it is this simple.

for me, i can't accept a secular jewish regime over a land that was governed by god's law in some day.

regarding the jewish themselves we have no problem that they live as zemmis in islamic world, but not seize the islamic land. but the continuous aggression of israel and killing people makes it difficult to many muslims to even accept the existence of jewish in palestine.

we already want to down the israeli regime. do you think this is enough reason to kill us?
hmmm, but israel itself appeared after downing off the ottoman empire and seizing palestine from muslims. do you think this is enough reason to kill them?

The concept of ZIMMI----is so good that it should be adopted in the non-Islamic
world-----I ABSOLUTEY endorse it as the appropriate system for muslims in the
non muslim world. ALL muslims living in India should be designated as zemmis----
living in HUNDU LAND I will be delighted to discuss the details with anyone interested
Of course muslims living in Israel should also be "zemmis"------muhummad would
have agreed-----words attributed to him in the Koran make it clear that he preferred
that jews in Arabia return to the land of Israel ------afterall----the Koran is always RIGHT

Mohamed has not responded to my suggestion that he be place in ZIMMI status along with all
other muslims living in countries that do not harbor a muslim majority----in ACCORDANCE
with ISLAMIC IDEALS. Perhaps he can explain why he prefers not to respond

In the past-----for reasons I cannot imagine---when I suggest that muslims
assume ZIMMI status----in countries like the USA, Great Britain, India,
France-----etc-------I have been called an "islamophobe' I do not understand
why making a suggestion CONSISTENT with Islamic IDEALS makes me an

I don't understand exactly what do you mean?

zemmi is a description of jews and christians that live in an islamic country under islamic law, they must accept islamic laws and pay "jeziah".

they doesn't have equal rights as muslim, they can't apply to army, police or be the governer or any commanding position. This is because islam is not just some theortical ideas, it is complete set of religion, ideology, law .. etc. those that have wrong religion of course can't be treated like muslims.

This is not injustice, because every one have a chance to correct his religion and be a muslim. those that insist on going the wrong way should afford the consequences.
The concept of ZIMMI----is so good that it should be adopted in the non-Islamic
world-----I ABSOLUTEY endorse it as the appropriate system for muslims in the
non muslim world. ALL muslims living in India should be designated as zemmis----
living in HUNDU LAND I will be delighted to discuss the details with anyone interested
Of course muslims living in Israel should also be "zemmis"------muhummad would
have agreed-----words attributed to him in the Koran make it clear that he preferred
that jews in Arabia return to the land of Israel ------afterall----the Koran is always RIGHT

Mohamed has not responded to my suggestion that he be place in ZIMMI status along with all
other muslims living in countries that do not harbor a muslim majority----in ACCORDANCE
with ISLAMIC IDEALS. Perhaps he can explain why he prefers not to respond

In the past-----for reasons I cannot imagine---when I suggest that muslims
assume ZIMMI status----in countries like the USA, Great Britain, India,
France-----etc-------I have been called an "islamophobe' I do not understand
why making a suggestion CONSISTENT with Islamic IDEALS makes me an

I don't understand exactly what do you mean?

zemmi is a description of jews and christians that live in an islamic country under islamic law, they must accept islamic laws and pay "jeziah".

they doesn't have equal rights as muslim, they can't apply to army, police or be the governer or any commanding position. This is because islam is not just some theortical ideas, it is complete set of religion, ideology, law .. etc. those that have wrong religion of course can't be treated like muslims.

This is not injustice, because every one have a chance to correct his religion and be a muslim. those that insist on going the wrong way should afford the consequences.
'Religion based racism' - So basically if I don't want to pay and I don't want to be Muslim, I'll have to die?
Hamas is a terrorist organization. The people who live in Gaza chose Hamas in elections.

As Obama once said, elections have consequences......I have no compassion for the plight of the Gazans- they voted for this!
Well said. They voted for a terrorist group, they made their beds, now they live with it.

As we all know, tigers cannot change their stripes as we've seen with Hamas launching rocket attacks, deliberately targeting Israeli civilians. Israel has every right to defend itself against these terrorist attacks by whatever force at their disposal.

As President Bush used to say ... "We will hunt down terrorists wherever they are".
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The concept of ZIMMI----is so good that it should be adopted in the non-Islamic
world-----I ABSOLUTEY endorse it as the appropriate system for muslims in the
non muslim world. ALL muslims living in India should be designated as zemmis----
living in HUNDU LAND I will be delighted to discuss the details with anyone interested
Of course muslims living in Israel should also be "zemmis"------muhummad would
have agreed-----words attributed to him in the Koran make it clear that he preferred
that jews in Arabia return to the land of Israel ------afterall----the Koran is always RIGHT

Mohamed has not responded to my suggestion that he be place in ZIMMI status along with all
other muslims living in countries that do not harbor a muslim majority----in ACCORDANCE
with ISLAMIC IDEALS. Perhaps he can explain why he prefers not to respond

In the past-----for reasons I cannot imagine---when I suggest that muslims
assume ZIMMI status----in countries like the USA, Great Britain, India,
France-----etc-------I have been called an "islamophobe' I do not understand
why making a suggestion CONSISTENT with Islamic IDEALS makes me an

I don't understand exactly what do you mean?

zemmi is a description of jews and christians that live in an islamic country under islamic law, they must accept islamic laws and pay "jeziah".

they doesn't have equal rights as muslim, they can't apply to army, police or be the governer or any commanding position. This is because islam is not just some theortical ideas, it is complete set of religion, ideology, law .. etc. those that have wrong religion of course can't be treated like muslims.

