it wasn't Biden's weakness in Afghanistan that inspired Putin to invade Ukraine, my friends, but rather Trump's aggressiveness in the Jan 6 DC riots

"Then-President Donald Trump was withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Ukraine's defense as he was asking its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to investigate Trump's potential 2020 rival, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden.
Russia expert Fiona Hill agrees with me, and she makes the exact same argument here

An opinion isn't a fact or imperial evidence.

If opinions were facts nothing in this world would be true because as soon as someone disagrees with your opinion it is no longer true and vice versa.

Trump has nothing to do with Afghanistan. Trump had a solid plan and a time frame in place that Biden chose to ignore and just wing it so it all went to shit. That's a fact.

Jan 6 was a year before Russia went after uktraine. That's a fact.

Ultimately my opinion is china charged Russia with their talk of retaking Taiwan since Taiwan is technically part of China, just like Ukraine is technically part of Russia. China and Russia were both eyeballing taking back their respective lands and Russia jumped first, now china is probably waiting to see how it plays out before they take a shot at Taiwan.

But I know, I know, you only care about saying trump was wrong and that's it.

Hahahahaha not that shit again. Goes to show you how dumbed down the Neo-GOP have become under the Dirty "Don". Biden, in that same program, also describes how the Ukrainians didn't believe he had the authority to make that threat, he told them to call President Obama and find out who's policy decision it was. Furthermore, it was bipartisan policy developed with our EU partners as well as the IMF. They all thought the prosecutor was corrupt.
What about the 5 other bases we abandoned under the Skedaddle Accords? Furthermore, the planners of the final withdrawal of the skeleton crew left behind, our top military brass btw, said that the would have to redeploy some 5000 fresh troops to secure that sprawling facility. Double the number of troops left by Trump for the new administration.

The weak position the US Military held on Jan 21 2021, was because of the failed implementation of the Doha Accords. The problem of course is the War between the Taliban and our Afghan Allied never stopped and the Taliban had the upper hand because they never did abide by the conditions on the Accords with regards to our Afghan Allies. As long as US Soldiers were not targeted by the Taliban, neither president cared enough to stop the withdrawal process and confront the Taliban for it.

After 20 years, our weakness was apathy.

But the War Hawks want to boiled it down to America blaming Biden, not their failed 20 year occupation. That way they can do it again.
Nah, Biden spat on the graves of thousands of Americans who had given their lives in the Afghan war, threw millions of Afghan women into the hands of Taliban wolves who treat women like cattle, and gave up a highly important airbase worth billions located strategically within close proximity of the Russians and Chinese.

Fuck yeah, Biden is to blame, and so are the idiots that are advising him.
Hahahahaha not that shit again. Goes to show you how dumbed down the Neo-GOP have become under the Dirty "Don". Biden, in that same program, also describes how the Ukrainians didn't believe he had the authority to make that threat, he told them to call President Obama and find out who's policy decision it was. Furthermore, it was bipartisan policy developed with our EU partners as well as the IMF. They all thought the prosecutor was corrupt.
Yeah, the shit you guys conveniently avoid.
Nah, Biden spat on the graves of thousands of Americans who had given their lives in the Afghan war, threw millions of Afghan women into the hands of Taliban wolves who treat women like cattle, and gave up a highly important airbase worth billions located strategically within close proximity of the Russians and Chinese.

Fuck yeah, Biden is to blame, and so are the idiots that are advising him.
Hahahaha. Here's "Benedict Donald", who couldn't contain himself, bragging about what he did to our troops, our generals, the Afghan Troops, and the Afghan people!.

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame. 21 years,"

Donald Trump: (22:53)

He knew his cult would believe and parrot everything his PR Team told them to believe. They certainly wouldn't wonder what he had done. Amirite?
Hahahaha. Here's "Benedict Donald", who couldn't contain himself, bragging about what he did to our troops, our generals, the Afghan Troops, and the Afghan people!.

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame. 21 years,"

Donald Trump: (22:53)

He knew his cult would believe and parrot everything his PR Team told them to believe. They certainly wouldn't wonder what he had done. Amirite?

Your crap don't work anymore, dumbass.

You asshats have been caught lying so many times that no one with a brain pays any attention to you swine.
Your crap don't work anymore, dumbass.

You asshats have been caught lying so many times that no one with a brain pays any attention to you swine.
You know that was the Dirty Don's First rally after his loss to Joe Biden. Not only do we have the transcript available to the public but recording of the "Benedict Donald" Gibber-Gabbing away at what he did. I bet not a single Neo-GOP member wondered what exactly the bastard did to hamstring the US Military like that to make it "very tough to stop the process" that he, just moments before claim he started. "by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process."

Donald Trump: (22:53)

Full transcript.

So kindly blow it out your ass.
You know that was the Dirty Don's First rally after his loss to Joe Biden. Not only do we have the transcript available to the public but recording of the "Benedict Donald" Gibber-Gabbing away at what he did. I bet not a single Neo-GOP member wondered what exactly the bastard did to hamstring the US Military like that to make it "very tough to stop the process" that he, just moments before claim he started. "by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process."

Donald Trump: (22:53)

Full transcript.

