It´s official: Israel does not want ISIS to be defeated

Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
I especially liked the "Al Baghdadi is dead" one, specifically because Assad News told him so.
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Islamonazi propaganda site that is not trustworthy
Here is more "islamonazi propaganda":

However, this blog claims he said this:
"What Halevy was saying was that he didn't want the presence of the super powers in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS. "
Pundita: Hello, Al Masdar News, that's not what Israel's intel chief said

Halevy also said:
"Saudi Arabia today is “not the same Saudi Arabia we saw a year and a half ago,” Halevy said.

“Saudi Arabia is more proactive, trying to lead the Sunni camp in the Middle East. It’s a country that has perhaps stabilized and gotten stronger in its fight against Iran,” he said.

“Some of the interests of the pragmatic Sunni countries are getting closer to our interests,” Halevy said. “This is an interesting development, and there is an opportunity in it.”"
Intelligence chief warns of growing gaps between Israel, neighbors

So he made clear they are joining the Sunni camp as they think they will gain the upper hand in the ME and in the Sunni camp are:
- ISIS (preferred by Saudi Arabia, Qatari claim: 'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback)
- Al-Qaeda (preferred by Qatar, Turkey)
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Euro puppets.
Yup, not one of those sites are legit, either propoganda sites, or conspiracy sites for idiots like you. Ha ha ha. Here we go, morin, here's a dose of the truth, what I've been saying all along:

Why Bashar Assad Won't Fight ISIS

...Assad does not see ISIS as his primary problem, “The regime fears the Free Syrian Army and the Nusra Front, not ISIS. They [the FSA and Nusra] state their goal is to remove the President. But ISIS doesn’t say that. They have never directly threatened Damascus.” As the businessman notes, the strikes on ISIS targets are minimal. “If the regime were serious about getting rid of ISIS, they would have bombed Raqqa by now. Instead they bomb other cities, where the FSA is strong.” That said, the businessman does not believe that the regime has a formal relationship with ISIS, just a pragmatic one. “The more powerful ISIS grows, the more they are useful for the regime. They make America nervous, and the Americans in turn see the regime as a kind of bulwark against ISIS.”

A senior Western diplomat who specializes in the Syrian civil war agrees that ISIS is seen as an asset by Assad. “They will do whatever it takes to devalue the opposition, even if it means strengthening ISIS. They know that if it comes to choosing between the black flag [of ISIS] and Damascus, the international community will choose Damascus.” And the strategy has worked extremely well. “The way it’s going now, it’s a matter of months, not even a year, that the moderate opposition is so weakened that it won’t be a factor anymore. So in just a few months from now the regime will be able to achieve its strategic goal of forcing the world to choose between Damascus and the black flags.”
It is apparent that Syria fights ISIS big time, just take a look in the ME forum. However, the Zionist Israeli government has not lifted a finger yet, they even treat wounded terrorists, supply them and bomb the Syrian army. The bigger your letters are, the more obvious are your lies.

Asia Times is reporting on that:
Asia Times Online :: Israel lends al-Nusra a hand in Syria
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
I especially liked the "Al Baghdadi is dead" one, specifically because Assad News told him so.
Although even ISIS has reported his death, Roudy is spreading his nonsense...
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
That you won´t believe anything from Syria just because the US decided to make war on the country, doesn´t make it wrong.

Read here:
"A statement from Amaq news agency linked to Islamic State said: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by coalition air strikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan.""
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'killed in US-led air strikes in Syria'
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Islamonazi propaganda site that is not trustworthy
Here is more "islamonazi propaganda":

However, this blog claims he said this:
"What Halevy was saying was that he didn't want the presence of the super powers in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS. "
Pundita: Hello, Al Masdar News, that's not what Israel's intel chief said

Halevy also said:
"Saudi Arabia today is “not the same Saudi Arabia we saw a year and a half ago,” Halevy said.

