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It Matters To The Dead Men’s Families, Hillary


Nov 13, 2012
By Mychal Massie
January 29, 2013

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee January 23, Hillary’s performance was predictable. After suffering with a tummy ache, an alleged fall, and alleged blood clots caused by the alleged fall – she appeared before the Committee filled with spit and vinegar. Her theatrics were expected (at least by me), but what wasn’t expected by [...]


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It Matters To The Dead Men's Families, Hillary - The Daily Rant: Black Conservative Mychal Massie's Hard Hitting Commentary on Race, Obama and Politics
By Mychal Massie
January 29, 2013

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee January 23, Hillary’s performance was predictable. After suffering with a tummy ache, an alleged fall, and alleged blood clots caused by the alleged fall – she appeared before the Committee filled with spit and vinegar. Her theatrics were expected (at least by me), but what wasn’t expected by [...]


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It Matters To The Dead Men's Families, Hillary - The Daily Rant: Black Conservative Mychal Massie's Hard Hitting Commentary on Race, Obama and Politics

This is disingenuous right wing propaganda and ignorance. The OP edited the testimony in an attempt to twist what Hillary was saying.

Let me interpret for you. She was not saying the lose of 4 Americans lives didn't matter. She was saying just the opposite. She was stating the fact "we had four dead Americans" and "what difference at this point does it make?" whether the anti-Islamic video was a factor or not. "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator"


Johnson : The point I’m making is a very simple phone call to these individuals would’ve ascertained immediately that there was no protest prior to this. This attack started at 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time and it was an assault. I appreciate the fact that you called it an assault, but I’m going back to Ambassador Rice five days later going to Sunday shows and what I would say is purposefully misleading the American public. Why wasn’t that known? And again I appreciate the fact that the transparency of this hearing, but why weren’t we transparent to that point in time?

Clinton : Well first of all Senator, I would say that the once the assault happened, and once we got our people rescued and out, our most immediate concern was number one taking care of their injuries. As I said, I still have a DS agent at Walter Reid seriously injured, getting them into Frankfurt, Ramstein to get taken care of, the FBI going over immediately to start talking to them. We did not think it was appropriate for us to talk to them before the FBI conducted their interviews. And we did not, I think this is accurate sir, I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted the IC talking points at the time that Ambassador Rice went on the TV shows, and you know I just want to say that people have accused Ambassador Rice and the administration of you know misleading Americans. I can say trying to be in the middle of this and understanding what was going on, nothing could be further from the truth. Was information developing? Was the situation fluid? Would we reach conclusions later that weren’t reached initially? And I appreciate the --

Johnson : But Madame Secretary, do you disagree with me that a simple phone call to those evacuees to determine what happened wouldn’t have ascertained immediately that there was no protest? That was a piece of information that could’ve been easily, easily obtained?

Clinton : But Senator again—

Johnson : Within hours, if not days?

Clinton : Senator, you know, when you’re in these positions, the last thing you want to do is interfere with any other process going on, number one—

Johnson : I realize that a good excuse.

Clinton : Well no it’s the fact. Number two, I would recommend highly you read both what the ARB said about it and the classified ARB because even today, there are questions being raised. Now, we have no doubt they were terrorist, they were militants, they attacked us, they killed our people. But what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing is still unknown—

Johnson : No, again, we were misled that there were supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that - an assault sprang out of that - and that was easily ascertained that was not the fact, and the American people could have known that within days and they didn’t know that.

Clinton : With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator. Now honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process I understand going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear it is from my perspective less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on the meantime.
By Mychal Massie
January 29, 2013

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee January 23, Hillary’s performance was predictable. After suffering with a tummy ache, an alleged fall, and alleged blood clots caused by the alleged fall – she appeared before the Committee filled with spit and vinegar. Her theatrics were expected (at least by me), but what wasn’t expected by [...]


