It Takes A Brave Man


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"San Francisco Giants pitcher Sam Coonrod refused to kneel in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement ahead of the team’s season opener Friday, saying he would feel “like a hypocrite” because of his Christian faith and personal beliefs.

“I don’t think I’m better than anybody. I’m just a Christian,” he told reporters. “I believe I can’t kneel before anything but God, Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel if I did kneel I’d be a hypocrite. I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”

He added that he “just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter. How they lean towards Marxism and … they said some negative things about the nuclear family.”

Every player and staff member from the Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers joined together to kneel and hold a black ribbon for the moment honoring Black Lives Matter, as did the New York Yankees and Washington Nationals in their game earlier on Friday. Coonrod was the only player or staff member of the four teams who stood during the moment."

As the saying goes, 'No good deed goes unpunished."

This is how NBC Sports stabbed him in the back"

" ... one need not be a card-carrying BLM member to decry the obvious wrongness of America’s ways. That some perceive the desire for equality as a “political” statement says a lot about them.
When did real Christianity opt out of humanity? Give a pass to injustice and inequality?
Like so many others swimming against the tide of progress, Coonrod pointed to the Black Lives Matter network, saying he “just can’t get on board” with some of its beliefs.

.... I do need you to be on board with EQUALITY FOR ALL and ENDING RACISM.

“It’s simple. If you don’t want those 2 simple things, you know what you are.”

There is only one view, one opinion, one set of values allowed......and it better the the Left's one.
“I believe I can’t kneel before anything but God, Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel if I did kneel I’d be a hypocrite. I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”
Oh I like this guy already.

“It’s simple. If you don’t want those 2 simple things, you know what you are.”
Hmmm... Not too terribly tolerant are they?

There is only one view, one opinion, one set of values allowed......and it better the the Left's one.
I'm good with them hating me if they want... I don't like them either.
"San Francisco Giants pitcher Sam Coonrod refused to kneel in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement ahead of the team’s season opener Friday, saying he would feel “like a hypocrite” because of his Christian faith and personal beliefs.

“I don’t think I’m better than anybody. I’m just a Christian,” he told reporters. “I believe I can’t kneel before anything but God, Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel if I did kneel I’d be a hypocrite. I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”
View attachment 367624

He added that he “just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter. How they lean towards Marxism and … they said some negative things about the nuclear family.”

Every player and staff member from the Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers joined together to kneel and hold a black ribbon for the moment honoring Black Lives Matter, as did the New York Yankees and Washington Nationals in their game earlier on Friday. Coonrod was the only player or staff member of the four teams who stood during the moment."

As the saying goes, 'No good deed goes unpunished."

This is how NBC Sports stabbed him in the back"

" ... one need not be a card-carrying BLM member to decry the obvious wrongness of America’s ways. That some perceive the desire for equality as a “political” statement says a lot about them.
When did real Christianity opt out of humanity? Give a pass to injustice and inequality?
Like so many others swimming against the tide of progress, Coonrod pointed to the Black Lives Matter network, saying he “just can’t get on board” with some of its beliefs.

.... I do need you to be on board with EQUALITY FOR ALL and ENDING RACISM.

“It’s simple. If you don’t want those 2 simple things, you know what you are.”

There is only one view, one opinion, one set of values allowed......and it better the the Left's one.
You got that right! Even when the asses burn the fucking country down.
Good thread. What else can anyone add? We get a brave human being standing against the dying of the light. The media doesn't say a peep...

The media says plenty.....but it's all Leftwing propaganda attacks.

I had never heard of this pitcher......but I heard of Kanye West, and look at the treatment he got when he looked at reality and came out for Trump:

A typical piece in ESPN’s online magazine The Undefeated reported West’s White House visit this way: “Last week, we didn’t get the Kanye West who spoke up for us. We got something unfamiliar, terrifying and ignorant. We got a West with ‘Make America Great Again’ hats. . . . He’s been calling Trump a genius. . . . We got an unending vomit-like array of misinformation. But maybe that’s the Kanye West we should have seen coming for a long time.”

