It is time to start discussing the rape of Britain’s children.

The fear of being accused of racism, was the stated CAUSE of these rape rings being allowed to continue for years.

In that context, the obvious solution to the problem is to raise the bar on making such accusations.

Consider this. LITERALLY, you are supporting the mechanism that lead to thousands of raped children, by your support of such accusations.

The RISK you run of NOT doing that, is that you have to defeat some one's arguments, based on their merits or lack there of, instead of attacking their motive.

ON one hand, you support the rape of children, on the other, you risk, having to address a man's arguments...

And by and large our civilization is choosing to support the rape of children.

By and large you (general you not specific you) are choosing to demonize an entire group of people and making it about Islam and not child rape.

Discussing honestly the issues of importing an alien culture is not "demonizing" anyone.

What is more important ...the crime or the religion of the perpetrator? I actually agree with the point that political correctness enabled the continuation of this through the failure of law enforcement. On the hand consider this.

THe goal should be to prevent this from occurring in the future. Trying to do this without honestly discussing the role culture and political correctness played in this, is choosing to fail at that and thus ensure that it happens, again and again, and more and more.

Over and over people here have pointed out several things: child trafficking rings are not new. There have been numerous and horrific cases that recieved little attention. Why?

Reasons that are weaker and more easily dealt with than Political Correctness. Classism does not have the entire Power Structure pushing to make it stronger and stronger like PC does.

Over and over it is pointed out that these kids are tyoically already vulnerable and it is never addressed. Why?

A fair question. ONe that should be addressed and not just used to avoid tough questions.

The more you focus on the fact it is a muslim then the more you end up supporting and enabling the crime because the is defined as a Muslim thing and not child trafficking - it is more important that the criminal be a member of a certain ethnic group than that he commited a horrendous crime.

I am not aware of any time that has actually happened.
If the goal is on PREVENTING this in the future then how will that goal be accomplished by defining this as a Muslim problem (and that is what you are doing) going to accomplish that?

1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
By and large you (general you not specific you) are choosing to demonize an entire group of people and making it about Islam and not child rape.

Discussing honestly the issues of importing an alien culture is not "demonizing" anyone.

What is more important ...the crime or the religion of the perpetrator? I actually agree with the point that political correctness enabled the continuation of this through the failure of law enforcement. On the hand consider this.

THe goal should be to prevent this from occurring in the future. Trying to do this without honestly discussing the role culture and political correctness played in this, is choosing to fail at that and thus ensure that it happens, again and again, and more and more.

Over and over people here have pointed out several things: child trafficking rings are not new. There have been numerous and horrific cases that recieved little attention. Why?

Reasons that are weaker and more easily dealt with than Political Correctness. Classism does not have the entire Power Structure pushing to make it stronger and stronger like PC does.

Over and over it is pointed out that these kids are tyoically already vulnerable and it is never addressed. Why?

A fair question. ONe that should be addressed and not just used to avoid tough questions.

The more you focus on the fact it is a muslim then the more you end up supporting and enabling the crime because the is defined as a Muslim thing and not child trafficking - it is more important that the criminal be a member of a certain ethnic group than that he commited a horrendous crime.

I am not aware of any time that has actually happened.
If the goal is on PREVENTING this in the future then how will that goal be accomplished by defining this as a Muslim problem (and that is what you are doing) going to accomplish that?

1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
They do abuse Muslim girls, where do you get the idea they only target white girls?

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani
Discussing honestly the issues of importing an alien culture is not "demonizing" anyone.

THe goal should be to prevent this from occurring in the future. Trying to do this without honestly discussing the role culture and political correctness played in this, is choosing to fail at that and thus ensure that it happens, again and again, and more and more.

Reasons that are weaker and more easily dealt with than Political Correctness. Classism does not have the entire Power Structure pushing to make it stronger and stronger like PC does.

A fair question. ONe that should be addressed and not just used to avoid tough questions.

I am not aware of any time that has actually happened.
If the goal is on PREVENTING this in the future then how will that goal be accomplished by defining this as a Muslim problem (and that is what you are doing) going to accomplish that?

1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
They do abuse Muslim girls, where do you get the idea they only target white girls?

