It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

I love the gun grabber everybody on this board the chance to identify those who don't have both feet on the ground ( ie: the real mental cases ) :spinner:

Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban

And nobody cares about gun control..........according to Pew from January 2016, gun control is SMACK DAB ON THE BOTTOM on the list of voter concerns.

Pew: Deficit issues slip as voter priority in favor of economy and national security - Hot Air

Only the emotional hemophiliacs of our society are caring!!!:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Only hater dupes like you believe anyone is suggesting a hand gun ban. Try the actual issues that 80% plus are for.

The only reason you can't ban handguns outright is the Supreme court ruled it against the constitution ...

Another liberal who has amnesia ....Chicago had handguns banned for like 10 years

Legal gun owners are already the most responsible and law abiding segment of society. Hell they get a background check at every purchase. CCP holders are even more carefully scrutinized. What you want to do is place more restrictions on people who are extremely unlikely to commit a crime using a gun and ignoring the thug culture, the gangs, the people who should not even be in our country; you know, the ones who ignore laws by their very nature.
Bannerhoids only pretend to care about crime and public safety. RW is a left wing troll who hates the politics of serious gun owners. He pushes more restrictions to harass people who don't buy into his eunuch nanny state nonsense
Is gun ownership really down in America?

The Associated Press and Time ignored other polls by Gallup and ABC News/Washington Post. These polls show that gun ownership rates have been flat over the same period. According to Gallup, household gun ownership has ranged from 51 percent in 1994 to 34 percent in 1999. In 2014, it was at 42 percent – comparable to the 43-45 percent figures during the 1970s.
A 2011 Gallup poll with the headline “Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993” appears to have gotten no news coverage.

It is simply amazing that libtards cant conceive of people lying to pollsters as they see the anti-gun agenda reaching its peak.

Agree...we all know what liars gun owners are

Doesn't matter. Doesn't change the fact that your policies accomplish nothing, but to punish those who obey the law.

Criminals are not going to tell the truth, and they are going to get their guns, no matter what some mindless idiots with anti-gun posters do.
You are not being punished
Only asked to be more responsible

Tell that to the native Americans.
Tell that to the law abiding citizens of New Orleans who had their weapons confiscated and destroyed, even while criminals were on the loose.

I can list about a half dozen examples where perfectly responsible people, who followed the law, ended up being punished for exercising their rights.

Apparently in the left-wing world, being responsible is relinquishing your rights.
It looks like in the left-wing world, you have too many rights and can't be trusted to exercise them the right way. Only the hive mind can be trusted to grant you permission to exercise them.
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It is simply amazing that libtards cant conceive of people lying to pollsters as they see the anti-gun agenda reaching its peak.

Agree...we all know what liars gun owners are

Doesn't matter. Doesn't change the fact that your policies accomplish nothing, but to punish those who obey the law.

Criminals are not going to tell the truth, and they are going to get their guns, no matter what some mindless idiots with anti-gun posters do.
You are not being punished
Only asked to be more responsible
Legal gun owners are already the most responsible and law abiding segment of society. Hell they get a background check at every purchase. CCP holders are even more carefully scrutinized. What you want to do is place more restrictions on people who are extremely unlikely to commit a crime using a gun and ignoring the thug culture, the gangs, the people who should not even be in our country; you know, the ones who ignore laws by their very nature.

Yup...responsible and law abiding right up until they pull the trigger
Care to show the percentage of murders committed by CCP holders vs the rest of society? I'm going with CCP holders to be the safest, so they're not really the problem, are they?
Agree...we all know what liars gun owners are

Doesn't matter. Doesn't change the fact that your policies accomplish nothing, but to punish those who obey the law.

Criminals are not going to tell the truth, and they are going to get their guns, no matter what some mindless idiots with anti-gun posters do.
You are not being punished
Only asked to be more responsible
Legal gun owners are already the most responsible and law abiding segment of society. Hell they get a background check at every purchase. CCP holders are even more carefully scrutinized. What you want to do is place more restrictions on people who are extremely unlikely to commit a crime using a gun and ignoring the thug culture, the gangs, the people who should not even be in our country; you know, the ones who ignore laws by their very nature.