So kindly blow it out your ass.

You asshats were bleating Russia, Russia, Russia, for years.

You guys lie worse than Trump.

So blow it out yours.
Hahahahaha not that shit again. Goes to show you how dumbed down the Neo-GOP have become under the Dirty "Don". Biden, in that same program, also describes how the Ukrainians didn't believe he had the authority to make that threat, he told them to call President Obama and find out who's policy decision it was. Furthermore, it was bipartisan policy developed with our EU partners as well as the IMF. They all thought the prosecutor was corrupt.
It's the same old story. Hillary alone approved the sale of Uranium-one.
Biden alone got the prosecutor fired in Ukraine.

It's amazing how much power they thought a Sec of State and a VP actually have.
You asshats were bleating Russia, Russia, Russia, for years.

You guys lie worse than Trump.

So blow it out yours.

Nice, a gutless butwhatabout?

What do you suppose Benedict Donald meant when he said "by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process."?
It's the same old story. Hillary alone approved the sale of Uranium-one.
Biden alone got the prosecutor fired in Ukraine.

It's amazing how much power they thought a Sec of State and a VP actually have.
Well Hillary is the world greatest criminal mastermind. I mean for 4 decades they've called her a criminal and have tried in vain to catch her. She's undoubtedly planned the whole thing. And Biden, masquerading as Milquetoast .......
Nice, a gutless butwhatabout?

What do you suppose Benedict Donald meant when he said "by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process."?

Not a butwhatabout you fucking 'clod.

A demonstration that NONE of you are honest, or to be believed about anything ever.
Not a butwhatabout you fucking 'clod.

A demonstration that NONE of you are honest, or to be believed about anything ever.

Tell me gutless one, what does "Russia Russia Russia" have to do with 'Benedict Donald' ignoring most all of the breaches by the Taliban of the 'Trumpybear Skedaddle Accord'? I mean he still withdrew over 10,000 of the 13,000 US troops still deployed, abandoning those 5 bases to the Taliban, you know our conditions in the accords. Was that part of the spite and revenge motive against the United States for daring to elect a Democrat in 2020? There was really no reason to drop below the 8600 as set out in the Accords unless the Taliban met those conditions. But the Trumpyberra did. Dropped the troop level down to 2500 the week he left office. It was a gift to the Taliban and a big fuck you to America.
Tell me gutless one, what does "Russia Russia Russia" have to do with 'Benedict Donald' ignoring most all of the breaches by the Taliban of the 'Trumpybear Skedaddle Accord'? I mean he still withdrew over 10,000 of the 13,000 US troops still deployed, abandoning those 5 bases to the Taliban, you know our conditions in the accords. Was that part of the spite and revenge motive against the United States for daring to elect a Democrat in 2020? There was really no reason to drop below the 8600 as set out in the Accords unless the Taliban met those conditions. But the Trumpyberra did. Dropped the troop level down to 2500 the week he left office. It was a gift to the Taliban and a big fuck you to America.
No US Personnel were lost due to Taliban action after than agrement was signed and there was enough of a residual force left in place helping the ANA to carry the fight on themselves.

Biden retreated under fire in a panic handing the country over to the Taliban resulting in innumerable deaths including 13 dead Americans.

It was totally unnecessary, a phased withdrawal getting all US citizens and Visa holders out first would have been a simple operation but the bumbling oaf blew it.
Tell me gutless one, what does "Russia Russia Russia" have to do with 'Benedict Donald' ignoring most all of the breaches by the Taliban of the 'Trumpybear Skedaddle Accord'? I mean he still withdrew over 10,000 of the 13,000 US troops still deployed, abandoning those 5 bases to the Taliban, you know our conditions in the accords. Was that part of the spite and revenge motive against the United States for daring to elect a Democrat in 2020? There was really no reason to drop below the 8600 as set out in the Accords unless the Taliban met those conditions. But the Trumpyberra did. Dropped the troop level down to 2500 the week he left office. It was a gift to the Taliban and a big fuck you to America.

The fact that Trump did nothing what you say. You are incessant, pathological liars.

Nothing you claim is true.
No US Personnel were lost due to Taliban action after than agrement was signed and there was enough of a residual force left in place helping the ANA to carry the fight on themselves.

Biden retreated under fire in a panic handing the country over to the Taliban resulting in innumerable deaths including 13 dead Americans.

It was totally unnecessary, a phased withdrawal getting all US citizens and Visa holders out first would have been a simple operation but the bumbling oaf blew it.

No US personnel were lost to Taliban Action under Biden's presidency either. There were hundreds of Afghans killed by ISIS in Afghanistan after the agreement was signed. The only reason no US or our EU allies were KIA buy the Taliban was because of the Truce, which was the only condition the Taliban complied with. That truce was expiring on May 1st.

Allied force were not under fire as the evacuated the provinces. Everyone and their brother knew as we retreated the Taliban was going to advance.

The bumbling oaf tasked the best military minds we have to plan the evacuation.

The fact that Trump did nothing what you say. You are incessant, pathological liars.

Nothing you claim is true.
Everything I alleged is true. Starting with the spiteful order to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan by Jan 15 2021, done shortly after his loss was announced on Faux News.

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