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

The Rotherham Rape Ring did select by race. I dont' know about the others.

That Muslims also have a separate issue with internal sexual abuse, is a separate issue.
The police failed. Period.

The police followed the policies laid down from above. Especially the informal policy of Political Correctness.

Exactly what do you expect to happen ? ...."

I deleted your paragraph of strawmen and deflections to answer your actual question.

Publicly link Political Correctness and those who use it, to the results of their actions. Expel them from power.

Then have a real discussion on policy, the first honest one.

But it is a lot easier to just label it a muzzie problem and gin hate and anger towards the entire community then it is to implement programs to address the problem at it's source and fund better policing and community outreach programs.

And here you use Political Correctness to lie about what people are saying. And to deny the existence of the problem.



Who is at fault for the rapes? It wasnt politicsl correctness that underfunded police. Nor was it political correctness that refused to look at the system as a whole that was failing these kids. There is a lot of blame to go around.

It was political correctness that told the police to look away. It is political correctness that has prevented looking at the political and cultural source of that.

There is a lot of blame to go around. But you are trying to spread it around to contain the damage to your power weapon, ie Political Correctness.
You do realize the rape rings did not start with muslims and are not confined to muslims and will continue when there are no Muslims? And it has nothing to do with politicsl correctness. It goes on everywhere.

Is labeling it a muslim problem "a real discussion of policy"?

The way the muslim communities manifests rape rings is different than the older ones, and that alone is reason to discuss it as it's own issue with potentially it's owe solutions.

That it is PROTECTED by powerful government and cultural forces, is even more reason to discuss it separately.

Yes, labeling Muslim rape rings as a Muslim/PC problem, is a real discussion of policy.

For starters.
Here is an analysis of the overall muslim rape claims made about Europe...if you are intent on portraying it as a Muslim/immigrant problem it is worth a read.

Redirect Notice

Can't read it. Ad blocker, in german.

There has been a lot of disinformation pushback against the reports of muslim rape claims.

It is Spiegel Online they are in sympathy with Leftism, they also do Disinformation Propaganda this to paint Muslims as Angelic Creatures and Patriotic Germans as Literally Hitler and also to support Open Borders to Mass Immigration from the Middle East and Africa and ANYONE who disagree is again Literally Hitler etc, the article is about how the Islamic Migrants in general NOT responsible for sexual attacks and that only a tiny percentage of sexual attacks are by Islamic Migrants and that this is ALL Disinformation Propaganda for what they term Right-Wing websites and of course they also have to blame PEGIDA and the AfD, they conclude that if they want things safer the ONLY solution is MORE Integration ie. allowing MORE Muslims and Africans IN ie. Open Borders Unlimited Immigration = Integration. It would be excellent if a group of Spiegel Online writers would be gang raped anally by a group of their Muslim and African pets and we hope get HIV Positive, the human filth writers DESERVE that type of Cultural Enrichment and this we would celebrate with bottles of Champagne.
Discussing honestly the issues of importing an alien culture is not "demonizing" anyone.

THe goal should be to prevent this from occurring in the future. Trying to do this without honestly discussing the role culture and political correctness played in this, is choosing to fail at that and thus ensure that it happens, again and again, and more and more.

Reasons that are weaker and more easily dealt with than Political Correctness. Classism does not have the entire Power Structure pushing to make it stronger and stronger like PC does.

A fair question. ONe that should be addressed and not just used to avoid tough questions.

I am not aware of any time that has actually happened.
If the goal is on PREVENTING this in the future then how will that goal be accomplished by defining this as a Muslim problem (and that is what you are doing) going to accomplish that?

1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
They do abuse Muslim girls, where do you get the idea they only target white girls?

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

That article state the cases of 35 girls, so NOT MANY THOUSANDS as in White Non Muslim Rotherham girls. The majority sexually attack White Non Muslim girls first to get drunk and give drugs to and then gang rape in an organised group.
Again you focus on a narrow point. You are obsessed with crimes by Muslims and airbrush the vast majority of the crimes which arent. Do you think your tired and bigoted contribution will do much to protect children ?
You have no standing in this debate because you are a racist who is obsessed with hatred of brown people.

