It must bother republicans just a tad Trump is relying on voter donations for his legal fund

Not to disagree at all. My own take is that's impossible to really predict what Dobbs will accomplish for the dems. Not many thought the dems would keep the senate in 22, and they would have held the house too but for the dems in NY redistricting.

Personally, I don't see GA staying blue without trump on the ticket, but it's possible Dobbs makes a difference. Even in Miss, a maj does not support the total ban the gop enacted, which is why the state gop had to get rid of citizen initiative.
I wonder if the working poor, aka the masses in Red states will ever wake up and expect more from employers. Or appreciate what government has done for them. For example

a. Social Security, which I'm sure their poor heavily rely on.
b. Medicare, which I'm sure they heavily rely on
c. 66 cent stamps. Imagine how much they'd have to pay UPS to drive a letter out to their farms
d. Us laying high speed internet lines out to their homes so they can have internet.

And we all know red states take more federal dollars than they pay and us blue states pay more than we get.
I wonder if the working poor, aka the masses in Red states will ever wake up and expect more from employers. Or appreciate what government has done for them. For example

a. Social Security, which I'm sure their poor heavily rely on.
b. Medicare, which I'm sure they heavily rely on
c. 66 cent stamps. Imagine how much they'd have to pay UPS to drive a letter out to their farms
d. Us laying high speed internet lines out to their homes so they can have internet.

And we all know red states take more federal dollars than they pay and us blue states pay more than we get.
It's interesting to me that we actually have a competative governor race because of Medicaid expansion. The gop supermaj House is actually going to take it up next year. The Lt. Governor is more or less the majority leader in the senate, and he's for it. The governor will no doubt veto any effort to pass it.

Somewhere between over 60% to nearly 80% of the voters want it. And most of us don't support the total ban on abortion. But again, that's why the gop leaders had to get rid of citizen intiative.
It only bothers me in that he has to spend anything to defend himself from all the bullshit charges from the weaponized Biden DOJ.

Other than that, I don't care how he spends his donations.
So where is the actual evidence Biden is behind these indictments?

[Michael] told investigators that — more than once — she received requests or taskings from Trump that were written on the back of notecards, and she later recognized those notecards as sensitive White House materials — with visible classification markings — used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international-related matters.
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That's your defense?


No wonder you rubes are constantly being hoaxed. You BEG for it!
You mean the fact that you're obviously a colossal hypocrite doesn't mean your automatically wrong? Perhaps, but it sure gives us the right to demand proof.
You mean the fact that you're obviously a colossal hypocrite doesn't mean your automatically wrong? Perhaps, but it sure gives us the right to demand proof.
You're backing a criminal who steals from cancer kids.

That's all I need to know just how fucked in the head you Trumptards are.
It's interesting to me that we actually have a competative governor race because of Medicaid expansion. The gop supermaj House is actually going to take it up next year. The Lt. Governor is more or less the majority leader in the senate, and he's for it. The governor will no doubt veto any effort to pass it.

Somewhere between over 60% to nearly 80% of the voters want it. And most of us don't support the total ban on abortion. But again, that's why the gop leaders had to get rid of citizen intiative.

I notice people are one of two ways in general. They see union workers have good pay, job protection, good benefits, a seat at the table and they either say

a. I want that


b. I don't have that so I don't want anyone to have that

It's easy to bash unions when only about 9% of the population belong to unions. And even union members who've benefit from unions vote Republican, for some reason.
Why would it bother anyone? A political persecution seems to yield a need for a political contribution.
Why would it bother anyone? A political persecution seems to yield a need for a political contribution.
If trump wasn't guilty of so many crimes, maybe you could make this argument. Your defense this is all political is bullshit. If we didn't charge Trump for all his crimes, that would be political.

It's like saying the election was stolen. Maybe if it was one state you could have made an argument. But 5 states? That's just conspiracy theory.
If trump wasn't guilty of so many crimes, maybe you could make this argument. Your defense this is all political is bullshit. If we didn't charge Trump for all his crimes, that would be political.

