It Looks LIke That SOB bush Gets Caught Lying...AGAIN!!

The left has REPEATED that lie, that Bush lied for so long, they actually believe it.

and as I said, they would take Bin Ladens word over Bush if it would make him look bad.

Bin Laden has a name for people like that, USEFUL IDIOTS.:lol::cuckoo:
If bush goes to Europe they WILL arrest his dumb kountry a$$!
Bush 'not telling truth' in memoirs: Germany's Schroeder

Former German Chancellor called him out on his false claims the shrub has been making on his rewritting history book tour.

When does that POS ever stop lying? He's not on the scene a full week and EVERY. SINGLE. WORD from his greasy lips is pure lies.

No MFer...we do NOT miss you!


You're talking about Schroeder, the guy who said he wouldn't use Iraq as a political point and then turned around and did just that? THe guy who now works for a Russian oil pipeline company? The guy called "der Kashmirkankeler", the cashmere Chancellor for his taste in fine clothes?
You're giving him credibility?
You're even dumber than I thought.
Fact is that there is one liberal nutcase professor who has requested arrest warrants (from the Hague) on Bush. I doubt that his idiotic request will ever get anywhere since there were no crimes.....
Fact is that there is one liberal nutcase professor who has requested arrest warrants (from the Hague) on Bush. I doubt that his idiotic request will ever get anywhere since there were no crimes.....
Sounds like a admission that the real lunatic hacks are on the Right and not on the Left.

How many of you RW SCHMUCKS are talking about "Obama's a Muslim/Terrorist/Fascist, yada, yada, yada?"
Fact is that there is one liberal nutcase professor who has requested arrest warrants (from the Hague) on Bush. I doubt that his idiotic request will ever get anywhere since there were no crimes.....
Sounds like a admission that the real lunatic hacks are on the Right and not on the Left.

How many of you RW SCHMUCKS are talking about "Obama's a Muslim/Terrorist/Fascist, yada, yada, yada?"

Oh Please, you are still calling Bush names knowing that they are meaningless. And by Muslim law I believe Obama is a Muslim by birthright. Only he knows what is in his heart though.
Fact is that there is one liberal nutcase professor who has requested arrest warrants (from the Hague) on Bush. I doubt that his idiotic request will ever get anywhere since there were no crimes.....
Sounds like a admission that the real lunatic hacks are on the Right and not on the Left.

How many of you RW SCHMUCKS are talking about "Obama's a Muslim/Terrorist/Fascist, yada, yada, yada?"

Oh Please, you are still calling Bush names knowing that they are meaningless. And by Muslim law I believe Obama is a Muslim by birthright. Only he knows what is in his heart though.
God knows, too.
I just watched a rerun of Bush's interview with Brian Williams. Thank God we don't have that in the White House any longer. At serious moments he still shrugs and does that heh heh heh.
Toward the end of the interview, Bush took full credit for TARP.
Full credit for TARP? No wonder the GOP didn't want him to release his book until after the elections.
Bush is more popular than Obama.

If the American people could have their way, Bush would be President again and Obama would be doing what he does best, nothing.
I'm shocked you took the chancellors word over our Presidents!!


Not really you racist pig.

No WMD, no connection between Iraq and Al Queda. Bush lied. Repeatedly.

Beep. Wrong on both counts.

Iraq did have chemical WMD, WikiLeaks documents reveal -

The massive cache of almost 400,000 Iraq war documents released by the WikiLeaks Web site revealed that small amounts of chemical weapons were found in Iraq and continued to surface for years after the 2003 US invasion, Wired magazine reported.

The documents showed that US troops continued to find chemical weapons and labs for years after the invasion, including remnants of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons arsenal -- most of which had been destroyed following the Gulf War.

In August 2004, American troops were able to buy containers from locals of what they thought was liquid sulfur mustard, a blister agent, the documents revealed. The chemicals were triple-sealed and taken to a secure site.

Also in 2004, troops discovered a chemical lab in a house in Fallujah during a battle with insurgents. A chemical cache was also found in the city.

Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate -

Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."

The bulk of it was moved to Syria.

Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says - January 26, 2006 - The New York Sun

Saddam's WMD Moved to Syria, An Israeli Says - December 15, 2005 - The New York Sun

Also Hussein and Al Qaida had ties that went back a decade.

Your's is a specious argument. The claim of the Bush Administration was not that he had left over ordinace from the Iranian war rotting away somewhere, but that he was activly producing large quantities and stockpiles. Where are those mobile labs anyway?

Saddam had no working relationship with al Queda. Iraq had a secular society and was in conflict with al Queda. Al Queda was not allowed to operate in Iraq.
I'm still waiting for you to prove he didn't spend $200 million. If you are so sure, you must have the real figure, right?

But don't change the subject, I so enjoy saying nasty things about the Muslim sewage in the White House.

yes the real figures will come out someday, however the pseudo-conservative mouthpieces will have moved on to spreading other spurious lies to their zealot supporters.

The Taj Mahal has only 560 rooms including 44 suites, according to its website.

The White House has not booked the entire hotel and the press, which won't be staying there, pays its own way, reported Jonathan Weisman in his The Wall Street Journal blog.

Weisman and other media also cited a report that $200 million a day would represent "the unbelievably staggering sum of $66,000 per person per day" for 3,000 people. He and others also cited a analysis noting the entire Afghanistan war alone costs roughly $190 million a day.

Fuck Check is a far left wing organization.

If you beleived the $200,000,000.00 a day figure you need this:

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
I admit nothing. He lied to get into Iraq, he found no WMDs, and now, according to him, his lie didn't pan out and he "terrible about it, sick about it ." That is just remorse for his crimes, but does not mean he didn't lie about WMDs. Bush asked for fake INTEL, and got what he asked for. Bush ignored the inspecters & everybody else that disagreed with him. He said he didn't care what the UN said, he was going in. Now he feels terrible?? LMAO!!! He probably feels terrible for a lot of things.................

Saddam didn't have much to fight with during the first gulf war. Then they impose economic sanctions on Iraq, have the UN prowling around for years looking for weapons, and somehow through all that, he was supposed to be able to build some deadly weapons that could destroy the US? I didn't believe it then, and it's pretty apparent now that it was a trumped up story.

Iraq was a rather small country surrounded by enemies, and it seemed that he wanted to give him neighbors the impression that his war power was stronger than it was--just to keep them at bay. But it's highly doubtful, with the combined intelligence work of the US and the UN, that the administration didn't know the truth.

Most intelligence agencies in the world believed him. He was a very convincing player. Too convincing for his own good. Of course he didn't believe we would actually come back either.

If that were true then we would have had no problem getting the UN Security Counsel to pass a resolution that included the use of military force to stop him, but they didn't. The US was so afraid the UNSC would refuse to allow the invasion they tabled the vote and went the invasion route without the support of the UN. The invasion was illegal according to the UN Charter.

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