It is time for the United States to pull out of Afghanistan!


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
It is time for the United States to pull out of Afghanistan! I have seen enough. Bring the troops home!

We are effectively supporting a grossly corrupt drug trafficking government over there. We effectively put that horrible government in power to replace the Taliban. The Taliban was not Osama bin Ladin and Osama was not a member of the Taliban, who were not political zealots, just religious zealots.

The Taliban were Islamic religious fundamentalists who wanted to hold on to a Middle Ages value and cultural system. We have no right to force a cultural-religious change on these people, especially since so many are resistant to that change. We need to admit our error in continuing this conflict and bring the troops home now.

To those who say,"Our Country Right or Wrong!" I say, "Afghanistan is NOT Our Country and We Really Are Wrong!"

The rapidly increasing number of dead civilians is a New Testament to the horrors of military excess.
In VietNam, we admitted our idiotic mistake that took so many of the lives of our young and of the Vietnamese people.

We lost the war for their minds in 1963 or 4 when it was obvious that the average Vietnamese peasant saw us as an imperial aggressor, not as a liberator.

All the Vietnamese people knew was that American soldiers came into villages, burned the houses down, destroyed their food supplies for the year and then frequently killed the villagers. We did not win their hearths or minds and in the end the overwhelming majority of the Vietnamese people just wanted us the Hell out of their country..

Guess what, after killing so many thousands and thousands of Afghanistan villagers all they want is for us to get the Hell our of their country.
Each generation has had to ask and answer the question, "Is it right to kill civilians in warfare?"

Consider our Bombing the hell out of German Cities to kill the women and children whose fathers were off to war. It accomplished ? ? ? ?

The answer is it accomplished nothing but reduce the population. Of course at the time a lot of people thought that was a good thing. (The less Germans the less trouble the world has.)

As an historian all I know is that innocent people needlessly died. During that war, a lot of bombardiers deliberately released their bomb loads a mile outside the cities that they were supposed to target.

If you ever watch on the History Channel when they show bombing from American planes with the camera in the planes looking down at the earth below, you can easily see the farmland being well tilled by the bombs.

My uncle who flew as a pilot in the Army Air Corps said that was very common practice. Those Norton Bombsights were not failing them as the film footage showed a clear view to the ground below. The guys who opted to bomb the farmland and grazing fields simply did not want it on their conscience that they killed mothers and their children.

A great many who did kill the women and children had psychological problems for the rest of their lives. I know I could not sleep if I had done that. I could bomb the Submarine Pens with no problem. I could bomb the war munitions factories with no problem, but I would risk a court martial if I was told to bomb women and children.

That was just totally wrong.

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