It is obvious who is behind organized race war during Floyd protests...

I'm not black bud

You're welcome on a lesson on the definitions we use for your own ethnic group

You fucking idiot
Here's YOUR "lesson" :biggrin: >>>>

Black privilege manifests itself in numerous forms: Here's how it is
constructed and maintained by anti-white racists, maintained by them, and accepted by those dumb enough to do that. According to them >>>
  • Blacks have the right to take pride in their race. Whites don't.
  • Blacks can never be racist. Whites are always racist, even if they don't try to be.
  • Blacks get to play the race card. Whites don't.
  • Blacks never have to feel guilty about being black. Whites are trained to feel guilty about being white.
  • Blacks have the right to make blacks only organizations like the Black Student Union and the Congressional Black Caucus. Whites don't.
  • Blacks have the right to never take responsibility for their own actions. Anything bad which happens to a black person can be blamed on racism or white people. Whites have to take responsibility and apologize for their actions.
  • Rich black people have a right to be rich. Rich white people don't.
  • Black people have the right to demonize white people. White people don't have the right to demonize black people.
  • Black people are excused when they are prejudiced against white people. White people are never excused for prejudice against black people.
  • Black people are a "protected class." White people are not.
  • Violent crimes by whites on blacks are "hate crimes." Violent crimes by blacks on whites are just "random" crimes.
  • Blacks have the right to affirmative action and minority set-asides. Whites have to earn their positions.
  • Blacks are "cool." Whites are "squares" and "rednecks."
  • Blacks have the right to say words like "******," which whites are never allowed to use. They have the right to incessantly repeat the word "******" in front of white people, to intimidate them and keep them in their place.
  • Blacks can make the most racially insensitive comments and, more often than not, no one blinks twice. They are allowed to insult others without repercussion.[1]
  • Blacks can spend their rent money on designer handbags and then complain about how they don’t have the same economic opportunities as everyone else. And they get away with it.[2]
  • Black men are sexual supermen. White men are sexually inadequate. Black men have huge penises. White men have small, inadequate penises.
  • Blacks have "civil rights". Whites don't.
  • Blacks are in prison because of racism. Whites are in prison because they're criminals.
  • Black jury members have the right to acquit criminals, if they're black.
  • Blacks have the right to put a halt to any policy, statement, symbol, statistic, outcome, word or expression they find offensive. Whites have no such rights.
  • Blacks are morally superior to whites.
  • "[Blacks] enjoy cultural cache around the world as victors over oppression and the hard reality of what that looks like at this point in world history. The music that they enjoy, the clothes that they wear, their very mannerisms carry a certain amount of gravitas."[3]
  • Blacks can assign collective racial guilt to "you white folks." White people cannot do the reverse because that would be racist.
  • White people everywhere, and at all times, bear guilt for the crimes of a minority of white people in the past (e.g., slave owners, Adolf Hitler). Making blacks bear guilt, as a race, for the despicable crimes of their criminal minority is stereotyping, racist, and an insult to reason; after all, no one should ever be blamed for the acts of some unrelated person.
  • Blacks have "black culture." Whites are not allowed to have white culture.
  • African-American studies is a celebration of blackness and black culture. Whiteness studies is a demonization of white people and white culture.
  • White people need to undergo diversity/sensitivity training. Black people don't.
  • "... any generalization--favorable or unfavorable--about any minority that someone does not like is by definition "racist" and deserves to be suppressed--as long as it is said by a white person. Black diversity consultants, in contrast, can parade, without a shred of empirical evidence, the grossest racial and ethnic stereotypes with virtual impunity."[4]
  • It's racist to point out racism by blacks. It's never racist to point out racism by whites.
  • Whites have to walk on eggshells around blacks. Blacks don't give a shit what whites think.
  • Blacks have the right to riot and commit violent acts in response to perceived grievances. White people have to obey the law at all times.
  • Blacks have the right to never be portrayed as criminals or lowlifes in films or on TV. Bad guys on the screen must always be White.
  • Blacks have the right to never be ridiculed, mocked, belittled or laughed at. Whites have no such right.
  • Black criminals have the right to have their race censored in media reports.
  • Facts which cause blacks embarrassment or cast them in a bad light must be suppressed. Facts which cause whites embarrassment or cast them in a bad light are reported as is.
  • Blacks can silence and intimidate whites by calling them racist. Whites can't silence and intimidate blacks because that would be racist.
  • Forcing whitey to apologize shows black power and clout. Whites can never force blacks to apologize because that would constitute a lynching.
  • Whites are held to a system of 'sensitivity' requirements that do not apply to blacks.
  • "Whites are monitored, pestered, and punished for preposterous reasons--for a look, for an innocent word, for wearing a T-shirt, for expressing a plausible argument--but blacks can say almost anything with perfect impunity."[5]

  • In discussions of race between black people and white people the conscious black person is always right; is always the ultimate authority on questions having to do with race and racism; must always be regarded as the ‘injured party,’ or the oppressed. . . . [Whites] cannot possibly be expected to be objective about questions of race."[6]

  • Blacks may work for explicitly racial goals but whites may not.

