It shows you what these barbarians do during a ceasefire.


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Schools, mosques, where else???

It shows you what these barbarians do during a ceasefire.

Washington Post Sees Hamas Missiles Moved Into Gaza Mosque During Humanitarian Ceasefire (VIDEO)

JULY 18, 2014 11:06 AM 0 COMMENTSAuthor:

Hamas rocket mosqueHumanitarianrules of engagementThe Washington PostUNRWA

A screenshot of a Hamas diagram, filmed as part of an IDF video from 2009's Operation Cast Lead, showing how weapons are hidden by mosques. Photo: IDF / Screenshot.
The Washington Post‘s correspondents covering Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza reported that during Thursday’s five-hour humanitarian ceasefire, they saw men moving rockets into a mosque, a clear violation of international rules of war.

On Friday, buried toward’s the end of The Post’s dispatch from the front, the newspaper reported what one of its correspondents saw during the break in fighting

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Washington Post Sees Hamas Missiles Moved Into Gaza Mosque During Humanitarian Ceasefire (VIDEO) | Jewish & Israel News
Imagine how many footage and intelligence an army can get-not journalists/reporters-army.
2000 targets so far.

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