It would make me feel much better if elections really were rigged


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

The alternative is far darker and depressing.

So, instead of viewing rigged election conspiracies as an attack on democracy, perhaps look at these conspiracy theories as the only way to restore people's faith in democracy.
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The most prominent Congress-people are MC's who are politically insulated. That is to say, they represent states and districts that have overwhelming majorities of their own party, thus they have almost no chance of being voted out. Therefore, the MC's that you see most of are the ones who say the most outrageous shit (because they have nothing to worry about).

The so-called "Squad," for example could only be voted out if a candidate were found who is even crazier than they are - a longshot indeed. Chuck Schumer couldn't be elected Dog Catcher in Texas or Utah; in West Virginia they would throw him in jail as soon as he opened his mouth.

The general principle when it comes to Congress is that people like their own Representative but hate 75% of everyone else's Representatives.
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The alternative is far darker and depressing.

So, instead of viewing rigged election conspiracies as an attack on democracy, perhaps look at these conspiracy theories as the only way to restore people's faith in democracy.
I like my Senator and House of Reps. Why is Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Mike Johnson, Majorie Taylor Green, George Santos winning elections in Republican strongholds?

Here's what also kind of sucks. Mitch is 1 of 2 senators from Kentucky. He represents 2.2 million people. Cali is 40 million. So each Cali Senator represents 20 million people not 2.2. Mitch and Kentucky has too much power. Maybe Cali should be broken up into 5 states and 10 senators.
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The alternative is far darker and depressing.

So, instead of viewing rigged election conspiracies as an attack on democracy, perhaps look at these conspiracy theories as the only way to restore people's faith in democracy.
Unfortunately I don't think I can ever trust the system again and I mean that no matter who wins.

E-voting is just a subset of E-everything....NONE OF IT IS SAFE FROM HACKING.

Hell, if the Pentagon itself spends millions per year on a huge department full of electronic security folks who have to work 24/7 and still get hacked now and then...what does that tell you?
I like my Senator and House of Reps. Why is Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Mike Johnson, Majorie Taylor Green, George Santos winning elections in Republican strongholds?

Here's what also kind of sucks. Mitch is 1 of 2 senators from Kentucky. He represents 2.2 million people. Cali is 40 million. So each Cali Senator represents 20 million people not 2.2. Mitch and Kentucky has too much power. Maybe Cali should be broken up into 5 states and 10 senators.

Maybe california will float away after the 9.7.
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The alternative is far darker and depressing.

So, instead of viewing rigged election conspiracies as an attack on democracy, perhaps look at these conspiracy theories as the only way to restore people's faith in democracy.
This is the voter mentality:

Every single Congressperson and Senator are scum, except for the ones from my state. I give them a 90% approval rate.
Maybe california will float away after the 9.7.
Isn't it crazy to think one day California won't be there? And the horrible natural disasters that will occur before people flee?

Imagine all those liberals. 5 Kentucky's worth of them flooding to Texas and other Red states. Turn them blue.
Maybe california will float away after the 9.7.

Why do people vote for Matt Gaetz?

So Matt Goetz and lil Marco Rubio are both from Florida? And you guys like Ron DeSantimonious?

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

All of them have said Trump isn't fit to serve, but now all of them are falling in line to follow someone who isn't fit to serve.

George Santos, Hershel Walker, Majorie Taylor Green. Why do you like Matt Goetz?

The panel is looking into whether the GOP lawmaker engaged in sexual misconduct, illicit drug use and obstructed government probes into his conduct.

Specifically, the committee said Gaetz may have “engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, accepted improper gifts, dispensed special privileges and favors to individuals with whom he had a personal relationship, and sought to obstruct government investigations of his conduct.”
The committee said it is dropping its probe of other allegations against Gaetz, including whether he shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor; misused state identification records; converted campaign funds to personal use; and accepted a bribe or improper gratuity.

Apparently aware the ethics committee would be making a statement about its investigation, Gaetz claimed on social media on Monday afternoon that he’s been the subject of four committee probes and all were closed.
All of these investigations “emerged from lies intended solely to smear me,” Gaetz said. “They are doing this to avoid the obvious fact that every investigation into me ends the same way: my exoneration.”

I work for Northwest Floridians who won’t be swayed by this nonsense and McCarthy and his goons know it.”

In 2022, a former Gaetz associate in Florida, Joel Greenberg, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for charges that included sex trafficking a minor.
Isn't it crazy to think one day California won't be there? And the horrible natural disasters that will occur before people flee?

