Italy gives green light to pivotal referendum which could destroy the EU

The British people went with the EU, it changed, they decided they didn't like it because it wasn't 1950s view of England (yes, mostly the English) they had decided they wanted to live by. I mean, when you watch a video of a guy who says he has not problems with the Poles, it's all them Muslims from Pakistan that he has a problem with, that's why he wants to leave the EU, you know that a lot of people are voting based on ideas that aren't based in reality.

How much of Italy wanting to leave is based on the fact that Italy has been awful at politics since WW2, it had as many leaders as years since WW2, until Berlusconi came along with his awful politics. So how the Italians would think the EU worse than their own damn leaders I have no idea.

It was only the Scots that voted to remain, and then by a slender majority

the scots are SPECIAL-----they RESIST change.

They do. They even push for change, just so they can then get to a position of resisting it !!!!!

The latest is a push for another Referendum (the first one wasn't good enough, so they'll have to keep on holding them, until one eventually produces the preferred result !!) to separate Scotland from the UK. Once separated (if it's ever achieved ?) ... the purpose will be to re-unite with the EU.

As I say ... pushing for change, just to resist it. Bizarre in the extreme ....

How is it bizarre? How about this. Most voters are older because of demography. The older voters vote against the interest of younger voters. The older voters damage the prospects of the younger voters. So as the older voters die off, repeating the referendum many times will change the results and will make the results more acceptable, gradually.

Except that people are living longer and the young will become the old.

What if the young become old and generation Z starves but the baby boomer generation "me"/X still stays alive and keeps looting because they can't die because God doesn't want them?
If you like your borders too much then soon your borders will be put across the center of your own village. Hehehe. Stupid nationalists don't know that they start the wars against themselves. You must find a way to erase borders or you start ww3. Junker's EU unified employment plan is a good thing. Italy is going down the drain if it follows the UK.

In your world, national identity must be eradicated ? Yes ?

In recent years, the European international community has selectively eradicated a number of nationalities. Why should some nationalities be eradicated and some others not?

No different to what nations within the EU have done in the past.
In which case this is not new, Junker is just continuing what was already going on, so the question remains standing, why should anyone protect any nation, when they only continue their elimination rounds? Junker knows this, the spirit of EU knows this, the brexiters can't think this far.

Or they can think further and dont like what they see. I saw the death of the UK as a nation and the birth of the new EU penal colony. The next move would be to ring the UK so the inmates could not leave, with only the rail links to service the prison guards.The New concentration/death camp were the untermensch are sent to die out. The war in Syria put an end to this and now the EU is looking for a new venue
If you like your borders too much then soon your borders will be put across the center of your own village. Hehehe. Stupid nationalists don't know that they start the wars against themselves. You must find a way to erase borders or you start ww3. Junker's EU unified employment plan is a good thing. Italy is going down the drain if it follows the UK.

Spoken like a true neo marxist moron who cant see the wood for the trees

This is funny considering that this is coming from this message board's Israel lobby. Hehehe.
If you like your borders too much then soon your borders will be put across the center of your own village. Hehehe. Stupid nationalists don't know that they start the wars against themselves. You must find a way to erase borders or you start ww3. Junker's EU unified employment plan is a good thing. Italy is going down the drain if it follows the UK.

In your world, national identity must be eradicated ? Yes ?

In recent years, the European international community has selectively eradicated a number of nationalities. Why should some nationalities be eradicated and some others not?

Why should they have been eradicated in the first place ?

It is a historic fact, the reasons are open to speculation, propaganda, and ideological flavor de jour of the day.
If you like your borders too much then soon your borders will be put across the center of your own village. Hehehe. Stupid nationalists don't know that they start the wars against themselves. You must find a way to erase borders or you start ww3. Junker's EU unified employment plan is a good thing. Italy is going down the drain if it follows the UK.

In your world, national identity must be eradicated ? Yes ?

In recent years, the European international community has selectively eradicated a number of nationalities. Why should some nationalities be eradicated and some others not?

No different to what nations within the EU have done in the past.
In which case this is not new, Junker is just continuing what was already going on, so the question remains standing, why should anyone protect any nation, when they only continue their elimination rounds? Junker knows this, the spirit of EU knows this, the brexiters can't think this far.

