IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

The Media is silent on the credibility gap of Moore's accusers.
The Press is saying that Moore "sexually abused" under aged girls, but they haven't shown the proof.

There is no proof, nor could there ever be. What there is is eyewitness testimony that it took place. The rest is up for each individual to decide.

I was initially on Moore's side till a couple things took place. First, a friend of his of more than 40 years used bible stories to justify the actions instead of denying them or even saying "No way Roy would do that".

Then I found out his wife's picture is in the same yearbook as the accuser, they were classmates together. And his wife went national and said the name of the restaurant was misspelled and went so far so as to post a picture of restaurant on Facebook to prove it. The problem is that the restaurant she posted a picture of was in Georgia and not Alabama. Now, Moore's wife having lived there and grown up there, had to know that the restaurant was not really misspelled, but she choose to lie about it anyhow. Why do that if you think your husband is really innocent?
The Media is silent on the credibility gap of Moore's accusers.
The Press is saying that Moore "sexually abused" under aged girls, but they haven't shown the proof.
Dozens of accusers have no credibility?

Those who still defend Creepy Roy have no credibility
Breaking Update!

MSNBC HOST TO GLORIA ALLRED: "If you're not 100% sure that it is his signature, why would you show it at a press conference?"

The worst part about the Dirty Democratic Party's smear campaigns is that the Press helps them.
Most Republicans believe the women

Yes, Franken is toast with them.
Franken was honest
Republicans deny, deny, deny....then blame the media

Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.
The worst part about the Dirty Democratic Party's smear campaigns is that the Press helps them.
Most Republicans believe the women

Yes, Franken is toast with them.
Franken was honest
Republicans deny, deny, deny....then blame the media

Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.

Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.
The worst part about the Dirty Democratic Party's smear campaigns is that the Press helps them.
Most Republicans believe the women

Yes, Franken is toast with them.
Franken was honest
Republicans deny, deny, deny....then blame the media

Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.

Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.

Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.
Most Republicans believe the women

Yes, Franken is toast with them.
Franken was honest
Republicans deny, deny, deny....then blame the media

Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.

Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.

Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.

Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?
Yes, Franken is toast with them.
Franken was honest
Republicans deny, deny, deny....then blame the media

Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.

Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.

Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.

Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo
Franken was honest
Republicans deny, deny, deny....then blame the media

Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.

Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.

Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.

Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo

Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.
Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.

Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.

Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.

Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo

Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.
Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.

Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.

Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo

Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Well ,actually I have already stated that Franken needs to be kicked out. But your argument lacks any consistency and is based solely on partisanship, not intelligence.

According to you, Franken knew he did that and should have apologized before everyone else found out, or he is not being honest.

Yet, Trump knew that he said those thing and you give him a total pass for not coming out ahead of time.

You are nothing but one more partisan hack who has lost the ability to think and just does what the party tells them to do.

How boring...
In other words, it's a forgery.

Being smart is not the same thing as being totally shameless.
There is nothing to indicate it is forged
Of course there is, you brain damaged cockroach.

This is how the mind of a snowflake works (if you can truly call it a mind, that is):

It would be nice if it were true. Ergo, it's true.​
Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.

Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo

Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Well ,actually I have already stated that Franken needs to be kicked out. But your argument lacks any consistency and is based solely on partisanship, not intelligence.

According to you, Franken knew he did that and should have apologized before everyone else found out, or he is not being honest.

Yet, Trump knew that he said those thing and you give him a total pass for not coming out ahead of time.

You are nothing but one more partisan hack who has lost the ability to think and just does what the party tells them to do.

How boring...

Your immature argument has been destroyed time and time again.

You are not worth time nor effort. Get back to the DNC, organize a Pussy hat rally against Franken, or shut the fuck up.
In other words, it's a forgery.

Being smart is not the same thing as being totally shameless.
There is nothing to indicate it is forged
Of course there is, you brain damaged cockroach.

This is how the mind of a snowflake works (if you can truly call it a mind, that is):

It would be nice if it were true. Ergo, it's true.​

And BINGO was his name ooooooooo
Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo

Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Well ,actually I have already stated that Franken needs to be kicked out. But your argument lacks any consistency and is based solely on partisanship, not intelligence.