Yup...responsible and law abiding right up until they pull the trigger
Care to show the percentage of murders committed by CCP holders vs the rest of society? I'm going with CCP holders to be the safest, so they're not really the problem, are they?
Seems the additional training and background checks of CCP holders is working out

Why would you oppose it for all gun owners?
Doesn't matter. Doesn't change the fact that your policies accomplish nothing, but to punish those who obey the law.

Criminals are not going to tell the truth, and they are going to get their guns, no matter what some mindless idiots with anti-gun posters do.
You are not being punished
Only asked to be more responsible
Legal gun owners are already the most responsible and law abiding segment of society. Hell they get a background check at every purchase. CCP holders are even more carefully scrutinized. What you want to do is place more restrictions on people who are extremely unlikely to commit a crime using a gun and ignoring the thug culture, the gangs, the people who should not even be in our country; you know, the ones who ignore laws by their very nature.

Yup...responsible and law abiding right up until they pull the trigger
Care to show the percentage of murders committed by CCP holders vs the rest of society? I'm going with CCP holders to be the safest, so they're not really the problem, are they?
Seems the additional training and background checks of CCP holders is working out

Why would you oppose it for all gun owners?
Again, what are the numbers of murders committed by legal gun owners vs the rest of society? Also again, I'll go with legal gun owners being the safest group, so they're not really the problem, are they?
I love the gun grabber everybody on this board the chance to identify those who don't have both feet on the ground ( ie: the real mental cases ) :spinner:

Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban

And nobody cares about gun control..........according to Pew from January 2016, gun control is SMACK DAB ON THE BOTTOM on the list of voter concerns.

Pew: Deficit issues slip as voter priority in favor of economy and national security - Hot Air

Only the emotional hemophiliacs of our society are caring!!!:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Because you put up excellent posts.
You are not being punished
Only asked to be more responsible
Legal gun owners are already the most responsible and law abiding segment of society. Hell they get a background check at every purchase. CCP holders are even more carefully scrutinized. What you want to do is place more restrictions on people who are extremely unlikely to commit a crime using a gun and ignoring the thug culture, the gangs, the people who should not even be in our country; you know, the ones who ignore laws by their very nature.

Yup...responsible and law abiding right up until they pull the trigger
Care to show the percentage of murders committed by CCP holders vs the rest of society? I'm going with CCP holders to be the safest, so they're not really the problem, are they?
Seems the additional training and background checks of CCP holders is working out

Why would you oppose it for all gun owners?
Again, what are the numbers of murders committed by legal gun owners vs the rest of society? Also again, I'll go with legal gun owners being the safest group, so they're not really the problem, are they?

I would doubt it

Gun owners are much more likely to kill a spouse, more likely to commit suicide more likely to shoot someone (that's a tough one aint it?)
By Dennis A. Henigan

The American people can overcome the gun lobby, but only if we confront, and expose, three myths that have long dominated the gun debate and given the politicians a ready excuse for inaction.

First, we must not let the opponents of reform get away with the empty bromide that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat? Guns enable people to kill, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon.

Second, we must challenge the idea that no law can prevent violent people from getting guns. This canard is refuted by the experience of every other western industrialized nation. Their violent crime rates are comparable to ours. But their homicide rates are exponentially lower because their strong gun laws make it harder for violent individuals to get guns.

Third, we must not accept the notion that our Constitution condemns us to the continued slaughter of our children. It is true that the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights in recent years; it is equally true that the Court has insisted that the right allows for reasonable restrictions. In his opinion in the Heller Second Amendment case, Justice Scalia listed restrictions on "dangerous and unusual weapons" among the kinds of gun laws that are still "presumptively lawful." Assault weapons that fire scores of rounds without reloading surely are "dangerous and unusual."

