Italy gives green light to pivotal referendum which could destroy the EU

I am surprised ODIOUS-------IMHO--the EU is an islamo Nazi

But it wasn't done through invasion or devious means... so it's bad.[/QU
I am surprised ODIOUS-------IMHO--the EU is an islamo Nazi

But it wasn't done through invasion or devious means... so it's bad.

your answer makes no sense. The EU is, in my superlative
opinion, a preparation for a SINGLE WORLD TOTALITARIAN GOVERMENT---or at the very least a LARGE TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT ----thus very bad----Totalitarian governments
are not created thru invasion

Is the US, a union of states, a single world totalitarian government? If not, why would the EU, a union of states, be a single world totalitarian government?

Your analogy is idiotic-----very BAATHIST-----very REICHIST-----very national socialist shit

your response indicates a lack of understanding of his question and a refusal or inability to address the issue.

under those circumstances, his rejoinder seems appropriate.

I understand his question very well-----from the BAATHIST POV------and even the Aryan nationalist socialist ideology of your other friend----adolf <<< also a good idea. From where would you like to start the discussion? From Plato and Alexander (da grate) ? stalin?

I am surprised ODIOUS-------IMHO--the EU is an islamo Nazi

But it wasn't done through invasion or devious means... so it's bad.

your answer makes no sense. The EU is, in my superlative
opinion, a preparation for a SINGLE WORLD TOTALITARIAN GOVERMENT---or at the very least a LARGE TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT ----thus very bad----Totalitarian governments
are not created thru invasion

It makes lots of sense.

Hitler took places either through force or devious means, Putin's done the same, but the EU simply asked people. So people hate it because of that.

what people "HATE" it? It seems to me that the Brits tried it
and decided that "it don't work for them" --------I have a few dresses like that------and lots of shoes

The British people went with the EU, it changed, they decided they didn't like it because it wasn't 1950s view of England (yes, mostly the English) they had decided they wanted to live by. I mean, when you watch a video of a guy who says he has not problems with the Poles, it's all them Muslims from Pakistan that he has a problem with, that's why he wants to leave the EU, you know that a lot of people are voting based on ideas that aren't based in reality.

How much of Italy wanting to leave is based on the fact that Italy has been awful at politics since WW2, it had as many leaders as years since WW2, until Berlusconi came along with his awful politics. So how the Italians would think the EU worse than their own damn leaders I have no idea.

I am surprised ODIOUS-------IMHO--the EU is an islamo Nazi

But it wasn't done through invasion or devious means... so it's bad.[/QU
But it wasn't done through invasion or devious means... so it's bad.

your answer makes no sense. The EU is, in my superlative
opinion, a preparation for a SINGLE WORLD TOTALITARIAN GOVERMENT---or at the very least a LARGE TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT ----thus very bad----Totalitarian governments
are not created thru invasion

Is the US, a union of states, a single world totalitarian government? If not, why would the EU, a union of states, be a single world totalitarian government?

Your analogy is idiotic-----very BAATHIST-----very REICHIST-----very national socialist shit

your response indicates a lack of understanding of his question and a refusal or inability to address the issue.

under those circumstances, his rejoinder seems appropriate.

I understand his question very well-----from the BAATHIST POV------and even the Aryan nationalist socialist ideology of your other friend----adolf <<< also a good idea. From where would you like to start the discussion? From Plato and Alexander (da grate) ? stalin?

I don't understand anything you said here. Try English.
Could it be that Italy will vote in such a way that they leave the EU, because .. the EU isn't worth continuing with ??? If the EU is so demonstrably 'wonderful' an institution, then arguments against continuing with it would fail.

But, in the UK, they did not fail, and we have Brexit ... with it, a new-found political freedom denied to us for a couple of generations. Perhaps Italy will end up enjoying the same freedoms ? And perhaps it's only just that they do so ?

The EU will continue on, survive, even thrive, IF it DESERVES to. If it doesn't, then it won't. It's ultimately that simple.
British subjects will lose freedoms by leaving the EU. Freedom of movement is just one of them.
British subjects will lose freedoms by leaving the EU. Freedom of movement is just one of them.

EU citizenship and freedom of movement thruout all the EU countries------Baathist terrorism's favorite friend

Yes. All terrorists groups need is to get their members to become recognisable as EU citizens in any EU country (if they're not already, of course) They can then move around throughout the EU, going to whatever Member State they choose.

On security grounds, the whole 'freedom of movement' idea is a total nightmare. It's downright insane !! But .... PC considerations are willfully blind to all of that.