  • Blacks are permitted to notice race. Whites are not.

  • It is quite acceptable for either party to explicitly go after the black, Hispanic, or even the Jewish vote. In fact both parties gain an indispensable moral authority by doing so. But it is absolutely verboten for either party, or any white candidate, to appeal to whites as a racial identity group. Racial identity is simply forbidden to whites in America and across the entire Western world. Black children today are hammered with the idea of racial identity and pride, yet racial pride in whites constitutes a grave evil. Say 'I'm white and I'm proud' and you are a National Socialist."[7

  • A black who punches a White person is a hero standing up to oppression. A White person who punches a black is a racist.

  • It can be publicly admitted that blacks are superior to Whites in certain pursuits (i.e. basketball). It can never be publicly admitted that Whites are superior to blacks in other pursuits (i.e. winning Nobel prizes in science).

  • When blacks are overrepresented in a desirable field, it is due to their abilities. When Whites are overrepresented in a desirable field, it is due to racism. When blacks are overrepresented in an undesirable field, it is due to racism. When Whites are overrepresented in an undesirable field, it is their own fault.

  • This lunacy has been around since the 1960's. Donald Trump being president has perhaps made a slight dent in it, but not much. He is called a racist, just about every day by looney leftist idiots, without the presentation of a shred of evidence.
I'm not black bud

You're welcome on a lesson on the definitions we use for your own ethnic group

You fucking idiot

You seem to be mistaken. You are are obsessed with YOU. I'm not. I don't care who or what you are, or how much of an idiot you are. Not my problem, knave.

And you don't know what my "ethnic group" is, nor am I interested in your displays of assininity, lightweight poster.

Clearly you don't know what your ethnic group is bud

You can't even come close to describing the group that encompasses "hispanic"

You fucking idiot, hahahaha

And you want to talk about race issues? You don't even understand your own ethnic background you low born retard
Great. Now this thread is blaming Soros for the riots. What evidence is there to connect him to it?
I'm more concerned with idiots like the woman who released dozens of rioters whom cops risked life and limb to arrest. The questions we should be asking is how do we get this crazy person in jail, or an insane asylum. (and others like her)
The FBI will figure out who's behind all this nonsense.
It would appear you're confused as to the topic of the thread you're posting in.

The FBI is irrelevant here. The OP has already got it all figured out. It was the Jews.
Clearly you don't know what your ethnic group is bud

You can't even come close to describing the group that encompasses "hispanic"

You fucking idiot, hahahaha

And you want to talk about race issues? You don't even understand your own ethnic background you low born retard
I know what my ethnic group is (exactly). And you don't. Which is why you are doing 2 things >>>

1. Blabbering nonsense.

2. Displaying your IDIOCY. - "Clearly" :biggrin:

Find a new hobby, lightweight.
Good to know what a convicted felon thinks about the matter.
I would add that it was VERY good to know what Bernard Kerik thinks about the criminal negligence of Democrat mayors and governors, and the still undetermined source (but under thorough investigation) of the massive funding of this treason.

Thanks for posting that. Great video.
Good to know what a convicted felon thinks about the matter.
I would add that it was VERY good to know what Bernard Kerik thinks about the criminal negligence of Democrat mayors and governors, and the still undetermined source (but under thorough investigation) of the massive funding of this treason.

Thanks for posting that. Great video.
Id prefer to hear opinions from people who aren’t corrupt.
That's what peaceful protest, is all about... to seek change, and make the law makers get off their butts and do something about it.

It's not to make our govts comfortable with the status quo.
None of us are opposed to peaceful protest, but Obama has a history of inflaming blacks, instigating them to RIOT (not peaceful protest), and then extorting mayors into allowing those riots to proceed uninterrupted by police.

See Post # 16.

That is a lie of course. Racists are still upset that a black man was elected President.
I think that the "antifa" stuff is a false-flag operation mounted by white supremacists. Some social media have been taking down "antifa" sites after tracing them to white supremacist agitators. A friend of mine told me that the matter was discussed at her Tuesday night ministry meeting that is attended by her friend, who is a civil-rights activist, who voiced this doubt, and I've been thinking of it for quite some time now.

There is no "race war" going on. There is a very diverse group on many of our cities' streets. There are people who are trying to start one, but most seem to be ignorant white thugs with stupid beards and long guns.
Of course you believe that, because you're a gullible brain damaged TDS moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that any so-called "white supremacists" are are setting up false flag operations to smear antifa. What you need to do is quite associating with leftwing kooks.