The tobacco control movement overcame some equally powerful mythology to fundamentally alter American attitudes toward tobacco products. The tobacco industry's effort to sow confusion and uncertainty about the link between smoking and disease eventually was exposed as a fraud. The entrenched view that smoking was simply a bad habit that individuals can choose to break was destroyed by evidence that the tobacco companies knew that nicotine was powerfully addictive and engineered their cigarettes to ensure that people got hooked and stayed hooked. The assumption that smoking harms only the smoker was contradicted by the overwhelming evidence of the danger of second-hand smoke.

Once these myths were exposed, attitudes changed, policies changed and we started saving countless lives. Since youth smoking peaked in the mid-1990s, smoking rates have fallen by about three-fourths among 8th graders, two-thirds among 10th graders and half among 12th graders. A sea change has occurred on the tobacco issue.

Similarly fundamental change can come to the gun issue as well. The myths about gun control, however, still have a hold on too many of our political leaders and their constituents. We will hear them repeated again and again in the coming weeks of intense debate. Every time we hear them, we must respond and we must persuade.

There is too much at stake to be silent.

More: Dennis A. Henigan: It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns
Who are the first people your 'type' calls when some of your 'type' becomes violent because they can't hold their 'fire-water'? Someone with a fucking GUN!
You want everyone's guns taken away because you know your 'type' can't be trusted around guns and booze.
Other 'races' are able to control themselves. Namely Whites and asians.
Climb back on your 'cotton pinto'. Fucking moron!
Legal gun owners are already the most responsible and law abiding segment of society. Hell they get a background check at every purchase. CCP holders are even more carefully scrutinized. What you want to do is place more restrictions on people who are extremely unlikely to commit a crime using a gun and ignoring the thug culture, the gangs, the people who should not even be in our country; you know, the ones who ignore laws by their very nature.

Yup...responsible and law abiding right up until they pull the trigger
Care to show the percentage of murders committed by CCP holders vs the rest of society? I'm going with CCP holders to be the safest, so they're not really the problem, are they?
Seems the additional training and background checks of CCP holders is working out

Why would you oppose it for all gun owners?
Again, what are the numbers of murders committed by legal gun owners vs the rest of society? Also again, I'll go with legal gun owners being the safest group, so they're not really the problem, are they?

I would doubt it

Gun owners are much more likely to kill a spouse, more likely to commit suicide more likely to shoot someone (that's a tough one aint it?)
It's already been posted in this thread that 93% of guns used in a crime were obtained illegally. That means legal gun owners are committing a very small percentage of gun related crimes, which means that they are, as I said, the safest group. Thus, they are not really the problem, are they? Why saddle law abiding, and quite safe, citizens with ever more regulations when the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people with guns that are already illegally obtained?
Yup...responsible and law abiding right up until they pull the trigger
Care to show the percentage of murders committed by CCP holders vs the rest of society? I'm going with CCP holders to be the safest, so they're not really the problem, are they?
Seems the additional training and background checks of CCP holders is working out

Why would you oppose it for all gun owners?
Again, what are the numbers of murders committed by legal gun owners vs the rest of society? Also again, I'll go with legal gun owners being the safest group, so they're not really the problem, are they?

I would doubt it

Gun owners are much more likely to kill a spouse, more likely to commit suicide more likely to shoot someone (that's a tough one aint it?)
It's already been posted in this thread that 93% of guns used in a crime were obtained illegally. That means legal gun owners are committing a very small percentage of gun related crimes, which means that they are, as I said, the safest group. Thus, they are not really the problem, are they? Why saddle law abiding, and quite safe, citizens with ever more regulations when the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people with guns that are already illegally obtained?

Sorry..not buying it

While criminals typically do not buy their guns at a store, all but a tiny fraction of the guns in circulation in the United States are first sold at retail by a gun dealer—including the guns that eventually end up in the hands of criminals.

That first retail sale was most likely legal, in that the clerk followed federal and state requirements for documentation, a background check and record-keeping. While there are scofflaw dealers who sometimes make under-the-counter deals, that is by no means the norm.

