It is this basic...

How would you profile for people who blow up abortion clinics?

Your changing the argument. My position was on airport security.

Stop moving the goal post.

No, your subject was profiling. You like profiling when it's the other guys getting profiled.

How many abortion clinics are getting hit versus the number of terror attacks OR ATTEMPTED ATTACKS via Radical Islam...............

Secondly I've never seen an abortion clinic falling from the sky as the building doesn't fly......................

I haven't seen an abortion clinic fly into the side of a building either............
If a woman can't make up her mind in 20 weeks she shouldn't ever open her legs...........

This is about the ban on Late term abortions in Texas.............

Late term abortions are absolutely barbaric.

The thread isn't about abortion. It is about the ability of liberals to comparison with the ability of conservatives to think.

Are you in favor of allowing a woman to abort at 19 weeks?

I'm against abortion period. I believe live begins very early. And if aborted that is a human that is never born. This issue is really about when does life begin.


SCOTUS concluded that an unborn baby becomes human ONLY after it passes out of the birth canal. This is because it is at this time that the birth fairy waves her magic wand over the fetus to turn it into a human being.

It's irrational and idiotic when applied to political beliefs – and still fails as a fallacy.

Why is it irrational....................

When people who throw a fit over the idea of background checks for guns want Muslim checks at airports,

that's irrational.

Baloney. We've seen what has happened in other countries and the steps to eventually ban guns. One of the first steps is to register. While we don't really mind registering our guns, we do mind that this is a process used in places like Canada and England to take them.

Muslims are the main profiled threat in regards to Terrorism. That's just reality.
Your changing the argument. My position was on airport security.

Stop moving the goal post.

No, your subject was profiling. You like profiling when it's the other guys getting profiled.

How many abortion clinics are getting hit versus the number of terror attacks OR ATTEMPTED ATTACKS via Radical Islam...............

Secondly I've never seen an abortion clinic falling from the sky as the building doesn't fly......................

I haven't seen an abortion clinic fly into the side of a building either............

Whee! We gots us sum real live thinkin' goin' on here.
The thread isn't about abortion. It is about the ability of liberals to comparison with the ability of conservatives to think.

Are you in favor of allowing a woman to abort at 19 weeks?

I'm against abortion period. I believe live begins very early. And if aborted that is a human that is never born. This issue is really about when does life begin.


SCOTUS concluded that an unborn baby becomes human ONLY after it passes out of the birth canal. This is because it is at this time that the birth fairy waves her magic wand over the fetus to turn it into a human being.

View attachment 30741

Alrighty then............SCOTUS is made up of Gods..........When they speak the earth trembles. We must bow to their Greatness...........

Nice touch man.......

No, your subject was profiling. You like profiling when it's the other guys getting profiled.

How many abortion clinics are getting hit versus the number of terror attacks OR ATTEMPTED ATTACKS via Radical Islam...............

Secondly I've never seen an abortion clinic falling from the sky as the building doesn't fly......................

I haven't seen an abortion clinic fly into the side of a building either............

Whee! We gots us sum real live thinkin' goin' on here.

And as usual you never answer the questions presented to you. Do you ever take a real position on anything. Hell I bet you get someone else to do your fucking for you.

How many abortion clinics are getting hit versus the number of terror attacks OR ATTEMPTED ATTACKS via Radical Islam...............

Secondly I've never seen an abortion clinic falling from the sky as the building doesn't fly......................

I haven't seen an abortion clinic fly into the side of a building either............

Whee! We gots us sum real live thinkin' goin' on here.

And as usual you never answer the questions presented to you. Do you ever take a real position on anything. Hell I bet you get someone else to do your fucking for you.


I've taken several very clear positions in this thread. Have you been paying attention? I think you haven't been.

You have submitted a half dozen posts in this thread that are straight up retarded. You are expecting a serious answer to a question about how many abortion clinics have crashed into buildings?
By the way.....I would love for you to explain how the two images support the captions. Who are the people in the top image and what are they doing?

The top image is probably them yelling at women who have not had like 5 abortions.
They hate that shit.
The New BS GOP- most arrogant, ignorant, misinformed, racist, bigoted, fundamentalist, loudmouth voters ever...Thanks for wrecking the country and the world and blocking change and recovery...
The thread isn't about abortion. It is about the ability of liberals to comparison with the ability of conservatives to think.

Are you in favor of allowing a woman to abort at 19 weeks?

I'm against abortion period. I believe live begins very early. And if aborted that is a human that is never born. This issue is really about when does life begin.


SCOTUS concluded that an unborn baby becomes human ONLY after it passes out of the birth canal. This is because it is at this time that the birth fairy waves her magic wand over the fetus to turn it into a human being.

View attachment 30741

I missed that SCOTUS decision. Since you didn't would you mind telling me what case that was ruled on.
Watch: Abortion Supporters Chant ?Hail Satan!? While Pro-Life Activists Sing ?Amazing Grace? Outside Texas Capitol | Video |

Pro abortion leftist on the top photo, with anti- abortion on the bottom of the photo.

The Pro Abortion leftist chant HAIL SATAN in the video at the posted site.

And you decided to post this to exhibit your ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.


since the pics are from a pro abortion rally

Aristotle would say your response is in the realm of a ignoratio elenchi
The New BS GOP- most arrogant, ignorant, misinformed, racist, bigoted, fundamentalist, loudmouth voters ever...Thanks for wrecking the country and the world and blocking change and recovery...

PROUD to block your Hope and Change BS.

Terrible isn't it...............

The thread isn't about abortion. It is about the ability of liberals to comparison with the ability of conservatives to think.

Are you in favor of allowing a woman to abort at 19 weeks?

I'm against abortion period. I believe live begins very early. And if aborted that is a human that is never born. This issue is really about when does life begin.


SCOTUS concluded that an unborn baby becomes human ONLY after it passes out of the birth canal. This is because it is at this time that the birth fairy waves her magic wand over the fetus to turn it into a human being.

View attachment 30741


"interim point at which the fetus becomes ... potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid"
Your changing the argument. My position was on airport security.

Stop moving the goal post.

No, your subject was profiling. You like profiling when it's the other guys getting profiled.

How many abortion clinics are getting hit versus the number of terror attacks OR ATTEMPTED ATTACKS via Radical Islam...............

Secondly I've never seen an abortion clinic falling from the sky as the building doesn't fly......................

I haven't seen an abortion clinic fly into the side of a building either............

We should deny the purchase of guns by conservative Christians because as far as we know every abortion doctor ever murdered was murdered by a conservative Christian.

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