It Is Time To Start the Deportations

how do you figure? the stock market is at record highs right now, do you feel that benefits you in any way?

It benefits most of us. Where is your retirement plan at? Oh, that's right, you probably don't have one. You'll wait until you get on Social Security and then cry you're starving because it doesn't pay enough for you to live on.
Trump has taken office and got his feet wet. Now it's time to get down to business. I know he has got to get the ACA repealed and we have to pass a budget, but he and his people can multitask.

Here's the deal: all people in this nation illegally have got to go...NOW.

We are going into growing season, so there is some farm work to do. What we should do is replace the beaners with American workers. We take everyone who does not have a job, including all those who have "left the labor force" and put them to work. If you are able bodied, you work. If you get Gov benefits and have a SS disability rating of 50% or less, you go to work. With the savings realized by not having to take care of the illegals we can subsidize the American work force that will be assigned to agriculture jobs. These wages will then be put back into the economy rather than being sent to Mexico, resulting in a net gain to our economy.

Basically, we draft the unemployed people into the agricultural work force. It does not take much to pick beans or whatever. It is good, honest work that needs to be done. We can call it the "Ag Force". Make them report, then we ship them to the needed areas. We can even subsidize their living with a per diem to get this program started. The cost savings of getting rid of the beaners will pay for the program.

There is absolutely no reason to have Americans not working, enjoying the benefits of being American while giving nothing back, with illegals in the country doing necessary jobs. This is patently absurd.

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how do you think any of that will benefit you personally?
Illegals come here and vote illegally. Even worse, they have children here who instantly become legal. When they are old enough, they vote legally to put Democrats in office that support more illegal immigrants to come to the US. Illegal immigration is allowing outside cultures to come here and change our nations culture. The US deserves to have its culture preserved just as much as anyone elses culture..
US culture sucks
There it is.
Trump has taken office and got his feet wet. Now it's time to get down to business. I know he has got to get the ACA repealed and we have to pass a budget, but he and his people can multitask.

Here's the deal: all people in this nation illegally have got to go...NOW.

We are going into growing season, so there is some farm work to do. What we should do is replace the beaners with American workers. We take everyone who does not have a job, including all those who have "left the labor force" and put them to work. If you are able bodied, you work. If you get Gov benefits and have a SS disability rating of 50% or less, you go to work. With the savings realized by not having to take care of the illegals we can subsidize the American work force that will be assigned to agriculture jobs. These wages will then be put back into the economy rather than being sent to Mexico, resulting in a net gain to our economy.

Basically, we draft the unemployed people into the agricultural work force. It does not take much to pick beans or whatever. It is good, honest work that needs to be done. We can call it the "Ag Force". Make them report, then we ship them to the needed areas. We can even subsidize their living with a per diem to get this program started. The cost savings of getting rid of the beaners will pay for the program.

There is absolutely no reason to have Americans not working, enjoying the benefits of being American while giving nothing back, with illegals in the country doing necessary jobs. This is patently absurd.

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how do you think any of that will benefit you personally?
Illegals come here and vote illegally. Even worse, they have children here who instantly become legal. When they are old enough, they vote legally to put Democrats in office that support more illegal immigrants to come to the US. Illegal immigration is allowing outside cultures to come here and change our nations culture. The US deserves to have its culture preserved just as much as anyone elses culture..
US culture sucks
That is your opinion, which most people do not share, but do explain why you think we are so horrible.
which part do you like about it? the centuries of genocide, jim crow, the CIA, mcdonalds?

I like the freedom and the economic opportunity.

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Illegals come here and vote illegally. Even worse, they have children here who instantly become legal. When they are old enough, they vote legally to put Democrats in office that support more illegal immigrants to come to the US. Illegal immigration is allowing outside cultures to come here and change our nations culture. The US deserves to have its culture preserved just as much as anyone elses culture..
US culture sucks
That is your opinion, which most people do not share, but do explain why you think we are so horrible.
which part do you like about it? the centuries of genocide, jim crow, the CIA, mcdonalds?
What does "centuries of genocide and Jim Crow" have to do with the culture in the US in 2017? As for the CIA, its an amazing government branch that has likely saved the world many times over and they continue to keep us save every day.