If a gun ends up in criminal use, it is usually after several more transactions. The average age of guns taken from Chicago gangs is over 11 years.
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Care to show the percentage of murders committed by CCP holders vs the rest of society? I'm going with CCP holders to be the safest, so they're not really the problem, are they?
Seems the additional training and background checks of CCP holders is working out

Why would you oppose it for all gun owners?
Again, what are the numbers of murders committed by legal gun owners vs the rest of society? Also again, I'll go with legal gun owners being the safest group, so they're not really the problem, are they?

I would doubt it

Gun owners are much more likely to kill a spouse, more likely to commit suicide more likely to shoot someone (that's a tough one aint it?)
It's already been posted in this thread that 93% of guns used in a crime were obtained illegally. That means legal gun owners are committing a very small percentage of gun related crimes, which means that they are, as I said, the safest group. Thus, they are not really the problem, are they? Why saddle law abiding, and quite safe, citizens with ever more regulations when the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people with guns that are already illegally obtained?

Sorry..not buying it

While criminals typically do not buy their guns at a store, all but a tiny fraction of the guns in circulation in the United States are first sold at retail by a gun dealer—including the guns that eventually end up in the hands of criminals.

That first retail sale was most likely legal, in that the clerk followed federal and state requirements for documentation, a background check and record-keeping. While there are scofflaw dealers who sometimes make under-the-counter deals, that is by no means the norm.

If a gun ends up in criminal use, it is usually after several more transactions. The average age of guns taken from Chicago gangs is over 11 years.
So, IOW, the legal gun owner is not the problem, as I have been saying. Most gun crimes are committed by guns obtained illegally, which means there is already at least one law on the books against it being in that person's possession.
I find it interesting that many of those opposed to private gun ownership will cry that "no one is out to take your guns" at the same time they are strenuously trying to make the case why you should not be allowed to own the guns you have, and gleefully anticipating the day guns will be confiscated.
Racism makes this different.
Racism is just another form of prejudice and the Irish, Jews and Italians also faced it too.

They did not have the helpful Federal government keeping them dependent.
They're white duh. Racists are keeping them dependent. The GOP.
I was laughing at that excellent joke, but then became very sad when I realized that you probably actually believe it.
Ian Gurvitz On Why He Wrote "Welcome to "Dumbfuckistan"
Thank god racism is dead lol...
Seems the additional training and background checks of CCP holders is working out

Why would you oppose it for all gun owners?
Again, what are the numbers of murders committed by legal gun owners vs the rest of society? Also again, I'll go with legal gun owners being the safest group, so they're not really the problem, are they?

I would doubt it

Gun owners are much more likely to kill a spouse, more likely to commit suicide more likely to shoot someone (that's a tough one aint it?)
It's already been posted in this thread that 93% of guns used in a crime were obtained illegally. That means legal gun owners are committing a very small percentage of gun related crimes, which means that they are, as I said, the safest group. Thus, they are not really the problem, are they? Why saddle law abiding, and quite safe, citizens with ever more regulations when the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people with guns that are already illegally obtained?

Sorry..not buying it

While criminals typically do not buy their guns at a store, all but a tiny fraction of the guns in circulation in the United States are first sold at retail by a gun dealer—including the guns that eventually end up in the hands of criminals.

That first retail sale was most likely legal, in that the clerk followed federal and state requirements for documentation, a background check and record-keeping. While there are scofflaw dealers who sometimes make under-the-counter deals, that is by no means the norm.

If a gun ends up in criminal use, it is usually after several more transactions. The average age of guns taken from Chicago gangs is over 11 years.
So, IOW, the legal gun owner is not the problem, as I have been saying. Most gun crimes are committed by guns obtained illegally, which means there is already at least one law on the books against it being in that person's possession.

Not obtained illegally but obtained by a straw buyer or a gun sold so many times it is not traceable

The very venues protected by the NRA. The last thing they want is traceability of guns as they are sold
Again, what are the numbers of murders committed by legal gun owners vs the rest of society? Also again, I'll go with legal gun owners being the safest group, so they're not really the problem, are they?