CNN’s Trump-hating black anchor Don Lemon chimed in with this: “What I saw was a minstrel show today. Him in front of all these white people embarrassing himself and embarrassing Americans, but mostly African Americans because every one of them is sitting either at home or with their phones, watching this, cringing. I couldn’t even watch it. I had to turn the television off because it was so hard to watch. Him sitting there, being used by the president of the United States.” Don Lemon Explodes: Kanye West Put On A "Minstrel Show" For Trump, His Mother Is Rolling In Her Grave

Pretty clear warning about what will happen if you step out of line.

Yup…’s gonna take a really brave black voter to stand up for Trump.
Last edited:
"Mike Ditka says anthem kneeling protests are unpatriotic ... and the NFL legend tells TMZ Sports if he had it his way, he wouldn't allow the demonstrations in his new women's football league.
"If you can't respect our national anthem, get the hell out of the country," Ditka said. "That's the way I feel. Of course, I'm old fashioned, so I'm only going to say what I feel."
"San Francisco Giants pitcher Sam Coonrod refused to kneel in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement ahead of the team’s season opener Friday, saying he would feel “like a hypocrite” because of his Christian faith and personal beliefs.

“I don’t think I’m better than anybody. I’m just a Christian,” he told reporters. “I believe I can’t kneel before anything but God, Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel if I did kneel I’d be a hypocrite. I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”
View attachment 367624

He added that he “just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter. How they lean towards Marxism and … they said some negative things about the nuclear family.”

Every player and staff member from the Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers joined together to kneel and hold a black ribbon for the moment honoring Black Lives Matter, as did the New York Yankees and Washington Nationals in their game earlier on Friday. Coonrod was the only player or staff member of the four teams who stood during the moment."

As the saying goes, 'No good deed goes unpunished."

This is how NBC Sports stabbed him in the back"

" ... one need not be a card-carrying BLM member to decry the obvious wrongness of America’s ways. That some perceive the desire for equality as a “political” statement says a lot about them.
When did real Christianity opt out of humanity? Give a pass to injustice and inequality?
Like so many others swimming against the tide of progress, Coonrod pointed to the Black Lives Matter network, saying he “just can’t get on board” with some of its beliefs.

.... I do need you to be on board with EQUALITY FOR ALL and ENDING RACISM.

“It’s simple. If you don’t want those 2 simple things, you know what you are.”

There is only one view, one opinion, one set of values allowed......and it better the the Left's one.

A peek into what brain-dead simpletons have been manipulated into bending the knee and the neck to support:

"The Agenda of Black Lives Matter Is Far Different From the Slogan

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear-family-structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another.”

A partner organization, the Movement for Black Lives, or M4BL, calls for abolishing all police and all prisons. It also calls for a “progressive restructuring of tax codes at the local, state and federal levels to ensure a radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth.”

Another M4BL demand is “the retroactive decriminalization, immediate release and record expungement of all drug-related offenses and prostitution and reparations for the devastating impact of the ‘war on drugs’ and criminalization of prostitution.”
"San Francisco Giants pitcher Sam Coonrod refused to kneel in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement ahead of the team’s season opener Friday, saying he would feel “like a hypocrite” because of his Christian faith and personal beliefs.

“I don’t think I’m better than anybody. I’m just a Christian,” he told reporters. “I believe I can’t kneel before anything but God, Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel if I did kneel I’d be a hypocrite. I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”
View attachment 367624

He added that he “just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter. How they lean towards Marxism and … they said some negative things about the nuclear family.”

Every player and staff member from the Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers joined together to kneel and hold a black ribbon for the moment honoring Black Lives Matter, as did the New York Yankees and Washington Nationals in their game earlier on Friday. Coonrod was the only player or staff member of the four teams who stood during the moment."

As the saying goes, 'No good deed goes unpunished."

This is how NBC Sports stabbed him in the back"

" ... one need not be a card-carrying BLM member to decry the obvious wrongness of America’s ways. That some perceive the desire for equality as a “political” statement says a lot about them.
When did real Christianity opt out of humanity? Give a pass to injustice and inequality?
Like so many others swimming against the tide of progress, Coonrod pointed to the Black Lives Matter network, saying he “just can’t get on board” with some of its beliefs.

.... I do need you to be on board with EQUALITY FOR ALL and ENDING RACISM.

“It’s simple. If you don’t want those 2 simple things, you know what you are.”

There is only one view, one opinion, one set of values allowed......and it better the the Left's one.

“A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.”