“Saudi Arabia is more proactive, trying to lead the Sunni camp in the Middle East. It’s a country that has perhaps stabilized and gotten stronger in its fight against Iran,” he said.

“Some of the interests of the pragmatic Sunni countries are getting closer to our interests,” Halevy said. “This is an interesting development, and there is an opportunity in it.”"
Intelligence chief warns of growing gaps between Israel, neighbors

So he made clear they are joining the Sunni camp as they think they will gain the upper hand in the ME and in the Sunni camp are:
- ISIS (preferred by Saudi Arabia, Qatari claim: 'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback)
- Al-Qaeda (preferred by Qatar, Turkey)
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Euro puppets.

All using the same source material if you bother to look, making it exactly the same story
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Islamonazi propaganda site that is not trustworthy
Here is more "islamonazi propaganda":

However, this blog claims he said this:
"What Halevy was saying was that he didn't want the presence of the super powers in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS. "
Pundita: Hello, Al Masdar News, that's not what Israel's intel chief said

Halevy also said:
"Saudi Arabia today is “not the same Saudi Arabia we saw a year and a half ago,” Halevy said.

“Saudi Arabia is more proactive, trying to lead the Sunni camp in the Middle East. It’s a country that has perhaps stabilized and gotten stronger in its fight against Iran,” he said.

“Some of the interests of the pragmatic Sunni countries are getting closer to our interests,” Halevy said. “This is an interesting development, and there is an opportunity in it.”"
Intelligence chief warns of growing gaps between Israel, neighbors

So he made clear they are joining the Sunni camp as they think they will gain the upper hand in the ME and in the Sunni camp are:
- ISIS (preferred by Saudi Arabia, Qatari claim: 'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback)
- Al-Qaeda (preferred by Qatar, Turkey)
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Euro puppets.

All using the same source material if you bother to look, making it exactly the same story
Thought you were claiming the picture has been photoshopped...
It is Assad that survives because of ISIS' presence


That comes a VERY close second to Phoney's hilarious post a day or two ago...

Well done for trying though!!!!

Assad survives because there is not any one of MANY terrorist factions who can take power from Assad....

However, that is not the topic roodboy...

Daish has been 'supported', directly or indirectly, by Israel, the US and other western countries to destabilise the region for a 'greater' goal... Of course they don't want Daish destroyed!

STALKING again ?
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Islamonazi propaganda site that is not trustworthy
Here is more "islamonazi propaganda":

However, this blog claims he said this:
"What Halevy was saying was that he didn't want the presence of the super powers in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS. "
Pundita: Hello, Al Masdar News, that's not what Israel's intel chief said

Halevy also said:
"Saudi Arabia today is “not the same Saudi Arabia we saw a year and a half ago,” Halevy said.

“Saudi Arabia is more proactive, trying to lead the Sunni camp in the Middle East. It’s a country that has perhaps stabilized and gotten stronger in its fight against Iran,” he said.

“Some of the interests of the pragmatic Sunni countries are getting closer to our interests,” Halevy said. “This is an interesting development, and there is an opportunity in it.”"
Intelligence chief warns of growing gaps between Israel, neighbors

So he made clear they are joining the Sunni camp as they think they will gain the upper hand in the ME and in the Sunni camp are:
- ISIS (preferred by Saudi Arabia, Qatari claim: 'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback)
- Al-Qaeda (preferred by Qatar, Turkey)
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Euro puppets.

All using the same source material if you bother to look, making it exactly the same story
Thought you were claiming the picture has been photoshopped...

What are you rambling on about now, do you often get confused like this. Two separate issues or cant you work above just one level
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Islamonazi propaganda site that is not trustworthy
Here is more "islamonazi propaganda":

However, this blog claims he said this:
"What Halevy was saying was that he didn't want the presence of the super powers in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS. "
Pundita: Hello, Al Masdar News, that's not what Israel's intel chief said

Halevy also said:
"Saudi Arabia today is “not the same Saudi Arabia we saw a year and a half ago,” Halevy said.