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It Matters To The Dead Men's Families, Hillary - The Daily Rant: Black Conservative Mychal Massie's Hard Hitting Commentary on Race, Obama and Politics

This is disingenuous right wing propaganda and ignorance. The OP edited the testimony in an attempt to twist what Hillary was saying.

Let me interpret for you. She was not saying the lose of 4 Americans lives didn't matter. She was saying just the opposite. She was stating the fact "we had four dead Americans" and "what difference at this point does it make?" whether the anti-Islamic video was a factor or not. "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator"


Johnson : The point I’m making is a very simple phone call to these individuals would’ve ascertained immediately that there was no protest prior to this. This attack started at 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time and it was an assault. I appreciate the fact that you called it an assault, but I’m going back to Ambassador Rice five days later going to Sunday shows and what I would say is purposefully misleading the American public. Why wasn’t that known? And again I appreciate the fact that the transparency of this hearing, but why weren’t we transparent to that point in time?

Clinton : Well first of all Senator, I would say that the once the assault happened, and once we got our people rescued and out, our most immediate concern was number one taking care of their injuries. As I said, I still have a DS agent at Walter Reid seriously injured, getting them into Frankfurt, Ramstein to get taken care of, the FBI going over immediately to start talking to them. We did not think it was appropriate for us to talk to them before the FBI conducted their interviews. And we did not, I think this is accurate sir, I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted the IC talking points at the time that Ambassador Rice went on the TV shows, and you know I just want to say that people have accused Ambassador Rice and the administration of you know misleading Americans. I can say trying to be in the middle of this and understanding what was going on, nothing could be further from the truth. Was information developing? Was the situation fluid? Would we reach conclusions later that weren’t reached initially? And I appreciate the --

Johnson : But Madame Secretary, do you disagree with me that a simple phone call to those evacuees to determine what happened wouldn’t have ascertained immediately that there was no protest? That was a piece of information that could’ve been easily, easily obtained?

Clinton : But Senator again—

Johnson : Within hours, if not days?

Clinton : Senator, you know, when you’re in these positions, the last thing you want to do is interfere with any other process going on, number one—

Johnson : I realize that a good excuse.

Clinton : Well no it’s the fact. Number two, I would recommend highly you read both what the ARB said about it and the classified ARB because even today, there are questions being raised. Now, we have no doubt they were terrorist, they were militants, they attacked us, they killed our people. But what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing is still unknown—

Johnson : No, again, we were misled that there were supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that - an assault sprang out of that - and that was easily ascertained that was not the fact, and the American people could have known that within days and they didn’t know that.

Clinton : With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator. Now honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process I understand going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear it is from my perspective less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on the meantime.

Of course it doesn't matter to her - she wants us to forget that they lied to the American public about what happened. They made up a story blaming a video...and how many times did they repeat that lie? How many other things have they lied about to us? And you trust these liars? Clinton can't be trusted any more than Obama. We want to know why they lied. If you're child lied to you, wouldn't you want to know why and what the truth really is? Of course you would, but it's ok if your gov't does it? Unbelievable!
Sorry bout that,

1. Two standards of responsibility one gets run through the meat grinder twenty four hours a day, while the other gets a pass.
2. Media is out of control.

what matters is that the administration lied to the american people for weeks. They knew that it was a terrorist attack and they knew that the stupid video had nothing to do with it, and yet they continued the lie because they were afraid that the truth would hurt obama in the election.

Yes, it does matter.
why was it OK for Bush to lie us into war?

BTW the bengahzi thing has been investigated already and they did not lie
So I guess it would be okay for bush to come out and say what does it matter I got faulty info about iraq?

Then why did they distroy the carreer of a CIA agent to keep the lies from being outed as lies?

they Lied us into war on purpose you silly git
YES Bush lying does matter. It was over 10 years ago. This is a current event. Do try to keep up slacker
By Mychal Massie
January 29, 2013

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee January 23, Hillary’s performance was predictable. After suffering with a tummy ache, an alleged fall, and alleged blood clots caused by the alleged fall – she appeared before the Committee filled with spit and vinegar. Her theatrics were expected (at least by me), but what wasn’t expected by [...]


