when Biden administration will do the same? The Netherlands appear to have approved the use of its weapons to strike targets INSIDE Moscow empire.

Sorry bout that,

1. This is a hugely lop sided war.
2. Russians shooting at will, there cannons, and what ever.
3. Ukraine is told, "Dont dare to fight back, in Russia, these are not your armaments you are using, we place all of Russia off limits to our bullets, and or bombs."
4. Now thats not fair!
5. And unheard of on planet, earth.
6. Its important to allow the, Ukrainians to, defend themselves.
7. Defend yourself within your Nation, not bringing our weapons, to those Nations, that are attacking you.
8. Ludicrous.
9. Free Ukraine Hands!!!!!!
10 Mind Melt Joe, is fighting this war by proxy, and his plan for them is to, lose.


good news and a question : whats wrong with Biden administration ? or its the boiling frog strategy ?

Boiling frog - Wikipedia

Dude is kicking Uke ass...................deal with it................no way out.

"Watching a rape through monocles, they argue among themselves: does the victim have the right to kick the rapist's balls with her knee? Isn't it a new, unknown form of harassment?Wouldn't an enraged maniac lose his reproductive function?"

Dude is kicking Uke ass...................deal with it................no way out.


Trump "if He were president"....... you miss that little tidbit?
The Netherlands hate war criminals ! Looks like a new policy is being slowly rolled out to avoid any surprises:auiqs.jpg:for the Mongol - 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 Muscovite ulus . Don’t believe country after country plus Stoltenberg would go public on this without US approval.

still, when Biden administration will do the same?

View attachment 953123

Biden is almost out. In just a couple more months, Ukraine will be surrenduring. That is a fact.

Lol, i literally listened to Trump yesterday where he was saying he would "end the war immediately. Putin respects me, so i promise i will get it done". Does that sound like Trump wants to bomb Russia?

Do you understand what Trump is saying there? He is saying that Russia is going to keep the territories that they took and new borders will be drawn, thereby ending the war. That is EXACTLY what is going to happen.
Lol, i literally listened to Trump yesterday where he was saying he would "end the war immediately. Putin respects me, so i promise i will get it done". Does that sound like Trump wants to bomb Russia?

Do you understand what Trump is saying there? He is saying that Russia is going to keep the territories that they took and new borders will be drawn, thereby ending the war. That is EXACTLY what is going to happen.

Trump " I would bomb Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine if I were president"​

tomorrow, you will get the new institutions from MAGA´s politburo (Mar-a-Lago)

Trump " I would bomb Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine if I were president"​

tomorrow, you will get the new institutions from MAGA´s politburo (Mar-a-Lago)
Trump said he would negotiate a peace yesterday. You need to come to terms with that because, he will be president soon.
Trump said he would negotiate a peace yesterday. You need to come to terms with that because, he will be president soon.


Trump said : " I would bomb 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine if I were president" - The Washington Post.​


Trump said : " I would bomb 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine if I were president" - The Washington Post.​

https://www.usmessageboard.com/thre...-risen-by-23.1105266/#post-34576243 [/QUOTE]


You seem very confused. Here is a video of Trump saying it.

Oh look, he said it again...

Oh look, here he is saying it again YESTERDAY at 7:43 in the video...

You seem very confused. Here is a video of Trump saying it.

Oh look, he said it again...

Oh look, here he is saying it again YESTERDAY at 7:43 in the video...

did you get the new instruction from MAGA´s politburo (Mar-a-Lago) ?

update :

did you get the new instruction from MAGA´s politburo (Mar-a-Lago) ?

update :

Oh, so now Mara Lago is the politburo, BUT Trump is also going to bomb Moscow? You cant keep your story straight. You are not a very smart person.

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