“Saudi Arabia is more proactive, trying to lead the Sunni camp in the Middle East. It’s a country that has perhaps stabilized and gotten stronger in its fight against Iran,” he said.

“Some of the interests of the pragmatic Sunni countries are getting closer to our interests,” Halevy said. “This is an interesting development, and there is an opportunity in it.”"
Intelligence chief warns of growing gaps between Israel, neighbors

So he made clear they are joining the Sunni camp as they think they will gain the upper hand in the ME and in the Sunni camp are:
- ISIS (preferred by Saudi Arabia, Qatari claim: 'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback)
- Al-Qaeda (preferred by Qatar, Turkey)
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Euro puppets.
Yup, not one of those sites are legit, either propoganda sites, or conspiracy sites for idiots like you. Ha ha ha. Here we go, morin, here's a dose of the truth, what I've been saying all along:

Why Bashar Assad Won't Fight ISIS

...Assad does not see ISIS as his primary problem, “The regime fears the Free Syrian Army and the Nusra Front, not ISIS. They [the FSA and Nusra] state their goal is to remove the President. But ISIS doesn’t say that. They have never directly threatened Damascus.” As the businessman notes, the strikes on ISIS targets are minimal. “If the regime were serious about getting rid of ISIS, they would have bombed Raqqa by now. Instead they bomb other cities, where the FSA is strong.” That said, the businessman does not believe that the regime has a formal relationship with ISIS, just a pragmatic one. “The more powerful ISIS grows, the more they are useful for the regime. They make America nervous, and the Americans in turn see the regime as a kind of bulwark against ISIS.”

A senior Western diplomat who specializes in the Syrian civil war agrees that ISIS is seen as an asset by Assad. “They will do whatever it takes to devalue the opposition, even if it means strengthening ISIS. They know that if it comes to choosing between the black flag [of ISIS] and Damascus, the international community will choose Damascus.” And the strategy has worked extremely well. “The way it’s going now, it’s a matter of months, not even a year, that the moderate opposition is so weakened that it won’t be a factor anymore. So in just a few months from now the regime will be able to achieve its strategic goal of forcing the world to choose between Damascus and the black flags.”
It is apparent that Syria fights ISIS big time, just take a look in the ME forum. However, the Zionist Israeli government has not lifted a finger yet, they even treat wounded terrorists, supply them and bomb the Syrian army. The bigger your letters are, the more obvious are your lies.

Asia Times is reporting on that:
Asia Times Online :: Israel lends al-Nusra a hand in Syria
Why does Israel need to fight ISIS, idiot? It is more than apparent that Assad can only murder his own people while staying away from ISIS.
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
That you won´t believe anything from Syria just because the US decided to make war on the country, doesn´t make it wrong.

Read here:
"A statement from Amaq news agency linked to Islamic State said: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by coalition air strikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan.""
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'killed in US-led air strikes in Syria'
Ha ha ha. How about you use a legit source and not the Assad news agency?

Fake Isis statement sparks false reports of leader's death

U.S. can't confirm reports ISIS leader al-Baghdadi was killed in Syria

Doubts cast over Baghdadi death reports
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Islamonazi propaganda site that is not trustworthy
Here is more "islamonazi propaganda":

However, this blog claims he said this:
"What Halevy was saying was that he didn't want the presence of the super powers in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS. "
Pundita: Hello, Al Masdar News, that's not what Israel's intel chief said

Halevy also said:
"Saudi Arabia today is “not the same Saudi Arabia we saw a year and a half ago,” Halevy said.

“Saudi Arabia is more proactive, trying to lead the Sunni camp in the Middle East. It’s a country that has perhaps stabilized and gotten stronger in its fight against Iran,” he said.