'Perhaps' the EU is run by a bunch of power-crazed idiots .....
British subjects will lose freedoms by leaving the EU. Freedom of movement is just one of them.

EU citizenship and freedom of movement thruout all the EU countries------Baathist terrorism's favorite friend

Yes. All terrorists groups need is to get their members to become recognisable as EU citizens in any EU country (if they're not already, of course) They can then move around throughout the EU, going to whatever Member State they choose.

On security grounds, the whole 'freedom of movement' idea is a total nightmare. It's downright insane !! But .... PC considerations are willfully blind to all of that.

'Perhaps' the EU is run by a bunch of power-crazed idiots .....

the EU idea----is ---like all UTOPIAN ideas----superficially attractive. Communism, Nazism, Baathism------they are,
in fact, ALL THE SAME SHIT-----totalitarian schemes. POOOOTIN loves it ------just as he loves BAATHISM
(in case you forgot or were too young----GAMAL ABDEL NASSER was an avid BAATHIST-----he sacrificed tens of thousands of the U nited A rab victims of his socialist
R epubic (UAR) to his idiot ideology. Nasser's good pal ---was the beloved genocidal SADAAAM
There are quite a number of disturbed individuals on this site. The EU is the world's leader in the promotion of human rights, individual liberties and economic freedom. In fact, one of the most common criticism of the EU is that it allows too much freedom to private enterprise at the expense of individuals. The EU's support of individual freedom, freedom of information and its role in limiting a state's ability to adopt any policy remotely authoritarian is why Putin, Erdogan etc. despise the EU.

Furthermore, the vast majority of Europeans support freedom of movement and oppose any restraint on interstate commerce. Just as we Americans would be perplexed if there were any restraint on our freedom of movement between states or any restraint on interstate commerce. I would not want to see a border with guards between Maryland and Delaware, for example.

Freedom of movement within the EU has nothing to do with controlling the EU's external borders. If the EU has a problem, it is the fact that its dedication to human rights, makes it difficult for any border state to bar entry to people in need, e.g. refugees

I am surprised ODIOUS-------IMHO--the EU is an islamo Nazi

But it wasn't done through invasion or devious means... so it's bad.

your answer makes no sense. The EU is, in my superlative
opinion, a preparation for a SINGLE WORLD TOTALITARIAN GOVERMENT---or at the very least a LARGE TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT ----thus very bad----Totalitarian governments
are not created thru invasion

It makes lots of sense.

Hitler took places either through force or devious means, Putin's done the same, but the EU simply asked people. So people hate it because of that.

what people "HATE" it? It seems to me that the Brits tried it
and decided that "it don't work for them" --------I have a few dresses like that------and lots of shoes

What we didnt like was unelected faceless eurocrats telling our government that the laws we as a people accepted were to be scrapped and EU laws introduced to replace them. Why should a neo marxist tell me that I cant have borders to protect my family from foreign criminals or deport them as unwanted when they have served their prison term
There are quite a number of disturbed individuals on this site. The EU is the world's leader in the promotion of human rights, individual liberties and economic freedom. In fact, one of the most common criticism of the EU is that it allows too much freedom to private enterprise at the expense of individuals. The EU's support of individual freedom, freedom of information and its role in limiting a state's ability to adopt any policy remotely authoritarian is why Putin, Erdogan etc. despise the EU.

Furthermore, the vast majority of Europeans support freedom of movement and oppose any restraint on interstate commerce. Just as we Americans would be perplexed if there were any restraint on our freedom of movement between states or any restraint on interstate commerce. I would not want to see a border with guards between Maryland and Delaware, for example.

Freedom of movement within the EU has nothing to do with controlling the EU's external borders. If the EU has a problem, it is the fact that its dedication to human rights, makes it difficult for any border state to bar entry to people in need, e.g. refugees

BULLSHIT they have taken away peoples human rights and given them to criminals that have no thought about our human rights. How is it my human right to be forced to live with a child rapist and murderer, putting my family in danger. How is it my human right to pay excessive amounts to protect foreign criminals found guilty of their crimes and set free because of EU rulings. Violent crime in the UK has risen in line with EU immigration, proving that the criminals know that the UK is an easy touch.

The EU is against individual freedom, which is why it enacts so many laws that are detrimental to the people.

Get it right the majority agree with free movement for themselves to migrate for the best life, but are against free movement into their nations and pass laws restricting this movement.