The vast majority of the crimes do not have defenders such as you. That is why discussion must focus on this portion of the crimes.

Also, fuck you, you race baiting faggot.
And yet I want to discuss all of the crimes. You are only concerned about a minority of them. You have no credibility.

You want vague, general and irrelevant discussions, where a bunch of government bureaucrats and social workers talk and talk and nothing is every actually done.

You are the one with no credibility.
You are not open to any discussion that doesnt end with stringing up Muslims.

Even in this post you are blowing hot air. You have been shown that these people have been caught,tried and given appropriate sentences. And yet you still whine on about a conspiracy. The whistleblower now works for the police in helping to identify problems and frame policy. You ignore that. You ignore everything that doesnt fit your narrow racist viewpoint.

What is the highest level politician that lost his or her job for causing this? What serious policy changes were made?

Are people still called racist for discussing the role that Muslim immigrants played in these and other social ills?

Would such as statement be considered illegal Hate Speech under your lack of free speech laws?
Which "high level politician" has ever lost their job over a paedo scandal ? You see there you go again. You are showing your racism.

Actually just google Shaun Wright south yorkshire. So there you go klan boy.
If the goal is on PREVENTING this in the future then how will that goal be accomplished by defining this as a Muslim problem (and that is what you are doing) going to accomplish that?

1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
They do abuse Muslim girls, where do you get the idea they only target white girls?

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

The Rotherham Rape Ring did select by race. I dont' know about the others.

That Muslims also have a separate issue with internal sexual abuse, is a separate issue.

Again, your racism clouds your view. They targeted vulnerable girls as you have been shown multiple times on this thread. Asian families tend to have stronger family structures than white or Afro Carib families do there tend to be less of them in this category.

These blokes just wanted a shag not a race war.

Just addressing another of your loony points.How do you propose to deport a million British citizens ? Where are they going to ?

And just another one of your loony are you going to stop Muslims becoming taxi drivers ?
Of course you will be aware that they already have to pass a registration that filters out those with a criminal record. You also have to posses a clean driving license.

We are innocent till proven guilty in the UK. I understand that it is a similar proposition in the US.

What you want to do is rip up Magna Carta in order to pursue some vision of a white society. Are there any other groups you would like to get rid of ?
I've come across an interesting article from an interview with Nazir Afzal OBE, one of the 13 chief Crown Prosecutors in England and Wales and who was responsible for the successful conviction of the Rotherham gang, who offers a more, dare I say, "superior" perspecive than that adopted by the MSM over here, often quoted by some of the more Islamophobi contributors to this "discussion" the full article can be seen here: Nazir Afzal: ‘There is no religious basis for the abuse in Rotherham’ but here's some of the more interesting comments:

"In the aftermath of the Rochdale trial, Afzal was disturbed at the way that some responded by muddling the actions of those prosecuted with their religious backgrounds. “There is a lot of criticism of religion – namely: ‘Is this a Muslim thing?’” He recalls how after the Rochdale case, someone called the Radio 4 Any Answers programme. “He said the Qu’ran supports paedophilia. I’m not paraphrasing, that is what he said. He wasn’t cut off, he was allowed to say all manner of things.”

“There is no religious basis for this. These men were not religious. Islam says that alcohol, drugs, rape and abuse are all forbidden, yet these men were surrounded by all of these things. So how can anyone say that these men were driven by their religion to do this kind of thing?

“They were doing this horrible, terrible stuff, because of the fact that they are men. That’s sadly what the driver is here. This is about male power. These young girls have been manipulated and abused because they were easy prey for evil men.”

But he recognises that this will be a difficult issue for the British Asian community for some time. “In one case I dealt with, a British National party member was convicted of child sexual abuse. The response of the BNP was to say that he was no longer a member. The British Pakistani community cannot do that about members of their community that are involved in abuse,” he says, pointing out that they do not have the same option of neatly removing membership rights from community members involved in abuse."


"He notes that the amount of media attention devoted to child sex abuse cases is inconsistent. He led the legal teams that reopened and successfully prosecuted the Rochdale grooming case in 2012, over the abuse of 47 girls by a group of Asian men. “A few weeks after the Rochdale case, we dealt with a case of 10 white men in North Yorkshire who had been abusing young girls, and they were all convicted and they got long sentences. It didn’t get the level of coverage,” he says.