― Kurt Vonnegut, Welcome to the Monkey House
"San Francisco Giants pitcher Sam Coonrod refused to kneel in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement ahead of the team’s season opener Friday, saying he would feel “like a hypocrite” because of his Christian faith and personal beliefs.

“I don’t think I’m better than anybody. I’m just a Christian,” he told reporters. “I believe I can’t kneel before anything but God, Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel if I did kneel I’d be a hypocrite. I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”
View attachment 367624

He added that he “just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter. How they lean towards Marxism and … they said some negative things about the nuclear family.”

Every player and staff member from the Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers joined together to kneel and hold a black ribbon for the moment honoring Black Lives Matter, as did the New York Yankees and Washington Nationals in their game earlier on Friday. Coonrod was the only player or staff member of the four teams who stood during the moment."

As the saying goes, 'No good deed goes unpunished."

This is how NBC Sports stabbed him in the back"

" ... one need not be a card-carrying BLM member to decry the obvious wrongness of America’s ways. That some perceive the desire for equality as a “political” statement says a lot about them.
When did real Christianity opt out of humanity? Give a pass to injustice and inequality?
Like so many others swimming against the tide of progress, Coonrod pointed to the Black Lives Matter network, saying he “just can’t get on board” with some of its beliefs.

.... I do need you to be on board with EQUALITY FOR ALL and ENDING RACISM.

“It’s simple. If you don’t want those 2 simple things, you know what you are.”

There is only one view, one opinion, one set of values allowed......and it better the the Left's one.

And of course he never said he supported racism or injustice. The writer made that accusation because this young man would literally not bow down to the racial hucksters and the BLM Marxists.
"San Francisco Giants pitcher Sam Coonrod refused to kneel in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement ahead of the team’s season opener Friday, saying he would feel “like a hypocrite” because of his Christian faith and personal beliefs.

“I don’t think I’m better than anybody. I’m just a Christian,” he told reporters. “I believe I can’t kneel before anything but God, Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel if I did kneel I’d be a hypocrite. I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”
View attachment 367624

He added that he “just can’t get on board with a couple things I’ve read about Black Lives Matter. How they lean towards Marxism and … they said some negative things about the nuclear family.”

Every player and staff member from the Giants and the Los Angeles Dodgers joined together to kneel and hold a black ribbon for the moment honoring Black Lives Matter, as did the New York Yankees and Washington Nationals in their game earlier on Friday. Coonrod was the only player or staff member of the four teams who stood during the moment."

As the saying goes, 'No good deed goes unpunished."

This is how NBC Sports stabbed him in the back"

" ... one need not be a card-carrying BLM member to decry the obvious wrongness of America’s ways. That some perceive the desire for equality as a “political” statement says a lot about them.
When did real Christianity opt out of humanity? Give a pass to injustice and inequality?
Like so many others swimming against the tide of progress, Coonrod pointed to the Black Lives Matter network, saying he “just can’t get on board” with some of its beliefs.

.... I do need you to be on board with EQUALITY FOR ALL and ENDING RACISM.

“It’s simple. If you don’t want those 2 simple things, you know what you are.”

There is only one view, one opinion, one set of values allowed......and it better the the Left's one.

And of course he never said he supported racism or injustice. The writer made that accusation because this young man would literally not bow down to the racial hucksters and the BLM Marxists.

I believe that this sort of thrashing of any who don't toe the line is the reason so many polls for the election will prove inaccurate.

Few of us would tell them how we actually plan to vote, when we know what the 'punishment' would be: RACIST!!!!
"Steelers Player Won’t Kneel For Anthem: ‘Screw Anybody’ Who Has A ‘Problem With That’; Talks Of Immigrant Grandmother
On Monday, Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt explained that he will not kneel for our flag during the playing of the national anthem, noting of his grandmother’s success story after immigrating to the United States. "
"Power Forward: While Everyone Else Around Him Kneels, the NBA's Jonathan Isaac Stands

Jonathan Isaac of the Orlando Magic stood, while everyone else took a knee. He also did not wear a Black Lives Matter shirt.

After the game, Isaac faced a hostile press populated by reporters who played gotcha games with him. Note the wording of the first question to Isaac.

Reporter to Isaac: “So you didn’t kneel during the anthem, but you also didn’t wear a Black Lives Matter shirt? Uh, do you believe that black lives matter?”