Or they can think further and dont like what they see. I saw the death of the UK as a nation and the birth of the new EU penal colony. The next move would be to ring the UK so the inmates could not leave, with only the rail links to service the prison guards.The New concentration/death camp were the untermensch are sent to die out. The war in Syria put an end to this and now the EU is looking for a new venue

The brexiters have been eager to put up the barbed wires against themselves. It is possible that they played into the hands of the Franco German command center of the EU. They have possibly set up the UK to be the snortiest little barrack in the Europe penal camp. In their nationalistic haze, they wet dream about Australia and Canada giving them enough business to replace their masters in Paris / Berlin. Soon they will need to beg Russia to throw in a few for them to make up for the difference a little more. Brexit is not a game changer for the monies that control the UK, it is only a game changer for the people of the U.K.
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The British people went with the EU, it changed, they decided they didn't like it because it wasn't 1950s view of England (yes, mostly the English) they had decided they wanted to live by. I mean, when you watch a video of a guy who says he has not problems with the Poles, it's all them Muslims from Pakistan that he has a problem with, that's why he wants to leave the EU, you know that a lot of people are voting based on ideas that aren't based in reality.

How much of Italy wanting to leave is based on the fact that Italy has been awful at politics since WW2, it had as many leaders as years since WW2, until Berlusconi came along with his awful politics. So how the Italians would think the EU worse than their own damn leaders I have no idea.

It was only the Scots that voted to remain, and then by a slender majority

the scots are SPECIAL-----they RESIST change.

They do. They even push for change, just so they can then get to a position of resisting it !!!!!

The latest is a push for another Referendum (the first one wasn't good enough, so they'll have to keep on holding them, until one eventually produces the preferred result !!) to separate Scotland from the UK. Once separated (if it's ever achieved ?) ... the purpose will be to re-unite with the EU.

As I say ... pushing for change, just to resist it. Bizarre in the extreme ....

How is it bizarre? How about this. Most voters are older because of demography. The older voters vote against the interest of younger voters. The older voters damage the prospects of the younger voters. So as the older voters die off, repeating the referendum many times will change the results and will make the results more acceptable, gradually.

Except that people are living longer and the young will become the old.

Which is another reason we should not import other nations elderly problems, as Brown found out to his dismay ehen the majority of immigrants from asia were all nearing retirement age and had no credits built up in the system. This meant a change in the rules to allow them a full state pension at age 65.
If you like your borders too much then soon your borders will be put across the center of your own village. Hehehe. Stupid nationalists don't know that they start the wars against themselves. You must find a way to erase borders or you start ww3. Junker's EU unified employment plan is a good thing. Italy is going down the drain if it follows the UK.

Spoken like a true neo marxist moron who cant see the wood for the trees

This is funny considering that this is coming from this message board's Israel lobby. Hehehe.

So now defending the underdog that everyone hates because of deep rooted religious hysteria means I cant see your hypocrisy. Two different subjects, but bring it up when you are losing the argument will just mean you are losing the argument
If you like your borders too much then soon your borders will be put across the center of your own village. Hehehe. Stupid nationalists don't know that they start the wars against themselves. You must find a way to erase borders or you start ww3. Junker's EU unified employment plan is a good thing. Italy is going down the drain if it follows the UK.

In your world, national identity must be eradicated ? Yes ?

In recent years, the European international community has selectively eradicated a number of nationalities. Why should some nationalities be eradicated and some others not?

Why should they have been eradicated in the first place ?

It is a historic fact, the reasons are open to speculation, propaganda, and ideological flavor de jour of the day.

You dont get it do you they were eradicated because the neo marxist's wanted them out of the way. Like they did in the Ukraine, Cambodia and China
In your world, national identity must be eradicated ? Yes ?

In recent years, the European international community has selectively eradicated a number of nationalities. Why should some nationalities be eradicated and some others not?

No different to what nations within the EU have done in the past.
In which case this is not new, Junker is just continuing what was already going on, so the question remains standing, why should anyone protect any nation, when they only continue their elimination rounds? Junker knows this, the spirit of EU knows this, the brexiters can't think this far.

Or they can think further and dont like what they see. I saw the death of the UK as a nation and the birth of the new EU penal colony. The next move would be to ring the UK so the inmates could not leave, with only the rail links to service the prison guards.The New concentration/death camp were the untermensch are sent to die out. The war in Syria put an end to this and now the EU is looking for a new venue

The brexiters have been eager to put up the barbed wires against themselves. It is possible that they played into the hands of the Franco German command center of the EU. They have possibly set up the UK to be the snortiest little barrack in the Europe penal camp. In their nationalistic haze, they wet dream about Australia and Canada giving them enough business to replace their masters in Paris / Berlin. Soon they will need to beg Russia to throw in a few for them to make up for the difference a little more. Brexit is not a game changer for the monies that control the UK, it is only a game changer for the people of the U.K.