It's like saying the election was stolen. Maybe if it was one state you could have made an argument. But 5 states? That's just conspiracy theory.
Trump never found a single member of the vast left wing conspiracy that stole the election, just like he never found any of those five million illegal Mexicans who voted for Hillary.

That's because he knows they don't exist.

The rubes just beg and beg to be lied to.

Trump has nothing but utter contempt for his tard herd. He spits right in their faces and they lap it up like it's holy water.

Even worse, they PAY him to be spit on!
"?You're backing a criminal who steals from cancer kids.

That's all I need to know just how fucked in the head you Trumptards are.
That was before Jan 6 too. Until then, I could halfway see their allegiance to Trump because if he had been an actual savior of the Republic, then maybe some unsavory aspects of him could be ignored.

But I notice that there's no list of 'principals' to Trumpism. And there certainly was with Reagan, although Norquist et al quickly edited out all the tax hikes and saving social security. But who wouldn't win on a ticket of "closed border, lower deficits, less regulation at the fed level on how to not exceed pollution limits"?

IT's all about Trump. Washington Adams Jefferson each represented one direction for the US politically, but none made it about "them."

[Michael] told investigators that — more than once — she received requests or taskings from Trump that were written on the back of notecards, and she later recognized those notecards as sensitive White House materials — with visible classification markings — used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international-related matters.
So? What's the harm? Did he damage any of the information in the file? Your nitpicking is unbelievable.

BTW, the writing in the picture looks like it bled through the paper. It wasn't written on the back.
Trump never found a single member of the vast left wing conspiracy that stole the election, just like he never found any of those five million illegal Mexicans who voted for Hillary.

That's because he knows they don't exist.

The rubes just beg and beg to be lied to.

Trump has nothing but utter contempt for his tard herd. He spits right in their faces and they lap it up like it's holy water.

Even worse, they PAY him to be spit on!
My new neighbor was trying to be vague, feel me out, see if I was a Trump supporter, but at some point she just went off. Things were better 4 years ago.

Two things.

1. Not Biden's fault. Covid fucked everything up
2. Trump wasn't as great as she probably thinks
3. I just can't believe she/they want that criminal back in the white house
4. Basically they believe all politicians are corrupt so to charge Trump is picking on him.

Actually, picking on Bill for cheating on his wife. That was picking on him. And picking on Hillary for using her private emails to do business. When they all do that? Trump had the luxury of saying he wouldn't do that because he was never a politician. But guess what? He used his private emails when he was president. But these things don't phase Republicans.

What pisses me off is my new neighbor has a rich ex husband, rich dead parents who left her money, and she's a teacher who got a big pension when she retires. So she can afford to turn her back on unions and not appreciate that as much as she should.
You're backing a criminal who steals from cancer kids.

That's all I need to know just how fucked in the head you Trumptards are.
Trump is the source of all the money cancer kids had, dingdong. How could he steal his own money.
Trump is the source of all the money cancer kids had, dingdong. How could he steal his own money.
Nope. Trump was managing the money given to the cancer kid charity by other people. It was not his money.

He stole it, along with money from the United Negro College Fund, the Holocaust Museum, and five other charities.

Get your facts straight.

You are backing a disgusting thief who steals from cancer kids.

That's all I need to know just how fucked in the head you are.

As part of a resolution of the lawsuit announced on November 7th, Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities. Those charities are Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Additionally, Trump was forced to reimburse his namesake foundation $11,525 for sports paraphernalia and champagne purchased at a charity gala, which was added to $1,797,598.30 already in the foundation’s bank account. The combined $1,809,123.30 was split evenly and recently transferred to the eight agreed upon charities. Each charity ended up receiving a total of $476,140.41.

Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation, and agreed to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General, in the event he creates a new charity. The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.
Trump is the source of all the money cancer kids had, dingdong. How could he steal his own money.
A lie. A bald-faced lie you pulled from your lying ass. You are one sick fuck.

Mr. Trump used Foundation money, raised from the public, to demonstrate his purported generosity and attract votes. Mr. Trump and his campaign doled out $500,000 at a campaign rally in the days leading up to the first primary election in the nation, the Iowa caucuses, then took credit for all $2.8 million in grants the Foundation made.

Anyone who backs this motherfucker is depraved.

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