It must bother republicans just a tad Trump is relying on voter donations for his legal fund

You mean the worst president since Hoover. 😂
Yep…Trump did a terrible job for weirdos, lowlife degenerate bottom feeders, beggars, wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks and feminazis.…He refused to work for America’s filth….He kicked serious ass for EVERYBODY legitimate and conventional.
What bothers me is $6.93 for gasoline when it was $2.86 when Trump was president.
circumstances. And if gas were high on trumps watch would you have voted for Biden? Trumps not going to fix shit.

You republicans seem to forget what a horrible president trump was the second he had to deal with a crisis. His own staff says he’s not fit to lead. What is wrong with American republicans? You’re like Nazis.
Yep…Trump did a terrible job for weirdos, lowlife degenerate bottom feeders, beggars, wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks and feminazis.…He refused to work for America’s filth….He kicked serious ass for EVERYBODY legitimate and conventional.
Like all republicans, trump wasn’t good to manufacturing companies up north. Coal miners and oil companies did well. Defense companies sold a lot to the saudis. A lot of us took a hit with his trade war with China. He didn’t win that btw. Only had 2.3% gdp in 2017 after his historic tax breaks that didn’t cause a boom.

Good point. Today I found out Toyota and Honda workers in the south make $30,000 a year. If that meant their cars were so much cheaper that I would be stupid to buy a Ford, I wouldn’t. But they aren’t. At least not for me I get the A plan.

And if middle class Americans are stupid enough to vote for the criminal trump, I give up.

No, I think you know I’ve never been a Republican. I was angry when I posted that. Basically I was saying fuck you middle class. I guess it’s every man for himself.

Im just glad trump can’t win all five swing states he won in 2016. Not with abortion on the ticket.
You mean the worst president since Hoover. 😂
No, that's the identity politics of your white nationalist party.
Republicans want to pretend the four years of trump were good years. They were simply an extension of the Obama years only the gap between rich and rest of us got wider because of his Republican policies. Him, Paul Ryan and Mitch.
circumstances. And if gas were high on trumps watch would you have voted for Biden? Trumps not going to fix shit.

You republicans seem to forget what a horrible president trump was the second he had to deal with a crisis. His own staff says he’s not fit to lead. What is wrong with American republicans? You’re like Nazis.
Trump was a stupendous fantastic president. The best since Reagan.
Lol none of this excuses why he did NOTHING at any point in his first two years. Hell he didn’t even call anyone out by name as being part of the swamp. He could have done SOMETHING. Hell let’s not forget the wall was a complete failure. He had two years to complete that and still failed.
/——-/ I guess you forgot about Congress not giving Trump the money for the wall.
/——-/ I guess you forgot about Congress not giving Trump the money for the wall.
Trump's first two years in office, he did have a Republican majority in the house, and a Republican majority in the senate.....THEY did not give Trump the money.
/----/ NOPE. It doesn't bother us one bit any more than it bothered you Libtards when the Clintoons set up a defense fund.
That's true, though most democrats knew nothing about it......

Clinton never begged us peons for hundreds of millions of dollars for a defense fund...

I think Clinton raised a million or two, $700k or so went to the woman suing to stop her appeal from going forward..... they were big rich donors.

But you are right that even when us peons did find out about his defense fund, we were not upset about it.
That's true, though most democrats knew nothing about it......

Clinton never begged us peons for hundreds of millions of dollars for a defense fund...

I think Clinton raised a million or two, $700k or so went to the woman suing to stop her appeal from going forward..... they were big rich donors.

But you are right that even when us peons did find out about his defense fund, we were not upset about it.
/-----/ It was $2 million a year, not adjusted for inflation, according to the LA Times.
I donate as much as I can to our beloved former Pres.Trump.
Like sometimes denying myself luxuries like steak for dinner and instead eating lunch meat. Or buying the cheapest brand of toilet paper. So i could send more money to Trump.
That he has personally sacrificed soo much for our country and its citizens.
Makes me feel obligated to sacrifice for such a great man. .. :thup:

You are not a fucking patriot! If you were a real patriot you would send more and eat some old Roy dog food and also reuse the cheap toilet paper so your Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King would get more of your money.

JFC you are pathetic!
Good point. Today I found out Toyota and Honda workers in the south make $30,000 a year. If that meant their cars were so much cheaper that I would be stupid to buy a Ford, I wouldn’t. But they aren’t. At least not for me I get the A plan.

And if middle class Americans are stupid enough to vote for the criminal trump, I give up.

No, I think you know I’ve never been a Republican. I was angry when I posted that. Basically I was saying fuck you middle class. I guess it’s every man for himself.

Im just glad trump can’t win all five swing states he won in 2016. Not with abortion on the ticke
I dunno. Taking the 2020 map and flipping Nev and Ga, the gop takes 267 EV. But, at this point one can probably argue GA is no longer a gop lock, so long as Trump's on the ballot.

But Nv, Ga and Wisc gives it to the gop. But I agree Dobbs may make it impossible for the gop to win .... assuming the votes are accurately counted.
I dunno. Taking the 2020 map and flipping Nev and Ga, the gop takes 267 EV. But, at this point one can probably argue GA is no longer a gop lock, so long as Trump's on the ballot.

But Nv, Ga and Wisc gives it to the gop. But I agree Dobbs may make it impossible for the gop to win .... assuming the votes are accurately counted.
We didn't expect to win GA back in 2016. GA was a bonus in 2020. An unexpected flip. I expect with abortion, GA stays blue and TX may go blue too.
We didn't expect to win GA back in 2016. GA was a bonus in 2020. An unexpected flip. I expect with abortion, GA stays blue and TX may go blue too.
Not to disagree at all. My own take is that's impossible to really predict what Dobbs will accomplish for the dems. Not many thought the dems would keep the senate in 22, and they would have held the house too but for the dems in NY redistricting.

Personally, I don't see GA staying blue without trump on the ticket, but it's possible Dobbs makes a difference. Even in Miss, a maj does not support the total ban the gop enacted, which is why the state gop had to get rid of citizen initiative.

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