Imagine all those liberals. 5 Kentucky's worth of them flooding to Texas and other Red states. Turn them blue.

What I can't understand is that these dems in California are like parasites. They'll destroy the housing, jobs, vote in excessive taxation, then run away to another state and do it again. Do they even have a functioning brain?
What I can't understand is that these dems in California are like parasites. They'll destroy the housing, jobs, vote in excessive taxation, then run away to another state and do it again. Do they even have a functioning brain?

I think it doesn't make sense to you because what you are saying doesn't make sense. You're sort of all over the place.

Make up your mind. Are the people leaving California to blame or is California the problem? If they leave California and then come turn your state into California, perhaps California is better off without those people.

I think you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
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The alternative is far darker and depressing.

So, instead of viewing rigged election conspiracies as an attack on democracy, perhaps look at these conspiracy theories as the only way to restore people's faith in democracy.
This is a problem with people in general, they always try to cure the symptom instead of the disease.

These people, the elected idiots, they don't steal every election. In fact, the vast majority of them are elected fair and square.

Ever tried to ask yourself ''WHY"??

Look at who the elected idiots represent -- You can tell Chuckie Schemer is a New Yawker, as is Titty Caca AOC.

DaNang Dick is a perfect representative of his scumbag State. Same with Nazi Pelousy, Gov Newscum, etc, etc etc, etc. Ventura and Franken from the joke that calls itself Minnesota (THE most leftist State in the Union). Bawney Fwank from The People's Republic of Taxachussetts, Bitch Warren...............

The problem is and has always been -- The People who vote for these scumbags. It's not Biden, it's not any individual, it's the scumbags that vote for them.

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The alternative is far darker and depressing.

So, instead of viewing rigged election conspiracies as an attack on democracy, perhaps look at these conspiracy theories as the only way to restore people's faith in democracy.
Congress is corrupt....but my Reps/Senators are OK. All politics are local.
Hence, the same people get sent back to DC election cycle after election cycle.
I think it doesn't make sense to you because what you are saying doesn't make sense. You're sort of all over the place.

Make up your mind. Are the people leaving California to blame or is California the problem? If they leave California and then come turn your state into California, perhaps California is better off without those people.

I think you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.

I think you may be having an afternoon hallucination. California is run by libs and they just keep voting for more of the absurdity. I really have no sympathy for such insanity.
Unfortunately I don't think I can ever trust the system again and I mean that no matter who wins.

E-voting is just a subset of E-everything....NONE OF IT IS SAFE FROM HACKING.

Hell, if the Pentagon itself spends millions per year on a huge department full of electronic security folks who have to work 24/7 and still get hacked now and then...what does that tell you?

Don’t vote. You’ll make the electorate smarter.
18%/90% is the clearest possible reason for term limits.
Term limits. No thanks. I’d like to be able to vote for whomever I wish. Having someone arbitrarily removed from office because they were good enough to get re-elected makes zero sense.

What really needs to take place is that we need to get rid of all forms of gerrymandering. Get rid of the “safe” districts and you’ll get candidates that have to run on their credentials or their record instead of a district that was designed for them (or any other party member) to win over and over again.

This is the case in about 370 out of 435 districts
I think you may be having an afternoon hallucination. California is run by libs and they just keep voting for more of the absurdity. I really have no sympathy for such insanity.
But do you see my point? You say innocent good people are leaving California because of liberal politicians. Through no fault of their own, they are being forced to leave California.

But then you disparage the people leaving. Perhaps California is doing what Mexico is doing. Sending their rapists and murderers to your state. LOL
But do you see my point? You say innocent good people are leaving California because of liberal politicians. Through no fault of their own, they are being forced to leave California.

But then you disparage the people leaving. Perhaps California is doing what Mexico is doing. Sending their rapists and murderers to your state. LOL

I've talked to many in Texas and about 80 percent left ca to escape the punishing taxes, illegal invasion, drugs, homeless etc. However, many that moved to colorado have repeated the excessive taxes. That leaves california with druggies, homeless, high taxes, drug use everywhere. Have fun!! Lol.
I've talked to many in Texas and about 80 percent left ca to escape the punishing taxes, illegal invasion, drugs, homeless etc. However, many that moved to colorado have repeated the excessive taxes. That leaves california with druggies, homeless, high taxes, drug use everywhere. Have fun!! Lol.

That's what I'm saying. The people who leave CA for TX are idiots. You can have them. They'll fail in Texas too.

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