McDonalds is a gigantic success, opening its stores all across the globe. They created a product that the world likes, so what are you even talking about? Because its unhealthy? Who gives a fuck? Ice cream is unhealthy too, but people are still going to eat it.
well mcdonalds didn't exactly invent the hamburger but thats another topic. What is it about US culture that you think is so great? I'm assuming you mean great for wealthy white christian hetero males right? You can't mean black people or the ironically named native americans

You asserted that American culture sucks. Therefore, you have the burden, douchebag.

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Trump has taken office and got his feet wet. Now it's time to get down to business. I know he has got to get the ACA repealed and we have to pass a budget, but he and his people can multitask.

Here's the deal: all people in this nation illegally have got to go...NOW.

We are going into growing season, so there is some farm work to do. What we should do is replace the beaners with American workers. We take everyone who does not have a job, including all those who have "left the labor force" and put them to work. If you are able bodied, you work. If you get Gov benefits and have a SS disability rating of 50% or less, you go to work. With the savings realized by not having to take care of the illegals we can subsidize the American work force that will be assigned to agriculture jobs. These wages will then be put back into the economy rather than being sent to Mexico, resulting in a net gain to our economy.

Basically, we draft the unemployed people into the agricultural work force. It does not take much to pick beans or whatever. It is good, honest work that needs to be done. We can call it the "Ag Force". Make them report, then we ship them to the needed areas. We can even subsidize their living with a per diem to get this program started. The cost savings of getting rid of the beaners will pay for the program.

There is absolutely no reason to have Americans not working, enjoying the benefits of being American while giving nothing back, with illegals in the country doing necessary jobs. This is patently absurd.

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Most harvesting is automated now, no need for hordes of pickers, and hasn't been one for a while. The little that is still being done by hand can be automated as well. It's a myth criminal illegal aliens are 'picking our crops and we'll starve without them'. It's also a myth that no Americans were ever available to pick them as well.

Silence in the Fields

Also, when total macro-economic costs are thrown in they are far from 'cheaper' for the economy then domestic labor. They are only 'cheap' for the farmers and agribusinesses, while the taxpayers eat the rest.

Don't be a douche, dude. We can activate our unemployed into a work force that can replace illegals in all sectors: law care, construction, whatever. You are missing the forest for the trees.

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I said no such thing. Are you losing this argument so badly that in order to win, you now you have to pretend i said things i never said? You are a very weak debater. Im not interested in arguing with you over your made up quotes.
would you let mexicans in if they agreed to be your slave? thats what you really want after all isn't it?
Ah, more fake arguments produced from your own imagination. I suggest you find a different strategy in the future if you intend on ever winning a debate. Thanks for playing.
do you think mexicans would be better off as your slaves? yes or no? is feigning ignorance and refusing to answer questions part of your culture as well?
Where the fuck do you live? No one thinks slavery is cool in the US. Are YOU looking for a slave or something? Whats with all this slave talk?
pretty much every republican Ive ever met wants slavery.... why do you think black people never vote republican?
Trump has taken office and got his feet wet. Now it's time to get down to business. I know he has got to get the ACA repealed and we have to pass a budget, but he and his people can multitask.

Here's the deal: all people in this nation illegally have got to go...NOW.

We are going into growing season, so there is some farm work to do. What we should do is replace the beaners with American workers. We take everyone who does not have a job, including all those who have "left the labor force" and put them to work. If you are able bodied, you work. If you get Gov benefits and have a SS disability rating of 50% or less, you go to work. With the savings realized by not having to take care of the illegals we can subsidize the American work force that will be assigned to agriculture jobs. These wages will then be put back into the economy rather than being sent to Mexico, resulting in a net gain to our economy.