Continue reading: --->
It Matters To The Dead Men's Families, Hillary - The Daily Rant: Black Conservative Mychal Massie's Hard Hitting Commentary on Race, Obama and Politics

This is disingenuous right wing propaganda and ignorance. The OP edited the testimony in an attempt to twist what Hillary was saying.

Let me interpret for you. She was not saying the lose of 4 Americans lives didn't matter. She was saying just the opposite. She was stating the fact "we had four dead Americans" and "what difference at this point does it make?" whether the anti-Islamic video was a factor or not. "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator"


Johnson : The point I’m making is a very simple phone call to these individuals would’ve ascertained immediately that there was no protest prior to this. This attack started at 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time and it was an assault. I appreciate the fact that you called it an assault, but I’m going back to Ambassador Rice five days later going to Sunday shows and what I would say is purposefully misleading the American public. Why wasn’t that known? And again I appreciate the fact that the transparency of this hearing, but why weren’t we transparent to that point in time?

Clinton : Well first of all Senator, I would say that the once the assault happened, and once we got our people rescued and out, our most immediate concern was number one taking care of their injuries. As I said, I still have a DS agent at Walter Reid seriously injured, getting them into Frankfurt, Ramstein to get taken care of, the FBI going over immediately to start talking to them. We did not think it was appropriate for us to talk to them before the FBI conducted their interviews. And we did not, I think this is accurate sir, I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted the IC talking points at the time that Ambassador Rice went on the TV shows, and you know I just want to say that people have accused Ambassador Rice and the administration of you know misleading Americans. I can say trying to be in the middle of this and understanding what was going on, nothing could be further from the truth. Was information developing? Was the situation fluid? Would we reach conclusions later that weren’t reached initially? And I appreciate the --

Johnson : But Madame Secretary, do you disagree with me that a simple phone call to those evacuees to determine what happened wouldn’t have ascertained immediately that there was no protest? That was a piece of information that could’ve been easily, easily obtained?

Clinton : But Senator again—

Johnson : Within hours, if not days?

Clinton : Senator, you know, when you’re in these positions, the last thing you want to do is interfere with any other process going on, number one—

Johnson : I realize that a good excuse.

Clinton : Well no it’s the fact. Number two, I would recommend highly you read both what the ARB said about it and the classified ARB because even today, there are questions being raised. Now, we have no doubt they were terrorist, they were militants, they attacked us, they killed our people. But what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing is still unknown—

Johnson : No, again, we were misled that there were supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that - an assault sprang out of that - and that was easily ascertained that was not the fact, and the American people could have known that within days and they didn’t know that.

Clinton : With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator. Now honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process I understand going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear it is from my perspective less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on the meantime.

Of course it doesn't matter to her - she wants us to forget that they lied to the American public about what happened. They made up a story blaming a video...and how many times did they repeat that lie? How many other things have they lied about to us? And you trust these liars? Clinton can't be trusted any more than Obama. We want to know why they lied. If you're child lied to you, wouldn't you want to know why and what the truth really is? Of course you would, but it's ok if your gov't does it? Unbelievable!

No one lied. Susan Rice was given talking points by the intelligence community when she went on the Sunday shows, and there were security reasons for not providing more public information. There was an investigation going on and they didn't want to undermine any leads they were following.

Even today, no one can say what the motives of the attackers were. No one can say with certainty that the anti-Islamic film was not a factor. These are all inconvenient facts that the right just cannot digest.
why was it OK for Bush to lie us into war?

BTW the bengahzi thing has been investigated already and they did not lie

For 2 weeks hillary said bengazi was a protest started by a movie no one saw, during her hearing she said it was a terrorist attack. Then when confronted about it she said what does it matter to cover her lie. Also she meant why does it matter 4 people died, because I wasn't doing my job.
Hillary says what does it matter and ALSO that it's her biggest regret. :confused:

See, that's what you'd get with a HildeBeast Presidency.
Last edited:
No, bush had faulty intelligence, even hillary said the same after seeing the evidence. Your a hypocrite.

