It Is OFFICIAL: Pelosi / 'Shutdown' Party Reject Deal - They Own The Shutdown!

Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
Emotion is always the comeback of the left.................Facts do not matter...............the left is worried a better wall will impede the flow of their new voters........why they are fighting so hard for .011% of a years budget.

Riddle me this............if we built the wall like Israel.......just the physical wall..............concrete with observation much would if cost us at 3 million a mile for the barrier................6 Billion dollars.............for 2000 miles.
This is no longer about a wall, if it ever was, it's about Trump taking the government hostage. He cannot be allowed to get a damned thing this way. He has no respect for the process put forth in the constitution so he is attempting to get what he wants by other means. This is how countries slip away from democracy into despotism. Democrats are going to fight the battle that never should have happened had republicans not somehow been tricked into wanting an emperor.
We are a Republic.........and under the constitution these are tools to force compromise...........Power of the Purse..........House........the VETO power of the executive..........

Compromise.............none has really been offered by the Dems but NO.

Only thing they have done is to use the Judiciary to block every attempt to secure our borders............5.7 Billion is a small price to pay to open the gov't......for walls that could actually work..............which is why they don't want them.............

Pony up or it stays shut down.........or perhaps they can now FULFILL their BROKEN PROMISES OF 2006

2006 my ass. 1988.

That's when Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty in exchange for securing the border. Has. Not. Happened. Yet.
Clinton Propoganda Op...........he used it for votes and built about 8 miles of fence........LOL


Clinton's built the most wall thus far.
Doubtful...........he can deport them NOW............remove them from the equation........You underestimate what the people of this country think about this..........Why your side talks tough on it during elections.
My side is the side of decency, there is no wide support for arbitrarily mass deporting "dreamers".

Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.
Why do you refuse to accept that government policy cannot be made under duress? If Trump's border security proposals are so good let him make them through the normal process instead of this destructive hostage crisis.
Knock off the hostage bullshit. The process is working exactly as designed.
Trump has attempted to negotiate and has every right to refuse disaggreable bills. Much like Obama did many times.
My side is the side of decency, there is no wide support for arbitrarily mass deporting "dreamers".

Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
Emotion is always the comeback of the left.................Facts do not matter...............the left is worried a better wall will impede the flow of their new voters........why they are fighting so hard for .011% of a years budget.

Riddle me this............if we built the wall like Israel.......just the physical wall..............concrete with observation much would if cost us at 3 million a mile for the barrier................6 Billion dollars.............for 2000 miles.
This is no longer about a wall, if it ever was, it's about Trump taking the government hostage. He cannot be allowed to get a damned thing this way. He has no respect for the process put forth in the constitution so he is attempting to get what he wants by other means. This is how countries slip away from democracy into despotism. Democrats are going to fight the battle that never should have happened had republicans not somehow been tricked into wanting an emperor.
This is no longer about a wall, if it ever was, it's about Trump taking the government hostage.
Remember when it was said that the United States doesnt deal with Terrorists? President Trump has tried to give the Dimwitocraps all that they asked for DACA, re-opening the government, all the terrorists of the left have to do is give a measly 5 billion dollars so the President can close the southern borders to prevent future Islamic Terrorists and drugs from coming across it. So when "Blinkie" Pelosi and UpChuck Schmoozer said "NO" they the Dimwitocraps have just sided with the Terrorists thus aiding and abetting them. We the People of the United States, see this and dont like what the left is doing. You can keep your head up your ass, believe all the liberal polls you want, but in the end, 2020 isnt going to go well for the Dims...
Quit trying to act like Trump has been a fair dealer in anything. You would go insane with rage if he actually tried to deal in good faith with anyone willing to compromise on anything.
My side is the side of decency, there is no wide support for arbitrarily mass deporting "dreamers".

Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.
Why do you refuse to accept that government policy cannot be made under duress? If Trump's border security proposals are so good let him make them through the normal process instead of this destructive hostage crisis.
Knock off the hostage bullshit. The process is working exactly as designed.
Trump has attempted to negotiate and has every right to refuse disaggreable bills. Much like Obama did many times.
Not supposed to be this way. Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon and then cry like little bitches when democrats use those expanded powers for their own ends.
Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
Emotion is always the comeback of the left.................Facts do not matter...............the left is worried a better wall will impede the flow of their new voters........why they are fighting so hard for .011% of a years budget.

