It is obvious who is behind organized race war during Floyd protests...

Got any PROOF?

I have posted 5 or 6 links / articles of proof, snowflake. The response to most of them was the inability to debunk what was being reported and instead a lame attempt to smear sources.

As you type / posted this the news is reporting the former President / race-baiter/divider is calling on protestors to go after government officials. Gee, isn't that just like the racist, terrorist-loving criminal who attempted his own political coup...and failed?!

Obama urges George Floyd protesters to 'make people in power uncomfortable''make people in power uncomfortable'

Obama urges George Floyd protesters
to 'make people in power uncomfortable'

That's what peaceful protest, is all about... to seek change, and make the law makers get off their butts and do something about it.

It's not to make our govts comfortable with the status quo.
And what was the time-frame between the postings and when they were shut down? Evidence? You can't prove that something doesn't exist. You know that.Antifa is a crock of shit. This is a concotion of putin's poodles.
But you made a statement about something that you claim DOES exist >> "false-flag operation" ...Again you make a statement without any proof. Like I said >> "It's OK. We are all free to think, as long as we don't act on unsubstantiated thoughts."
That's what peaceful protest, is all about... to seek change, and make the law makers get off their butts and do something about it.

It's not to make our govts comfortable with the status quo.
None of us are opposed to peaceful protest, but Obama has a history of inflaming blacks, instigating them to RIOT (not peaceful protest), and then extorting mayors into allowing those riots to proceed uninterrupted by police.

See Post # 16.
So who is the real winner behind Antifa and their anarchist movement? Anarchists claim they serve no one other than themselves when in reality they serve their master, the one with the money who can buy their loyalty in the absence of a governing body, civil structure, one who rules with the power of the purse. In essence they are pawns of one man, fools, thugs, ignorant lawless individuals lost in their twisted world of nirvana. So who is it that sits at the very top that seeks absolute power to do as they wish with the financial capability to buy the ability to subjugate the masses through fear? Look toward the top 1/4 of 1% and see who is positioned the gain the most.
So who is the real winner behind Antifa and their anarchist movement? Anarchists claim they serve no one other than themselves when in reality they serve their master, the one with the money who can buy their loyalty in the absence of a governing body, civil structure, one who rules with the power of the purse. In essence they are pawns of one man, fools, thugs, ignorant lawless individuals lost in their twisted world of nirvana. So who is it that sits at the very top that seeks absolute power to do as they wish with the financial capability to buy the ability to subjugate the masses through fear? Look toward the top 1/4 of 1% and see who is positioned the gain the most.
Up to now it looks like the "who" is George Soros, but time will tell. I suppose the Trump team is looking deeply into this, right now.
I think that the "antifa" stuff is a false-flag operation mounted by white supremacists. Some social media have been taking down "antifa" sites after tracing them to white supremacist agitators. A friend of mine told me that the matter was discussed at her Tuesday night ministry meeting that is attended by her friend, who is a civil-rights activist, who voiced this doubt, and I've been thinking of it for quite some time now.

There is no "race war" going on. There is a very diverse group on many of our cities' streets. There are people who are trying to start one, but most seem to be ignorant white thugs with stupid beards and long guns.
Of course you believe that, because you're a gullible brain damaged TDS moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that any so-called "white supremacists" are are setting up false flag operations to smear antifa. What you need to do is quite associating with leftwing kooks.

Antifa and BLM are the source of all this violence. They are trying to start a race war.
I think that the "antifa" stuff is a false-flag operation mounted by white supremacists. Some social media have been taking down "antifa" sites after tracing them to white supremacist agitators. A friend of mine told me that the matter was discussed at her Tuesday night ministry meeting that is attended by her friend, who is a civil-rights activist, who voiced this doubt, and I've been thinking of it for quite some time now.

There is no "race war" going on. There is a very diverse group on many of our cities' streets. There are people who are trying to start one, but most seem to be ignorant white thugs with stupid beards and long guns.
If that is true, why are Democratic governors letting white supremacist destroy their towns?
Got any PROOF? Besides what's imagined in your and gateway pundit' s head?