WRONG as we already do most of our trading with the likes of South Africa and India, we dont rely on heavy industries anymore so we are in a very strong position. The faceless EU leaders have been left with egg on their faces and dont know how to handle it. They dont have a strong enough position to declare martial law so are waiting for the civil war to break out.
It was only the Scots that voted to remain, and then by a slender majority

the scots are SPECIAL-----they RESIST change.

They do. They even push for change, just so they can then get to a position of resisting it !!!!!

The latest is a push for another Referendum (the first one wasn't good enough, so they'll have to keep on holding them, until one eventually produces the preferred result !!) to separate Scotland from the UK. Once separated (if it's ever achieved ?) ... the purpose will be to re-unite with the EU.

As I say ... pushing for change, just to resist it. Bizarre in the extreme ....

How is it bizarre? How about this. Most voters are older because of demography. The older voters vote against the interest of younger voters. The older voters damage the prospects of the younger voters. So as the older voters die off, repeating the referendum many times will change the results and will make the results more acceptable, gradually.

Except that people are living longer and the young will become the old.

What if the young become old and generation Z starves but the baby boomer generation "me"/X still stays alive and keeps looting because they can't die because God doesn't want them?

What if Yoda becomes Vadar?
If you like your borders too much then soon your borders will be put across the center of your own village. Hehehe. Stupid nationalists don't know that they start the wars against themselves. You must find a way to erase borders or you start ww3. Junker's EU unified employment plan is a good thing. Italy is going down the drain if it follows the UK.

In your world, national identity must be eradicated ? Yes ?

In recent years, the European international community has selectively eradicated a number of nationalities. Why should some nationalities be eradicated and some others not?

Why should they have been eradicated in the first place ?

It is a historic fact, the reasons are open to speculation, propaganda, and ideological flavor de jour of the day.

You dont get it do you they were eradicated because the neo marxist's wanted them out of the way. Like they did in the Ukraine, Cambodia and China

So, the only way to handle the neo Marxist, or any Marxist, is to force them to continue their genocidal nature till they have no other choice than to eradicate themselves too. Nothing else has succeeded so far. Too bad this puts away everyone else too, but this is what the neo Marxist want, including their ultra nationalist wings, so the clones just get what they have always wanted anyways. We just have to make sure we don't dirty our hands with them. Unfortunately, britain's brexit and Italy's games don't make this cut.
the scots are SPECIAL-----they RESIST change.

They do. They even push for change, just so they can then get to a position of resisting it !!!!!

The latest is a push for another Referendum (the first one wasn't good enough, so they'll have to keep on holding them, until one eventually produces the preferred result !!) to separate Scotland from the UK. Once separated (if it's ever achieved ?) ... the purpose will be to re-unite with the EU.

As I say ... pushing for change, just to resist it. Bizarre in the extreme ....

How is it bizarre? How about this. Most voters are older because of demography. The older voters vote against the interest of younger voters. The older voters damage the prospects of the younger voters. So as the older voters die off, repeating the referendum many times will change the results and will make the results more acceptable, gradually.

Except that people are living longer and the young will become the old.

What if the young become old and generation Z starves but the baby boomer generation "me"/X still stays alive and keeps looting because they can't die because God doesn't want them?

What if Yoda becomes Vadar?
Good point! This is what may have happened.
WRONG as we already do most of our trading with the likes of South Africa and India, we dont rely on heavy industries anymore so we are in a very strong position. The faceless EU leaders have been left with egg on their faces and dont know how to handle it. They dont have a strong enough position to declare martial law so are waiting for the civil war to break out.

No, you are not.
Five out of seven of your top export partners are European countries.

Your services are interesting as long as Britain has a free access to the EU and is a window to the EU market for other countries. No free access – no services. You don’t have competitive heavy industries as say Germany do, so you don’t have production which other countries maybe interested in.

Developing trade relations with the countries of the third world (including Muslim countries), you can’t take tough measures on the minorities from these countries which already live in Britain.

Your position is weak. And the soap opera Brexit has turned out to be only proves that.
WRONG as we already do most of our trading with the likes of South Africa and India, we dont rely on heavy industries anymore so we are in a very strong position. The faceless EU leaders have been left with egg on their faces and dont know how to handle it. They dont have a strong enough position to declare martial law so are waiting for the civil war to break out.