Basically, we draft the unemployed people into the agricultural work force. It does not take much to pick beans or whatever. It is good, honest work that needs to be done. We can call it the "Ag Force". Make them report, then we ship them to the needed areas. We can even subsidize their living with a per diem to get this program started. The cost savings of getting rid of the beaners will pay for the program.

There is absolutely no reason to have Americans not working, enjoying the benefits of being American while giving nothing back, with illegals in the country doing necessary jobs. This is patently absurd.

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Exclusive: Immigration judges headed to 12 U.S. cities to speed deportations
Trump has taken office and got his feet wet. Now it's time to get down to business. I know he has got to get the ACA repealed and we have to pass a budget, but he and his people can multitask.

Here's the deal: all people in this nation illegally have got to go...NOW.

We are going into growing season, so there is some farm work to do. What we should do is replace the beaners with American workers. We take everyone who does not have a job, including all those who have "left the labor force" and put them to work. If you are able bodied, you work. If you get Gov benefits and have a SS disability rating of 50% or less, you go to work. With the savings realized by not having to take care of the illegals we can subsidize the American work force that will be assigned to agriculture jobs. These wages will then be put back into the economy rather than being sent to Mexico, resulting in a net gain to our economy.

Basically, we draft the unemployed people into the agricultural work force. It does not take much to pick beans or whatever. It is good, honest work that needs to be done. We can call it the "Ag Force". Make them report, then we ship them to the needed areas. We can even subsidize their living with a per diem to get this program started. The cost savings of getting rid of the beaners will pay for the program.

There is absolutely no reason to have Americans not working, enjoying the benefits of being American while giving nothing back, with illegals in the country doing necessary jobs. This is patently absurd.

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So how do we "Deport" the Trump Voters??????
Trump has taken office and got his feet wet. Now it's time to get down to business. I know he has got to get the ACA repealed and we have to pass a budget, but he and his people can multitask.

Here's the deal: all people in this nation illegally have got to go...NOW.

We are going into growing season, so there is some farm work to do. What we should do is replace the beaners with American workers. We take everyone who does not have a job, including all those who have "left the labor force" and put them to work. If you are able bodied, you work. If you get Gov benefits and have a SS disability rating of 50% or less, you go to work. With the savings realized by not having to take care of the illegals we can subsidize the American work force that will be assigned to agriculture jobs. These wages will then be put back into the economy rather than being sent to Mexico, resulting in a net gain to our economy.

Basically, we draft the unemployed people into the agricultural work force. It does not take much to pick beans or whatever. It is good, honest work that needs to be done. We can call it the "Ag Force". Make them report, then we ship them to the needed areas. We can even subsidize their living with a per diem to get this program started. The cost savings of getting rid of the beaners will pay for the program.

There is absolutely no reason to have Americans not working, enjoying the benefits of being American while giving nothing back, with illegals in the country doing necessary jobs. This is patently absurd.

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how do you think any of that will benefit you personally?
Illegals come here and vote illegally. Even worse, they have children here who instantly become legal. When they are old enough, they vote legally to put Democrats in office that support more illegal immigrants to come to the US. Illegal immigration is allowing outside cultures to come here and change our nations culture. The US deserves to have its culture preserved just as much as anyone elses culture..
US culture sucks

That's an easy one, get on the bus headed back to Mexico with all the illegal criminals y'all love so much , and move to Mexico . Problem solved

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Most harvesting is automated now, no need for hordes of pickers, and hasn't been one for a while. The little that is still being done by hand can be automated as well. It's a myth criminal illegal aliens are 'picking our crops and we'll starve without them'. It's also a myth that no Americans were ever available to pick them as well.

Silence in the Fields

Also, when total macro-economic costs are thrown in they are far from 'cheaper' for the economy then domestic labor. They are only 'cheap' for the farmers and agribusinesses, while the taxpayers eat the rest.

Don't be a douche, dude. We can activate our unemployed into a work force that can replace illegals in all sectors: law care, construction, whatever. You are missing the forest for the trees.