How much money was donated, by whom, when?

Proof that violent protesters were released?

Proof that all those people quit?

Your article is nothing but spilled vomit, with no source back up, but a tweet.... how can you even call that news or reporting, of any kind?

Somebody is funding it.
Of course you believe that, because you're a gullible brain damaged TDS moron. There isn't a shred of evidence that any so-called "white supremacists" are are setting up false flag operations to smear antifa. What you need to do is quite associating with leftwing kooks.

Antifa and BLM are the source of all this violence. They are trying to start a race war.
That is my guess, at least at this point. Should be interesting to see what the Trump team comes up with on this. I hope the FBI gets hard at work on it, with Antifa and BLM financed by George Soros, an American citizen.
Got any PROOF? Besides what's imagined in your and gateway pundit' s head?

How much money was donated, by whom, when?

Proof that violent protesters were released?

Proof that all those people quit?

Your article is nothing but spilled vomit, with no source back up, but a tweet.... how can you even call that news or reporting, of any kind?
View attachment 345515
Somebody is funding it.

lol you dumb white trash love to take pictures of bricks

only people who have been captured recently with a truck bed full of bricks are pigs
So who is the real winner behind Antifa and their anarchist movement? Anarchists claim they serve no one other than themselves when in reality they serve their master, the one with the money who can buy their loyalty in the absence of a governing body, civil structure, one who rules with the power of the purse. In essence they are pawns of one man, fools, thugs, ignorant lawless individuals lost in their twisted world of nirvana. So who is it that sits at the very top that seeks absolute power to do as they wish with the financial capability to buy the ability to subjugate the masses through fear? Look toward the top 1/4 of 1% and see who is positioned the gain the most.
Up to now it looks like the "who" is George Soros, but time will tell. I suppose the Trump team is looking deeply into this, right now.
They don't have to figure out anything..... They just need to say Soros, and you guys are happy happy! And go with that, every time, and always With no proof..... :rolleyes:
Got any PROOF? Besides what's imagined in your and gateway pundit' s head?

How much money was donated, by whom, when?

Proof that violent protesters were released?

Proof that all those people quit?

Your article is nothing but spilled vomit, with no source back up, but a tweet.... how can you even call that news or reporting, of any kind?
View attachment 345515
Somebody is funding it.
Those are cinder blocks...

Not easy to carry or throw???
I think that the "antifa" stuff is a false-flag operation mounted by white supremacists. Some social media have been taking down "antifa" sites after tracing them to white supremacist agitators. A friend of mine told me that the matter was discussed at her Tuesday night ministry meeting that is attended by her friend, who is a civil-rights activist, who voiced this doubt, and I've been thinking of it for quite some time now.

There is no "race war" going on. There is a very diverse group on many of our cities' streets. There are people who are trying to start one, but most seem to be ignorant white thugs with stupid beards and long guns.
How come we never see white supremacists breaking windows, throwing firebombs? It's always Antifa creeps in black suits.
Blaming Jewish bankers with fabricated evidence is a tradition as old as time on the right.
Got no idea what that means, or how it relate to the current civil disturbances. Translation ?
George Soros is Jewish.
George Soros is a banker.
The right wing is attempting to blame him for something.
They are citing fabricated evidence.
This has occurred frequently in the past.

If I dumb it down any further this is going to sound like Dr Seuss.
lol you dumb white trash love to take pictures of bricks

only people who have been captured recently with a truck bed full of bricks are pigs
So you're a cop-hating, anti-white racist idiot. Maybe those bricks were yours, huh ?
George Soros is Jewish.
George Soros is a banker.
The right wing is attempting to blame him for something.
They are citing fabricated evidence.
This has occurred frequently in the past.

If I dumb it down any further this is going to sound like Dr Seuss.
You make a charge? You present it with source/link proof. That's called substantiation, not dumbing down.

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