This is not injustice, because every one have a chance to correct his religion and be a muslim. those that insist on going the wrong way should afford the consequences.

Mohamed----you err in thinking that I do not know what "zemmi" or "dhimmi" or
"djzimmi" means (for the rest of you out there----the first sound of ---jinni
dhimmi or zemmi is a strange one to get into English-----I am not sure---but I think
it is a "djzimel"----thus dhimmi and zemmi is the same thing)

the rules can be ADJUSTED ---ie muslims can be "protected" in precisely the same
way Christians and jews are protected in shariah cesspits in the middle east ---or
even in the same way hindus were protected in the Moghul empire. Those living in
Israel can be "protected" until the convert to Judaism and those living in the US--
can have a choice between Christianity and judaism-----those in France can become
catholics as to JIZYA----we can call it something else----like---
the BLACK ROCK PENALTY GREAT IDEA!!!! I knew you'd love it
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'Religion based racism' - So basically if I don't want to pay and I don't want to be Muslim, I'll have to die?

it doesn't matter for me what you call it. i am sure it is true.

from the beginning i stated that islam is very very different from your ideology.

people judge true/false based on their ideology and religion. so if you have a different ideology from me it is natural to judge me as bad. but please don't say we accept all religions.

you will recognize islamic law as justice only if you believe that no god except allah and Muhamed is allah's messenger.

believe it or not, it is true.

i will try to focus later on ideology instead of meaningless arguing on policy.
'Religion based racism' - So basically if I don't want to pay and I don't want to be Muslim, I'll have to die?

it doesn't matter for me what you call it. i am sure it is true.

from the beginning i stated that islam is very very different from your ideology.

people judge true/false based on their ideology and religion. so if you have a different ideology from me it is natural to judge me as bad. but please don't say we accept all religions.

you will recognize islamic law as justice only if you believe that no god except allah and Muhamed is allah's messenger.

believe it or not, it is true.

i will try to focus later on ideology instead of meaningless arguing on policy.

The policy is the issue, M, not the religion. The West believes in tolerance concerning religion. Be glad we have, or considering the advantages of the religious line ups today, if we were back in the crusades and you pulled this crap, you would get nuked.

Not a Jew or a Christian ever worries about "what if Islam is true."

But we will make any religious group of any persuasion knuckle under if and when they pose a threat to state and people.

Accept it. That is the truth
the men of Hamas who hide behind women and children and launch missles from schools and hospitals dont deserve to be negotiated with, they need to be destroyed.

media lies

They found rockets in two UN run schools. Is the UN lying as well?

do you think (They found rockets in two UN run schools. Is the UN lying as well?) is a proof for (the men of Hamas who hide behind women and children and launch missles from schools and hospitals)?

i don't know who said they found, the UN officials aren't angels any way. hamas spokesmen said this wasn't true and i think they are more honest.
'Religion based racism' - So basically if I don't want to pay and I don't want to be Muslim, I'll have to die?

it doesn't matter for me what you call it. i am sure it is true.

from the beginning i stated that islam is very very different from your ideology.

people judge true/false based on their ideology and religion. so if you have a different ideology from me it is natural to judge me as bad. but please don't say we accept all religions.

you will recognize islamic law as justice only if you believe that no god except allah and Muhamed is allah's messenger.

believe it or not, it is true.

i will try to focus later on ideology instead of meaningless arguing on policy.

Islamic law has an INTERNAL LOGIC-----It is "true" because it says it is "true"

If one is willing to accept as a postulate----that "ISLAM IS TRUE"----its details become
logical and almost childishly simplistic. Amongst muslims ideological arguments
do not actually happen in the way that they do with other religionists. EVERYTHING
IS FULLY AND PLAINLY EXPLAINED IN THE KORAN. (which explains why girls can
tie bombs to their asses and go out smiling whilst their mothers smile along with them)
media lies

They found rockets in two UN run schools. Is the UN lying as well?

do you think (They found rockets in two UN run schools. Is the UN lying as well?) is a proof for (the men of Hamas who hide behind women and children and launch missles from schools and hospitals)?

i don't know who said they found, the UN officials aren't angels any way. hamas spokesmen said this wasn't true and i think they are more honest.

Anyone who says that really can't 'think'
They found rockets in two UN run schools. Is the UN lying as well?

do you think (They found rockets in two UN run schools. Is the UN lying as well?) is a proof for (the men of Hamas who hide behind women and children and launch missles from schools and hospitals)?

i don't know who said they found, the UN officials aren't angels any way. hamas spokesmen said this wasn't true and i think they are more honest.