What are you talking about here? You sure you're quoting the right poster here? Most agriculture is already automated and the rest will be soon; there are fewer and fewer jobs, for anybody, in picking crops any more. Criminal illegal aliens are taking other kinds of jobs, better ones than crop picking, and have been for several decades.
So how do we "Deport" the Trump Voters??????

We don't, we deport Hillary and her supporters, pretty much the entire Democratic Party base. Trump voters are wonderful, they're patriot and care about this country. It's the degenerates and haters who need to go; some of them kept threatening to leave, but are still here, so we can start with them, Ginzburg, Rosis O Donnell, et al, and then follow up with registered Democrats, with all the fake news reporters at the head of the lines. Thomas Jefferson was all for deporting un-american vermin, and so should we.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.
Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

Jefferson founded the Democratic Party, so they should all go quietly and go live somewhere they will be happy and reflects their real values, like Somalia or Iran, and North Korea. Their Party's own Founder has endorsed their leaving.
Trump has taken office and got his feet wet. Now it's time to get down to business. I know he has got to get the ACA repealed and we have to pass a budget, but he and his people can multitask.

Here's the deal: all people in this nation illegally have got to go...NOW.

We are going into growing season, so there is some farm work to do. What we should do is replace the beaners with American workers. We take everyone who does not have a job, including all those who have "left the labor force" and put them to work. If you are able bodied, you work. If you get Gov benefits and have a SS disability rating of 50% or less, you go to work. With the savings realized by not having to take care of the illegals we can subsidize the American work force that will be assigned to agriculture jobs. These wages will then be put back into the economy rather than being sent to Mexico, resulting in a net gain to our economy.

Basically, we draft the unemployed people into the agricultural work force. It does not take much to pick beans or whatever. It is good, honest work that needs to be done. We can call it the "Ag Force". Make them report, then we ship them to the needed areas. We can even subsidize their living with a per diem to get this program started. The cost savings of getting rid of the beaners will pay for the program.

There is absolutely no reason to have Americans not working, enjoying the benefits of being American while giving nothing back, with illegals in the country doing necessary jobs. This is patently absurd.

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Another Dumbass comment--LOL First of all they aren't going to deport ALL illegals in this country, because it would crash our economy. They contribute 4 trillion dollars to the GDP every year. Farming would collapse and we would have fruit ROTTING on the vine.
Benefits Of Illegal Immigration in the United States
The Economic Logic of Illegal Immigration

The economies of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado & California would all collapse.
Without Immigrant Labor, the Economy Would Crumble -

ALABAMA was the first state to kick out all illegals, and it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.
How America's harshest immigration law failed
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Another Dumbass comment--LOL First of all they aren't going to deport ALL illegals in this country, because it would crash our economy.

lol nonsense; it would improve the economy.

They contribute 4 trillion dollars to the GDP every year.

More horseshit. A Florida study commissioned by Democrats themselves found all immigrants created a net loss to the state's economy of around $,2400+ per immigrant, both legal and illegals combined, so you're just pulling propaganda out of your butt here.

Farming would collapse and we would have fruit ROTTING on the vine.

lol we throw away quite a bit as it is, and if any is rotting on the vine it's because of over-production and lack of demand.
Benefits Of Illegal Immigration in the United States
The Economic Logic of Illegal Immigration

The economies of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado & California would all collapse.
Without Immigrant Labor, the Economy Would Crumble -

ALABAMA was the first state to kick out all illegals, and it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.
How America's harshest immigration law failed

More fake news, and as I pointed out these fake news stories never bring up the amount of funds that go for social services paid for by the public and certainly never bring up the loss of wages these criminal illegals create for citizens. They're bankrupting our social safety net, and have been since the Carter-Reagan years. It's just more nonsense about fake labor shortages, and Silly Con Valley and every other industry cries the same tune, and vermin like Paul Ryan falls all over himself to hand out truckloads of green cards to his buddies and campaign donors.
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