It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

Hardcore NRA wingnuts need to be thinking about two words: "Compromise" and "Consensus"...

And you need to think about the only way to get guns away from the people and that's repealing the second amendment.

Good luck with that.
Hardcore NRA wingnuts need to be thinking about two words: "Compromise" and "Consensus"...

When it comes to the Constitution there is no such thing as "Compromise" and "Consensus".

Sure there is. Even the original Constitution was built on compromise and consensus.

You are right, Constitution was built on compromise and consensus.
However, the Constitution became the law of the land and there was no further compromise and consensus. Want change add or delete an amendment.
Hardcore NRA wingnuts need to be thinking about two words: "Compromise" and "Consensus"...

We will see what the NRA is made of today

Will they compromise to show they are willing to work to develop meaningful legislation or go back to their "never give an inch"?

My guess is they double down on stupid and pretend this is the same country it was a week ago
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There was no lobby more powerful in Washington than the tabacco lobby

They were eventually put in their place. The same thing will happen to the NRA
Still standing on that pile of dead children, heh?

I saw a story on the news last night where the town wanted the reporters to leave. So what did they do? Made a story about it, of course. They're pushing product, you see. And they are willing to stand on people, even dead ones to air their news. ad nauseam.

That's what you're doing here. You are using a pile of slain dead children to sell your ideas. It's vile, hypocritical and down right low.

i would not expect anything less from lakhota. It and others are preforming to expectations.

and for someone who "claims" he is ok with people having guns except the nuttier ones......his posts seem to always lean towards anti-gun stuff.....
Still standing on that pile of dead children, heh?

I saw a story on the news last night where the town wanted the reporters to leave. So what did they do? Made a story about it, of course. They're pushing product, you see. And they are willing to stand on people, even dead ones to air their news. ad nauseam.

That's what you're doing here. You are using a pile of slain dead children to sell your ideas. It's vile, hypocritical and down right low.

i would not expect anything less from lakhota. It and others are preforming to expectations.

and for someone who "claims" he is ok with people having guns except the nuttier ones......his posts seem to always lean towards anti-gun stuff.....

he just wont tell you he thinks everyone but him is nutty
There was no lobby more powerful in Washington than the tabacco lobby

They were eventually put in their place. The same thing will happen to the NRA

Not likely. The people aren't going to amend the Constitution or give up their rights.
Hardcore NRA wingnuts need to be thinking about two words: "Compromise" and "Consensus"...

We will see what the NRA is made of today

Will they compromise to show they are willing to work to develop meaningful legislation or go back to their "never give an inch"?

My guess is they double down on stupid and pretend this is the same country it was a week ago

Whats meaningful?? It is still the same country,only the shrills are trying to say it isn't.
Never waste a good tragedy.
Gun "control" and gun "confiscation" are not the same thing...

what you post and say seems to lead towards "control" and then "confiscate"......and remember right now they are controlling smokers......tomorrow their ultimate goal is to end it....
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. The problem is with the people. Not the guns.

A gun is an inanimate object unless someone loads it and pulls the trigger. People kill people.

Perhaps we should cull the population of all gang bangers, nut cases and known murderers?? Perhaps canvas the population to see just who MIGHT use a gun?? I can hear the ACLU screaming like a stuck pig even now.

Once again guns don't kill people. People kill people and unfortunately we have loads of those people in this country who wouldn't think twice about killing someone.

Think I'll hang onto my gun per the 2nd Ammendment and Shitting Bull can get his/her ass capped when someone breaks into his/her house. Its only fair.
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There are millions of assault weopons out there. So we are not going to go house to house to get them off of the streets. Here is how it can be done.

1. A law that requires you to have the same license for an assault rifle as for a fully automatic gun. If you are caught outside your home with said weopon, the weopon is confiscated and destroyed, and you face jail time, and have a felony offense on your record.

Should you sell or give that gun to someone that does not have said license, it is a felony offense for both of you.

2. If you store your guns, of any type, irresponsibly, and someone takes them and commits a crime with them, you own the crime.

Rocks.....learn to spell "weapons" have been miss-spelling this word for a week now.....if you are doing it on purpose just say so and i will never mention it again....
Until recently, I didn't understand just how crazy and ignorant NaziCons really are. They are a bunch of dangerous and scary lunatics.

people like you who never questions what they are you prove everyday with your threads and posts......are also dangerous and scary.....
There are millions of assault weopons out there. So we are not going to go house to house to get them off of the streets. Here is how it can be done.

1. A law that requires you to have the same license for an assault rifle as for a fully automatic gun. If you are caught outside your home with said weopon, the weopon is confiscated and destroyed, and you face jail time, and have a felony offense on your record.

Should you sell or give that gun to someone that does not have said license, it is a felony offense for both of you.

2. If you store your guns, of any type, irresponsibly, and someone takes them and commits a crime with them, you own the crime.

Rocks.....learn to spell "weapons" have been miss-spelling this word for a week now.....if you are doing it on purpose just say so and i will never mention it again....

He's a self proclaimed gun owner.:badgrin:
By Dennis A. Henigan

The American people can overcome the gun lobby, but only if we confront, and expose, three myths that have long dominated the gun debate and given the politicians a ready excuse for inaction.

First, we must not let the opponents of reform get away with the empty bromide that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat? Guns enable people to kill, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon.

Second, we must challenge the idea that no law can prevent violent people from getting guns. This canard is refuted by the experience of every other western industrialized nation. Their violent crime rates are comparable to ours. But their homicide rates are exponentially lower because their strong gun laws make it harder for violent individuals to get guns.

Third, we must not accept the notion that our Constitution condemns us to the continued slaughter of our children. It is true that the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights in recent years; it is equally true that the Court has insisted that the right allows for reasonable restrictions. In his opinion in the Heller Second Amendment case, Justice Scalia listed restrictions on "dangerous and unusual weapons" among the kinds of gun laws that are still "presumptively lawful." Assault weapons that fire scores of rounds without reloading surely are "dangerous and unusual."

The tobacco control movement overcame some equally powerful mythology to fundamentally alter American attitudes toward tobacco products. The tobacco industry's effort to sow confusion and uncertainty about the link between smoking and disease eventually was exposed as a fraud. The entrenched view that smoking was simply a bad habit that individuals can choose to break was destroyed by evidence that the tobacco companies knew that nicotine was powerfully addictive and engineered their cigarettes to ensure that people got hooked and stayed hooked. The assumption that smoking harms only the smoker was contradicted by the overwhelming evidence of the danger of second-hand smoke.

Once these myths were exposed, attitudes changed, policies changed and we started saving countless lives. Since youth smoking peaked in the mid-1990s, smoking rates have fallen by about three-fourths among 8th graders, two-thirds among 10th graders and half among 12th graders. A sea change has occurred on the tobacco issue.

Similarly fundamental change can come to the gun issue as well. The myths about gun control, however, still have a hold on too many of our political leaders and their constituents. We will hear them repeated again and again in the coming weeks of intense debate. Every time we hear them, we must respond and we must persuade.

There is too much at stake to be silent.

More: Dennis A. Henigan: It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns

They were mostly children, yes, he could have murdered them with baseball bats. How many college co-eds did Ted Bundy get with a bat on his last killing spree?

Comparing guns to cigarettes is apples and oranges....your premise makes no sense.

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