It isn't about "assault weapons" or banning the 2nd Amendment...but biased uninformed population!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Watching Sunday morning talking heads one interesting segment was interviews with uninformed people at the recent uninformed gatherings "March for our lives" and the vast majority never knew what an "assault" rifle or why there was a 2nd amendment. Woefully uninformed and most marching because they biased MSM NEEDED ratings to sell advertising.
The biased totally ratings driven MSM promotes these mass shootings, promotes government distrust and overall ignorance of the population by HOW they present the news.
Case in point... How many of you can tell me the distinction between a "journalist/reporter" and an editorial/commentator? Well we aren't seeing that distinction in the MSM today! Here are graphic examples.
Note the biased MSM "soaring deficits" in Trump budget tweet by AP and their praising Obama's combatting terror and global warming tweets.

One of the commentators said maybe we needed if the 2nd Amendment was banned to prevent "mass shooting" hysteria we should ban the 1st amendment as the MSM's need for ratings PROMOTES those aberrant crazy people that do the INFREQUENT yet totally blown out of proportion shootings. Note they didn't promote the killings recently in MD where the armed guard killed the shooter! Of course not. Didn't last long enough. Did not generate mass hysteria. Let's ban the 1st amendment if we ban the 2nd amendment.
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When it comes to school kids and guns, I don't think 'brainwashed' is too strong a word. All they have heard from their teachers and the media is "Guns are the problem". No mention of the effects of gun free zones, ultra violent first person shooter games, social isolation, law enforcement and intelligence failures, etc etc. It's all about the guns. We are seeing the results of that disinformation campaign.

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