No, you are not.
Five out of seven of your top export partners are European countries.

Your services are interesting as long as Britain has a free access to the EU and is a window to the EU market for other countries. No free access – no services. You don’t have competitive heavy industries as say Germany do, so you don’t have production which other countries maybe interested in.

Developing trade relations with the countries of the third world (including Muslim countries), you can’t take tough measures on the minorities from these countries which already live in Britain.

Your position is weak. And the soap opera Brexit has turned out to be only proves that.

~~~~ the times, they are a' changin'~~~~ ----so sayeth the
In your world, national identity must be eradicated ? Yes ?

In recent years, the European international community has selectively eradicated a number of nationalities. Why should some nationalities be eradicated and some others not?

Why should they have been eradicated in the first place ?

It is a historic fact, the reasons are open to speculation, propaganda, and ideological flavor de jour of the day.

You dont get it do you they were eradicated because the neo marxist's wanted them out of the way. Like they did in the Ukraine, Cambodia and China

So, the only way to handle the neo Marxist, or any Marxist, is to force them to continue their genocidal nature till they have no other choice than to eradicate themselves too. Nothing else has succeeded so far. Too bad this puts away everyone else too, but this is what the neo Marxist want, including their ultra nationalist wings, so the clones just get what they have always wanted anyways. We just have to make sure we don't dirty our hands with them. Unfortunately, britain's brexit and Italy's games don't make this cut.

The only way to deal with the neo marxists is how the Russians did, and this should have been carried through even further and the last of their leaders rounded up and disposed of. Just because you dont think so does not make it so, Britain's exit and Italy's talks of a referendum might just out the neo marxists and lead to their downfall once and for all. The British have recognized this and are fighting Corbyn and the union leaders for control of the Labour party, looks like the unions are losing fast
WRONG as we already do most of our trading with the likes of South Africa and India, we dont rely on heavy industries anymore so we are in a very strong position. The faceless EU leaders have been left with egg on their faces and dont know how to handle it. They dont have a strong enough position to declare martial law so are waiting for the civil war to break out.

No, you are not.
Five out of seven of your top export partners are European countries.

Your services are interesting as long as Britain has a free access to the EU and is a window to the EU market for other countries. No free access – no services. You don’t have competitive heavy industries as say Germany do, so you don’t have production which other countries maybe interested in.

Developing trade relations with the countries of the third world (including Muslim countries), you can’t take tough measures on the minorities from these countries which already live in Britain.

Your position is weak. And the soap opera Brexit has turned out to be only proves that.

LINK to this claim, or are you only looking at the service industries.

Our manufactured goods are in great demand in the US, Emirates and by every tin pot dictator which is why the EU stumped up the money to buy them out. The likes of Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Land Rover etc. are wanted all over the world, unlike the EU cars that are unsalable after the VW fiddle that has escalated to include most European cars.

No services no means of doing business in a cut throat industry, and the customers know this. The algorithms are the property of the service company and dont go when the contract expires, they cant give them to an EU company without paying the price of industrial espionage and theft.

We wont be taking tough measures with Saudi, Bahrain, UAE etc. but with Syria, Iraq, pakistan, and bangladesh who are the minorities we will be taking a hard line with.

Only in your fantasy world because you believe in the neo marxist dream that is a failure as the EU is proving
WRONG as we already do most of our trading with the likes of South Africa and India, we dont rely on heavy industries anymore so we are in a very strong position. The faceless EU leaders have been left with egg on their faces and dont know how to handle it. They dont have a strong enough position to declare martial law so are waiting for the civil war to break out.

No, you are not.
Five out of seven of your top export partners are European countries.

Your services are interesting as long as Britain has a free access to the EU and is a window to the EU market for other countries. No free access – no services. You don’t have competitive heavy industries as say Germany do, so you don’t have production which other countries maybe interested in.

Developing trade relations with the countries of the third world (including Muslim countries), you can’t take tough measures on the minorities from these countries which already live in Britain.

Your position is weak. And the soap opera Brexit has turned out to be only proves that.

~~~~ the times, they are a' changin'~~~~ ----so sayeth the

He warned of the upcoming civil war and he was right
In recent years, the European international community has selectively eradicated a number of nationalities. Why should some nationalities be eradicated and some others not?

Why should they have been eradicated in the first place ?

It is a historic fact, the reasons are open to speculation, propaganda, and ideological flavor de jour of the day.

