't matter.

Why should we have a vote on whether somebody wants to marry? Did I get to vote on your marriage?
If some guys want to marry, or some girls want to marry, let em, doesn't affect your marriage or mine does it?
Just because some book of fairytales says certain things are forbidden you all get your pants in a twist!
The bible also says you cannot divorce, get tattoos, wear gold, go to church if you have no gonads, have your fortune told, use contraception or eat certain meats amongst other things. I bet everybody has at least one of those vices.
Let em marry, what is the worse that god can do? Bury you under six foot of snow!
Noww whos insylting people? Its obvious you know very little about the bible friend.
Well, I'm prepared to prove everything I have said.

All you guys want to do is have a name calling contest.
The time to substantiate your allegations was when you made them, not 30 posts later.
As far as name calling is concerned, I suppose you don't consider labeling gay people, liberals, Democrats and the rest of the populous who aren't you as immoral, unethical and communist as equating to name calling, do you?

Don't blame Blackrock for the name calling. Right wingers actually believe all those things, so they don't consider them insults. In their minds, it's just "telling it like it is" . They just don't get how crazy they actually are. It scares me to think they are allowed out on the streets.
It's a trick the left uses to bypass the constitution...If they federalize everything by taking it to court and shopping for a liberal judge to rule in their favor, it allows unelected judges to bypass the vote of the people....
So now in order to UNDO the mess there has to be a constitutional convention...
it's a clever trick and further illustrates how all three branches of government have become irredeemably corrupt.
you got it. we bypass the constitution by relying on constitutional guarantees.

you are so smart.

Distortion doesn't fool anyone.
It's a trick the left uses to bypass the constitution...If they federalize everything by taking it to court and shopping for a liberal judge to rule in their favor, it allows unelected judges to bypass the vote of the people....
So now in order to UNDO the mess there has to be a constitutional convention...
it's a clever trick and further illustrates how all three branches of government have become irredeemably corrupt.

So that's why you hate the constitution.

No..I hate people that try to evade the constitution by stacking courts with liberal judges so they can federalize anything they disagree with by challenging it in court.....activist judges who are appointed, not elected, are then able make "rulings" that bypass the constitution

I already explained it to you once. Focus.

People have voted on this issue...and activist judges have overturned the results of the democratic process. That is unamerican and anti democratic.

Why do YOU hate the constitution is the question.
If you told George Washington or James Madison that the Constitution said we have to have same-sex marriage, their eyes would pop out with disbelief.
And they'd have the same reaction if you told them about radios, automobiles and landing on the moon...
Yes, we've made great progress.

We can now land on the moon.

And our TV shows celebrate homosexuality constantly to the point where men are regularly shown having make-out sessions in men's restrooms.
Non sequitur response.
My response was appropriate as a compare and contrast exercise.

I compared the huge advances our society has made in technology, and contrasted it with the giant leap backwards we have made in morality and ethics.

Agreed. We should totally go back to when it was considered a fine and just thing to own other humans beings, beat our wives and children, and condemn people who weren't Christians. What a mistake we made in leaving those quality morals ad ethics behind.
The mood gets ugly when people feel their vote doesn't matter.

Why should we have a vote on whether somebody wants to marry? Did I get to vote on your marriage?
If some guys want to marry, or some girls want to marry, let em, doesn't affect your marriage or mine does it?
Just because some book of fairytales says certain things are forbidden you all get your pants in a twist!
The bible also says you cannot divorce, get tattoos, wear gold, go to church if you have no gonads, have your fortune told, use contraception or eat certain meats amongst other things. I bet everybody has at least one of those vices.
Let em marry, what is the worse that god can do? Bury you under six foot of snow!

So you support legal polygamous marriage as well?
That ancient, straw argument again?
Try to stay on topic.

What was 'strawman' about it? He stated that no one should have a vote on whether somebody wants to marry? It doesn't affect anyone else's marriage, etc... All of that stands true for polygamous marriage, and all you bigots who supposedly support 'marriage equality' all deny the same rights to them while demanding it for others. You're a bunch of loud mouth hypocrites. "Marriage equality" for some, but not for others! You're a bigot!
If you told George Washington or James Madison that the Constitution said we have to have same-sex marriage, their eyes would pop out with disbelief.
And they'd have the same reaction if you told them about radios, automobiles and landing on the moon...
Yes, we've made great progress.

We can now land on the moon.

And our TV shows celebrate homosexuality constantly to the point where men are regularly shown having make-out sessions in men's restrooms.
Non sequitur response.
My response was appropriate as a compare and contrast exercise.

I compared the huge advances our society has made in technology, and contrasted it with the giant leap backwards we have made in morality and ethics.

Agreed. We should totally go back to when it was considered a fine and just thing to own other humans beings, beat our wives and children, and condemn people who weren't Christians. What a mistake we made in leaving those quality morals ad ethics behind.

'And condemn people who weren't Christians'? When did that happen?
If you told George Washington or James Madison that the Constitution said we have to have same-sex marriage, their eyes would pop out with disbelief.
And they'd have the same reaction if you told them about radios, automobiles and landing on the moon...
Yes, we've made great progress.

We can now land on the moon.

And our TV shows celebrate homosexuality constantly to the point where men are regularly shown having make-out sessions in men's restrooms.
Non sequitur response.
My response was appropriate as a compare and contrast exercise.

I compared the huge advances our society has made in technology, and contrasted it with the giant leap backwards we have made in morality and ethics.

Agreed. We should totally go back to when it was considered a fine and just thing to own other humans beings, beat our wives and children, and condemn people who weren't Christians. What a mistake we made in leaving those quality morals ad ethics behind.

exaggeration and hyperbole
And they'd have the same reaction if you told them about radios, automobiles and landing on the moon...
Yes, we've made great progress.

We can now land on the moon.

And our TV shows celebrate homosexuality constantly to the point where men are regularly shown having make-out sessions in men's restrooms.
Non sequitur response.
My response was appropriate as a compare and contrast exercise.

I compared the huge advances our society has made in technology, and contrasted it with the giant leap backwards we have made in morality and ethics.

Agreed. We should totally go back to when it was considered a fine and just thing to own other humans beings, beat our wives and children, and condemn people who weren't Christians. What a mistake we made in leaving those quality morals ad ethics behind.

'And condemn people who weren't Christians'? When did that happen?

There are any number of examples in US history of religious intolerance in the colonial era and 19th centuries. America s True History of Religious Tolerance History Smithsonian
Yes, we've made great progress.

We can now land on the moon.

And our TV shows celebrate homosexuality constantly to the point where men are regularly shown having make-out sessions in men's restrooms.
Non sequitur response.
My response was appropriate as a compare and contrast exercise.

I compared the huge advances our society has made in technology, and contrasted it with the giant leap backwards we have made in morality and ethics.

Agreed. We should totally go back to when it was considered a fine and just thing to own other humans beings, beat our wives and children, and condemn people who weren't Christians. What a mistake we made in leaving those quality morals ad ethics behind.

'And condemn people who weren't Christians'? When did that happen?

There are any number of examples in US history of religious intolerance in the colonial era and 19th centuries. America s True History of Religious Tolerance History Smithsonian

Colonial Era?? Were people arrested for not 'believing', what did you mean by 'condemned' exactly?

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