According to you, Franken knew he did that and should have apologized before everyone else found out, or he is not being honest.

Yet, Trump knew that he said those thing and you give him a total pass for not coming out ahead of time.

You are nothing but one more partisan hack who has lost the ability to think and just does what the party tells them to do.

How boring...

Your immature argument has been destroyed time and time again.

You are not worth time nor effort. Get back to the DNC, organize a Pussy hat rally against Franken, or shut the fuck up.

How boring, yet more persons who thinks everyone that does not lick Trump's ass is a liberal or a Dem. I cannot imagine how much is has to suck to live in such a little world.

You are what is wrong with this country, everything is about the party and not the country. Nothing matters but the party to idiots like you.
You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo

Oh, since he did not mention anyone by name, then there was nothing wrong with what he said. if you say so, I do not agree but to each their own.

Are seriously mental?

Franken stages the photo, trump did not stage the audio.

Franken new YEARS before. Hell he distributed it!

Now go get your pussy hat on and organize the Million women march against Franken, it shut the fuck up cuz you are exhibiting hypocritical behavior.

Well ,actually I have already stated that Franken needs to be kicked out. But your argument lacks any consistency and is based solely on partisanship, not intelligence.

According to you, Franken knew he did that and should have apologized before everyone else found out, or he is not being honest.

Yet, Trump knew that he said those thing and you give him a total pass for not coming out ahead of time.

You are nothing but one more partisan hack who has lost the ability to think and just does what the party tells them to do.

How boring...

Your immature argument has been destroyed time and time again.

You are not worth time nor effort. Get back to the DNC, organize a Pussy hat rally against Franken, or shut the fuck up.

How boring, yet more persons who thinks everyone that does not lick Trump's ass is a liberal or a Dem. I cannot imagine how much is has to suck to live in such a little world.

You are what is wrong with this country, everything is about the party and not the country. Nothing matters but the party to idiots like you.

You can’t imagine? Damn lil hack, look around, you’re the Mayor of that world.
Franken was honest
Republicans deny, deny, deny....then blame the media

Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.

Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.

Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.

Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo
LoL..I guess things are happening so fast..that the knee-jerks cannot keep up--It was HER photograph..she found it in her stuff, after the tour..and realized what had happened.

"The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one....
I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep.

I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated.

How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?"

Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

About the only thing I find that many people got that CD..and no-one, including Franken, remarked on it.
In other words, it's a forgery.

Being smart is not the same thing as being totally shameless.
There is nothing to indicate it is forged
Of course there is, you brain damaged cockroach.

This is how the mind of a snowflake works (if you can truly call it a mind, that is):

It would be nice if it were true. Ergo, it's true.​

Conservatives obsessing over the spelling of "olde"
Honesty happens BEFORE one gets caught, not AFTER.

He NEVER apologized prior to getting caught although he had years to do so.

He’s a sad sick little man. And you defending this is just as sad.

Then why didn't Trump apologize for his crude comments on tape before they became public? I guess he was not honest either.

Did trump know the tape existed?


Did Franken know the photo existed?


Kind of hard to apologize for something you don’t know existed.

Did Trump know that he said those things? Or are you saying they were only wrong because they were on tape?

You’re kind of slow aintcha?

She would not have known the picture existed unless it was somehow distributed, now would she?

And who EXACTLY did Trump mention by name in that SECRETLY RECORDED audio tape?

Proceed Columbo
LoL..I guess things are happening so fast..that the knee-jerks cannot keep up--It was HER photograph..she found it in her stuff, after the tour..and realized what had happened.

"The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one....
I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep.

I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated.

How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?"

Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

About the only thing I find that many people got that CD..and no-one, including Franken, remarked on it.

It was not until Franken, who staged the photo, started lecturing on sexual harassment did she find it necessary to point out his hypocrisy.

You didn’t know that? What, you’re dense?

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