Antifa and BLM are the source of all this violence. They are trying to start a race war.

At least one twitter account has been linked to white supremacists. How deeply they are involved is unknown but that proves they are involved.
lol you dumb white trash love to take pictures of bricks

only people who have been captured recently with a truck bed full of bricks are pigs
So you're a cop-hating, anti-white racist idiot. Maybe those bricks were yours, huh ?

Why don't you shut up. Apparently anyone who disagrees with you is a cop hater and anti-white. Maybe those bricks are your brain.
They don't have to figure out anything..... They just need to say Soros, and you guys are happy happy! And go with that, every time, and always With no proof..... :rolleyes:
The FBI has been investigating Antifa , BLM, and various high positioned leftist radicals for years. Soon they will be making arrests of key players. You can call it whatever you wish.

And judges are going to enforce free speech rights you and the FBI want to violate.
Good to know what a convicted felon thinks about the matter.
I would add that it was VERY good to know what Bernard Kerik thinks about the criminal negligence of Democrat mayors and governors, and the still undetermined source (but under thorough investigation) of the massive funding of this treason.

Thanks for posting that. Great video.
Id prefer to hear opinions from people who aren’t corrupt.
That would eliminate every Democrat in America. And the charges that were placed against Kerik were highly questionable, with a strong possibility of political motivations.' Most Americans could be charged with the same as what Kerik was, if their taxes and statements were looked at in fine tuning. Most people have mistakes.

Kerik has been a great man in both his personal and professional life and for you to come here an smear him is typical of the leftist disregard for truth and honesty.

Kerik showed HIS honesty when he openly stated that he had unknowingly hired an illegal alien as a nanny and housekeeper. That was the illegal alien's wrongdoing, not Kerik.
Great. Now this thread is blaming Soros for the riots. What evidence is there to connect him to it?
I'm more concerned with idiots like the woman who released dozens of rioters whom cops risked life and limb to arrest. The questions we should be asking is how do we get this crazy person in jail, or an insane asylum. (and others like her)
The FBI will figure out who's behind all this nonsense.

There is absolutely no evidence of that. Of course typical Trump supporter. Jail anyone you disagree with.
I think that the "antifa" stuff is a false-flag operation mounted by white supremacists. Some social media have been taking down "antifa" sites after tracing them to white supremacist agitators. A friend of mine told me that the matter was discussed at her Tuesday night ministry meeting that is attended by her friend, who is a civil-rights activist, who voiced this doubt, and I've been thinking of it for quite some time now.

There is no "race war" going on. There is a very diverse group on many of our cities' streets. There are people who are trying to start one, but most seem to be ignorant white thugs with stupid beards and long guns.
Of course you believe that, because you're a gullible brain damaged TDS moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that any so-called "white supremacists" are are setting up false flag operations to smear antifa. What you need to do is quite associating with leftwing kooks.

Antifa and BLM are the source of all this violence. They are trying to start a race war.

At least one twitter account has been linked to white supremacists. How deeply they are involved is unknown but that proves they are involved.
and now we have another white group of anarchists called the Boogaloo Boys, who are involved... 3 were just arrested for Molotov cocktail throwing and inciting violence at a protest....

And were part of the organizing of the ''Open up the Economy'' protesters at the Governors offices with all the guns in hand.
Why don't you shut up. Apparently anyone who disagrees with you is a cop hater and anti-white. Maybe those bricks are your brain.
Because if I shut up, it would allow traitors like you, to mouth off in here, uncontested, with bullshit perhaps going unrecognized as such.

As for people who disagree with me, it all depends on the nature of the disagreement. You got a disagreement ? OK. Let's hear it. :biggrin:
I think that the "antifa" stuff is a false-flag operation mounted by white supremacists. Some social media have been taking down "antifa" sites after tracing them to white supremacist agitators. A friend of mine told me that the matter was discussed at her Tuesday night ministry meeting that is attended by her friend, who is a civil-rights activist, who voiced this doubt, and I've been thinking of it for quite some time now.

There is no "race war" going on. There is a very diverse group on many of our cities' streets. There are people who are trying to start one, but most seem to be ignorant white thugs with stupid beards and long guns.
Of course you believe that, because you're a gullible brain damaged TDS moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that any so-called "white supremacists" are are setting up false flag operations to smear antifa. What you need to do is quite associating with leftwing kooks.

Antifa and BLM are the source of all this violence. They are trying to start a race war.

At least one twitter account has been linked to white supremacists. How deeply they are involved is unknown but that proves they are involved.
One Twitter account! Oh no! They are behind every riot in the country!

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