"He notes that the amount of media attention devoted to child sex abuse cases is inconsistent. He led the legal teams that reopened and successfully prosecuted the Rochdale grooming case in 2012, over the abuse of 47 girls by a group of Asian men. “A few weeks after the Rochdale case, we dealt with a case of 10 white men in North Yorkshire who had been abusing young girls, and they were all convicted and they got long sentences. It didn’t get the level of coverage,” he says

Say it aint so !! That looks like a pretty shit cover up to me.
If the goal is on PREVENTING this in the future then how will that goal be accomplished by defining this as a Muslim problem (and that is what you are doing) going to accomplish that?

1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
They do abuse Muslim girls, where do you get the idea they only target white girls?

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

The Rotherham Rape Ring did select by race. I dont' know about the others.

That Muslims also have a separate issue with internal sexual abuse, is a separate issue.

Those girls were white trash to them.
1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
They do abuse Muslim girls, where do you get the idea they only target white girls?

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

The Rotherham Rape Ring did select by race. I dont' know about the others.

That Muslims also have a separate issue with internal sexual abuse, is a separate issue.

Those girls were white trash to them.

Racist Muslims that target ONLY White Non Muslim girls because they think as you say just White trash, do Coyote and Tommy Tainant AGREE with the Muslims they WORSHIP so much that White Non Muslim girls are White trash, the Leftists name call ANYONE who is WHITE and Non Muslim and NOT Leftist they name call them as RACIST and at the SAME time in a fanatical way DEFEND and make EXCUSES for Muslims who are RACIST against WHITE Non Muslims, they also say they are Pro Womens Rights and at the SAME time SUPPORT Islamists who are fanatically Anti Womens Rights, as with majority of situations there is ZERO logical and ZERO coherent about ANYTHING that Leftists comment.


Just wanted a shag?

It was organised. Highly!

The problem is that Britain there is not enough GOATS and so the Muslim pets have to gang rape in organised gangs White Non Muslim girls the solution to preventing White Non Muslim girls being gang raped by Muslim gang rape gangs is to IMPORT MORE GOATS TO BRITAIN!

Oh hold on, GOATS NEED protecting also #GoatLivesMatter #FuckIslam


What else? Oh this:

Despite TT's over vigorous attempts to muddy the waters, this particular issue was, or still is, about Pakistani Muslim rape gangs in Great Britain, and peculiar to Britain only.

If Tommy would like to open a thread about English white rapists and paedos, and keep it contained to that context, feel free. The Rotherham gang had an extensive network system, organised so well for the activities to flourish.

As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I want people to know about the religious extremism which inspired my abusers
The vast majority of the crimes do not have defenders such as you. That is why discussion must focus on this portion of the crimes.

Also, fuck you, you race baiting faggot.
And yet I want to discuss all of the crimes. You are only concerned about a minority of them. You have no credibility.

You want vague, general and irrelevant discussions, where a bunch of government bureaucrats and social workers talk and talk and nothing is every actually done.

You are the one with no credibility.
You are not open to any discussion that doesnt end with stringing up Muslims.

Even in this post you are blowing hot air. You have been shown that these people have been caught,tried and given appropriate sentences. And yet you still whine on about a conspiracy. The whistleblower now works for the police in helping to identify problems and frame policy. You ignore that. You ignore everything that doesnt fit your narrow racist viewpoint.

What is the highest level politician that lost his or her job for causing this? What serious policy changes were made?

Are people still called racist for discussing the role that Muslim immigrants played in these and other social ills?

Would such as statement be considered illegal Hate Speech under your lack of free speech laws?
Which "high level politician" has ever lost their job over a paedo scandal ? You see there you go again. You are showing your racism.

Actually just google Shaun Wright south yorkshire. So there you go klan boy.

Got it. No real change, just throwing little guys under the bus, while you rally around the power structure that is really to blame.

You are a disgusting vile person, you piece of shit, placing your agenda over the safety of your nations' children.

Fuck you, and your race baiting.
The vast majority of the crimes do not have defenders such as you. That is why discussion must focus on this portion of the crimes.