“Some of the interests of the pragmatic Sunni countries are getting closer to our interests,” Halevy said. “This is an interesting development, and there is an opportunity in it.”"
Intelligence chief warns of growing gaps between Israel, neighbors

So he made clear they are joining the Sunni camp as they think they will gain the upper hand in the ME and in the Sunni camp are:
- ISIS (preferred by Saudi Arabia, Qatari claim: 'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback)
- Al-Qaeda (preferred by Qatar, Turkey)
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Euro puppets.
Yup, not one of those sites are legit, either propoganda sites, or conspiracy sites for idiots like you. Ha ha ha. Here we go, morin, here's a dose of the truth, what I've been saying all along:

Why Bashar Assad Won't Fight ISIS

...Assad does not see ISIS as his primary problem, “The regime fears the Free Syrian Army and the Nusra Front, not ISIS. They [the FSA and Nusra] state their goal is to remove the President. But ISIS doesn’t say that. They have never directly threatened Damascus.” As the businessman notes, the strikes on ISIS targets are minimal. “If the regime were serious about getting rid of ISIS, they would have bombed Raqqa by now. Instead they bomb other cities, where the FSA is strong.” That said, the businessman does not believe that the regime has a formal relationship with ISIS, just a pragmatic one. “The more powerful ISIS grows, the more they are useful for the regime. They make America nervous, and the Americans in turn see the regime as a kind of bulwark against ISIS.”

A senior Western diplomat who specializes in the Syrian civil war agrees that ISIS is seen as an asset by Assad. “They will do whatever it takes to devalue the opposition, even if it means strengthening ISIS. They know that if it comes to choosing between the black flag [of ISIS] and Damascus, the international community will choose Damascus.” And the strategy has worked extremely well. “The way it’s going now, it’s a matter of months, not even a year, that the moderate opposition is so weakened that it won’t be a factor anymore. So in just a few months from now the regime will be able to achieve its strategic goal of forcing the world to choose between Damascus and the black flags.”
It is apparent that Syria fights ISIS big time, just take a look in the ME forum. However, the Zionist Israeli government has not lifted a finger yet, they even treat wounded terrorists, supply them and bomb the Syrian army. The bigger your letters are, the more obvious are your lies.

Asia Times is reporting on that:
Asia Times Online :: Israel lends al-Nusra a hand in Syria
Why does Israel need to fight ISIS, idiot? It is more than apparent that Assad can only murder his own people while staying away from ISIS.
You are living in our virtual Obama/McCain reality where al-Qaeda are the good guys. While it is evident for everyone that ISIS and al-Qaeda would have fully taken over without the Syrian army preventing it, you keep spreading your filthy lies. There is no reason for me to further discuss with you. You are are a mindless, inhuman piece of trash.
There will be only hints in future when you post al-Qaeda propaganda, so that newbies know what filthy garbage you are. You´re dismissed.
Last edited:
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
That you won´t believe anything from Syria just because the US decided to make war on the country, doesn´t make it wrong.

Read here:
"A statement from Amaq news agency linked to Islamic State said: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by coalition air strikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan.""
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'killed in US-led air strikes in Syria'
Ha ha ha. How about you use a legit source and not the Assad news agency?

Fake Isis statement sparks false reports of leader's death

U.S. can't confirm reports ISIS leader al-Baghdadi was killed in Syria

Doubts cast over Baghdadi death reports
First hint: ISIS-Roudy calls "Assad news aganecy".
Islamonazi propaganda site that is not trustworthy
Here is more "islamonazi propaganda":

However, this blog claims he said this:
"What Halevy was saying was that he didn't want the presence of the super powers in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS. "
Pundita: Hello, Al Masdar News, that's not what Israel's intel chief said

Halevy also said:
"Saudi Arabia today is “not the same Saudi Arabia we saw a year and a half ago,” Halevy said.

“Saudi Arabia is more proactive, trying to lead the Sunni camp in the Middle East. It’s a country that has perhaps stabilized and gotten stronger in its fight against Iran,” he said.