Bush got the intelligence he demanded

So bill clinton demanded the same intelligence when he said the same about iraq as bush?

When did Bill Clinton advocate invading Iraq?

He did a great job of keeping Iraq contained for eight years without invading. Invading Iraq was part of the Bush agenda from day 1
This is disingenuous right wing propaganda and ignorance. The OP edited the testimony in an attempt to twist what Hillary was saying.

Let me interpret for you. She was not saying the lose of 4 Americans lives didn't matter. She was saying just the opposite. She was stating the fact "we had four dead Americans" and "what difference at this point does it make?" whether the anti-Islamic video was a factor or not. "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator"


Johnson : The point I’m making is a very simple phone call to these individuals would’ve ascertained immediately that there was no protest prior to this. This attack started at 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time and it was an assault. I appreciate the fact that you called it an assault, but I’m going back to Ambassador Rice five days later going to Sunday shows and what I would say is purposefully misleading the American public. Why wasn’t that known? And again I appreciate the fact that the transparency of this hearing, but why weren’t we transparent to that point in time?

Clinton : Well first of all Senator, I would say that the once the assault happened, and once we got our people rescued and out, our most immediate concern was number one taking care of their injuries. As I said, I still have a DS agent at Walter Reid seriously injured, getting them into Frankfurt, Ramstein to get taken care of, the FBI going over immediately to start talking to them. We did not think it was appropriate for us to talk to them before the FBI conducted their interviews. And we did not, I think this is accurate sir, I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted the IC talking points at the time that Ambassador Rice went on the TV shows, and you know I just want to say that people have accused Ambassador Rice and the administration of you know misleading Americans. I can say trying to be in the middle of this and understanding what was going on, nothing could be further from the truth. Was information developing? Was the situation fluid? Would we reach conclusions later that weren’t reached initially? And I appreciate the --

Johnson : But Madame Secretary, do you disagree with me that a simple phone call to those evacuees to determine what happened wouldn’t have ascertained immediately that there was no protest? That was a piece of information that could’ve been easily, easily obtained?

Clinton : But Senator again—

Johnson : Within hours, if not days?

Clinton : Senator, you know, when you’re in these positions, the last thing you want to do is interfere with any other process going on, number one—

Johnson : I realize that a good excuse.

Clinton : Well no it’s the fact. Number two, I would recommend highly you read both what the ARB said about it and the classified ARB because even today, there are questions being raised. Now, we have no doubt they were terrorist, they were militants, they attacked us, they killed our people. But what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing is still unknown—

Johnson : No, again, we were misled that there were supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that - an assault sprang out of that - and that was easily ascertained that was not the fact, and the American people could have known that within days and they didn’t know that.

Clinton : With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator. Now honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process I understand going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear it is from my perspective less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on the meantime.

Of course it doesn't matter to her - she wants us to forget that they lied to the American public about what happened. They made up a story blaming a video...and how many times did they repeat that lie? How many other things have they lied about to us? And you trust these liars? Clinton can't be trusted any more than Obama. We want to know why they lied. If you're child lied to you, wouldn't you want to know why and what the truth really is? Of course you would, but it's ok if your gov't does it? Unbelievable!

No one lied. Susan Rice was given talking points by the intelligence community when she went on the Sunday shows, and there were security reasons for not providing more public information. There was an investigation going on and they didn't want to undermine any leads they were following.

Even today, no one can say what the motives of the attackers were. No one can say with certainty that the anti-Islamic film was not a factor. These are all inconvenient facts that the right just cannot digest.

she (rice) was given talking points that the administration knew to be untrue. Obama repeated the same lies at the UN knowing that they were lies.

this was all an attempt to keep the benghazi fiasco from hurting barry's campaign. you need to face reality on this. it is what it is.

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