Also, fuck you, you race baiting faggot.
And yet I want to discuss all of the crimes. You are only concerned about a minority of them. You have no credibility.

You want vague, general and irrelevant discussions, where a bunch of government bureaucrats and social workers talk and talk and nothing is every actually done.

You are the one with no credibility.
You are not open to any discussion that doesnt end with stringing up Muslims.

Even in this post you are blowing hot air. You have been shown that these people have been caught,tried and given appropriate sentences. And yet you still whine on about a conspiracy. The whistleblower now works for the police in helping to identify problems and frame policy. You ignore that. You ignore everything that doesnt fit your narrow racist viewpoint.

What is the highest level politician that lost his or her job for causing this? What serious policy changes were made?

Are people still called racist for discussing the role that Muslim immigrants played in these and other social ills?

Would such as statement be considered illegal Hate Speech under your lack of free speech laws?
Which "high level politician" has ever lost their job over a paedo scandal ? You see there you go again. You are showing your racism.

Actually just google Shaun Wright south yorkshire. So there you go klan boy.

I Google Shaun Wright south yorkshire and that is ONE politician but not high level as in Government, how many British MPs have lost their jobs over the DELIBERATE ignoring of organised paedophile gangs and the DELIBERATE orchestrated sexual abuse and rape of boys and girls? ZERO. How many British MPs have lost their jobs over the many sexual abuse and rapings at childrens homes for vulnerable children? ZERO. Shaun Wright is ONE man and not a top level politician as in the British Cabinet and that is the British Cabinet of both Conservative and Labour Governments.
1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
They do abuse Muslim girls, where do you get the idea they only target white girls?

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

The Rotherham Rape Ring did select by race. I dont' know about the others.

That Muslims also have a separate issue with internal sexual abuse, is a separate issue.

Again, your racism clouds your view

You are supporting policies and actions that have already resulted in the rape of thousands of children, and obviously will do so again.

Even if I was a racist, as you falsely accuse me of, you vile piece of shit, I would still be a far better person than you, faggot.

. They targeted vulnerable girls as you have been shown multiple times on this thread. Asian families tend to have stronger family structures than white or Afro Carib families do there tend to be less of them in this category.

Out of thousands of victims, I've not heard of any being from their own communities. Are you claiming that NONE of the "asian" families produce any vulnerable girls?

It is pretty obvious that there was racism involved in the selection process. Funny, that you are so offended, or pretend to be so offended at such behavior when you claim to see it on a message board,

but not when it results is thousands of your communities children's being raped, tortured, terrorized and even enslaved.

Did I mention that you were a piece of shit?

These blokes just wanted a shag not a race war.

Again, you see racism in any white that opposes you, but these vile pieces of shit target white girls for rape by the thousands, and you give them a pass. (on the racism)

Just addressing another of your loony points.How do you propose to deport a million British citizens ? Where are they going to ?

Start with all of the ones that are not yet citizens. Then move on to checking on those that obvious lied in the application process or are obviously not loyal citizens. Then any with dual citizenship that commit crimes.

And just another one of your loony are you going to stop Muslims becoming taxi drivers ?

Investigate what mechanism is barring native UKers from the job, then address it.

If such a move had been done in Rotherham, they likely would have discovered the rape ring, Just saying.

Of course you will be aware that they already have to pass a registration that filters out those with a criminal record. You also have to posses a clean driving license.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, your giving them a pass on racial discrimination in hiring now too. Got it. Racist bigot.

What you want to do is rip up Magna Carta in order to pursue some vision of a white society. Are there any other groups you would like to get rid of ?

Your vision involves the rape of thousands of young white girls. And who knows what else that has not yet been discovered.

ANd will again, as you have not altered the cause of this at all.
From Sky News.

Some Muslim men involved in cases where young white girls have been abused view them as "worthless", the head of the UK's Ramadhan Foundation has said.

Mohammed Shafiq told Sky News: "There is a minority of criminals involved in sexual abuse of children in on-street gang grooming who view white girls as worthless.

"They think they can be used in this abhorrent sort of way where they can be seen as trash."
...Pakistani-Muslim enclaves, the Banlieus of Bradford; I've driven through them myself...

