it wasn't Biden's weakness in Afghanistan that inspired Putin to invade Ukraine, my friends, but rather Trump's aggressiveness in the Jan 6 DC riots

That's the funniest propaganda I've read in ages. Thanks for the laughs!
Putin said he invaded Ukraine in order to stop it from becoming a member of NATO. There would have been no need to do that if Trump was president, since, Trump had an anti-Ukraine bias (remember the Russian dossier he blamed on Ukraine) and the intention to pull the US out of NATO, thus destroying the alliance.
No actually Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan and most importantly our withdrawal and removal of the Baghram airbase
What about the 5 other bases we abandoned under the Skedaddle Accords? Furthermore, the planners of the final withdrawal of the skeleton crew left behind, our top military brass btw, said that the would have to redeploy some 5000 fresh troops to secure that sprawling facility. Double the number of troops left by Trump for the new administration.

The weak position the US Military held on Jan 21 2021, was because of the failed implementation of the Doha Accords. The problem of course is the War between the Taliban and our Afghan Allied never stopped and the Taliban had the upper hand because they never did abide by the conditions on the Accords with regards to our Afghan Allies. As long as US Soldiers were not targeted by the Taliban, neither president cared enough to stop the withdrawal process and confront the Taliban for it.

After 20 years, our weakness was apathy.

But the War Hawks want to boiled it down to America blaming Biden, not their failed 20 year occupation. That way they can do it again.
Putin said he invaded Ukraine in order to stop it from becoming a member of NATO. There would have been no need to do that if Trump was president, since, Trump had an anti-Ukraine bias (remember the Russian dossier he blamed on Ukraine) and the intention to pull the US out of NATO, thus destroying the alliance.
So let me get this straight:
Putin is frightened of Biden, so he invaded the Ukraine?
Logic isn't your strong suit. Best keep to delivering mail. It's not very mentally taxing.
Biden is a weak man and a weaker leader. The world knows this.
So let me get this straight:
Putin is frightened of Biden, so he invaded the Ukraine?
Logic isn't your strong suit. Best keep to delivering mail. It's not very mentally taxing.
Biden is a weak man and a weaker leader. The world knows this.
No, Putin was frightened of NATO. He even said so as the reason he invaded Ukraine.

Biden was the person who would expand NATO (which Putin feared) instead of Trumps intention to destroy NATO (which Putin wanted)

Do you get it now?
No, Putin was frightened of NATO. He even said so as the reason he invaded Ukraine.

Biden was the person who would expand NATO (which Putin feared) instead of Trumps intention to destroy NATO (which Putin wanted)

Do you get it now?
The West has bullied Putin. For decades. He has his ways we know. Putin fought back. And frankly, we are involved in Ukraine and that is an act of war in itself.
No, Putin was frightened of NATO. He even said so as the reason he invaded Ukraine.

Biden was the person who would expand NATO (which Putin feared) instead of Trumps intention to destroy NATO (which Putin wanted)

Do you get it now?
Your spin is just that, spin. The facts are:
1. There was no invasion under Trump.
2. There was an invasion under Biden.
Which do you prefer, war or peace?
Your spin is just that, spin. The facts are:
1. There was no invasion under Trump.
2. There was an invasion under Biden.
Which do you prefer, war or peace?
Is that like, there was no widespread COVID vaccinations under Trump
There was a huge COVID vaccination program under Biden.

Do you prefer vaccinated America or unvaccinated America?

Two can play that game of presenting facts, with no underlying explanation.
The only gullible morons who are afflicted with TDS, are Trump's cult.

May 6th 2022
Former President Trump is slated to hold a rally Friday evening for Pennsylvania GOP Senate candidate Mehmet Oz, famously known as Dr. Oz.

The rally in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. ET.

Dr. Mehmet Oz was booed on Friday at a rally led by former President Trump in support of the celebrity doctor, who is running to be the Republican candidate for Senate in Pennsylvania.

18 months after losing the election, his gullible cult are STILL getting fleeced, by their dear leader and they love it.
It's obvious that TRUMP! is an obsession to the left. They just can't let him go.
Can I extrapolate that to your belief that Trumps "warp speed" program was just a waste of money?
Just about everything the government does is a waste of money. Trump was a fool to cave to political pressure over a virus with less than a 1% mortality rate.
Your spin is just that, spin. The facts are:
1. There was no invasion under Trump.
2. There was an invasion under Biden.
Which do you prefer, war or peace?
Putin has been on the offense since GWB looked deep into his eyes.....

He obviously believed the Trumpists anti-American propaganda against our president.

How is that working out for Trumps pal Puti-Bear?
Putin has been on the offense since GWB looked deep into his eyes.....

He obviously believed the Trumpists anti-American propaganda against our president.

How is that working out for Trumps pal Puti-Bear?
1. There was no invasion under Trump.
2. There was an invasion under Biden.
Which do you prefer, war or peace?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how stupid or illogical it is.
1. There was no invasion under Trump.
2. There was an invasion under Biden.
Which do you prefer, war or peace?

The civil war raged for years under Abraham Lincoln
The civil war ended in months under Andrew Johnson

Do you prefer war or peace?
1. There was no invasion under Trump.
2. There was an invasion under Biden.
Which do you prefer, war or peace?

"Then-President Donald Trump was withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Ukraine's defense as he was asking its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to investigate Trump's potential 2020 rival, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden.

That 2019 call got Trump impeached. But the Senate acquitted him, and he dismissed the controversy as a politically motivated hit job — and his base went along.

Now, with Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine and Zelenskyy being hailed around the world as a hero for his resolve, that call is put into a very different light.

"There's just a lot of evidence that Trump was wrong on this issue [Ukraine] and that in many ways, we undermined the NATO alliance and we undermined Zelenskyy's position in the eyes of Russia and Putin," said Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and former senior adviser on Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign.

Trump has shifted his positions on the war in Ukraine. Shortly before Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion, Trump called Putin "smart" and "savvy" because Putin had declared portions of Ukraine "independent," something Putin had no right to do.

After the invasion began, Trump defended saying that Putin was "smart," then called President Biden "weak" and described NATO countries as "not so smart."

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