I would doubt it

Gun owners are much more likely to kill a spouse, more likely to commit suicide more likely to shoot someone (that's a tough one aint it?)
It's already been posted in this thread that 93% of guns used in a crime were obtained illegally. That means legal gun owners are committing a very small percentage of gun related crimes, which means that they are, as I said, the safest group. Thus, they are not really the problem, are they? Why saddle law abiding, and quite safe, citizens with ever more regulations when the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people with guns that are already illegally obtained?

Sorry..not buying it

While criminals typically do not buy their guns at a store, all but a tiny fraction of the guns in circulation in the United States are first sold at retail by a gun dealer—including the guns that eventually end up in the hands of criminals.

That first retail sale was most likely legal, in that the clerk followed federal and state requirements for documentation, a background check and record-keeping. While there are scofflaw dealers who sometimes make under-the-counter deals, that is by no means the norm.

If a gun ends up in criminal use, it is usually after several more transactions. The average age of guns taken from Chicago gangs is over 11 years.
So, IOW, the legal gun owner is not the problem, as I have been saying. Most gun crimes are committed by guns obtained illegally, which means there is already at least one law on the books against it being in that person's possession.

Not obtained illegally but obtained by a straw buyer or a gun sold so many times it is not traceable

The very venues protected by the NRA. The last thing they want is traceability of guns as they are sold

Which "venues" are those, douche bag?
Care to show the percentage of murders committed by CCP holders vs the rest of society? I'm going with CCP holders to be the safest, so they're not really the problem, are they?
Seems the additional training and background checks of CCP holders is working out

Why would you oppose it for all gun owners?
Again, what are the numbers of murders committed by legal gun owners vs the rest of society? Also again, I'll go with legal gun owners being the safest group, so they're not really the problem, are they?

I would doubt it

Gun owners are much more likely to kill a spouse, more likely to commit suicide more likely to shoot someone (that's a tough one aint it?)
It's already been posted in this thread that 93% of guns used in a crime were obtained illegally. That means legal gun owners are committing a very small percentage of gun related crimes, which means that they are, as I said, the safest group. Thus, they are not really the problem, are they? Why saddle law abiding, and quite safe, citizens with ever more regulations when the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people with guns that are already illegally obtained?

Sorry..not buying it

While criminals typically do not buy their guns at a store, all but a tiny fraction of the guns in circulation in the United States are first sold at retail by a gun dealer—including the guns that eventually end up in the hands of criminals.

That first retail sale was most likely legal, in that the clerk followed federal and state requirements for documentation, a background check and record-keeping. While there are scofflaw dealers who sometimes make under-the-counter deals, that is by no means the norm.

If a gun ends up in criminal use, it is usually after several more transactions. The average age of guns taken from Chicago gangs is over 11 years.

So what's your solution, dirt bag, outlawing the retail sale of guns?
I would doubt it

Gun owners are much more likely to kill a spouse, more likely to commit suicide more likely to shoot someone (that's a tough one aint it?)
It's already been posted in this thread that 93% of guns used in a crime were obtained illegally. That means legal gun owners are committing a very small percentage of gun related crimes, which means that they are, as I said, the safest group. Thus, they are not really the problem, are they? Why saddle law abiding, and quite safe, citizens with ever more regulations when the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people with guns that are already illegally obtained?

Sorry..not buying it

While criminals typically do not buy their guns at a store, all but a tiny fraction of the guns in circulation in the United States are first sold at retail by a gun dealer—including the guns that eventually end up in the hands of criminals.

That first retail sale was most likely legal, in that the clerk followed federal and state requirements for documentation, a background check and record-keeping. While there are scofflaw dealers who sometimes make under-the-counter deals, that is by no means the norm.

If a gun ends up in criminal use, it is usually after several more transactions. The average age of guns taken from Chicago gangs is over 11 years.
So, IOW, the legal gun owner is not the problem, as I have been saying. Most gun crimes are committed by guns obtained illegally, which means there is already at least one law on the books against it being in that person's possession.

Not obtained illegally but obtained by a straw buyer or a gun sold so many times it is not traceable

The very venues protected by the NRA. The last thing they want is traceability of guns as they are sold

Which "venues" are those, douche bag?
Let's see..

Private sales
Straw purchases
"gifts" from relatives

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