What about internal borders then that once the illegal's are in Europe no longer exist and they can move to anywhere they see fit. This makes a mockery of the asylum laws that state a refugee MUST claim asylum in the first safe nation they arrive in
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I am surprised ODIOUS-------IMHO--the EU is an islamo Nazi

But it wasn't done through invasion or devious means... so it's bad.

your answer makes no sense. The EU is, in my superlative
opinion, a preparation for a SINGLE WORLD TOTALITARIAN GOVERMENT---or at the very least a LARGE TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT ----thus very bad----Totalitarian governments
are not created thru invasion

It makes lots of sense.

Hitler took places either through force or devious means, Putin's done the same, but the EU simply asked people. So people hate it because of that.

what people "HATE" it? It seems to me that the Brits tried it
and decided that "it don't work for them" --------I have a few dresses like that------and lots of shoes

The British people went with the EU, it changed, they decided they didn't like it because it wasn't 1950s view of England (yes, mostly the English) they had decided they wanted to live by. I mean, when you watch a video of a guy who says he has not problems with the Poles, it's all them Muslims from Pakistan that he has a problem with, that's why he wants to leave the EU, you know that a lot of people are voting based on ideas that aren't based in reality.

How much of Italy wanting to leave is based on the fact that Italy has been awful at politics since WW2, it had as many leaders as years since WW2, until Berlusconi came along with his awful politics. So how the Italians would think the EU worse than their own damn leaders I have no idea.

It was only the Scots that voted to remain, and then by a slender majority
British subjects will lose freedoms by leaving the EU. Freedom of movement is just one of them.

And so will the EU criminals and muslim refugees, making Britain richer and safer. We will be able to rebuild the NHS and our education system so we are once more the best in the world.
BULLSHIT they have taken away peoples human rights and given them to criminals that have no thought about our human rights. How is it my human right to be forced to live with a child rapist and murderer, putting my family in danger. How is it my human right to pay excessive amounts to protect foreign criminals found guilty of their crimes and set free because of EU rulings. Violent crime in the UK has risen in line with EU immigration, proving that the criminals know that the UK is an easy touch.

After these words the Rotherham scandal comes to the mind. Sure, the EU is guilty of it too. It is the EU opened Britain’s borders to the Pakistanis several decades ago; it is the EU demanded that the local authorities sway the police to hide these crimes; it is the EU’s fault that the local police listened to the local officials rather than served the law; it is the EU appointed irresponsible local social workers who turned a blind eye at the claims of some victims at the time. What was a reason of all of that? Oh, I already know – the evil EU badly wants to destroy the British culture and heritage.
BULLSHIT they have taken away peoples human rights and given them to criminals that have no thought about our human rights. How is it my human right to be forced to live with a child rapist and murderer, putting my family in danger. How is it my human right to pay excessive amounts to protect foreign criminals found guilty of their crimes and set free because of EU rulings. Violent crime in the UK has risen in line with EU immigration, proving that the criminals know that the UK is an easy touch.

After these words the Rotherham scandal comes to the mind. Sure, the EU is guilty of it too. It is the EU opened Britain’s borders to the Pakistanis several decades ago; it is the EU demanded that the local authorities sway the police to hide these crimes; it is the EU’s fault that the local police listened to the local officials rather than served the law; it is the EU appointed irresponsible local social workers who turned a blind eye at the claims of some victims at the time. What was a reason of all of that? Oh, I already know – the evil EU badly wants to destroy the British culture and heritage.

If you accept the neo marxists in Europe are pulling the strings of the noe marxists in the UK before this present government then yes they are to blame as it was the neo marxists that imported the muslims from pakistan and defended them when they raped those girls.

But just look at the recent reports of child rapists, child murderers, violent thugs and others from Europe that have been allowed to walk free and repeat offend because of the EUHRC judgements.
If you accept the neo marxists in Europe are pulling the strings of the noe marxists in the UK before this present government then yes they are to blame as it was the neo marxists that imported the muslims from pakistan and defended them when they raped those girls.

You can say loads of words about the neo-Marxists here and there, but I want to remind you that it was your compatriots who elected this government. After Brexit these people won’t depart for the Moon anytime soon. And it may well be that so-called neo-Marxist government will take power again in the future.

But just look at the recent reports of child rapists, child murderers, violent thugs and others from Europe that have been allowed to walk free and repeat offend because of the EUHRC judgements.

What does EUHRC mean? If it means the European Court of Human Rights, then it has to do with the Council of Europe. Is Britain going to leave this organisation too?
But it wasn't done through invasion or devious means... so it's bad.

your answer makes no sense. The EU is, in my superlative
opinion, a preparation for a SINGLE WORLD TOTALITARIAN GOVERMENT---or at the very least a LARGE TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT ----thus very bad----Totalitarian governments
are not created thru invasion

It makes lots of sense.