You dont get it do you they were eradicated because the neo marxist's wanted them out of the way. Like they did in the Ukraine, Cambodia and China

So, the only way to handle the neo Marxist, or any Marxist, is to force them to continue their genocidal nature till they have no other choice than to eradicate themselves too. Nothing else has succeeded so far. Too bad this puts away everyone else too, but this is what the neo Marxist want, including their ultra nationalist wings, so the clones just get what they have always wanted anyways. We just have to make sure we don't dirty our hands with them. Unfortunately, britain's brexit and Italy's games don't make this cut.

The only way to deal with the neo marxists is how the Russians did, and this should have been carried through even further and the last of their leaders rounded up and disposed of. Just because you dont think so does not make it so, Britain's exit and Italy's talks of a referendum might just out the neo marxists and lead to their downfall once and for all. The British have recognized this and are fighting Corbyn and the union leaders for control of the Labour party, looks like the unions are losing fast

No because the ultra nationalists are a part of the neo Marxist pack. This is not true for Russia.
LINK to this claim, or are you only looking at the service industries.

I have already provided a link for you.
The World Factbook
This site contains loads of interesting information about various countries.

Our manufactured goods are in great demand in the US, Emirates and by every tin pot dictator which is why the EU stumped up the money to buy them out. The likes of Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Land Rover etc. are wanted all over the world, unlike the EU cars that are unsalable after the VW fiddle that has escalated to include most European cars.

Sure, that is why your imports exceed exports almost on 200 billion dollars and industry makes up only 15% of the GDP. And yes, I already know it is the evil EU is guilty for it.

We wont be taking tough measures with Saudi, Bahrain, UAE etc. but with Syria, Iraq, pakistan, and bangladesh who are the minorities we will be taking a hard line with.

Do you know what is common between these countries? Yeah, you are right, they are all Muslim. So, it doesn’t matter which exactly Muslim minority you are going to take measures on, it will harm your relations with all those countries. I will tell you even more – I think that even India won’t greet with pleasure tough measures against Muslims in Britain.
Why should they have been eradicated in the first place ?

It is a historic fact, the reasons are open to speculation, propaganda, and ideological flavor de jour of the day.

You dont get it do you they were eradicated because the neo marxist's wanted them out of the way. Like they did in the Ukraine, Cambodia and China

So, the only way to handle the neo Marxist, or any Marxist, is to force them to continue their genocidal nature till they have no other choice than to eradicate themselves too. Nothing else has succeeded so far. Too bad this puts away everyone else too, but this is what the neo Marxist want, including their ultra nationalist wings, so the clones just get what they have always wanted anyways. We just have to make sure we don't dirty our hands with them. Unfortunately, britain's brexit and Italy's games don't make this cut.

The only way to deal with the neo marxists is how the Russians did, and this should have been carried through even further and the last of their leaders rounded up and disposed of. Just because you dont think so does not make it so, Britain's exit and Italy's talks of a referendum might just out the neo marxists and lead to their downfall once and for all. The British have recognized this and are fighting Corbyn and the union leaders for control of the Labour party, looks like the unions are losing fast

No because the ultra nationalists are a part of the neo Marxist pack. This is not true for Russia.

So when they starved 10 million innocent people to death they were not marxists. They are second only to islam for mass murder of the innocents
LINK to this claim, or are you only looking at the service industries.

I have already provided a link for you.
The World Factbook
This site contains loads of interesting information about various countries.

Our manufactured goods are in great demand in the US, Emirates and by every tin pot dictator which is why the EU stumped up the money to buy them out. The likes of Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Land Rover etc. are wanted all over the world, unlike the EU cars that are unsalable after the VW fiddle that has escalated to include most European cars.

Sure, that is why your imports exceed exports almost on 200 billion dollars and industry makes up only 15% of the GDP. And yes, I already know it is the evil EU is guilty for it.

We wont be taking tough measures with Saudi, Bahrain, UAE etc. but with Syria, Iraq, pakistan, and bangladesh who are the minorities we will be taking a hard line with.

Do you know what is common between these countries? Yeah, you are right, they are all Muslim. So, it doesn’t matter which exactly Muslim minority you are going to take measures on, it will harm your relations with all those countries. I will tell you even more – I think that even India won’t greet with pleasure tough measures against Muslims in Britain.

Shows how much you know about muslims then as the arab's look down on the pretend muslims from pakistan and bangladesh and dont care what happens to them.

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