“Some of the interests of the pragmatic Sunni countries are getting closer to our interests,” Halevy said. “This is an interesting development, and there is an opportunity in it.”"
Intelligence chief warns of growing gaps between Israel, neighbors

So he made clear they are joining the Sunni camp as they think they will gain the upper hand in the ME and in the Sunni camp are:
- ISIS (preferred by Saudi Arabia, Qatari claim: 'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback)
- Al-Qaeda (preferred by Qatar, Turkey)
- Saudi Arabia
- Qatar
- Jordan
- Turkey
- Euro puppets.
Yup, not one of those sites are legit, either propoganda sites, or conspiracy sites for idiots like you. Ha ha ha. Here we go, morin, here's a dose of the truth, what I've been saying all along:

Why Bashar Assad Won't Fight ISIS

...Assad does not see ISIS as his primary problem, “The regime fears the Free Syrian Army and the Nusra Front, not ISIS. They [the FSA and Nusra] state their goal is to remove the President. But ISIS doesn’t say that. They have never directly threatened Damascus.” As the businessman notes, the strikes on ISIS targets are minimal. “If the regime were serious about getting rid of ISIS, they would have bombed Raqqa by now. Instead they bomb other cities, where the FSA is strong.” That said, the businessman does not believe that the regime has a formal relationship with ISIS, just a pragmatic one. “The more powerful ISIS grows, the more they are useful for the regime. They make America nervous, and the Americans in turn see the regime as a kind of bulwark against ISIS.”

A senior Western diplomat who specializes in the Syrian civil war agrees that ISIS is seen as an asset by Assad. “They will do whatever it takes to devalue the opposition, even if it means strengthening ISIS. They know that if it comes to choosing between the black flag [of ISIS] and Damascus, the international community will choose Damascus.” And the strategy has worked extremely well. “The way it’s going now, it’s a matter of months, not even a year, that the moderate opposition is so weakened that it won’t be a factor anymore. So in just a few months from now the regime will be able to achieve its strategic goal of forcing the world to choose between Damascus and the black flags.”
It is apparent that Syria fights ISIS big time, just take a look in the ME forum. However, the Zionist Israeli government has not lifted a finger yet, they even treat wounded terrorists, supply them and bomb the Syrian army. The bigger your letters are, the more obvious are your lies.

Asia Times is reporting on that:
Asia Times Online :: Israel lends al-Nusra a hand in Syria
Why does Israel need to fight ISIS, idiot? It is more than apparent that Assad can only murder his own people while staying away from ISIS.
You are living in our virtual Obama/McCain reality where al-Qaeda are the good guys. While it is evident for everyone that ISIS would have fully taken over without the Syrian army preventing it, you keep spreading your filthy lies. There is no reason for me to further discuss with you. You are are a mindless, inhuman piece of trash.
There will be only hints in future when you post al-Qaeda propaganda, so that newbies know what filthy garbage your are. You´re dismissed.
The mindless inhuman trash is you who openly supports or should I say WORSHIPS a brutal Arab dictator named Assad who by ALL international standards and accepted norms is committing genocide in his own people. All the while keep ISIS strong in order to guarantee his survival.

Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
That you won´t believe anything from Syria just because the US decided to make war on the country, doesn´t make it wrong.

Read here:
"A statement from Amaq news agency linked to Islamic State said: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by coalition air strikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan.""
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'killed in US-led air strikes in Syria'
Ha ha ha. How about you use a legit source and not the Assad news agency?

Fake Isis statement sparks false reports of leader's death

U.S. can't confirm reports ISIS leader al-Baghdadi was killed in Syria

Doubts cast over Baghdadi death reports
First hint: ISIS-Roudy calls "Assad news aganecy".
Someone in the Assad govt. faked an ISIS message and some fools fell for it. Hard to understand?

Fake Isis statement sparks false reports of leader's death

U.S. can't confirm reports ISIS leader al-Baghdadi was killed in Syria

Doubts cast over Baghdadi death reports
Fourth hint: Yes Syrian army is a credible force against ISIS, but they are busy killing their own people and preserving ISIS.

