It Looks LIke That SOB bush Gets Caught Lying...AGAIN!!

Bush 'not telling truth' in memoirs: Germany's Schroeder

Former German Chancellor called him out on his false claims the shrub has been making on his rewritting history book tour.

When does that POS ever stop lying? He's not on the scene a full week and EVERY. SINGLE. WORD from his greasy lips is pure lies.

No MFer...we do NOT miss you!


Hey, boy, just curious how you know for certain Schroeder is telling the truth and Bush isn't? Could be Bush's description is correct but doesn't square with what Schroeder told the folks back home he said to Bush, so now he's trying to save face with them. But the fact is anyone with a brain knows we'll never know for sure who's version is right and who's isn't. Only folks like you with an agenda will automatically take the German's side. Which is very par for the course in your case.
Bush 'not telling truth' in memoirs: Germany's Schroeder

Former German Chancellor called him out on his false claims the shrub has been making on his rewritting history book tour.

When does that POS ever stop lying? He's not on the scene a full week and EVERY. SINGLE. WORD from his greasy lips is pure lies.

No MFer...we do NOT miss you!


Hey, boy, just curious how you know for certain Schroeder is telling the truth and Bush isn't? Could be Bush's description is correct but doesn't square with what Schroeder told the folks back home he said to Bush, so now he's trying to save face with them. But the fact is anyone with a brain knows we'll never know for sure who's version is right and who's isn't. Only folks like you with an agenda will automatically take the German's side. Which is very par for the course in your case.

Malcolm Ex-lax, as you note, cannot be taken seriously.

Actually, it's quite uplifting and his (Obama's) photo makes for great target practice.

HERE'S ANOTHER WMD LIAR!!!! The terrorist infidel who lied to us about the $200 Million a day trip to India.

YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still waiting for you to prove he didn't spend $200 million. If you are so sure, you must have the real figure, right?

But don't change the subject, I so enjoy saying nasty things about the Muslim sewage in the White House.

yes the real figures will come out someday, however the pseudo-conservative mouthpieces will have moved on to spreading other spurious lies to their zealot supporters.

The Taj Mahal has only 560 rooms including 44 suites, according to its website.

The White House has not booked the entire hotel and the press, which won't be staying there, pays its own way, reported Jonathan Weisman in his The Wall Street Journal blog.

Weisman and other media also cited a report that $200 million a day would represent "the unbelievably staggering sum of $66,000 per person per day" for 3,000 people. He and others also cited a analysis noting the entire Afghanistan war alone costs roughly $190 million a day.

Ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder: George W. Bush 'Not Telling Truth' in Memoir

We noticed that the intellectual reach of the president of the most important nation at the time was exceptionally low," Uwe-Karsten Heye, who was Schroeder's spokesman at the time, told German news channel N24, according to the Telegraph. "For this reason, it was difficult to communicate with him. He had no idea what was happening in the world. He was so fixated on being a Texan. I think he knew every longhorn in Texas."
I'm shocked you took the chancellors word over our Presidents!!


Not really you racist pig.

No WMD, no connection between Iraq and Al Queda. Bush lied. Repeatedly.

Wrong. No significant stash of WMDs being FOUND does not entail the logical conclusion that Saddam hadn't had any. You fail logic, though, MoldySocks.

And there was a connection (many in fact) between Saddam and al qaeda. That does not mean that there was a connection between Saddam and the events of 9/11/2001, however. Again, MoldySocks, you fail.

Ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder: George W. Bush 'Not Telling Truth' in Memoir

We noticed that the intellectual reach of the president of the most important nation at the time was exceptionally low," Uwe-Karsten Heye, who was Schroeder's spokesman at the time, told German news channel N24, according to the Telegraph. "For this reason, it was difficult to communicate with him. He had no idea what was happening in the world. He was so fixated on being a Texan. I think he knew every longhorn in Texas."

Yet the Germans who were (so they now claim) so against it sent their top Chemical Decontamination teams in with us? And you want to believe a foreigner over your own....Sucks to be you guys.
uhm I think he denied water boarding was torture...... he denied he did it at all? :eusa_eh: I never heard that can you link to it please?

Waterboarding is NOT torture. Every Marine gets waterboarded in training. Bush didn't lie, he said waterboarding was not toture...except if you are talking to a liberal pussy.
It's like the word "racism": Its meaning has been watered down to mean "something a liberal doesn't like"...and so it's useless as a meaningful word.