Hitler took places either through force or devious means, Putin's done the same, but the EU simply asked people. So people hate it because of that.

what people "HATE" it? It seems to me that the Brits tried it
and decided that "it don't work for them" --------I have a few dresses like that------and lots of shoes

The British people went with the EU, it changed, they decided they didn't like it because it wasn't 1950s view of England (yes, mostly the English) they had decided they wanted to live by. I mean, when you watch a video of a guy who says he has not problems with the Poles, it's all them Muslims from Pakistan that he has a problem with, that's why he wants to leave the EU, you know that a lot of people are voting based on ideas that aren't based in reality.

How much of Italy wanting to leave is based on the fact that Italy has been awful at politics since WW2, it had as many leaders as years since WW2, until Berlusconi came along with his awful politics. So how the Italians would think the EU worse than their own damn leaders I have no idea.

It was only the Scots that voted to remain, and then by a slender majority

the scots are SPECIAL-----they RESIST change.
If you accept the neo marxists in Europe are pulling the strings of the noe marxists in the UK before this present government then yes they are to blame as it was the neo marxists that imported the muslims from pakistan and defended them when they raped those girls.

You can say loads of words about the neo-Marxists here and there, but I want to remind you that it was your compatriots who elected this government. After Brexit these people won’t depart for the Moon anytime soon. And it may well be that so-called neo-Marxist government will take power again in the future.

But just look at the recent reports of child rapists, child murderers, violent thugs and others from Europe that have been allowed to walk free and repeat offend because of the EUHRC judgements.

What does EUHRC mean? If it means the European Court of Human Rights, then it has to do with the Council of Europe. Is Britain going to leave this organisation too?

If you look you will see that the neo marxists gained power by hiding behind a legal party that they hijacked. The same party is now trying to regain control.

If that is what it takes then yes as they are telling our judges they cant sentence EU criminals to prison as it is against their human rights and they cant deport them as they will be treated badly in their own nations. That is why we want out and to set our own HR laws that work foe the people and not the eurocrats in Brussels
your answer makes no sense. The EU is, in my superlative
opinion, a preparation for a SINGLE WORLD TOTALITARIAN GOVERMENT---or at the very least a LARGE TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT ----thus very bad----Totalitarian governments
are not created thru invasion

It makes lots of sense.

Hitler took places either through force or devious means, Putin's done the same, but the EU simply asked people. So people hate it because of that.

what people "HATE" it? It seems to me that the Brits tried it
and decided that "it don't work for them" --------I have a few dresses like that------and lots of shoes

The British people went with the EU, it changed, they decided they didn't like it because it wasn't 1950s view of England (yes, mostly the English) they had decided they wanted to live by. I mean, when you watch a video of a guy who says he has not problems with the Poles, it's all them Muslims from Pakistan that he has a problem with, that's why he wants to leave the EU, you know that a lot of people are voting based on ideas that aren't based in reality.

How much of Italy wanting to leave is based on the fact that Italy has been awful at politics since WW2, it had as many leaders as years since WW2, until Berlusconi came along with his awful politics. So how the Italians would think the EU worse than their own damn leaders I have no idea.

It was only the Scots that voted to remain, and then by a slender majority

the scots are SPECIAL-----they RESIST change.

Only if they think they will benefit financially from it, which is why they voted to join the union in the first place they were broke and the debtors were knocking on the door.
If you accept the neo marxists in Europe are pulling the strings of the noe marxists in the UK before this present government then yes they are to blame as it was the neo marxists that imported the muslims from pakistan and defended them when they raped those girls.

You can say loads of words about the neo-Marxists here and there, but I want to remind you that it was your compatriots who elected this government. After Brexit these people won’t depart for the Moon anytime soon. And it may well be that so-called neo-Marxist government will take power again in the future.

But just look at the recent reports of child rapists, child murderers, violent thugs and others from Europe that have been allowed to walk free and repeat offend because of the EUHRC judgements.

What does EUHRC mean? If it means the European Court of Human Rights, then it has to do with the Council of Europe. Is Britain going to leave this organisation too?

If you look you will see that the neo marxists gained power by hiding behind a legal party that they hijacked. The same party is now trying to regain control.

If that is what it takes then yes as they are telling our judges they cant sentence EU criminals to prison as it is against their human rights and they cant deport them as they will be treated badly in their own nations. That is why we want out and to set our own HR laws that work foe the people and not the eurocrats in Brussels

why "MARXISTS"? -----to me they are TOTALITARIAN UTOPIANISTS---------the most nefarious being the
WORLD WIDE MONOTHEISTS. Marxists are just a subset
of totalitarian utopianists-------today it is the theological bastards (and the Baathists)

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