Riddle me this............if we built the wall like Israel.......just the physical wall..............concrete with observation much would if cost us at 3 million a mile for the barrier................6 Billion dollars.............for 2000 miles.
This is no longer about a wall, if it ever was, it's about Trump taking the government hostage. He cannot be allowed to get a damned thing this way. He has no respect for the process put forth in the constitution so he is attempting to get what he wants by other means. This is how countries slip away from democracy into despotism. Democrats are going to fight the battle that never should have happened had republicans not somehow been tricked into wanting an emperor.
This is no longer about a wall, if it ever was, it's about Trump taking the government hostage.
Remember when it was said that the United States doesnt deal with Terrorists? President Trump has tried to give the Dimwitocraps all that they asked for DACA, re-opening the government, all the terrorists of the left have to do is give a measly 5 billion dollars so the President can close the southern borders to prevent future Islamic Terrorists and drugs from coming across it. So when "Blinkie" Pelosi and UpChuck Schmoozer said "NO" they the Dimwitocraps have just sided with the Terrorists thus aiding and abetting them. We the People of the United States, see this and dont like what the left is doing. You can keep your head up your ass, believe all the liberal polls you want, but in the end, 2020 isnt going to go well for the Dims...
Quit trying to act like Trump has been a fair dealer in anything. You would go insane with rage if he actually tried to deal in good faith with anyone willing to compromise on anything.

Democrats and their parasite left wing medias highest ideals for fair dealing.. (in action)


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Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.
Why do you refuse to accept that government policy cannot be made under duress? If Trump's border security proposals are so good let him make them through the normal process instead of this destructive hostage crisis.
Knock off the hostage bullshit. The process is working exactly as designed.
Trump has attempted to negotiate and has every right to refuse disaggreable bills. Much like Obama did many times.
Not supposed to be this way. Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon and then cry like little bitches when democrats use those expanded powers for their own ends.
Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon
Democrats have been taking over the private sector since Clintons got in. Banking, Healthcare, energy.. Now we have someone in who is stopping all that bullshit. Done looking at your dumbass posts. You have just earned your place amongst the other retarded liberals( I know redundant statement) on this board by entering the ignore zone. I just cant lose any more IQ points by lowering it to your level of 70. Buh Bye.

Emotion is always the comeback of the left.................Facts do not matter...............the left is worried a better wall will impede the flow of their new voters........why they are fighting so hard for .011% of a years budget.

Riddle me this............if we built the wall like Israel.......just the physical wall..............concrete with observation much would if cost us at 3 million a mile for the barrier................6 Billion dollars.............for 2000 miles.
This is no longer about a wall, if it ever was, it's about Trump taking the government hostage. He cannot be allowed to get a damned thing this way. He has no respect for the process put forth in the constitution so he is attempting to get what he wants by other means. This is how countries slip away from democracy into despotism. Democrats are going to fight the battle that never should have happened had republicans not somehow been tricked into wanting an emperor.
We are a Republic.........and under the constitution these are tools to force compromise...........Power of the Purse..........House........the VETO power of the executive..........

Compromise.............none has really been offered by the Dems but NO.

Only thing they have done is to use the Judiciary to block every attempt to secure our borders............5.7 Billion is a small price to pay to open the gov't......for walls that could actually work..............which is why they don't want them.............

Pony up or it stays shut down.........or perhaps they can now FULFILL their BROKEN PROMISES OF 2006

2006 my ass. 1988.

That's when Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty in exchange for securing the border. Has. Not. Happened. Yet.
Clinton Propoganda Op...........he used it for votes and built about 8 miles of fence........LOL


Clinton's built the most wall thus far.
Back that up with actual miles built.........he didn't build much........most was built after the 2006 Act.
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.
Why do you refuse to accept that government policy cannot be made under duress? If Trump's border security proposals are so good let him make them through the normal process instead of this destructive hostage crisis.
Knock off the hostage bullshit. The process is working exactly as designed.
Trump has attempted to negotiate and has every right to refuse disaggreable bills. Much like Obama did many times.
Not supposed to be this way. Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon and then cry like little bitches when democrats use those expanded powers for their own ends.
Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon
Democrats have been taking over the private sector since Clintons got in. Banking, Healthcare, energy.. Now we have someone in who is stopping all that bullshit. Done looking at your dumbass posts. You have just earned your place amongst the other retarded liberals( I know redundant statement) on this board by entering the ignore zone. I just cant lose any more IQ points by lowering it to your level of 70. Buh Bye.

This is no longer about a wall, if it ever was, it's about Trump taking the government hostage. He cannot be allowed to get a damned thing this way. He has no respect for the process put forth in the constitution so he is attempting to get what he wants by other means. This is how countries slip away from democracy into despotism. Democrats are going to fight the battle that never should have happened had republicans not somehow been tricked into wanting an emperor.
We are a Republic.........and under the constitution these are tools to force compromise...........Power of the Purse..........House........the VETO power of the executive..........