Interesting that you should say it like that. Apparently conservatives love racism based on your post and the teabaggers.
Waterboarding is NOT torture. Every Marine gets waterboarded in training. Bush didn't lie, he said waterboarding was not toture...except if you are talking to a liberal pussy.
It's like the word "racism": Its meaning has been watered down to mean "something a liberal doesn't like"...and so it's useless as a meaningful word.

Interesting that you should say it like that. Apparently conservatives love racism based on your post and the teabaggers.
See? I say things you don't like, so you label it "racism".
You should have said "something that NOBODY likes".

Unless, of course, your conservative views support racists.
I'm shocked you took the chancellors word over our Presidents!!


Not really you racist pig.

No WMD, no connection between Iraq and Al Queda. Bush lied. Repeatedly.

Beep. Wrong on both counts.

Iraq did have chemical WMD, WikiLeaks documents reveal -

The massive cache of almost 400,000 Iraq war documents released by the WikiLeaks Web site revealed that small amounts of chemical weapons were found in Iraq and continued to surface for years after the 2003 US invasion, Wired magazine reported.

The documents showed that US troops continued to find chemical weapons and labs for years after the invasion, including remnants of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons arsenal -- most of which had been destroyed following the Gulf War.

In August 2004, American troops were able to buy containers from locals of what they thought was liquid sulfur mustard, a blister agent, the documents revealed. The chemicals were triple-sealed and taken to a secure site.

Also in 2004, troops discovered a chemical lab in a house in Fallujah during a battle with insurgents. A chemical cache was also found in the city.

Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate -

Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."

The bulk of it was moved to Syria.

Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says - January 26, 2006 - The New York Sun

Saddam's WMD Moved to Syria, An Israeli Says - December 15, 2005 - The New York Sun

Also Hussein and Al Qaida had ties that went back a decade.
HERE'S ANOTHER WMD LIAR!!!! The terrorist infidel who lied to us about the $200 Million a day trip to India.

YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still waiting for you to prove he didn't spend $200 million. If you are so sure, you must have the real figure, right?

But don't change the subject, I so enjoy saying nasty things about the Muslim sewage in the White House.

yes the real figures will come out someday, however the pseudo-conservative mouthpieces will have moved on to spreading other spurious lies to their zealot supporters.

The Taj Mahal has only 560 rooms including 44 suites, according to its website.

The White House has not booked the entire hotel and the press, which won't be staying there, pays its own way, reported Jonathan Weisman in his The Wall Street Journal blog.

Weisman and other media also cited a report that $200 million a day would represent "the unbelievably staggering sum of $66,000 per person per day" for 3,000 people. He and others also cited a analysis noting the entire Afghanistan war alone costs roughly $190 million a day.

Fuck Check is a far left wing organization.
You should have said "something that NOBODY likes".

Unless, of course, your conservative views support racists.
:lol: You really are a stupid little man. You keep mindlessly regurgitating the nonsense you've been programmed with.

You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.
I'm shocked you took the chancellors word over our Presidents!!


Not really you racist pig.

No WMD, no connection between Iraq and Al Queda. Bush lied. Repeatedly.

He didn't say there was a connection. Cheney did. and you can't prove he lied about WMD's just because it happened to be wrong.

There was a decade connection between Hussein and Al Qaida.

He wasn't wrong.

If you murdered someone with a gun and the police are closing in on you. And you have had months warning that they are coming to get you, would you try and get rid of the gun or keep it on you?

And if you got rid of the gun does that mean that the gun never existed?
Perhaps you guys should focus on the actual lies being told on a daily basis by the current inhabitant of 1600 Pennsylvania. It is a bit more timely and, uh, relevant.
Perhaps you guys should focus on the actual lies being told on a daily basis by the current inhabitant of 1600 Pennsylvania. It is a bit more timely and, uh, relevant.

No way. They're trying to focus attention away from Obama.
Bush 'not telling truth' in memoirs: Germany's Schroeder

Former German Chancellor called him out on his false claims the shrub has been making on his rewritting history book tour.

When does that POS ever stop lying? He's not on the scene a full week and EVERY. SINGLE. WORD from his greasy lips is pure lies.

No MFer...we do NOT miss you!

Hey idiot,stop the trash talk. Besides we have a new POS in the WH that is lying every time he opens his mouth, and by the way, failing at every turn:)
I love this thread because it exemplifies liberal BDS.

Schroeder backed Kofi Annan who basically got thousands killed in Rwanda by denying D'Aillaire the ability to stop the genocide.

But libs will believe this piece of shit.


But then libs couldn't really give a crap about Rwanda. Just mouthpieces at the best of times.

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