It Should Be A Public Utility


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Amazon Web Services (AWS) have by definition become a public utility and should removed from Amazon to be treated as one. Time to regulate AWS as a public utility.

The world is learning that the big web companies have too much power and too little accountability. They are now utilities, essential to people's daily lives, and should be regulated as such. An easy place to start: Amazon Web Services. Here's why.

You probably use AWS dozens of times a day, without realizing it, through the millions of websites they host. But there's way more to AWS than website hosting. Virtually all large companies now use AWS to host, store, network, secure, and manage critical corporate data using hundreds of AWS services. AWS is a virtual data center in the cloud. And it's working to extend its lead to quantum computing.

Today, it is safe to say that you can't build a datacenter of any scale without using cloud services, and that means AWS. Amazon's Prime video runs on AWS, and so does Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu.

That means AWS has deep insight into its competitors' businesses. Or any other business AWS hosts.

It's time to spin AWS out of Amazon: They regulate utilities, don't they? | ZDNet

Yeah definitely past time.
What about other web hosting and services companies like Microsoft, IBM......?
What about other web hosting and services companies like Microsoft, IBM......?
Yes, but at this point their web hosting is relatively non-existant compared to AWS.

They have a full third of the market shares, with Azure and Google taking 16 and 8 %. Both with power in the IT space and they are making gains as well. I don't think it possible to consolidate the market into a PU. Half the space is occupied by small vendors.
What about other web hosting and services companies like Microsoft, IBM......?
Yes, but at this point their web hosting is relatively non-existant compared to AWS.

They have a full third of the market shares, with Azure and Google taking 16 and 8 %. Both with power in the IT space and they are making gains as well. I don't think it possible to consolidate the market into a PU. Half the space is occupied by small vendors.
Then there has to be someway, other than trusting the vendors to police themselves, to keep the vendors honest. We know how that often works. Basically the article is dealing with these vendors (particularly AWS) having access to even their competition's information, info they really shouldn't have access to because it can give them an unfair advantage or even unfair leverage. It's almost like giving an anteater control over the nest and expecting him not to eat any of the ants..........

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