Compromise.............none has really been offered by the Dems but NO.

Only thing they have done is to use the Judiciary to block every attempt to secure our borders............5.7 Billion is a small price to pay to open the gov't......for walls that could actually work..............which is why they don't want them.............

Pony up or it stays shut down.........or perhaps they can now FULFILL their BROKEN PROMISES OF 2006

2006 my ass. 1988.

That's when Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty in exchange for securing the border. Has. Not. Happened. Yet.
Clinton Propoganda Op...........he used it for votes and built about 8 miles of fence........LOL


Clinton's built the most wall thus far.
Back that up with actual miles built.........he didn't build much........most was built after the 2006 Act.

How many miles did Bush I build? :rolleyes:
Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.
Why do you refuse to accept that government policy cannot be made under duress? If Trump's border security proposals are so good let him make them through the normal process instead of this destructive hostage crisis.
Knock off the hostage bullshit. The process is working exactly as designed.
Trump has attempted to negotiate and has every right to refuse disaggreable bills. Much like Obama did many times.
Not supposed to be this way. Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon and then cry like little bitches when democrats use those expanded powers for their own ends.
You mean President Executive Action?share.jpg

Trump is actually trying to cut a deal and get an actual budget. Something that never happened under Obama. Just non stop continuing resolutions.
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.
Why do you refuse to accept that government policy cannot be made under duress? If Trump's border security proposals are so good let him make them through the normal process instead of this destructive hostage crisis.
Knock off the hostage bullshit. The process is working exactly as designed.
Trump has attempted to negotiate and has every right to refuse disaggreable bills. Much like Obama did many times.
Not supposed to be this way. Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon and then cry like little bitches when democrats use those expanded powers for their own ends.
You mean President Executive Action?View attachment 241108

Trump is actually trying to cut a deal and get an actual budget. Something that never happened under Obama. Just non stop continuing resolutions.

The Congress has been so corrupt for so long..the concept of our govt functioning as it should is alien to them.
We are a Republic.........and under the constitution these are tools to force compromise...........Power of the Purse..........House........the VETO power of the executive..........

Compromise.............none has really been offered by the Dems but NO.

Only thing they have done is to use the Judiciary to block every attempt to secure our borders............5.7 Billion is a small price to pay to open the gov't......for walls that could actually work..............which is why they don't want them.............

Pony up or it stays shut down.........or perhaps they can now FULFILL their BROKEN PROMISES OF 2006

2006 my ass. 1988.

That's when Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty in exchange for securing the border. Has. Not. Happened. Yet.
Clinton Propoganda Op...........he used it for votes and built about 8 miles of fence........LOL


Clinton's built the most wall thus far.
Back that up with actual miles built.........he didn't build much........most was built after the 2006 Act.

How many miles did Bush I build? :rolleyes:
LOL............I've shown the's like 354 miles of pedestrian fence over 10 years from 2006. The rest of the 654 miles are vehicle barriers. They only spent 2.3 Billion over that 10 year period for it............via CBP fact sheets I've already posted............
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.
Why do you refuse to accept that government policy cannot be made under duress? If Trump's border security proposals are so good let him make them through the normal process instead of this destructive hostage crisis.
Knock off the hostage bullshit. The process is working exactly as designed.
Trump has attempted to negotiate and has every right to refuse disaggreable bills. Much like Obama did many times.
Not supposed to be this way. Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon and then cry like little bitches when democrats use those expanded powers for their own ends.
You mean President Executive Action?View attachment 241108

Trump is actually trying to cut a deal and get an actual budget. Something that never happened under Obama. Just non stop continuing resolutions.
Trump can get nothing acting like this. Seriously he has cut his own throat so deeply he could not sell water if congress was on fire.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.
Why do you refuse to accept that government policy cannot be made under duress? If Trump's border security proposals are so good let him make them through the normal process instead of this destructive hostage crisis.
Knock off the hostage bullshit. The process is working exactly as designed.
Trump has attempted to negotiate and has every right to refuse disaggreable bills. Much like Obama did many times.
Not supposed to be this way. Republicans have been steadily expanding executive power since Nixon and then cry like little bitches when democrats use those expanded powers for their own ends.
You mean President Executive Action?View attachment 241108

Trump is actually trying to cut a deal and get an actual budget. Something that never happened under Obama. Just non stop continuing resolutions.
Trump can get nothing acting like this. Seriously he has cut his own throat so deeply he could not sell water if congress was on fire.
No one gets anything as long as Pelosi refuses to negotiate.

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