Fifth hint: The death was faked and you fell for it.

Sixth hint: you accuse Israel of something that your dictator is guilty of.
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
That you won´t believe anything from Syria just because the US decided to make war on the country, doesn´t make it wrong.

Read here:
"A statement from Amaq news agency linked to Islamic State said: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by coalition air strikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan.""
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'killed in US-led air strikes in Syria'

I've got nothing against Assad. In FACT --- I'm on record all over the place saying that the US should be kissing his ass and asking for forgiveness. But STILL --- EVEN IF you can find a Euro or Israeli source that the IDF general really MADE that statement and it was not taken out of context -- I don't think one military guy is EVER gonna out and declare what national policy should be. And it doesn't make sense.

Of course -- Israel would LOVE to see Hamas and Hesbollah die off first before ISIS. For that matter so would Assad. That's part of the reason no one is taking strategic action to hasten the end here.
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
That you won´t believe anything from Syria just because the US decided to make war on the country, doesn´t make it wrong.

Read here:
"A statement from Amaq news agency linked to Islamic State said: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by coalition air strikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan.""
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'killed in US-led air strikes in Syria'

I've got nothing against Assad. In FACT --- I'm on record all over the place saying that the US should be kissing his ass and asking for forgiveness. But STILL --- EVEN IF you can find a Euro or Israeli source that the IDF general really MADE that statement and it was not taken out of context -- I don't think one military guy is EVER gonna out and declare what national policy should be. And it doesn't make sense.

Of course -- Israel would LOVE to see Hamas and Hesbollah die off first before ISIS. For that matter so would Assad. That's part of the reason no one is taking strategic action to hasten the end here.
US Aggressions made your country unpopular and dreaded. Anywhere in the world you may be abducted or droned for allegedly being a terrorist. Did you see "Road to Guantanamo"? I guy traveling to Afghanistan to attend a marriage ended up in Guantanamo where they tried to torture a confession out of him. He was released after it came out he had no ties to terrorists.
A migrant of Germany disappeared without a trace - completely innocent.

They also launch terrorist invasions and/or intervene directly for no reason. Yes, they should apologize, but those responsible never will.

However, al-Masdar News is not known for making up things
Israel and Saudi Arabia do not want ISIS defeat in Syria.

Expressed on Herzliya terror conference in Israel.

"In a speech delivered at “Herzliya” conference yesterday, (Major General Herzi) Halevy explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “, the Israeli NRG site reported.

“Withdrawal of the super powers from the region and letting Israel alone in front of Hezbollah and Iran that possess good abilities Will make “Israel” in a hard position”. Therefore, we’ve to do all we can so as not finding ourselves in such situation”, the Israeli chief intelligence added."

Israeli Intelligence chief: We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria

Israel: Syria´s "moderate rebels" struggling with proving they exist

Let's see. Last week Syrian sources reported that Al Baghdadi had been killed in airstrikes. And this week, there's an UNSOURCED QUOTE from one Israeli general deciding his entire nation's foreign policy.

I searched Israeli media including NRG and there's not a thing. So this is just more agi-prop and parroting..

Ain't worth my time. UNLESS ---- you got a source that PROVIDES the actual report in some CREDIBLE non-Arab journal..
That you won´t believe anything from Syria just because the US decided to make war on the country, doesn´t make it wrong.

Read here:
"A statement from Amaq news agency linked to Islamic State said: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by coalition air strikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan.""
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'killed in US-led air strikes in Syria'
Ha ha ha. How about you use a legit source and not the Assad news agency?

Fake Isis statement sparks false reports of leader's death

U.S. can't confirm reports ISIS leader al-Baghdadi was killed in Syria

Doubts cast over Baghdadi death reports
First hint: ISIS-Roudy calls "Assad news aganecy".

And what was the actual source of the report posted by the Mirror ? I keep trying to educate you as to what constitutes the source of a news item, seems I am wasting my time as you still see the carrier as the source

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