Anyone who says that really can't 'think'

JAKIE SILLY BOY---- the mossad planted them there -----I can think-----I can think just like a muslimah
The concept of ZIMMI----is so good that it should be adopted in the non-Islamic
world-----I ABSOLUTEY endorse it as the appropriate system for muslims in the
non muslim world. ALL muslims living in India should be designated as zemmis----
living in HUNDU LAND I will be delighted to discuss the details with anyone interested
Of course muslims living in Israel should also be "zemmis"------muhummad would
have agreed-----words attributed to him in the Koran make it clear that he preferred
that jews in Arabia return to the land of Israel ------afterall----the Koran is always RIGHT

Mohamed has not responded to my suggestion that he be place in ZIMMI status along with all
other muslims living in countries that do not harbor a muslim majority----in ACCORDANCE
with ISLAMIC IDEALS. Perhaps he can explain why he prefers not to respond

In the past-----for reasons I cannot imagine---when I suggest that muslims
assume ZIMMI status----in countries like the USA, Great Britain, India,
France-----etc-------I have been called an "islamophobe' I do not understand
why making a suggestion CONSISTENT with Islamic IDEALS makes me an

I don't understand exactly what do you mean?

zemmi is a description of jews and christians that live in an islamic country under islamic law, they must accept islamic laws and pay "jeziah".

they doesn't have equal rights as muslim, they can't apply to army, police or be the governer or any commanding position. This is because islam is not just some theortical ideas, it is complete set of religion, ideology, law .. etc. those that have wrong religion of course can't be treated like muslims.

This is not injustice, because every one have a chance to correct his religion and be a muslim. those that insist on going the wrong way should afford the consequences.

No need to tell us what Dhimmi is. We all know more than enough. Will you treat the Jewish women of "Islamic ruled 'Palestine'" the same way you treat your own?

In that case, I'll pass.:doubt:
media lies

They found rockets in two UN run schools. Is the UN lying as well?

do you think (They found rockets in two UN run schools. Is the UN lying as well?) is a proof for (the men of Hamas who hide behind women and children and launch missles from schools and hospitals)?

i don't know who said they found, the UN officials aren't angels any way. hamas spokesmen said this wasn't true and i think they are more honest.

Hamas said in 2012 that they hit the Knesset building with their rockets.

They said that Israel has DOZENS of CIVILIANS killed in this operation.

Tey said they took down an Air-Force vessel (using photos from 2009, but hell with accuracy, it is SOOO overrated) and they took photos of Syrian children to present them as kids dying in Gaza.

Yeah, you can trust Hamas, alright.

What a poor soul, you are.
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The way women are treated in fundamentalist Islam is grounds for emasculation of every male who believes and wants to practice such a system. Then their women will be bless with finding virile men who can them healthy male children.
it doesn't matter for me what you call it. i am sure it is true.

from the beginning i stated that islam is very very different from your ideology.

people judge true/false based on their ideology and religion. so if you have a different ideology from me it is natural to judge me as bad. but please don't say we accept all religions.

you will recognize islamic law as justice only if you believe that no god except allah and Muhamed is allah's messenger.

believe it or not, it is true.

i will try to focus later on ideology instead of meaningless arguing on policy.

The only justice I can see with Islam is a 30 megaton nuke on the Kaaba. Melt Allah to slag and the disease of Islam will be cured.

Without your idol, you will be lost.
But we will make any religious group of any persuasion knuckle under if and when they pose a threat to state and people.

hmmmm, you are very cocky .

Accept it. That is the truth

and it seems you have some ideas you also think is absolutely true.

i simply reject what you say. if you are strong and victorious for some time, you will not be so all the time.
romans, persians, monogols ... they all believed they are the strongest and will remain so forever. where they are now?

any way, to your knowledge we are coming back to be in power, and it is good to you to think in a correct way before you lose this life and the hereafter.

if you think you are strong. we are sure god is more stronger than you. and we trust god.
and it seems you have some ideas you also think is absolutely true.

i simply reject what you say. if you are strong and victorious for some time, you will not be so all the time.
romans, persians, monogols ... they all believed they are the strongest and will remain so forever. where they are now?

any way, to your knowledge we are coming back to be in power, and it is good to you to think in a correct way before you lose this life and the hereafter.

if you think you are strong. we are sure god is more stronger than you. and we trust god.

This is why we should use a nuclear blast to turn your little stone god Allah, into glass.

Let's be honest, this is what you worship;


This is your pathetic little Djin, Allah - a hunk of meteorite that you bow to 5 times a day. Drop a nuke on Mecca, and turn Allah into slag..

I mean, let's make it fair - we warn you that on December 25th, 2014 - Allah gets the nuke. First off, get the people out - now let your god defend himself. If Allah can't protect his own idol, he ain't much of a god, is he now?

Plus on the bright side, if you morons continue with a Hajj, you'll come back absolutely glowing...

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