Isaac, who is black, handled the ridiculously biased question gracefully.

“Absolutely. I believe that black lives matter. A lot went into my decision,” Isaac responded. “And part of is, my first thought, is that kneeling while wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt don’t go hand in hand with supporting black lives.” Rejecting the easy virtue signal of wearing a shirt and taking a knee, which would keep reporters from asking him biased questions, Isaac noted that he finds true support from a higher source.

“My life has been supported through the Gospel, Jesus Christ” Isaac said, “and that everyone is made in the image of God and that we all fall short of God’s glory and that each and every one of us, each and every day do things that we shouldn’t do.
...we can get past skin color, we can get past all the things in our world that are messed up, jacked up. I think we need to look around. Racism isn’t the only thing that plagues our society, that plagues our nation, that plagues our world.”

What an inspiring story!

He is, indeed, courageous. (I am a life-long coward.)

I would not be surprised, however, if he is coerced into eventually kneeling, especially if the Dems win in 94 more days. The pressure to follow the party line may be too powerful to resist.

We are becoming like China, Russia, and Cuba.
What an inspiring story!

He is, indeed, courageous. (I am a life-long coward.)

I would not be surprised, however, if he is coerced into eventually kneeling, especially if the Dems win in 94 more days. The pressure to follow the party line may be too powerful to resist.

We are becoming like China, Russia, and Cuba.

Coward is kinda strong.....but I wouldn't do what he did, either. I have children, and know what Leftists are capable of (sorry to end the sentence with a preposition).

Look at the treatment he and any others who don't bend the knee and the neck to the great god, government's orthodoxy.

There is some other term but not 'coward.'
What an inspiring story!

He is, indeed, courageous. (I am a life-long coward.)

I would not be surprised, however, if he is coerced into eventually kneeling, especially if the Dems win in 94 more days. The pressure to follow the party line may be too powerful to resist.

We are becoming like China, Russia, and Cuba.

Coward is kinda strong.....but I wouldn't do what he did, either. I have children, and know what Leftists are capable of (sorry to end the sentence with a preposition).

Look at the treatment he and any others who don't bend the knee and the neck to the great god, government's orthodoxy.

There is some other term but not 'coward.'

Don't worry about that preposition.

I'm sure you know the famous story about Winston Churchill.

When he was criticized for ending a sentence with a preposition (which is often very natural in English), he supposedly replied something like: "This is the sort of English up with which I will not put."


You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person to discuss political topics with. (Surely, no native speaker in casual conversation would say: "You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person with whom to discuss political topics.")
What an inspiring story!

He is, indeed, courageous. (I am a life-long coward.)

I would not be surprised, however, if he is coerced into eventually kneeling, especially if the Dems win in 94 more days. The pressure to follow the party line may be too powerful to resist.

We are becoming like China, Russia, and Cuba.

Coward is kinda strong.....but I wouldn't do what he did, either. I have children, and know what Leftists are capable of (sorry to end the sentence with a preposition).

Look at the treatment he and any others who don't bend the knee and the neck to the great god, government's orthodoxy.

There is some other term but not 'coward.'

Don't worry about that preposition.

I'm sure you know the famous story about Winston Churchill.

When he was criticized for ending a sentence with a preposition (which is often very natural in English), he supposedly replied something like: "This is the sort of English up with which I will not put."


You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person to discuss political topics with. (Surely, no native speaker in casual conversation would say: "You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person with whom to discuss political topics.")

Yup....I love that bon mot!!!
What an inspiring story!

He is, indeed, courageous. (I am a life-long coward.)

I would not be surprised, however, if he is coerced into eventually kneeling, especially if the Dems win in 94 more days. The pressure to follow the party line may be too powerful to resist.

We are becoming like China, Russia, and Cuba.

Coward is kinda strong.....but I wouldn't do what he did, either. I have children, and know what Leftists are capable of (sorry to end the sentence with a preposition).

Look at the treatment he and any others who don't bend the knee and the neck to the great god, government's orthodoxy.

There is some other term but not 'coward.'

Don't worry about that preposition.

I'm sure you know the famous story about Winston Churchill.

When he was criticized for ending a sentence with a preposition (which is often very natural in English), he supposedly replied something like: "This is the sort of English up with which I will not put."