Have you ever gotten out of your car and walked amongst them, talked to them?

Yes you are right. The political correctness was the villain. It has been discussed at length on English television.

Aah, English television, the arbiter of objective information. :D

"Political correctness" whatever that is supposed to mean, may have played a minor role amongst some of the individuals involved but was only one factor. More influential was the attitude towards the victims and the victims themselves; many were too afraid to speak out and those who did were often not believed because of their mental and or socio-economic status along with a lack of concrete evidence that could be used in a court of law.
1. Convince police and social workers that they will not be punished for addressing the problem correctly. This should include repealing "hate speech" laws that put people (reporters) at legal risk.

2. Make it acceptable to push back against developments such as all the taxis being Muslim.

3. Deport everyone that can be deported.

4. Stop importing more of them.

So it IS about Muslims. Deport every Muslim that can be? Is that what everyone means?

In the meantime you marginalize the more significant problems (police funding, social ills)...

Adressing the problem "correctly" means what...calling it a Muslim problem? Scapegoating an entire community?

In Western nations WHY do the Muslim paedophiles ONLY target Non Muslim WHITE girls? Why do they not target young Muslim girls to get drunk and give drugs to and gang rape?
They do abuse Muslim girls, where do you get the idea they only target white girls?

Beyond Rotherham: Muslims are also silent victims of sexual abuse | Iman Amrani

The Rotherham Rape Ring did select by race. I dont' know about the others.

That Muslims also have a separate issue with internal sexual abuse, is a separate issue.

Again, your racism clouds your view. They targeted vulnerable girls as you have been shown multiple times on this thread. Asian families tend to have stronger family structures than white or Afro Carib families do there tend to be less of them in this category.

These blokes just wanted a shag not a race war.

Just addressing another of your loony points.How do you propose to deport a million British citizens ? Where are they going to ?

And just another one of your loony are you going to stop Muslims becoming taxi drivers ?
Of course you will be aware that they already have to pass a registration that filters out those with a criminal record. You also have to posses a clean driving license.

We are innocent till proven guilty in the UK. I understand that it is a similar proposition in the US.

What you want to do is rip up Magna Carta in order to pursue some vision of a white society. Are there any other groups you would like to get rid of ?

"Asian families tend to have stronger family structures than white or Afro Carib families do there tend to be less of them in this category."

Why ONLY White with NO caps? Oh that's right because you HATE Whites, you are a Self-Hating White Man who would prefer to be Brown because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism or whatever.

So now you also comment that not ONLY White but also Black families are CRAP, so much for you being Pro-Black, we now observe you are now Anti-White AND Anti-Black and ONLY Pro-Muslim on ANY level and that IF a Right-Winger commented what you have commented YOU would be FIRST in that thread to name call them a racist for trashing Blacks and commenting how CRAP they are at the family unit.

"These blokes just wanted a shag not a race war."

This is how you term RAPE? They in ORCHESTRATED fashion DELIBERATELY target YOUNG UNDERAGE GIRLS NOT of THEIR COMMUNITY, they plan in advance to give them alcohol and drugs and then 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200 PLUS Muslim men in a line up each to FORCIBLY RAPE THOUSANDS of these girls.

So Correll, Dogmaphobe, Mindful, The Hawk and others in this and other threads ARE ACCURATE when they tell YOU that you SUPPORT the rape of young girls by your Muslim loverboys. IF this was WHITE MEN would you comment:

"These blokes just wanted a shag not a race war."

No you would NOT.
...Pakistani-Muslim enclaves, the Banlieus of Bradford; I've driven through them myself...

Have you ever gotten out of your car and walked amongst them, talked to them?

Yes you are right. The political correctness was the villain. It has been discussed at length on English television.

Aah, English television, the arbiter of objective information. :D

"Political correctness" whatever that is supposed to mean, may have played a minor role amongst some of the individuals involved but was only one factor. More influential was the attitude towards the victims and the victims themselves; many were too afraid to speak out and those who did were often not believed because of their mental and or socio-economic status along with a lack of concrete evidence that could be used in a court of law.

As objective as here?


Of course I've talked to them. I like those three on Gogglebox.

I also get lamb chops from the Pakistani butcher in DC.

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