You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person to discuss political topics with. (Surely, no native speaker in casual conversation would say: "You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person with whom to discuss political topics.")

And one of the sad elements of our society circling the drain, as it is, is that future generations will never be able to chuckle about things like this......because of what Progressivism is doing:

"English Dept. at Rutgers to Deemphasize Traditional Grammar in Solidarity With Black Lives Matter "
Posted by Mike LaChance Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 12:00pm
“way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color”

Black Lives Matter, as a political movement and ideology, is now being woven into basic aspects of education, like the study of English. This is madness.

The College Fix reports:
Rutgers English Department to deemphasize traditional grammar ‘in solidarity with Black Lives Matter’

English Dept. at Rutgers to Deemphasize Traditional Grammar in Solidarity With Black Lives Matter
"way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color"
What an inspiring story!

He is, indeed, courageous. (I am a life-long coward.)

I would not be surprised, however, if he is coerced into eventually kneeling, especially if the Dems win in 94 more days. The pressure to follow the party line may be too powerful to resist.

We are becoming like China, Russia, and Cuba.

Coward is kinda strong.....but I wouldn't do what he did, either. I have children, and know what Leftists are capable of (sorry to end the sentence with a preposition).

Look at the treatment he and any others who don't bend the knee and the neck to the great god, government's orthodoxy.

There is some other term but not 'coward.'

Don't worry about that preposition.

I'm sure you know the famous story about Winston Churchill.

When he was criticized for ending a sentence with a preposition (which is often very natural in English), he supposedly replied something like: "This is the sort of English up with which I will not put."


You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person to discuss political topics with. (Surely, no native speaker in casual conversation would say: "You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person with whom to discuss political topics.")

And one of the sad elements of our society circling the drain, as it is, is that future generations will never be able to chuckle about things like this......because of what Progressivism is doing:

"English Dept. at Rutgers to Deemphasize Traditional Grammar in Solidarity With Black Lives Matter "
Posted by Mike LaChance Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 12:00pm
“way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color”

Black Lives Matter, as a political movement and ideology, is now being woven into basic aspects of education, like the study of English. This is madness.

The College Fix reports:
Rutgers English Department to deemphasize traditional grammar ‘in solidarity with Black Lives Matter’

English Dept. at Rutgers to Deemphasize Traditional Grammar in Solidarity With Black Lives Matter
"way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color"

That decision is really condescending to Black folks, many of whom WANT to speak standard English because that is one of the keys to economic (and personal) success.
What an inspiring story!

He is, indeed, courageous. (I am a life-long coward.)

I would not be surprised, however, if he is coerced into eventually kneeling, especially if the Dems win in 94 more days. The pressure to follow the party line may be too powerful to resist.

We are becoming like China, Russia, and Cuba.

Coward is kinda strong.....but I wouldn't do what he did, either. I have children, and know what Leftists are capable of (sorry to end the sentence with a preposition).

Look at the treatment he and any others who don't bend the knee and the neck to the great god, government's orthodoxy.

There is some other term but not 'coward.'

Don't worry about that preposition.

I'm sure you know the famous story about Winston Churchill.

When he was criticized for ending a sentence with a preposition (which is often very natural in English), he supposedly replied something like: "This is the sort of English up with which I will not put."


You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person to discuss political topics with. (Surely, no native speaker in casual conversation would say: "You, PoliticalChic, are a very nice person with whom to discuss political topics.")

And one of the sad elements of our society circling the drain, as it is, is that future generations will never be able to chuckle about things like this......because of what Progressivism is doing:

"English Dept. at Rutgers to Deemphasize Traditional Grammar in Solidarity With Black Lives Matter "
Posted by Mike LaChance Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 12:00pm
“way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color”

Black Lives Matter, as a political movement and ideology, is now being woven into basic aspects of education, like the study of English. This is madness.

The College Fix reports:
Rutgers English Department to deemphasize traditional grammar ‘in solidarity with Black Lives Matter’

English Dept. at Rutgers to Deemphasize Traditional Grammar in Solidarity With Black Lives Matter
"way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color"

That decision is really condescending to Black folks, many of whom WANT to speak standard English because that is one of the keys to economic (and personal) success.

Several times I have posted books I've read by black authors who have no problem with the English language.

The Left.....the real racists.

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